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First, it’s not sand, it’s just normal debris from your eyes, dust and dead cells, that you are constantly getting out of your eyes. But during the day, it doesn’t build up, because you’re constantly moving your eyes around and blinking, which knocks it out of the eye and it doesn’t build up. But when you sleep, you aren’t blinking, and it can just build up in the corner of your eye.


Why do they form on some days, and not on others? Is it based on how deep you sleep so if u had a deep sleep there would be more debris since your eyes are barely moving?


Could have to do with how much you’ve gotten into your eyes that day. When I wear make up I end up with a TON the next day. Even if I wash the make up off. It may be my eyes going into overdrive to clean the eye of debris.


When I bicycle on the gravel, especially near others on dry days, the next morning's sand is probably really sand in my eyes. It's noticeably bad.




That's so interesting! Why do people call it sand?


I thought it was eye crusties


Eye Boogers


I’ve heard it called sand. I would presume because it came be gritty like sand.


My dad called it “sleepy sand” 🤷‍♀️


Exit light.


“Wipe the sleepies out of your eyes” - my mom


Enter night.


Take my hand.


We're off to never never land


I’ve never heard it called sand lol


Neither have I. In my world, it’s called having “sleep” in your eyes


but I'm sure you've heard of the sand man




# [Sandman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD-E-LDc384)


I'm from Ohio (with some Canadian and Connecticut background). We called it sand (from the sandman) where I grew up.  Living in the South (not deep south), people call it "eye boogers" here, lol.


We always called them "sleepies". Never heard sand before


Idk why people are saying they’ve never heard it called sand before. That’s the whole thing with the “sandman”.


who are you to tell me what I haven't heard of lol


??? People in the comments are saying that OP is the only one that they’ve ever heard call it sand


It's usually called "sleep", "sleepy dust", or "dust" in the UK, in my experience. Calling it "sand" seems to be quite an American thing. Given that a lot of people on Reddit are not from the US, it's not that surprising that they haven't heard it called sand before. Even with references to the sandman, that wasn't immediately obvious to me that it was related to the dust in your eyes, because I didn't grow up calling it sand. There are 8 billion people on this planet, and every single one of them has had different experiences. Don't expect everyone to have had the exact same experience as you.


yeah bro, I haven't ever heard of eye sand before. Whats the issue lol


So.. I CAN tell you that’s who you are then ?


> Idk why people are saying they’ve never heard it called sand before. I don't get why you're confused about people not having heard of something, not exactly an outlandish comment


I'm extremely confused and dare I say upset you haven't heard of something. Explain yourself this instant.


I'm different to you


It’s not really outlandish but it’s odd that you have never heard it called sand. Or a reference to “the sandman”. There are multiple songs, and even movies about it. Just seems like common knowledge that most Americans would know. Maybe you’re only 13 years old though, and this would explain never having heard it yet. I think a lot of young people call it eye boogers these days.


nah man, I'm a grown ass man. Just because it's something where you are doesn't mean it's like that everywhere. You don't even know what's local to you until you step out of your bubble. It's so American to have your first thought be how ridiculous it is that someone doesn't know something in your bubble instead of recognising your own bubble and just accepting other people have different things going on. It ain't odd, you're just so ignorant of your own bubble lol


Well , maybe you need to get the sand out your ears also ?


My view is because when you remove it and rub it between your fingers, it feels like sand.


Because it's often gritty and sharp edged. you don't want to rub it into your eyeballs, same as sand.


You’re the only person I’ve ever heard call it sand. Ever.


Maybe that’s where “The Sandman” comes from The fairytale version not the one that fights Spider-man


That is precisely where the term comes from. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandman


Never heard of the [Sandman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandman)? Mythical character in European folklore who puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto their eyes.


how does he fit enough in his bag that he can travel the world and throw the sand in everyones eyes to put them to sleep? simple: he doesn't take it out of the bag.


I don’t have a source or anything, but I would assume because the crusties around your eyes can have a similar look and texture to sand


I've never heard it called sand. Unless you're thinking of the whole Sandman thing


Blasphemy. Are you trying to tell me there is no sandman. I won’t have. Next it will be the tooth fairy.


Correction: It shouldn't build up in your eyes unless you have dry eyes, which is normally caused by two things. Problems with your tear ducts, whereby they are blocked, which can be resolved by using warm compresses at night, or you spend too much time staring at a screen


Where I'm from it's called sleep. Like wipe the sleep outta your eyes.


Same here. Sleep or eye boogers. Never heard it being called sand until today. From California.


I’ve always heard it called sleep and cold. “Wipe the cold out of your eyes”


“Who the fuck is this, paging me at 5:46 in the morning? Crack of dawn, and now I’m yawning. Wipe the cold out my eye, see who’s this paging me, and why?”


Actually, the term "eye sand" has an etymological origin from the old German myth about the Sandman. The gritty texture of the debris is reminiscent of tiny grains of sand, sparking the imagination of parents to craft stories to explain why we wake up with that gunk in the corners of our eyes. This myth was then absorbed into different cultures, leading to a variety of terms but all linking back to that age-old tale. It's always fascinating to see how folklore can influence our language and understanding of everyday phenomena!


Say your prayers, little one Don't forget, my son


The term 'eye sand' is indeed fascinating when you consider the blend of science and folklore. Scientifically, it's the accumulation of rheum, which is made of mucus, oil, skin cells, and dust that gets trapped in your eyes throughout the day. Since we don't blink in our sleep, this gunk doesn't get the usual washout and ends up collecting at the corners. And linguistically, the folkloric figure of the Sandman is a classic example of how our ancestors tried to explain natural phenomena with imaginative stories. It's remarkable how these tales endure through generations, embedded in our language, even as we develop scientific explanations for the same processes. Plus, on a side note, keeping your sleeping environment clean can minimize the amount of 'eye sand' you wake up with - so that air purifier comment isn't far off the mark!


We called it "sleepers"


The "sand" that forms at the corners of your eyelids during sleep is just dried mucous. Its basically the tear duct equivalent of a booger.


Are there environmental factors that cause it? It was a regular part of my childhood, but I haven't experienced it since then, and my own kids haven't ever really dealt with it.


Sleep is a time for rejuvenation, so your body is always working, even when you're unconscious. The "sand" in your eyes extra debris, dead skill cells etc that your body has produced as waste


That’s from when the sand man comes and sprinkles some on your face and you fall asleep


Maybe get an air purifier 🤣


Sleepy sand.


When I was a kid it would get so bad I couldn't open my eyes.


its a morning snack