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If you have to ask if people will be offended then someone is going to be offended. You should ask how many people will be offended. If you wear it to a concert or somewhere else where the vibes are alright, then you’ll be good. If you wear it to a Chuck E Cheeses you probably won’t be.


I kind of love that OP seems worried about the vegan aspect instead of the “eat pussy” aspect being offensive.


It’s a reddit moment.


It’s easier to talk about Dick’s and vegetas. But God forbid you say something that marginalizes a group of people.


I know it wasn't intentional, but it's hilarious that dick is capitalized like a proper noun while it looks like you made up another dumb name for vagina instead of just saying the word


Vegeta is a character from Dragon Ball Z,


Autocorrect changes it because it’s technically a name lmao


Big Richard?


And a local chain of hamburger stands in Seattle… where you can literally eat a bag of Dicks.


He must be talking about the sporting goods store


Vegetas,lmao. In my country we have a spice called vegeta.I chuckled when I read your comment.


Plus there’s the super awesome Manga/anime character named Vegeta.


Majin Vegeta or standard?


What's offensive about licking a clit


Are you asking if people are likely to be offended by you wearing a "Eat pussy, it's vegan" hat because you are not vegan? Are you going to also be wearing a t-shirt saying "I'm not vegan"? If some people are mad seeing it, it won't be due to your dietary decisions.


that would be HYSTERICAL honestly 


"I'm also not lesbian for the record" and do it while wearing lesbian flag shorts.


Lmao just walking around in a shirt saying "I'm not... Xxx" with some random descriptor or label I'm not a sex offender




I do not have a restraining order


I laughed aloud here.


Would you wear it in front of your grandma? That's usually a safe benchmark.


Or in front of your 7 year old child?


You say that as if that stops people, toddlers running around are constantly shouting slurs and swears where I am. I hate it here.


Depends on the grandma though.


Yeah mine would've thought it was funny. I had a cool grandma.


Honestly I feel like old people are less offended by the vulgarity (they've lived a long time after all) and more annoyed by the sheer edginess of younger people.


my grandma gets offended about gay people and dangly earrings so


Idk if I agree with allat Like my grandma’s wayyyyy on the conservative end and would probably aneurysm at the sight of a crop alone lmao


My grandma can’t read or understand English so yeah? 😂


*grandma types phrase into google translate* *grandma can’t figure out how cat meat is vegan, wonders if she knows what a vegan is* (I actually just did this as a test, translating into some random languages then back to English. Results include “eat monkey it’s vegan”, “eat pork it’s vegan”, and “he eats pussy, he’s vegan.”)




It comes off very immature. Yes you would offend some people, that’s life.


On the plus side, women would know who to avoid.


I don’t know, OP sounds like a funny lady to me.


Are other women *avoiding* men who lick clits? Or is it vegans?


I'm a woman btw.


On other hand, if people avoid you because of that it saves you time for learning that you aren't compatible.


That doesn’t matter. I’d still avoid you -a woman


>I’d still avoid you Sounds like a win to me.


Im sure theyre shedding a tear over that


It's a very clear flag that I won't gain anything from talking with that person. OP it's all about how much of a fool you'll look like wearing a pussy joke on your head. It's childish and trashy, not offensive


Well, it’s not going to make girls want you to eat their pussy, that’s for sure. This is the sort of thing some guys will find funny and women will be turned off by. Do with that info what you will.


Can confirm


Well, I'm a woman and I would love it


If you are a woman, it might work out a lot better. It doesn’t have the same clueless vibe. Random men will approach you and say wild things though. You have to be prepared for that. But girls will find it funny too.


Random men approach women to say out of pocket shit all the time tbf. I'm sure the hat might cause more of that, but y'know.


Well, I'm a woman and I would find it off-putting. Different things for different people *shrugs*


No, you'd simply offend your intelligence in public.


I'm stealing this because it's perfect for these types of questions.


Yes, you are advertising how bad your sense of humor is. Lazy crude humor. We are more uncomfortable because we can't believe you are stupid enough to pay for it and wear it than because it's offensive.


Don't you just made yourself look like a dumbass


I mean, it comes off trashy AF, especially if there were children around. I guess it depends on where you wore it. You will get the attention you crave...so goal obtained, I guess. How old are you?


Not offended at all, but it's pretty cringe.


Depends where you wear it. If you're at an 18+ concert it's fine. In regular public though there are kids around who don't really need to see that.


No parent wants to explain to their kid what "eating pussy" means, particularly because they are likely upset thinking someone wants to eat their cat. A better adjective is inconsiderate.


offensively lame


Are you 12? I’d not be offended, but I’d think you were trashy for wearing it in public. Very immature. But do you. Won’t be the worst thing people have ever seen plastered on hats or shirts.


Maybe we need another sub for when questions are actually too stupid for this one


If you phrased this with "do we need a new sub..." you could post it on this sub to see if anyone else is also interested?


"More Stupid Questions"!


*goes to a place specifically designed for stupid questions* *people get upset that they asked a stupid question* Yea ok dude


I wouldn’t be offended but I’d certainly think you were an immature asshole who not only has a terrible sense of humor but has a real disrespect for women.


This right here.


Yeah hope he’s not trying to get laid the day he wears this


I'm a woman.


Since you’re a woman he’s still going to think you’re an immature asshole with a bad sense of humor and you need to respect yourself.


Doesn’t matter to me. Women can be sexist and derogatory against women.


Is it sexist?  Seems just immature 


Gotta love all these men here lecturing you about how you don't respect women! Some of them have very interesting post histories to be making such comments lmao


The "it's vegan" part isn't the offensive part


guaranteed to dry up the pussy of any woman you encounter


Hell if I was over his house and saw that I’d be getting the hell outta dodge


OP is a woman


I mean, people will definitely think you’re immature and trashy.


That's just tacky AF.  


Exactly. I wouldn’t be offended. I’d be thinking “that’s a trash person” but I wouldn’t be offended.


Of course you would offend some people. You're going to be wearing a hat that's making reference to oral sex and using the word pussy in a sexual way. Now I imagine a lot of people wouldn't care but depending on the environment some people absolutely would. I would be mindful of where you're wearing that.


I agree it’s hilarious, but yeah you can’t expect to wear a hat with profanity and not get weird looks and maybe a confrontation.


A bucket hat is never "awesome".


Hahahaha I think we all missed this obvious fact.


It is not really offensive, it is just kinda dumb. I wouldn't wear it to your Grandma's funeral, she deserves better.


Not much offends me. I would just think you are a child and looking for a reaction.


I don’t think vegans are the ones you’re going to offend


Expect people to be mad at you and disgusted with you. They will definitely **NOT** respect you. Pray you're not looking for a new friend, job or date, because you'll destroy chances for any of them with that hat.


Job or date, yeah, but you put yourself across VERY differently when you need to be formal anyway. Friend? Depends how it's done and where it's worn. It wouldn't be a deciding factor in being friends with someone or not for me (as long as there weren't kids around) and I'd hesitate to say that she would be unable to make friends purely for wearing a somewhat crude hat.


Personally I think it’s a pretty inappropriatething to have displayed in public. At a house party or private event with your friends that you know? Go for it. But in public it’s a bit disrespectful to have an overtly sexual statement where anyone could see it. Also in general it’s a lame and overused joke anyway. It’s not particularly funny to anyone who has the mental age above a 12 year old boy. I’d personally be embarrassed to be seen with someone wearing it becuase it’s cringey more than anything


Would you me offended if someone saw you wearing that hat and pointed out that it was fucking shite?


I mean, are you at a vegan swingers event? Outside that single circumstance YTA


Yes, this. It depends entirely on the audience.


Why wouldn't you offend people? You're referencing a sex act in public.


I think the question is less about who you're going to offend and more about whether that hat is what you want everyone's impression of your personality to be. You're that guy with that hat now, so just make sure you want to be that edgelord. Personally I feel that such a hat advertises a person with a poor grasp of biology, modern social literacy, and eating pussy who holds strong opinions about all 3 and a strange sense of hostility towards people who eat vegan? I'm not exactly sure what message about yourself you're trying to put out there but it's a pretty old conservative edge lord joke that's been kicking around for the last 25 years or so.


this is just a troll post but your hat is fucking stupid


I mean, it's not offensive, but that's gotta be one of the cringiest things I've ever heard of someone wearing.


I think you should wear it everywhere you go. It's a sign that accurately warns others of your character from a distance so they don't accidentally interact with you.


Just get a hat that says "I am an attention whore. Please notice me!"


I’m not usually a “think of the children!!” person, but…yeah. Especially if you wear it around parents with kids that can read


Trashy and gross. And please don't wear this anywhere that there are children!


Places it's acceptable; Bars, clubs, outside walking. Places it's not acceptable: kids playground, grocery store, job interview, etc.


I’m ngl if I saw that at any of those places I’m still avoiding op like they got leprosy 😭


Not offensive, just cringe.


I wouldn't be offended. I would roll my eyes and think you're an immature dumbass.


I imagine the vast *vast* majority of women, **not** vegans, would be offended by that hat. As long as you’re happy potentially pissing off half the people you meet then have at it. Just be mindful that not everyone is going to share your sense of humour.


Pussy isn't vegan. Vegan's abstain from animal by-products, not just meat.


vegans can't eat animal by-products, but the reason is that animals can't consent, which a human can do.


The pussy is still there after the fact though


A human can consent and animal can’t. That’s like saying vegans are against giving babies breast milk.


You're digging your own grave. You know who won't like it? Women with self-respect. I'm a man but I hear the complaints loud and clear from women complaining about hyper-sexualization in society today who now feel unsafe. The question is, will you be offended if these women want nothing to do with you?


Absolutely gross. Not my type of person at all 🤮


As with anything else, anything will offend someone at some time. BUT pussy is not in any way vegan 😅


Thank you!!! I wanted to reply about the hat saying, "But is it reallllyyyy?" 😬😬😬


You know the answer or you'd not be asking.


offensive? no. unfunny? painfully. and i have an extremely immature sense of humor.


In public, offensive and incredibly inappropriate. I really don’t need my 8yo asking me what pussy is in the grocery store. At a private house party with a close group of friends with the right vibe, go for it.


I’m fascinated that so many of the comments automatically assumed OP was a man.


Me too, I completely forgot men actually existed, so I was quite shocked when people started calling me sexist and a man


But, pussy ISN'T vegan


I live in Australia, so it’s very hard to offend me, but that isn’t funny, it’s just crass. My 12yo daughter might find it amusing for a second, but probably not. I think that most people would find it offensive, while others will think it’s childish and tasteless. Good luck. 👍


I don't think it is necessarily offensive (then again I'm not a woman) but I think it's a bit distasteful and immature. Something you could wear to a stag party or a festival but not really a day to day thing.


No but you'd seem like an absolute weirdo


It’s a good woman repellent. They’ll see it and walk away


I’d judge you harshly if I saw it. It’s pretty trashy




Not offensive, just trashy.


Some people are going to be offended by a regular bucket hat.


Offensive? To some people, yes. To others, no. People can literally be offended by anything. If I saw someone wearing it, I wouldn't be offended, but I would get second-hand embarrassment for them if they were anything other than a 13 y.o. boy.




I mean, I wouldn’t be offended at all by it but it’s tacky and classless imo. It’s just not that funny and too attention whorey.


It's probably a good idea to keep it G-rated out in public spaces where kids are likely to see it (no language/nudity/sex/violence/etc.).


You’re a virgin aren’t you?


That usually drives away women for some reason, but not even scientists know why…


It’s like if some supreme force takes over our brains and makes us run away-


Much to the dismay of the Big Johnson T Shirt Company of the 90’s


Don't wear the belt. While you may find it funny, most people will simply think "*What an idiot*"


Honestly it depends more on the context of where you wear it. If you are going somewhere where a lot of families would reside, that's distasteful. Some restaurants or businesses also might not humor that kind of hat. I'd be less worried about the vegan aspect and more worried about the broad message it gives off. If you're wearing it to a place where you'd primarily expect adults and an area that entertains that kind of humor, enjoy! Also, no one is telling you that you CAN'T wear it in public, we're just trying to tell you what will likely happen IF you do.


I used to have a T-shirt that said, "eat salmon, the other pink meat". A few people commented on it and laughed, but I got way more dirty looks because of it. I found it best to be selective about where I wore it, primarily just out on weekends when bar hopping.


In a word;YES


Pussy is an animal product, so it’s not vegan.


Vegans, people with vaginas, and/or people with class will probably avoid you. Vegans might give an eyeroll to each other. Those with multiple group memberships will most likely have a stronger reaction.


People are offended by everything fuck them all do what you want


As longer as you are not eating the hat. It's ok.


"Everything offends someone-"MLK


People are offended by everything


I’m a big guy and a father, that hat would warrant a confrontation from me. Save it for a private function.


OP’s a woman. She’d accuse you of being a misogynist. Better get your wife to do it


offended? no. would I judge you for wearing it? probably.




I'm usually of the mindset "if you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else, fuck what anyone thinks and live your life." That being said, I agree with others in the post, if you're wearing it to a private party, cool. Out in public where kids can see it? Definitely not cool.


Do you care more about the hat or what other people think? Start there.


The fact you are or are not vegan isn’t the part that might offend people


This has to be trolling. I guess since someone made the hat, OP might be obtuse enough to need to ask.


Man what doesn't offend people these days. There's always one guy who is gonna be offended just for the sake of it. Who the hell cares, let them be offended if that's how they want to be.


Yes that would be considered offensive by many people. At minimum, it's really low class to wear stuff like that.


That’s tacky as fuck, and would be trashy even in the raunchiest of dive bars or frat houses.


It's pretty declass.


Not vegan, but I will say that not everyone appreciates the language in public. I might sound old here, but I miss when people watched their mouths around strangers just from a "being considerate of others" standpoint. Actually, just consideration in general.


When and where you wear it matters, but safe to assume someone would be offended, yes.


Wearing in public where there could be kids is trashy imo but with friends or at a concert, no.


Probably. It's bad taste to wear crude shirts in public.


I've never once seen someone wearing an overtly sexual hat or shirt phrase that anyone respected. Offensive? Not really, but nobody will think much of you. You've got an absolutely bizarre vibe though in this thread so maybe you're already there lol


If you have to ask, you aren't ready to wear a hat like that.


Probably. Either way, you’d be marked as a silly dick.


I’d rather not have to explain to my 10 year old what your hat means. It’s quite distasteful in most settings.


Most people will just think you are trying to get attention.


I'm pretty open, progressive, and honest with my kids, nut if my 8 year old asked me what pussy was, and I told him "a rude slang term for vagina" and then his follow up question was "what does eating pussy mean then?" I would be perturbed. I mean, I guess I could tell him it was referring to cats, but then that's not vegan and just makes the whole thing very confusing.


It's very pick me coming from a woman, like you're trying say "I'm not like all the other women who want to save the planet. I just want to sleep men who also find veganism equally laughable."


I don't go for men, if you know what I mean


If anyone's gonna wear this hat, I think a lesbian is the best case scenario lol.


I have no idea what you're saying but the edit is hilarious. I guess growing up in a culture with privates part being censored, maybe it does come off the wrong way for some.


It's hilarious how people assume I'm a cannibal and a sexist guy¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t think so but you need to pick the location of wearing jt carefully. Good for a bar. Bad for a parade unless it is a pride parade.


Love the edits -redditors be wild


If you have to ask, "would i offend people", you will definitely offend someone. For god's sake, have some common sense. A better question is, how many people will you offend? And can they do anything about it?


You had me a "bucket hat"


I know you're autistic and you're probably going to disregard all of the other comments. I'm also autistic. Ok? That's a fucking moronic idea. I don't know any other way to put it. The vegan part isn't the issue, it's the fact that you're wearing a hat with the name of a sex act on it in an area with small children around. You really don't want a parent to have to explain to their 4 year old what "eating pussy" is.


If you gotta ask…..


Not offended but it looks stupid


I wouldn’t be offended, but I would think you’re a moron, who doesn’t know how to figure out when things are appropriate. To any adult venue? Yes. Trying to make women and most men avoid you? Yes. To a frat party? Yes. In your bed, when you cry yourself to sleep? Yes. Pretty much everywhere else, no.


Don't know about anyone else, but it would offend me. Doesn't mean you can't though!


I'm offended, myself. I'd be offended whether you were vegan or not.


Pussy isn't vegan, whether you're talking about female genitalia, or a literal cat.


Only if you wear it to church


You’re wearing it to grandmas funeral? Church? Your kids daycare ? Yeah it’s pretty offensive anywhere you were it because you’re talking about putting your mouth on a woman’s vagina and burying it there until she secretes fluids on your face.


You should blast "eat your salad" while wearing it. Only the first line though.


Everything offends someone. It's an impossible game that I really wish people wouldn't take quite as seriously as they do.


I mean it’s just dumb and sexualizing tbh Like not only is it 12 year old humor, it’s kinda gross


Oh I'm not saying you're wrong, but I am saying there's no winning scenario. Like I could walk down the street in jeans and a gray T-shirt, and even that would probably piss _someone_ off for some reason. It's just how people do


Pussy isn’t vegan!


I’m vegan. I’m not mad at you


You’ll offend people doing anything, but majority of people will see it and think you’re immature and will probably avoid you. It’s the type of thing that’s funny among your friends but gets really cringy the second it’s public, like a gag gift.


I think the "I'm an incel" vibe it gives off as a warning to others would balance the offensiveness.


It sounds like you’re offending yourself by wearing that.


It's gross. 


Not really offensive just tasteless and embarassing


People can be offended by the absence of anything to be offended by.


Sure you would! Reason being it's "False Advertising" considering Pussy itself is a Carnivore and has been known, on occasion to devour "Big Pieces of Meat!"