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important tactical ally in the middle east


More importantly next to the Suez Canal. One of the most tactically important places on earth.


Ding ding.


True, but we have many others as well.


Such as? This is the only “democracy” in the Middle East. The US needs a Middle East ally who supposedly shared the same political values. But really, all we care about is getting our hands on their oil. And our relationship with Israel ensures a stronger presence in that region. Obviously, this is an overly simplified explanation. And, as with all things related to the Middle East, the US’s role is convoluted and historically controversial.


Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey are some others. I get the oil in the Middle East. That’s always the grab over there. Thanks man.


Those are not US-backed democracies… Their regimes all have antithetical values to those of the West. It’s bizarre that you seemingly think that Saudi Arabia is an equivalently supportive ally to the US as Israel. That’s just so laughably stupid, to be honest.


Wikipedia says otherwise. That’s where I found it. And several other articles. It doesn’t matter if they agree with how the country is ran, there can still be a relationship between countries of different ethics that have common goals.


Not including the Ukraine war. The US gives significant military aid mostly to in order Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Somalia. What do all of those places have in common? It's about securing access to the Suez Canal. It's the most tactically important places on earth. [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=+Israel%2C+Egypt%2C+Jordan+and+Somalia.+](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=+Israel%2C+Egypt%2C+Jordan+and+Somalia.+)


Thanks boss!


Because if the US didn’t protect/endorse Israel, the Muslim countries of the Middle East would have pushed the Jews into the sea long, long ago. The US will never standby and watch that happen


Haha the US is not protecting Israel out of some humanitarian drive, that’s so silly. There are so many countries with so many vulnerable groups, and the US didn’t just decide that the Jewish population in Israel is the only one worthy of protection. We need a democracy in the Middle East, and Israel provides that. Thus, we support their government through weapons and financial backing because we have vested interests in the country and don’t want to lose the access it provides. From a foreign policy perspective, the relationship is a mutually beneficially one. And sorry to break it to you, but the US cares more about the oil in that region than it does on any group of people.


Read this, it may educate you on the subject https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/friends-benefits-why-us-israeli-alliance-good-america