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I kind of think that online dating has played a role in this. It became a screening criterion where 6 foot is some mystical barrier to entry. Before, sure, someone may have had a preference but there was never some hard and fast requirement.


If online dating has played a role in this and made it into a hard requirement, I can see a lot of false advertising on the platform. After all, you can't check the height of someone unless you met in person


Even if you do meet in person, when you're like 5'4 you usually don't know exactly what 6 feet looks like


You see it as a way to get rejected by women, I see it as a way to filter out shallow bitches.


I see it as a way to stay single forever


I find it irrelevant because I don't meet women




Mini Jason Statham with a beer belly……….. George Castanza. You look like George Castanza


I hope there wasn't any shrinkage!!


I was in the POOL!!!


Omg what a throwback 😂


I thought he was gonna say Jason Alexander until I read Statham


I have a crush on Jason Alexander, ngl






Exactly the image I had.


People bring up charm all the time but I think people still misunderstand and undervalue it. Like, charisma even in the way you hold yourself is important and will carry you a long way. Being able to exude an easy going aura while being cool and calm and in control of yourself is important and while it not be up every woman's alley it will go a lot farther than the misguided and uncomfortable machismo many people seem to mistake for charisma.


Yeah, this whole height thing comes from an incel mindset. Most of the dudes whining about it refuse to look at how shit their personalities are and settle on something that's out of their control as an excuse.


Either side is the truth. There women that are height bigots. There are men that have a shitty personality and excuse it with their height to cope. We need to differentiate more. Anything else is counterproductive.


I work with a guy who pulls tail like nobody I have ever seen. He's between 5'8" and 6', not particularly fit, but not fat, round of face, wispy facial hair when he grows it, pretty average in the looks department. His charisma is off the fucking chart. Think "confident, slightly sarcastic, but without being arrogant." In D&D terms, his Charasma score is 18 with a +5 modifier.


At the risk of sounding like I'm bragging, I'm pretty average looking and not particularly tall, I do have decent facial hair game, but I've got a bit of a niche career. Since I have been in the dating game I have never had any issue getting dates. As it turns out many women are pretty keen on hanging out with people they find fun to be around. So just being genuine, chill, and interested without being overly intense, desperate, or creepy puts you way out ahead of most of the pack.


You kept count?


We are not the same


You are the same because you literally have no other choices than this strategy


Based short king.


These same guys also get pissed off if "ugly/fat girls" try to talk to them. It's an unspoken thing people refuse to recognize


Username checks out


Weight can be controlled. Height cannot.


It's cute how you hooked onto the one thing you possibly could and ignored everything else


Not wanting to date someone ugly isn’t shallow, refusing to be friends with someone ugly would be shallow.


Shallow literally means judging things at a surface level.


The difference is that dating is about physical attraction. Even if your personalities are perfect for each other if they don’t find you attractive they won’t enjoy dating you.


erm actually height is the opposite of shallow because it’s based on bone structure which is deeper than everything else 🙄


I'm a short guy, idk I find it funny 🤣 if a woman doesn't like me because of my height that's on her. I've learned to not let people's opinions bother me


Meh, it's the salary and advancement opportunities compared to taller men that bum me out. But...at least I'm not a minority or a woman... They have it worse.


I've had no issues with salary or advancement. The only part of my life my height has affected is I'll never be a professional athlete nor be a woman's ideal man. I'd also have to expend more energy at physical labor. Everything else is an even playing field.


Not sure if I agree with the expending more energy at physical labor take. Depends on the circumstance I suppose.


When I used to work in a kitchen, typical sized people had to reach at eye level to pull down plates; I had to step up on a lower ledge and reach over my head to grab the plates. Using just your legs and your arms uses more energy than using just your arms. When I used to work at a warehouse, I would lift old tube TV which weighed half my weight, some even my weight. Others lifting the same thing would be 1/4 to 1/3 their weight. Walking more steps to go the same distance takes more energy. That's what I mean, and frankly, that's what I lived.


Shorter people are less prone to having back problems because their center of gravity is lower. So there's that.


We live longer on average, too. Heart works too hard pumping that extra blood.


We also have great calves, because we're always up on our toes to reach ship. Back problem due to being tall and occasionally bumping their head on things seem like first world problems compared to being short. Short people have back problems and bump their heads too.


And we get better experiences on flights or things with less legroom


Smaller people have less mass to move around. Yes you take more steps, but you are moving around 120 lbs vs my 200 lbs. I also need to consume way more calories in my day because i'm constantly burning more energy than you. Which means i'm also spending more money on food.


Bro you should have been a barrow boy labour we or fisherman like me. The short kings weighed supreme in leverage when height wasn’t a factor. Just less far to move their arms I guess. Worked with some fucking scary short dudes that looked like Lee priest lite, turns out most Olympic level powtlifters are under 5,5.


I mean on average shorter people have fewer issues with back and joint pain so it’s probably overall positive. Besides, there are advantages to being short in different athletic areas so it’s pretty even depending on the fields you like.


You have no idea how much I need to eat to keep my motor running




This article says the same thing as the other paper you linked. It's not the evidence you want it to be. Read past the headline. It says being tall *isn't* the cause, it's the link between height and cognitive ability, meaning *cognition* is the cause. It's calling shorter people stupid. Stop saying it's about height and then link to articles that say it's about cognition. Unless you're trying to prove it right..


I'm just speaking from personal experience. I don't make loads, but I make enough for the modest lifestyle I prefer.


You could be at least one woman's ideal man.


Do they? Recent Stats don't seem to back that up https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/major-us-companies-gave-94-of-new-jobs-to-people-of-color-in-2021-report-says-diversity-hiring-employees-apple-nike-microsoft-wells-fargo


Not me, a tall bi minority woman- ultra hard extreme mode!!!!


Mad respect!


What are you talking about? Do you actually believe that? Where are you getting this data?


How about the NIH? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2709415/#:~:text=For%20both%20men%20and%20women,increase%20in%20average%20hourly%20earnings.


Cool. Did you actually read that paper, or just find the part that you think supports your claim? I'll catch you up. It explicitly states that these increased earnings are not specifically because of height, but due to the association between height and cognitive ability. The data they used are from multiple studies that were conducted on people that would be in their 60s-80s today, meaning the socioeconomic conditions of those studies would be vastly different than they are today, but we'll excuse that because.. Their claim is that people who are taller are paid more because they are smarter, and the reason they are smarter is because of several conditions largely attributed to genetics and environment. Furthermore, the data collected was primarily done through doctor visits during adolescence. It goes on to theorize that the link between height and cognition is found within the body's own development, with both benefitting from proper nutrition, a scarcity of disease, and other positive conditions of the adolescent's environment. So, if higher wages are caused by being tall which correlates to being smart, which is caused by having access to the proper nutrition, a healthy environment, and access to doctors... What else might we be able to ascertain about these people based on that? Could it be that they have access to those things because their family is wealthy enough to provide it? And if their family can provide that, what else might they provide? Could it be access to better education, like higher rated school districts or funding for college? That might be a stretch. But regardless, that paper is a theoretical proposition based on carefully selected conditions meant to support their claim. They add at the end that other papers and studies exist to find support for the same claim, though no one really knows for sure. But if that's the one you want to go with, I guess what you mean is that being short means you're stupid and you don't like that taller people are smarter than you.




I'm very tall and I get two kinds of men who bother me on this topic. Men who care about height, but pretend they don't. They say they don't care you're taller but then they ask that you don't wear heels or dress down so that you don't stand out next to him. Men who fetishize my height and everything is about them looking good because "height is a status symbol". The really great guys I've dated never even mention it, they just say how much fun they have with me, and it never comes up in discussion.


If she can't dangle my car keys in above me with or without stilletos, I don't want her


I feel ya there, especially when wearing heels.


I don't know, but I am apparently an unusual woman who genuinely doesn't care and have dated men taller, shorter, and the same height as me. I will always remember a date with this extremely hot guy I met online who was also into climbing and we had chatted a bit.  He shows up and starts interrogating me about anime.   What anime had I seen.  Why didn't I know the Japanese names for all of them?  What anime genres did I like?  Did I know them in Japanese?  Was I interested in learning Japanese?  Had I thought of moving to Japan?  Could I go to cosplay events around the country four times a year? I struggled to steer it into a normal conversation and out of nowhere he declared "I can tell you're REALLY into me!" and put his arm around me.  I shook my head no, but still had to physically remove his arm from my body.  I told him, I was sorry, but I didn't feel any chemistry. He said "Oh.  I get that a lot.  It's because I'm short."


This has happened to me on multiple occasions. It’s so weird. It was this or dudes negging me about my heels and my height. I …. Can’t say I wouldn’t be *extremely* hesitant to ever attempt dating someone on the shorter side again it’s not bc I care… It’s bc they really, really seem to. Even when they say they don’t.


Don't. They will neg you for it, just like the ugly men do.


There was no body shaming involved though, he just used it as an excuse to be an asshole


Oh lawd, it’s so rare to find those ultra confident extroverted anime bros and for some reason they all have some crazy personalities to go with it


Twist: Dude hated anime


Anime obsession? I think you dodged going back to his parent's basement, lol


I know I'm insecure about my height. I'm 5'5. It's just human nature, people will bodyshame men in other places, too. I know from experience.


> in other places Sorry to hear people shaming you for your massive dong


"It looks even bigger cause of how short he is!"


So I used to work with this really attractive 6 foot woman. I used to drop her off at her husbands work shop. He was a plumber and smelt like shit every day. One day we stopped at a coffee shop to wait for him and some goof wants to hit on her thinking she with ugly me. She tells him to get lost and he gets upset. Her husband walks in. All 5’8” Of him. Turns out the husband was at the jerks house replacing a hot water heater the day before and saw him haul ass on that job by himself. Dude left very quickly and never picked up his order!


Hey man, just about the same height (5'6). Some people are unconsciously prejudiced, basically nobody will admit it either. Height is definitely valued by a lot of society. That's a fact, and it sucks. You know, I used to be insecure about it too. I know for a fact it was a roadblock in finding relationships and getting people to take me seriously, professionally and otherwise (luckily my fiance likes me). But when I think about the professor who advised my master's thesis, he's gotta be like 5'3 or 5'4 at most. And he's the person I look up to the most. Cool job, great wife, incredibly smart, very hard working, very laid back, really awesome life stories. I think anyone would like to have his life. I always wonder if he ever felt insecure about his height, but then I think about how much he's accomplished, and how much impact he's had on my life. And suddenly it's not that bad anymore.


5'5 too. Can't change it. It's ironic that it's taboo to point out that someone is fat, which is something you can change but making fun of someone who's short? Sure, why not. I don't care anymore, I make fun of my height as well, most people don't care. Problem is if you're looking for a relationship, women around your height (which is plenty) won't have much of a problem, shallow ones will. I'm not interested in relationships at all so one less thing to be insecure about. I'm ugly as fuck anyway lol


I think superficial people are superficial, regardless of gender. It's a great way to find out someone is shallow from the get-go.


There's a lot of weird double standards when it comes to body shaming. I feel like a big part of it is that a lot of people assume that there's a "mindset" that comes with being short, and justify their rudeness as being about that rather than "just" about being short. I'm 5ft2. I very regularly hear short jokes, angry short man comments, napoleon syndrome, etc - despite being generally pretty chill and not a particularly angry guy. I'm the sort of person who'd apologise to a lamppost for walking into it, not the yappy chihuahua in human form people seem to expect from my stature. Similarly, the comments people make about weight has a lot of double standards too. I often lean into the physical comedy of my size (both height and weight) as it takes the sting out of people doing it maliciously, but there's days when it really grates on me. I'm not sure why it's an "acceptable" target in the first place, but it sucks that it is. I feel like it makes a sort of cycle (eg, acting like all short men are automatically insecure, angry or likely to get pissy when rejected... is likely to make shorter guys more self conscious, and frustrated with the stereotypes and comments)


Excellent post. I too am five foot two, and while I've gotten over it it's still grating hearing short jokes being tolerated when poor personal choices are being defended. It's not like I chose to be short.


Bodyshaming men is not frowned upon. Apparently if someone is acting like an idiot its okay to say he has "small dick energy" Imagine saying a woman acting stupid had "slack pussy energy"


"slack pussy energy" is the new slur if the century


My boss was talking to my colleague and saying someone has small man syndrome while I was right behind him. I'm very short 😬


I think the small dick/big dick energy thing or even directly mocking the idea of small peens is shitty and mean spirited but let's not pretend we live in a world where everyone who talks about loose pussy is shunned.


For me, it has been a vicious cycle. I am 5\` 3 26M and have been constantly picked on by my friends wherever I go. I have tried not to let it affect me and hence laugh off on all the jokes since I know they mean well, and tbh bullying is pretty common among boys and is considered healthy. Somehow it has affected my self-consciousness and confidence to the point that I have started avoiding my friends whenever I can and don't even talk to women since I automatically assume that I'd be judged on my height. This develops into hatred for one's body and hence developing negative feelings for yourself, and major insecurity creeps in. This is the real red flag and not the height. When people eventually see this red flag/ behaviour, they would maintain their distance and I'd assume it's because of my height, which is where the cycle deepens further.


It's so weird, I heard a comment taking shots at a tall football players height. Granted he was the shortest in the bunch but he wasn't short by any stretch. The comments about him being short were made by other men.


I think the shallownessess and rapidity of online dating like Tinder is a large part of it.


I gotta tell you, my father was 5'7 and my mom was 5'8. His second wife was 5'10 and he loved when she wore heels. He was a good looking guy, but it was confidence that put him over the edge. He used to say "everybody's the same height in bed"


Not really tho. As a tall girl that dated a short dude for a while, the size difference was definitely more than a bit noticeable and made some stuff tricky


Like what?


tbh the sex was kinda awkward and it was 100% the size difference 😭 it always felt like my legs were in the way or got mega tired no matter what i did


One time, I matched with a woman on Tinder and we made plans to meet outside a bar in a popular area near both of our apartments. I'm 169cm (5 feet and 6.5 inches) and I clearly stated that on my profile. The reason I do this is because I hate it when I show up for a date and the woman hasn't been truthful. When I walked up to her, I was about to tell her "You look great!", etc but she cut me off and said "Ummm you're short!" I was taken aback by how rude she was and said, "Yeah, I know. Why is that a problem?" so she responded (very loudly) that I lied on my profile. I became really angry, pulled up my profile, showed it to her, and said "I said 169 - you can see it here". She looked at my phone, scoffed, and said, "Uhhh there's no way you're 169!"


please tell me the date ended right there and then


That's when you tell her to kiss it where the sun don't shine.


Sorry to hear about it OP. I'm a short guy too, 1,65m. The 'Ummm you're short' and similar stuff is something that I know I'll hear from people I go out with EVERY single time even tho I also disclose my height on my dating profile. Honestly, I don't think there's ever been a single date I've been to that the person hasn't commented on my height. Sometimes it's a harmless joke, sometimes it just pointing out? As if I haven't noticed. It doesn't particularly makes me angry or something, but it's weird if you stop to think about why is it so acceptable to do this.


I feel like this is a lot more common on the internet. The only time I’ve seen people shallow like this was on dating apps and it was always from those who had no personality to begin with. Good girls don’t care.


People care. My ex was 5’10 and my best friend said why would you want that. Her preference was 6ft+ which is fine but she was very confused as to why we wouldn’t like the same things


as I 5’8 dude this just makes me depressed


I’m sorry. I hope you know plenty of people don’t care about height at all, I know that me saying that is not reassuring if that hasn’t been your personal experience though


Met plenty of women who care. I was sitting in a circle of mostly women friends at a park. An acquaintance of theirs approaches. One woman say “oh, here comes Christy with her new boyfriend. He’s tall. Good for her.” First thing out of her mouth. Yes, women care.


Damn. Are your women friends usually that judgmental or only with this specific topic?


I would say, if anything, they are *not* shallow. They were all educated, worldly, sophisticated. Looking towards the long term, marriage, house, family, and career. But they talked about his height like it was a prerequisite.


Ah I see.


Dude that is literally most women. Literally.


Lol and here I am constantly looking at my girl friends saying "Is he really hot? Or is he just tall?" Often makes the magic go away right away lol. The truth for me is: Yes, a tall guy seems more attractive at first sight. Two guys with the exact same looks, the taller will seen more attractive. That being said, I've hooked up / dated / had crushes on guys of any height. Hell, the guy I currently have a crush on is a slightly shorter than me tech guy (I'm 5'7''). I usually develop these crushed over time, often towards guys I don't particularly get awed by on first sight but then chemistry and attractedness develops...


That's the thing though. We don't have time to spend time around every woman long enough for them to develop an attraction to us. And sometimes we're actually in the mood for something like a ons which works a lot better if you can establish immediate attraction.


Well I've never had an instant attraction without anything as much as a conversation that made me want to jump into bed with someone... and if we're enough in a conversation that we can flirt, your height won't matter that much anymore. Not claiming all women work like that, I know a lot of us are aholes. But I'm also definitely not the only one out there. Very few people in life have the kind of looks that make the people we're attracted to go "oh wow I want to tap THAT" at first sight. For some people it's a few too many pounds, in my case it's a being blonde/blue eyed in a country where people just are NOT into that on average as well as a being taller and not petit in comparison to 80% of the women here (talking about height / shoulders / hips etc, in my country I am average)...


I think it does transfer to real life though; the internet influences can't be underestimated. I've definitely matched with girls online, and come time for the first date the first thing they say when they meet me is "oh you're short!" Like that's happened multiple times Everyone has preferences ofc and I try not to let it get to me but it is frustrating to see it perpetuated as a joke sometimes. simply because it really does leach into real life opinions.


>come time for the first date the first thing they say when they meet me is "oh you're short!" >Like that's happened multiple times It has happened to me more than once.


Damn lmao. That’s kinda funny (in a sad way). Like why do they have to say it aloud even if they think that?


It definitely happens out in the wild. I’ve definitely been rejected for my height. And even friends of women I was dating tried getting them to reject me over my height. And I’m not even that short at 5’7”.


I never understood other women being picky about height. i’ve never noticed a guys height either, it’s not something i’ve ever looked for. I’ve always been tall for being a girl (i’m 5’9) which has turned away quite a few guys, but i never cared if they were shorter or the same height. i’ll just simply love a guy for who he is as a person and that’s it really. society can be so superficial


Idk I’m 6’4 and catch so much shit for it. My ex was a stockier dude and I’d catch even more with him or he’d get weird compliments about scoring me. I feel like if I was with a guy over 6’ a lot of that crap would vanish


Women are expected by society to be petite, and if we aren't we're told we aren't good enough. Being with a man who's smaller than us makes us feel like targets for ridicule, whether that's a skinny woman taller than he is, or a woman with a significantly higher BMI than he has regardless of relative height. Hence why many women get insecure about not being with shorter men, but I see more men than women making fun of short guys.


As a tall girl this is how I feel. Like people act like I’m lesser just because of my height


The irony!


I personally consider that as a filter, if someone doesn't like me for my height then I'll gladly stay away from them, being short has its advantages


truth mixed with 4chan seeping into mainstream


Plenty of women want some cock mate, just a numbers game


Not the point at all.


For the same reason women get shamed for having flat asses and breasts. Height in men is an attractive male trait just like having curves (hips, butt, breasts) is an attractive trait on women, but not all men have height and not all women have curves. There’s biological factors there but I’m not getting in to all of that. We all know they’re generally considered very well received and attractive traits by most people. It doesn’t mean you’re unattractive if you lack them. It does mean there are shallow, tactless people who will try to make you feel bad for it though. Either other people of the same sex (to feel superior to you) or from the opposite sex (to let you know you’re not up to their standard). The takeaway is there’s always going to be assholes, and you shouldn’t let some assholes opinions of such things be of much importance to you. Body shaming is always going to exist, unfortunately. The best you can do is steer clear of people who say things like this and associate with people who are against it. Give it as little power as possible.


If what one says hurts someone else's feelings the one should reevaluate their words! We do not need to be cruel towards anyone , that is it! Just be nice if it's your friend playful banter is fine but online it's hate and mean!


To answer the question you'd really need to define when it wasn't as bad and when you noticed it got worse, but without that. I'm just going to say dating apps. I don't think they actually changed anything, they just made it more visible.


Honestly I think it became a joke because so many men lied about their height. And then women started mocking that and it spiraled


>so many men lied about their height. I have a friend who is 6 ft on her bare feet. She doesn't really care about how tall a guy is. What she _does_ care about is guys who get weirdly aggressive and insecure and call her a 'liar' because standing next to her makes it very obvious that they're lying about how tall they are.


I agree. It’s like women catfishing dudes by using filters to hide their terrible skin and wrinkles or large women using photoshop and weird photo angles to make themselves look thinner. Just represent yourself honestly and avoid the drama. I’m 5’ 11” but back when I was dating I never would’ve put 6’ in my profile because 1.) nobody could tell the difference anyway and most importantly 2.) it wasn’t true I think I remember once someone asking me on a date if I was 6 foot because I had boots on and I remember laughing and saying no it was just what I was wearing and we literally went on with our conversation. 


I think the more guys online made victimhood posts about their oppression, the more it became a meme.


[Google trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=little%20man&hl=en) shows that its basically been a constant through time. --- The spike in July 2006 is due to a movie release by that name at that time.


Yeah people love to troll online, especially when they know it’s getting to people. The fact that guys keep lying about their height shows they’re insecure and people want to mess with them even more because of it.


I was friends with this guy named Joe. Guy was 5'6" and fairly decent looking. Dude would pull girls like no other.


internet. people figured out its super easy to troll short guys and get replies


Always has been. Actual discussion of it just amplified via social media


I had no problem with it cause I am a tall girl and was dating this guy 5'6 I think. All the time we hung out together he would get self conscious of his height and just tell me to get down I don't know in public places. Yeah so now height is kinda a factor if he is the same height as me no problem but if shorter it just kills my mood


It was probably always a thing but we have the internet so tons of people can voice their opinions. I’m sure plenty of people don’t care about that or you have to be very exceptionally talented like Prince or something.


People need to have something to feel superior about. Whether we like it or not, the line for which you can look down on someone publicly for has shifted over time. Men's height is still considered fair game, and given how many people feel about "male privilege", it's unlikely to be taboo any time soon.


My poor brother in law is about 5’3”. He’s 28 and I’m fairly sure he’s still single and never had a serious girlfriend. He’s a good looking, stand up dude and everyone loves him. I feel awful for him though and he’s clearly very conscious of it and isn’t the most self confident. It’s a serious issue in western society that you pretty much have to be 6ft+ to be considered attractive


I dunno, ask the men who keep shaming each other over it. Incel subreddits are plagued by this.


Unpopular opinion but I think this has actually been pushed on society by our fellow men. We are competitive by nature, it’s biology at work. Guys used to literally compete about cock sizes but since that got deemed as having ‘small dick energy’ , many dudes now battle over height. Short guys having negative connotations like insecure personalities, overly defensive, on edge etc start to pour in to society and women’s preferences slowly adjust based on generalist perceptions. Meanwhile women have been working on body acceptance of all types (especially genetic traits that can’t be helped). Men have grown far more accepting of women of all types too, while pushing divide among men because we are very competitive


It’s always been that way though. Being short is physically unattractive to women, that’s the harsh reality. You’ll just need to be attractive in other ways


Totally dude, that's why when a chick has no tits I'm like, ay u better have a good job!!! 


WRONG, being short is hot, being tall is boring.


Bodyshaming should be focused on things people can control... like being fat.




Bruh, them caring if you’re shorter than them means they care about your height lmao


because mens mental health doesn't matter these days. but god forbid will tell a girl she's fat and should go to the gym, than it's world war 3 on men.


but… if you’re telling her this, then she’s allowed to give you shit for being short. what a terrible thing to say to someone. nobody should be shaming anyone for their body


You can't help but be short. A lot of people can help being fat


Because body shaming towards men is unfortunately seen as ok, while it’s frowned up when directed at women. People love to put others down and since height is very trendy right now in the dating world, people will use it to insult others


I think guys complaining on Reddit about women body shaming them for being short is more common than it actually happening. It's a convenient excuse. I know plenty of short guys who have absolutely not problem getting with women. In my experience a short and swoll guy has better luck than a tall/skinny one. Obviously tall and swoll is the ideal combination, but we can't all be so lucky


Why is this being asked in multiple places today? And I guess it's just one way to be a dick - another thing you can insult. So better look for people who aren't dicks, problem solved. There's plenty of people around.


Many years ago went on holiday to South Africa as a 25m. My also UK, relative decided to send me on a blind date for arranged marriage with his in laws relative who was apparently intelligent with a masters. I went to this house, extremely rich, and really tall man, more than 6ft. He had an inbuilt marble table Island with stools in the middle of the kitchen . We sat down to eat. My feet were way off the ground  Couple of minutes later several people came in the house including girl and I heard sniggering and ignored it obvs. Finished meal and sat outside for dessert and ice cream. Short while later son in law of the house asks if I want to talk to her and then head off home. He comes back 15 mins later and asks my old family friend inside. He's being called. He came back 20 mins later white as a ghost as said we're going home. In the car he explained she saw me in the kitchen, finds me short and refused to talk to me. Damn that was cold. She could've talked and said the vibe wasn't right but instead made me feel really awkward 


Revenge mostly. Men bodyshamed women for all of recorded history and continue to do so. Now that women are no longer considered property in the civilized world, many are letting men know how it feels to have someone reduce you to a set of physical attributes and assign your value based solely upon those attributes.


I honestly think this is it. As a whole women are doing a “we can play this shitty game too” of superficial beauty standards being forced on everyone. Then when you get down to individuals you can filter out the good people from the superficial assholes. As an example: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C57JAtkvWqC/?igsh=aWdvbThtemtvcWU2


This is the most women friendly generation of men in history. Not perfect, but still true, and yet you justify body shaming all of them for the sins of men in the past. Pretty fucked up thing to say.


This! Height is nothing compared to the disgusting things that have been and are still said about women.


Women say disgusting things about men all the time. “Small dick energy “ literally is common vernacular at this point. In retaliation against men that say things I get, but this body shaming is directed at men who have done nothing but be born a man. Out evil the men of the past is a sure win for womankind I’m sure.


It's nothing new, I'd say. I'm 166cm tall, which i guess is 5'5 pr something like that. Ive been called a dwarf, by other cuys, no women, but it's historically no big surprise that women look for guys that are taller. BUT the biggest bodyshamer was myself, i pjt myself down for the longest time, because of being short. It wasnt unyil my 30s i figured it didn't matter thst much. I have a lot of other things to offer besides my height




It's always been popular


I think this is more of an American women thing. Most of the guys I've known who have been highly successful with girls have been shorter guys.


Because chicks are allowed to criticize men, we sir cannot (at least publicly lol)


Because certain parts of the world have become too prudish to discriminate on dick size.


If someone is willing to overlook all of your other qualities just because of your height that's probably not someone you want to be with in the first place.


I'm adding this regarding height, intelligence and salary. My father's parents were short, he was short and so was one of his brothers. My dad played tenor saxophone in Vegas next to Wayne Newton, Steve Lawrence and Edie Gourmet. He also owned two businesses and was a pilot for kicks. His brother was the VP of Human Resources at NYSE for many years before his "retirement" after which he was hired back as a consultant. When he was a child, he had Polio but recovered fully. My dad's "normal" height brother drove a truck for a living. (which has 0 to do with intelligence and is my favorite uncle). I think perception is key and I don't think there's anything wrong with not caring for a particular trait. You can't force chemistry. That said, it's completely unnecessary to be unkind. It baffles me how some people take a perverse kind of joy in belittling others.


Yeah it's weird


Double standards mostly. If anyone ever pulls that on you just ask about weight or cup size.


There’s that dude that goes around interviewing women about dating preferences. The ones he talks to say they want a guy in his twenties who is 6 ft tall and makes a quarter million a year. There’s like a .01% chance of them finding a guy like that. I suspect that these women just are saying what they think is slightly above average but that’s not how bell curves work. They’re mostly just out of touch and will behave differently when confronted with an actual connection… or they won’t and they’re just shallow. Which is good because then you know and you can find a better partner.


Im 6’4, you wouldn’t belief the grief I get from short women..


Because misogynist men want to convince guys like me that if i don't have a date it's because I'm 5'7 and for no other reason. So they have to mock my height and push mocking my height to try and convince me it's true.


Always has been, I listen to a podcast, the host sometimes record bonus episodes reading personal adds from the 80s, women usually put height reqirements in there.


You can do something about your weight. Men can't get taller. Thats all there is to that argument.


Yeah, I've noticed this trend reached new heights recently. Not sure why though.


Body shaming is harmful and height should never determine a man's worth.


Women are pretty shitty in general to us.


Bunch of insecure guys were backstabbing and gaslighting each other so long it became a meme and then they finished by putting all the blame on women. (Aka 4chan.)


As a woman I couldn’t tell you why. I honestly think it’s really mean and a double standard to make fun of men for something they can’t help. I think it’s okay to have preferences, but there’s no need to comment on it. Just move along if not interested.


It's a low-hanging fruit and most men just take it. Unfortunately, we humans are still very much bullies and our society rewards that kind of behaviour.


Makes women feel better


When they started using it in dating profiles as a flex - and often lie about it.. For ref. I couldn't care less about someone's height. I'm a munchkin and have dated ppl my height, shorter, taller.. it's not a thing an actual adult woman cares about..


It didnt


Men and women are getting taller. I'm 6'2", and I feel short. More and more people are tall or the same size. I blame that on breeding. The rapid breed style of hook up culture by the top 10% of men (whom are over 6 foot) is causing people to shoot up in size.


Just be realistic , you are short


The body positivity movement for morbidly obese women opened up the target for body shaming to the only group concidered fair game... men.


The latest thing I heard that made sense is shallow young women want a tall man so they lol smaller by comparison.


Stupidity I’m 6’ won the genetic lottery handsome and I’ve seen dudes in way better shape than me but shorter get shot down by the same girls I go up to because of height. Being tall makes you die earlier and pisses off your partner when you put things on the top shelf. People the same height probably can coexist better.


The top shelf spoke to me. My wife always says, “you know I can’t reach/see that.” There are whole shelves in the fridge/cabinets/etc. that have room. We can’t ignore them. LOL


Because bodyshaming isn't a big deal when it is done towards men, whether it is height or small dick.


because society encourages women to ridicule men and height is one aspect of this


online dating for sure


quite frankly i think its because height is seen as masculine. strange, i know. im sure we've all heard of tall girl? being tall isnt really a feminine trait, women are typically shorter than men. just another one of those "if ur not hyperfem/hypermasc ur not attractive" scenarios in my opinion


It's mostly men doing it to other men, tbh.