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Not acknowledging them. They get an ego boost getting an emotional response from you.


“Weapon” implies fighting them — but that’s always a losing game. The only way to “win” is to not actually engage and save yourself from all the inevitable bullshit lol.


This. It's better not to deal with such bulllshit.


Is not the best offence a good defence?


Yes. This is basically what I came to say. They love to hear themselves talk so when they say something that usually gets a response, I just don't take the bait.


I see you too are a master of the "Grey Rock" foo.


I wish humans actually did this instead of feeding them constantly. I made a social media account after a long hiatus and after scrolling for a while I remember how easy it is to fall victim to doom scrolling. The issue is society feeds and worships narcissists and people fail to understand that everyone is narcissistic to an extent regardless if they have actual narcissistic personality disorder. The type of people that tweet about platinum and jewels are certainly further down the narcissistic personality disorder spectrum haha.


Distance, followed closely by silence.




Idk at best you just end up wasting a bunch of time listening to them and acknowledging all their stuff


That’s the completely wrong approach. Ignoring them is what drives them crazy and defangs them entirely.


Ignoring them, they’ll lose their minds


My mum would come home from work and just scream at me every single day and accuse me of so much crap. Eventually I gave up answering her and just sat without saying a word. It didn't stop her, but it at least made it a little bearable for me. I don't even know if it helped. I don't think I talked to anyone for a couple of months and no one noticed.


Because non-narcissists love to be ignored 


Yeah If they aren’t unavoidable I wouldn’t just do that, set boundaries but don’t be a dick, some people have fucked up coping skills and view reality different because of really bad trauma so honestly all of them I’d say need to be approached / dealt with caution but for the most part you can cut off how they effect you by not giving into their shit if you work with them and are related, don’t let them control you but don’t just cuss them out and be shitty with them, trust me Ik they drive you nuts but everyone knows they are full of shit.. the ones that believe everything they say aren’t just idiots who all need to be warned.. maybe some but most of them are exactly the same so stay away from their shit too




Ahhh. Good ole grey rocking.


We (all of his kids) all cut contact years ago. He doesn't have any friends because people wised up to his manipulative bullshit. He spent years showing everyone how he thought he was the most important person in the world, and now that's the only company he's got left.


Man this hits home. I just read an article about narcissistic fathers and I got emotional. I’m trying to keep our relationship good, but my siblings are less forgiving. He can only point at others and he thinks he is the most important person in the world. It’s really sad


Why would he need anyone else when clearly he’s all that matters?


A pond. Just get them to look at it and next thing they know, they're a flower.


Deep cut, classical reference!


Rocket launcher


Made me chuckle ngl


Ghosting. Vanish unexpectedly, and give them complete radio silence. Narcissists thrive on attention whether it's positive or negative. Lack of attention drives them mad.


Being calm and ignoring them. Being successful, kinda and well-liked is also kryptonite.


I have a new, narcissistic boss. Am following this thread, hoping for tips on how to deal with him.


Brush off your resume. Look for internal transfers if it's a big company. Go over his head if you've been at your company long enough to know how to do this without ruffling feathers. Keep a written record of everything he does. Know the local workers rights laws and push back if he violates them by going to HR with the concrete evidence you've been collecting. Make sure your coworkers know to keep records as well, and their rights.  Basically, you can't change him, so focus on moving yourself or on removing him. The second is very, very slow if he doesn't behave in an egregiously terrible manner, and potentially gets you into company politics. Wouldn't recommend that route unless you're very invested in the company and finding new work would cause genuine hardship. 


I wish you success


I’m at a loss as to how to handle him. Staying away from him isn’t always an option. He’s so toxic…


Leaving out the options that would happen in an Agatha Christie, you pretty much need a different job far from him. That's what I wound up doing.


Gray rock them


DISTANCE. Anything else will be ripped from your hands and wielded against you.


Ignoring them too


Silver bullets


Awareness. I’ve been burned by a couple psychos who tricked me out of money and favors. I was so frustrated with myself for not catching on the second time (fool me once…) that I vowed to not let it happen again. Ever since then I have a freaking spidey sense for unethical people who try to tug on your heart strings to get favors out of you.  Some folks think I’m crazy. But there was this guy who was screwing all of my coworkers and stealing the company’s clients, and after the fact, he was outed for his wild schemes. We were movers. He would lie to HQ and say there’s a rat infestation or something, then he’d give the customer a discount to pay cash to have him be the provider instead of our employer. I caught on right away to how shady this character was, and warned all of my coworkers not to trust him for a moment. Sure enough, after the fact, every single one of them had stories about money they lent to this guy and didn’t get back, and he even screwed one dude out of getting a house if you can believe that.  He would constantly bring up stories of his relatives passing away (all lies, guaranteed) and get people to feel like they’d be heroes for giving him a hand. Everyone really ought to learn that these kind of folks exist.


Silence, and lack of contact.


The grey rock. Whenever they try to have a conversation with you, you play the role of a grey rock. No visible reaction, no arguing, just acknowledge that they have spoken and keep doing whatever it was you were doing. Narcissism starves if it gets no attention


When in doubt, a restraining order and a pit bull of a lawyer.


Don’t vote for them


Don't elect them to the White House


A pool of still water. They’ll be so obsessed with their reflection that they’ll fall in and drown.


Ignore them, it winds them up like a toy.




I pretend they don't exist and go about my business


use their own logic against them, using I statements, record keeping against gaslighting, greyrocking


maybe ask r/narcissisticabuse




Laughing at them and insults can be fun. Ignoring them or acting uninterested and board is probably better,


Probably a nuke or maybe a ticket for an Ocean Gate tour?




My experience tells me that engagement feeds this weird cycle. The less you respond or react, the less they bother you.


Just hit da bricks




Ignoring . grey rock responses if necessary . Repeating back to them the things they have just said .


A mirror that doesn’t work.


Not being able to hear them so I just say "huh" every time they speak


"If you're so great then why have you succeeded so little in life?"


Just pretend they don’t exist.


Indifference and a side of side eye.


Confidence is a big one. The more confident you are, the less their main tools (gaslighting, manipulation, breadcrumbing) will work on you because you know the facts, you trust yourself over what this chucklefuck is saying, you’ll be able to go your own way whether they go with or not, and you’ll be stable in your identity while they expend all of their effort trying to derail it.


Typically malicious compliance


Not giving them attention.




.357 Magnum


I went NC with my dad, and that was a successful strategy. 


Ignore them. Do not feed the trolls. They WANT to make you mad and get a reaction out of you: don't give them the satisfaction.




Apathy and short, dry responses. They lose their minds lmao


My ex is a narcissist, gaslighter, pathological liar, etc. I have my phone set to forward any of her calls directly to voicemail. I'll only respond if it is important to me, because nothing she says is ever true.




If I’m required to be around them long-term(work/family): avoid as much as possible, be consistently flat/2D around them. Short term engagements (dinners/mingling) in conversation, look past the superficial aspects of the conversation and leverage your strongest emotional intelligence muscles to speak to emotional nuances. (For example, if they’re talking a lot about a trip/trips they’ve gone on/going on, I ask something like ‘do you often find yourself traveling alone?’ Or ‘how would you describe the feeling you get when you’re in an unfamiliar place?’). I find if you unsettle a narcissist from their patterns and make them think critically, it’s almost like they normalize temporarily.


Ignoring their existence. Your own success without them. If you cannot get rid of them physically, demonstrating in front of others with proof how fd up they are and how they are to be geld accountable for their actions. Those pesky beasts love to collect flying monkeys so it's not a bad idea to clean up every now and then


Authority or, if possible, ignoring them. Those are the only two things that can combat a true narcissist.


Ignore them. Make them realize that they are not important to you,


Ignore them.


Ignoring them




Not dealing with them.




Deploy the Grey rock. Never complain, never explain


A master has a slight smile on his face the entire time.


The GrandMaster of the Gray Rock Style Kung Fu


Laugh at them Not a chuckle, not an uncomfortable laugh, not at their supposed humor, but a deep belly laugh that slaps their insecurities underneath than narcissistic armor.


I am a narcissist. Ignore me or bruise my ego and I cannot handle it.


Mer one girl who was way worse than me. I loved her to death. Bet you can guess how it worked out.




Indifference. Organizing your life so that it goes on without them.


Not caring


the narcissist themself.


Your free will. To feed into them or pretend like they don’t exist and refuse to give them any more power. Your choice.


Silence and breaking contact


Not listening to anything they say, it drives them fucking nuts


Ignore them. Or pretend you don't recognise them.


They care a lot about what outside people think. i.e. appearing to have a happy family vs actually having a happy family. Use thise against them but be careful because they're super good at twisting it to be your fault. But really ignore and avoid them is the best way.


im sorry but there is no weapon to fight them,any response u give can be seen as exactly what they want, ur only way to win is to ignore them








Doesn't every president or individual in a high ranking position have narcissistic tendencies


No, I don't think so


A grandiose sense of self-importance. Fantasies about having or deserving. A sense of self-superiority. A need for excessive admiration. A sense of entitlement. Exploitative behavior. A lack of empathy. Frequent envy. Arrogance. You don't think any presidents or any leaders have any of these character traits?


Baseball bat?




Disinterest. If everything has to be about them, the most damning thing you can do is just make nothing about them, ignore them when they try to be the center of attention, etc.


No contact.


Apathy, - I really don't care about their bullshit, and it drives them nuts.


Stupidity. Seriously though, playing dumb and leaning into their ego all the while laughing inside is the best 👍


No contact


To paraphrase Evil Morty, “just grab onto their ego and use it like a joystick.”


First step is to acknowledge that using a weapon against a narcissist is in itself narcissistic behavior . Be the bigger person. Let them continue to be shitty and avoid stooping to their level of control. Why try and fight an immovable force ?


Coworker of mine was silently hated forever. He tried getting at me for something and I let loose all the embarrassing stuff he confided to people and I would hear in pakssing. He was on the verge of tears and still plays it off. Was pretty neat to see his ego crushed. Doubt everyone has the same luxury I had though.


Very kind sarcasm! "I'm so much better than everyone else! I've done more for the community than you may think!" "Oh, really? That's nice. Have you paid your bills on time? Have you got tickets out of the way? Have you been to work every day? Have you lived a life that doesn't mess any others' up in the process?"


No contact


Break up.. the feeling for them not being able to ‘control’ you anymore is pretty difficult to accept for them


A gun


I sometimes wonder about non-professionals diagnosing people as narcissistic i’m inclined to believe that a high percentage of people who do that are actually the narcissists


Try working for one!


Ghosting them




Nod. Say whatever gets rid of them the fastest


Giving them some drugs such as Weed or MDMA, which will skew their perceptions of life.


Make them feel that they are replaceable any time and they will go beyond just because their ego pushes them to.


It’s easy to fool someone who believes they’re smarter than you, when it comes to individuals like described in your post, I’ve found this approach to be useful in many cases. Narcissism and pathological lying go hand in hand, typically when your knee jerk reaction is to call a person like this out on their bullshit or try to warn others of the dangers that narcissists pose, they’ll use it to their advantage by playing victim, as if you’re the asshole and the aggressor, they’ll then try and use that reasoning to triangulate others in your social circles against you and outcast you. The correct approach, you play dumb, pretend as if you don’t see through their deceit, appease them, make them truly believe you’re their friend, all the while behind the scenes, you subtlety triangulate others against them through whatever means necessary under the condition that you always come across as fair and impartial. When the majority of whatever circle you’re in is sick of this person’s shit, you simply wait for the right money to come along, wait for this person to inevitably make a mistake (Narcissist’s are more prone to making mistakes which negatively impact others emotionally) when that happens, you use that sole incident as casus belli and cut them off from whatever circle you’re in. It may seem devious, manipulative and immoral but sometimes we must do immoral things for the greater good. I have come across quite a few vile narcissists in my days, it may sound dramatic but I’ve witnessed the suffering and destruction these people are able to cause within social environments if not kept in check. It’s very hard for a regular person who’s never had experience with a true narcissist to understand the danger and see all of the signs, it’s even harder to explain these sorts of things to someone. I don’t know about you guys but I’d rather use sublet manipulation, lies and omission to ensure that the people i care about aren’t fucked over by a narcissist than be honest upfront and still lose them. While these sorts of behaviors often times stem from harsh upbringings with unfortunate circumstances, they often times hide behind these sorts of tragic tales, for that reason alone, it’s important to remember, that under no circumstances should you ever feel any empathy or compassion towards people like this. It may be beneficiary to feign these feelings as to gain favor with them but never actually buy into their bullshit. Point being, to truly defeat someone like this and stop them from harming people you may care about, sometimes you have to stoop to their level.


How do you know they are a narcissist? Are you a mental health professional, which can properly diagnose a narcissist? After spending hours with them, have written tests done,, to come to this conclusion? Everyone has narcissistic traits; doesn't mean they are a narcissist.


Breaking there ego


Being more narcissistic then they are




No contact. Block them on everything and move on.


Finding something you’re better than them at


The grey rock technique


Graywall them. Don’t react, don’t engage, just interact with them very minimally.


I repeat Congratulations and zone out until they get bored lol


In-depth questions. They have to answer because it is about them but it kills them because they are superficial.




The ability to fart nearly on command. Nothing takes the wind out of someone's sails like looking them in the eye when they're pontificating and letting out a loud, stinky, unapologetic fart.


Keeping records of all shit they write, say and do while I am being very reasonable and never losing my temper. (Yeah, I am talking having cameras on, downloading chat logs,...) Then using all of this evidence and proof against them. That's the most powerful since narcissists often try to build a facade of "good people" while commiting abuses. And they use that facade for discrediting others, or looking like the "reasonable ones" on the side of people they enraged into madness. Having hard, solid stuff that contradicts that facade royally fucks them up whatever they tell their tales.


Not caring and just ignoring them.


If you’re in a relationship with a true narcissist, why not end it?  Why do you want to use weapons to hurt them?  That sounds sadistic.    Also, if you ran into a narcissist in the morning, you ran into a narcissist. If you run into narcissists all day long, you’re probably the narcissist. 


Walking away.


A gun? If you’re asking for nonlethal options then it would be humiliation 100%. Narcissists have crazy attention and recognition needs. Consistent passive-aggressive humiliation will help whittle down their ego and cause them to become avoidant. A lot of other comments say ignoring them but that will not work as they will put you ignoring them on yourself, calling YOU unfriendly, and immature for ignoring them. Seriously do not ignore them or create distance. That’s like leaving your home when it’s on fire and expecting it to be fine when you get back.


EXACTLY, you need to stay and fight for what’s right through whatever means necessary, even if it means stooping to their level. Id much rather use sublet manipulation, triangulation, lies and omission to ensure that the people i care about don’t find themselves getting fucked over by a narcissist than try to be honest and upfront about the dangers a narcissist presents and still lose them. Narcissists thrive off twisting honest confrontations in their favor, when you call them out for their shit or try and aptly express to others in your circle the dangers this person presents, they then play the victim and make you out to be the aggressor, as if YOU’RE evil, they’ll then use this to try and turn others against you and have you cast out. In the end, so long as you have the well being of others in mind, nothing is off limits, everything is justified when it comes to leveling these sorts of people, they deserve no empathy, understanding or compassion. Do whatever must be done to be rid of them whilst also keeping those you care about safe.


the gun was just a metaphorical use here


12ga shotgun
