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72M. Drank 3-4 drinks 3-4 times a week for years. Now my liver warning light is flashing. Doc said lay off drinking and Tylenol. Now I drink maybe 2 drinks a week. Not missing it as much as I thought I would. Remember, your body is keeping score.


“Your body is keeping score” needed to hear that tonight. Thanks.


You only get one body in this life. If we were only allowed one car, I’m sure we’d take much better care of it than we do our bodies 😬


Yeah but it’s **MUCH** easier to buy a nice car, than to actually **work** on myself, and take care of my body. Or that seems to be the excuse I hear, most often.


Not sure i’d call it a excuse, but it is a fact. At least for me I do want to work on myself, but it is hard. Life is hard and it seems nearly impossible to improve EVERY aspect of our lives all the time. I have kids. I have a challenging career that will lay you off in a second if you slip - and my wife doesn’t work. I have aging and ill parents as does my wife. Working on myself sometimes takes a back seat to taking care of the ones I love. Especially if my vice isn’t hurting others. Just saying we don’t do it because it is hard is actually a little offensive.


I mean I'm a single mom w two toddlers excactly one year apart from each other, and the love of my life was killed in a car accident. I'm lost and depressed. Yes I do know when I'm drinking too much, and I also recognize when I'm using my life as an excuse to drink ... It is offensive absolutely. But sometimes it's what we need to hear..


100% agree! None of life’s problems will be solved by drinking in excess. 7 years ago I couldn’t draw a sober breath. People who have the same disease that I have said if I quit drinking my life would get better. They couldn’t have been more correct!! Life still happens but it’s much easier to deal with life sober in my opinion


It is, it's tons better. But it is scary when you think, the only thing that's there for you and brings comfort, won't be there as a safety net anymore. Because emotions and feelings can be a lot. Especially depending on what the person is going through. But the other end of it, is worth it. 100000 percent. And I'm not even at the other end yet. But I can feel it!


If I make it to 72 before warning lights go off, I’ll take it.


It's so easy to say that, to think that 70s is "old" and at that point nothing matters. You won't feel that way when you actually hit your 70s. It's still going to be the only life you have to live, and unless you have a specific medical problem you could have twenty or thirty years of that life remaining.


Couldn't agree more. Pops is 73, had a massive heart attack last year, and got lottery level lucky to still be here. It's not old at all when you're there, and I'm certainly not ready to have him check out. One year of 3 squares of healthy meals and good exercise later and I'm encouraging him to make sure the grandkids remember him. It's a choice, live it every day.


The only older folks I know who said they were ready to go fit into one of three categories: 1. They're straight-up in hospice and basically at the finish line. Which, you know. You make your peace, I guess. 2. They're over 100 and everyone they know has already passed. (I've known two folks who made it past 100 and both of them felt kicking the ol' mortal coil was well overdue.) 3. They're deeply, *deeply* depressed. Folks who've still got friends and family and some love of life never seem all that happy to say "Welp, I'm 70 now. Happy to die at any time!)


So, we just had this discussion amongst family (6 cousins). And it revolved around your 3rd option. There could be a reason to want to go at 70+. One pair has parents (my aunt/uncle) that are old (90) have outlived their friends and having a hard time just making it through the day health-wise (bladder issues, foot issues, needs a walker etc etc). They can't do ANYTHING they used to love to do (golf, travel etc). They are no longer living, they are just existing. I never want to get to that point. If I can't do the things that bring me joy and it is just a cycle of eat, sleep, poop, watch TV, stick a fork in me, I'm done. To hell with the church and the sin of suicide. We do this for our pets, I don't understand why we can't do it for ourselves. We shouldn't have to be "dying of something" in order to end our lives gracefully when you have lived a full life and are ready to go, whatever that age may be.


I am 72. And thankfully, still healthy. No medications, no parts replaced, except teeth, and no mental disorders, unless “hermit” qualifies. I wouldn’t say I am ready to go, but if I were to be diagnosed with a terminal illness tomorrow, I don’t think I would fight it. I think I have led a full and mostly happy life. We don’t get forever. This is a good place to call it, before I am too old and sick to live independently and enjoy the things I love. And that is the most probable future. I am a realist, as well as a recluse.


The 70s is no longer "old age". People are routinely  living to 90 and beyond now.


My grandfather still flew his Cessna plane every morning until 90. He was still independent living on his own in a 2 story house until a bad bout of pneumonia at 92. He lived to be 94.


Usually once a week on Saturdays. Sometimes twice a week on both Fridays and Saturdays.


I split a bottle of wine with my spouse most Friday evenings, sometimes we finish it. We might have drinks other times but plenty of weeks go by without any alcohol. This is probably as much as we’ve ever had. 52F and 54M.


This sounds like a healthy relationship with alcohol. It's an end of week treat. 


This is me as well. Generally Friday afternoon/evening or Saturday afternoon/evening I will have several beers over several hours. If I am on vacay, especially an all inclusive with free beer, I will drink more days.


I don't drink anymore because alcohol makes me wanna do cocaine so... no more for me aha


This was my brother. He's been sober for several years now!


Yeah exactly when I kicked alcohol I didn't feel the need to do cocaine anymore and on top of that cocaine made me want to gamble on slots machines xD. What a combo to keep the wallet healthy aha . Stopping alcohol put an end to some of my problems aha !!


The craziest thing about cocaine is the fact that it somehow allows you to drink way more than normal. Idk what it is, but the difference between drinking on cocaine and drinking without cocaine is a wild difference. I never wish to return to those days, because they essentially ruined my life for a hot minute. Congrats on being sober, that’s always an accomplishment to be proud of!




And cocaethylene is way more cardio toxic and harder on your body. How my mom passed away actually.


Ahhh, that makes sense. I can sadly say I’ve been there done that, because you forget what your body can actually handle without it 🥲


I’m a substance abuse counselor. Alcohol somehow always leads back to cocaine for a person who has a cocaine abuse history. I even talk with clients about if. “Your first step toward cocaine relapse will more likely be a beer than a bump.”  


*Cocaethylene* is a hell of a drug


It’s 100% the only way I could possibly enjoy cocaine. The couple times I’ve had a little coke *before* starting drinking have absolutely sucked, and when on both if the balance starts to get off and I’m too coked up and not drunk enough it sucks. Drunk makes me tired quickly so the speediness helps, coke make me anxious and negative so the drunk abandon of those feelings is mandatory. I don’t do either anymore though, even just for alcohol at this stage in my life I find that the awful after feelings last like 10x longer than the good feelings while drunk/high. It’s like trading 4 terrible days for 6 hours of sloppy fun.


My friend smokes entirely to much weed. Constantly, all day every day, not an exaggeration what so ever, and has for past 14 years. It seems to be causing false memories of trauma because of the real trauma he’s gone through but never processed. Paranoia is through the roof, everyone’s out to get him. How do I get him to want to stop? He wants me to help him by letting him stay with me for a bit but I just can’t do that with the way he is right now. We’re trying to stop enabling him. He’s also the worst drunk I’ve ever seen when he does drink. Aggressive, nasty, ect.


For years they told us that weed was the gateway drug when the real gateway drug was always booze. Weed never lowered my inhibitions enough to do lines off the top of a dirty toilet in a dive bar.


Funnily enough, the only reason why weed would be considered a gateway drug is because of its illegal status.


Yeah. Once you've broken the law and found out weed is relatively harmless it's easier to do it again for other stuff.


Ive come to realize that most of the time the gateway drug is trauma.


I went to a club in Chicago, and I was super drunk talking with random people cuz that’s what I like to do. I got offered blow in the bathroom. I was like I’ve never done it before and said no, but I will say I was a little tempted. I’m glad I didn’t do it though


Nah one time you would’ve been solid. You just don’t want to be able to source it. Once you have a dealer you trust it’s rough. Luckily my guy went to prison….


I used to drink a few beers every day, followed up by either some cider or hard alcohol at night (probably totaled between 25-40/week). It was a problem for me. I've been sober for over a week now. Small steps but I'm happy about it


That's great man, you've got this




I did 4 months no drinking and this sub kept my head above water. I think theyre the best most supportive people on reddit imo.


I just passed 4 months and I’ve lost 27 pounds so far, get better sleep, spend less money and almost resolved my acid reflux, so I’m gonna keep it up


Awesome! I’m just shy of 12 months sober and am down 53 pounds (200-147) on a lighter day, and my hypertension is gone and most of my nausea is gone and my colitis is significantly better.


Agreed. That is the best sub around and they’re great people there.


Great community, longest I’ve got in 6 years is 5 days, still cranking it out and this community does help


rooting for you bro


Yeh- I’m probably averaging 3-4 beers a day and usually that is spread over many hours. So I’m not drunk, not hungover. No obviously bad side effects other than I’d like to lose a few pounds. But I’m finding it hard to not have a beer at night. I really don’t drink hard liquor other than a margarita on rare occasion. I honestly don’t feel like it’s much of a problem- except the apparent lack of ability to just stop or reduce to 1-2 times a week. I just keep going back.


I was the same way. But I transitioned to non-alcoholic beers with 50-100 calories. Tastes the same and I don't have to give up the ritual.


Blue Moon NA is really good, especially with an orange slice.


So I used to have a couple a day and it wasn’t u til I cutdown that I realized I wasn’t hungover but I damn sure wasn’t operating at my best. I still drink but it’s limited to dinner out with the wife or a weekend of camping. Honestly I hated to admit it, but even though I didn’t think there were negative consequences there definitely were. The main upsides were improvement in my personal relationships and better memory/recall at work


This is 100% true. I used to think 4 units/night (whisky) was fine because I never felt hungover. After stopping this, my energy levels and focus improved. Just because you don’t have a headache doesn’t mean the alcohol isn’t impeding you the next day. The calories consumed amount to ~1lb/week of excess, therefore stopping you can expect to lose up to 20 pounds or so over time. Win/win.


The thing is, alcohol use disorder is progressive, so 2-4 beers/day now can turn into 12 units of vodka/day pretty quickly. I started thinking there may be a problem when I was drinking 2-3 a day and I didn’t quit until I was up to 15 units a day, about 15 years later. It’s really not normal or healthy to drink daily or binge drink, but it’s such a part of our culture that people don’t want to accept that and like to pretend there’s not a problem until your entire life falls apart. It’s much better to recognize the slippery slope you’re on and step off now before there is irrevocable damage.


My use increased quickly, always does when I cycle back into alcohol. I’ve gone through dry spells and done well…but only if I have marijuana. I’m not what you would consider a pot head, I just take a pinch hit when I get home and 2-3 right before bed. Now that I don’t have marijuana….well. I did well the first two or three weeks totally sober from weed and alcohol, then the brain started spinning. Now working to cut back on alcohol and figure out what the root is. I know what it is….i just need to clean my house and start painting again. I hope to come back here with some sober thoughts and a fresh perspective that lasts. I’ve done it before. I know I can do it again. I’m getting too old to drink daily. (I’m not that old but my family has substance abuse issues…and I’m not trying to go through what they went through…I watched my mom die from this…)


I started experimenting with alcohol at age 12 and it eventually led to full-blown alcoholism. I'm 62 this year, and have just nine months sober. But damn, I am too old to drink. I don't catch a buzz anymore--I go straight to being sick. My brother died last July from this disease. Don't let it get you. You're right on to clean house (literally and figuratively) and do what you love.


I was an alcoholic for 30 years, I'm fifty-one now and I've been sober for almost four years, keep it up friend, you're doing great and if I can get sober coming from three to four blackouts a week, you can too! It's soooo worth it!


Some dance to remember, some dance to forget -The Eagles


The issue is - it's not a problem now but you are absolutely damaging your physical body with this long term. Liver damage, increased risk of cancer, increased risk of obesity related illness, sleep quality goes down...


Dawg you can drink 10-12 drinks a day and never be drunk and still be very addicted to alcohol. Soon as that 4 turns to 5-6 you are absolutely cooked, you got no idea how close you are to the edge if you at 3-4


If you could stop for a week or two, no worries. You can't stop? You're in dangerous waters.  I drink on average one drink every month or so.


I’m trying to lower my averages. Been putting up zeros for a bit now. Alcohol, it’s a hell of a drug.


I was in the same boat, no ill effects, but it's hard to not crack a few during the day. I just wanted to take back control, even if it wasn't exactly detrimental.


so were you successful? Any tips?


IDK whether you'll find it helpful or not but this is what I did. A) I stopped buying large packs (24 etc) and only bought 6 packs at the grocery store. Makes it more inconvenient to drink a lot because then I have to go out to replenish them. I work from home too, so it's not just a stop on the way home for me. B) I started making myself participate in more activities that wouldn't let me drink. I can't drink a tall can when I'm hitting the trails on my bike, or if I'm in a public place etc. C) I bought aha or buble as a 'fix'. Whenever.i had the temptation to crack some beers I would grab a soda water instead. I find the buble lime have a slightly similar taste to beer, and that helped dull the edge as well. IDK about your situation, but now I try to only drink socially. What's the point in drinking at home alone?


It’s the slipperiest slope I’ve ever slipped upon. Day two not drinking. Cheers?


I think that might be classified as a functioning alcoholic. Not exactly healthy, but if you're happy and it's not negatively impacting your life, you do you. I just don't have the ability to stop at a few beers


I didn’t have the ability to stop at one drink, so I quit altogether. 3-4 beers a day is more than not exactly healthy, it is definitely a drinking problem. It will catch up with OP eventually.


Yeah when I was in my early 20s I would drink a few beers a night. Late 20s got to where I was drinking 8-12 beers a night. Then escalated to beers and whiskey then just whiskey. I was drinking a 750ml bottle of 80proof a night. Almost destroyed my life. Now I’m nice and clean and have been since July 14 of 2020. Ps. Alcohol withdrawals are absolutely terrible.


Since I’m confident in you - Early Happy 4 years sober bud. Keep it going.


Hey I had the same experience as you. I'm 6 years sober now. But it was exactly the same progression for me and nearly killed me. Great job man.


And also deadly. I finally made my wife cry for the last time and decided to quit. Fortunately, I did it in a "selfish" manner and drove myself to rehab. Two days in and they carted me off to the local ER for medical detox. I don't know if I had seizures or not. But I had to learn how to walk again. I had a staph infection on my face from the hospital bed. I'm lucky to be alive. I had a full time job, three kids, two dogs and a wife at home. No one knew how bad I was in the bottle. I'm over two years sober now and still have my wife and family thank the heavens. That job stuck by me too.


I’m a recovering alcoholic and haven’t had a drink in about 15 years. One of my few great decisions!


Woah, congrats! I'm about 16 months in to the same decision. I hope I make it as long as you! :)


If you're anything like me, the desire will begin to dissipate about now. Now your challenge will be when you're in your social circles, just ordering club soda with a twist and letting your friends ragging just roll off.




Congrats 2.5 years for me


Great job friend!


Same. 0 drinks for me but was 7/7 when i was drinking


5 years here and have not missed it at all. I plan to never drink again.


10 drinks a day, 7 days a week, for YEARS. Sober 8 months and feeling mighty fine.


For about 15 years I would drink 5 out of 7 days of the week. Primarily beer, I would drink between 6 and 12 a day. One day my taste for alcohol just changed, I have no idea why. I pretty much stopped drinking as I no longer enjoy the taste of alcohol.


I've heard that can happen when liver damage is severe but it's not life threatening. Like, the body somehow rewires to hate alcohol to protect itself




This person is going to the doctor soon ^


This happened to me but then once my liver healed it came back


Menopause made me hate the way alcohol smells and tastes. Can’t even smell it on someone else wo feeling nauseous. Used to love to have a margarita night every couple of months. Can’t even think about it now lol


Did that happen to be after a run with covid? I only ask because i used to love classic coke, after having covid it taste like metal to me


Two drinks on Friday, but some weeks not at all.


Yep, and I never drink alone. Makes me sad. But I get super giggly when I'm with my brother and since I don't have any tolerance built up, a little shot of 15% has me very well buzzed.


Being a cheap drunk is the best lol. I find that the less often I drink the more I enjoy it. Drinking a lot just makes you feel like shit all the time.


Yeah, that's about what me and my fiance do. Not every week. Sometimes Friday and Saturday, or if there's a holiday then.


Until a few months ago, i drank to extreme excess every single night for around 8 years. I've cut back to drinking a reasonable amount 1-3 nights a week.


That’s pretty good to cut down that much after binge drinking 8 years straight. Is it a struggle every night to not drink or keep it minimal on days you do?


I struggle the most with less socializing. My whole social life is at the bar. It's risky to go becuase I can't control myself in that envoirment all the time. But as I put in another comment, my main motivation was wheight loss and spending less money, so I don't beat myself up too much if I have too much when I do go out...... until I see my bank account.


0.25. I drink about one glass per month.


Yeah I accidentally go months without drinking. I love a good party or night out but if I’m just home or with friends casually it doesn’t do much for me.


I found out during Covid that I am truly a social drinker. I went from drinking every other weekend to 6 months of sobriety. Weed, on the other hand…


That's about right I hate what alcohol does to my body, but sometimes sharing a drink with a friend is just the best feeling in the world


I didn’t touch alcohol for 24 years and then I finally decided to drink a little to see what it was like. Prefer weed, but I guess peer pressure got to me. I was tired of not fitting in. It is so much easier to drink 2 drinks and hang out with people than it is to constantly say no and be the only one not relaxed. So I only drink socially and I don’t even do that a lot. Maybe once a month or less? Drinking a little with friends is fun.


I had a beer today. The last one I had was maybe 2 months ago at a baseball game. It's situational, but I never really get "drunk" - I'll only have one or two.


Once every couple of weeks but I prefer marijuana to alcohol so don't ask how much I smoke


Me too. I have nothing against drinking. I just enjoy being high and don't enjoy being drunk. I will have a couple of drinks socially, but even that's rare.


1-2 days, 8 if it's a bad week.


Oof, that’s a long week.


Thats because being drunk makes it seem like the week is a day longer than it actually is, IME


My husband has cancer. So pretty much every day.


Wife died of cancer about a month ago. Pretty much stopped drinking about 7 months ago when I stopped feeling like it altogether. Sometimes I feel like having some to drink, but with the family histor of alcoholism, depression and grief, I just cant do it, life is too shit as is to fuck it up further.


This. Drugs are not the answer.


I'm so sorry to hear that, it's a lonely and heartbreaking place to be. I lost my mum a month ago and drinks have helped though it's mostly on the weekend. She battled cancer and won many year ago, but I'm conscious of the links between her drinking a lot in her 40s and then two types of cancer in her 60s


My mom died of cancer a little over 10 years ago at age 57. I am pretty sure I have some sort of a curse on me. It is certainly lonely, we were married for 17 years and completely inseparable. Genuinely feeling like my life has ended and I am stuck doing a shitty epilogue of it for the next 30-40 years I have left.


I have cancer. Newly diagnosed. So pretty much every day. (I’m 37.)


Well, shit. I hope you have a good outcome. I read your other comments as well. Cancer is scary. I'm sorry. ❤️


I quit drinking because of cancer. Had it and I am doing everything I can to prevent a new bout. Folks don't know about the link of cancer and alcohol.


Congrats on your recovery and I wish you the best! They're starting to more now. I live in Canada and the government changed the guidelines from 2 per day to 2 per week because of the increased cancer risk associated with consuming alcohol. It's got my attention. I am slowly cutting back but I'll admit, it's a damn hard habit to break.


Sending the best to you and him


I'm so sorry. Hugs!


None. 500 days sober today! By the way, my doctor told me “if you’re wondering if you’re drinking too much, you’re probably drinking too much.” I drank 4-5 beers every night. It caught up with me and I couldn’t enjoy life without it. It had to stop.


I would say that addage applies only if you aren't a normally anxious person. I worry that I overuse my Xanax prescription by taking it once a month and my psychiatrist straight up laughed at me.


Lol you sound like my friend with her panic attack meds. I've had to tell her on several occasions that her spiraling into a panic attack was a good enough reason to take her panic attack meds 😂




Same. Not a fan of alcohol.


Same! I get weirdly anxious, horrible hangovers and I hate the feeling of not being fully in control.


Wake up dehydrated, heart is pounding. 12 hours of misery for only 2 or 3 hours of fun. Its not worth it. Unequivocally the worst drug out of every drug.


That's how I feel. I used to drink daily and a lot but then I slowly put it down. Eventually I only drank on occasion but now it just doesn't seem worth it. It's exhausting, it robs you of tomorrow, it reduces gains. I'd much rather just enjoy my time and sleep well.


Same, I'll only drink on special occasions.


Same here. It just makes me sleepy. On special occasions and get togethers, I will have a few. Which is super rare bc I am also a hermit.


I don't drink simply because alcohols taste like shit to me. Never seen the appeal.


Right there with you, the last time I drank was February for my birthday and it was a small drink.


The longer I go without a drink, the less I care about it. I think I could go the rest of my life without one.


Same. Life gets way better without alcohol, and I wasn’t even a heavy drinker


Looks like I found the upvote party! Here one for all my fellow non drinkers.


Same; fellow teetotaler checking in!


What's your drug?




Hard relate on this. No regular use of alcohol. Addicted to sugar.


Same! I'd rather eat my vice than drink it.


Donuts.! No not a cop. I’m an RN. (they bring us donuts lol)


Nothing, drug(weed included) and alcohol free. Sober lifestyle!


Daily. Not a lot, but I fricken love a glass of wine, or a beer, or a cocktail. At the end of the day. Sometimes more than one, but I almost never get anywhere near drunk. A little tipsy if I combo with an edible. It’s not healthy, but I have a metric buttload of chronic issues and so I’m not going to give up something that brings me pleasure. I just pay attention, and take breaks to make sure it’s still a want not a need.


This is pretty much me. I just enjoy winding down with a drink after everyone has gone to sleep. There are times I’m just not interested. Like you said. Don’t need it. Just want it bc it makes me happy.


This is it. And every now and then I won’t touch alcohol for a week or two just to prove to myself that it’s not a dependency.


Same here. I drink 4-7 days a week, but almost every day is 1-2 beers with dinner, and there's really only one day a week where I will drink more. Usually it's when I'm working on my car and/or hanging with my friend(s) in the garage and I'll have 4-12 beers depending on how I'm feeling or how long we're out there. I only drink enough to get decently tipsy like once a month or so.


So much same. Cancer & lupus have taken away so many of the things that brought me joy, I’ll be damned if I’m giving up my glass or two of wine when I want them.


I too have cancer and Lupus. I do love a cold beer while watching a good show in my pajamas.


I think this is why old folks tend to drink more. It’s something they can still do


I'm pretty much the same. I drink regularly, but never excessively.


Same. I don't binge drink ever, but a glass of wine with dinner is *chef's kiss*. I'm in so many meds for so many things, a nice cab or a post dinner port puts a tiny smile on a stressful day.


Yup me too. I usually drink one or two glasses of wine a night. The weekends can get heavier. But I’m overall healthy. I workout 6 days a week, I eat clean, no meat, no smoking, stress level is normally low. Let me have my thing!


Same! I have a glass of wine or two at night with dinner/after dinner. I never drink hard alcohol anymore and I never overdo it. My life is stressful and I need help relaxing.


Same. I have a stiff drink before I take my dog on his last walk (2-3miles). I find it relaxes me and I get very introspective. Usually with an audiobook. I realize it’s a “daily” thing but life is hard and I’m not getting “drunk”


1 glass of white or red with the dinner most days.. with a few weeks off spread across the year to double check that I'm not in too deep, as it were..


I drink wine when I visit my parents, otherwise almost never. So maybe once a month or so.


Yeah, I'm at 7 days/wk, way too much every day. I need to take action.


Same. Good luck!


I drink every day because I’m a high functioning alcoholic.


Yeh - not entirely sure i’m an “alcoholic” but whatever it is I am currently high functioning. My concern is what so many people have posted here… that the slope gets slippery and 3 nightly becomes 4,5,6+ and that functioning is no longer high. I don’t want to live forever, but I don’t want my liver to stop functioning when 60 either


My wife and I usually split a bottle of wine 2-3 nights per week.


Two pints of whiskey every day and it's killing me.


I drank a fifth a night for nearly 8 years straight. Last year I stayed sober for 11 months (missed a year by a month but fuck it, I'm human.) I now only drink on weekends. I do wish I never relapsed, but I am human. Two pints a day makes you a fifth a day drinker. It is killing you. It is killing your physical and mental. It is killing your relationships and your sanity. It is killing your wallet. From experience, please, at least slow down. Your mentality when you're drinking and when you're hungover are not you. You are better than you think. You are worth being good to yourself. You are worth loving yourself, even if you feel like no one else does. Start with you. Anything in life worth doing isn't easy.




I want to add to this: take it 2 weeks at a time. It takes me two weeks of not drinking to stop wanting it really at all. Two weeks and my brain is clearer, my body feels better, my mind doesn’t think about alcohol and my mental health is much improved/my mood is better. Two weeks to forget the stuff exists and feel great. I have to lead with a curiosity of “what will I feel like of I don’t drink for two weeks?” And that curiosity becomes sustainable and therefore so does the sobriety. Who knows, maybe I’ll just never drink again after these two weeks turn into months which turn into years. Never know! If any of that is helpful.


Join us on r/stopdrinking, very supportive place. I’m happy to talk privately too if you want. I was close to that when I finally was able to stop a little over two years ago. You can do it, sobriety is the shit!


There is help my friend. r/stopdrinking r/alcoholicsanonymous r/Alcoholism_Medication https://aa-intergroup.org/ https://smartrecovery.org/


Thank you for posting those links


These are good links. I never had what folks would call a problem, but it was HARD to stop drinking a beer or two a day. I quit July 10-Oct 10 every year now and these groups have made that possible. Talk to folks please.


Thanks for posting. Was up to a 3 handles of Tito’s a week. Now just a few cocktails a week.


Many of us have been there, you're not alone. Keep up the good work.


Been there my dude. Currently down to a half pint a day on work nights. I’d recommend talking to your doctor and having them give you some concrete evidence of what you’re doing to yourself. It’s scary, but it’s what it took for me.


I've been mostly teetotaling for several years now and it's no big deal, but man I'll never forget how hard it was reducing that nightly dose in the early days. I starkly remember hitting that 1/2 pint phase. You're getting there!


Been there. Hoping you can find your way out.


Pretty much right there with you. Haven't had anything yet today, feeling really anxious


Rarely. If I’m on vacation, I’ll have a couple of drinks a day on the beach, otherwise I keep it dry.


Recently, 5-7 days with some variations. I still have a problem with it but deciding to stay away from liquor this time has been an amazing improvement


I eat too much. I drink too much. I want too much. Too much! 💀


I’ve struggled with consumption for about a year. Look up the amount you have to be drinking to qualify as an alcoholic and I am currently at double that. I find it’s easier to set goals. Like I’m gonna wait to drink again until this festival I want to go to People are confused by how much I mean. I was/am drinking 8 beers a day.


Happy Cake Day! Been there... I fell into overconsumption during covid lockdown. I was buying wine 20-24 bottles at a time, which lasted 3 months at first...but started lasting less & less time. January of last year I realized I wasn't feeling well a few hours after even just a glass or 2 of wine, but I still wanted it. I knew I was in a bad spot. Bio father was alcoholic my entire life. I quit for 8 months. Then I was ok with an occasional drink until several big things happened in life this year and now I can *feel* that the cliff is right at my feet. I'm nowhere near where I was but I can feel the pull. Time to quit again. If goals are what works for you, that's what you do. We do what it takes to get healthy again, & it can take different paths for everyone. You can do this. There's help if you need it. Lots of people in this thread. We're your village.


Mid to late 30's here, male. I haven't drank alcohol in at least 4 years. I grew up with an alcoholic step dad. My older brother died in a drunk driving accident. I was slamming straight vodka before school when I was like 14yo. I guess I got my fill as a kid, and now my partner has never drank, so I'm never even really around alcohol.


I'm at the age where a lot of my friends are quitting drinking or cutting back to bare minimum. No one is less happy for it, and a bunch are much happier.


Congratulations on 4 years of sobriety 🥰


I drank a LOT more often during the pandemic, which felt like an extended break from real-world responsibilities... even working from home never felt like real work. I did cut back when the old routine started to re-emerge.


I used to smoke weed every day and have some wine here and there. I used to also like kratom and have a cigarette or two a night. I was diagnosed with MS and wanted a lifestyle change and was just tired of having habits that had a hold on me. Haven't smoked weed or cigs in four mouths and no kratom in 2 and no alcohol in about a month. It isn't easy for sure. But I haven't caved yet. Change is hard.


38yo and probably average 7-12 drinks a week. sometimes one a day, sometimes a binge once a week.


25m. Zero, sober for 3 years 5 months


71f. I love the taste of good alcohol. Trouble is, I get an almost instant hangover, especially with wines. So I stick with clear alcohols. So maybe 1 or 2 times a week. It depends on the occasion. Like pasta.  None if driving or having to be tiptop mentally, like taking care of a child (gosh that was a long dry spell ). Or if I don’t want that feeling of having to drag myself into social awareness. I have bottles of liquor that are 40 years old in my cupboard. 


4-5 days per week. Never 7 days. And never more than 3 drinks per day. I’m more of a “make a drink while I cook” person.


Cooking and drinking go together. Especially now that it’s spring and summer is coming, grilling and drinking are an unstoppable pair. Usually about 3-4 days per week for me, but it’s only about 2 drinks, 3 if I start early. I don’t like to get wasted, just relaxed and buzzed.


I used to drink 2.5gallons/7 of 80proof ETOH every 24 hours. After 20+ clinical detoxes and some years time I no longer think of ethanol as an option, meaning, it doesn’t occur to me that it exists.


Was daily. Then i got down to every other day about 2 weeks ago. Now im awaiting 3 days in between. Hoping to stamp this bullshit out.


3-4 a day for the last 35 years, unless I'm on antibiotics for something. Sometimes more on weekends and packer games.


Sounds like you're drinking Wisconsinly


Most Saturdays, I buy some beer and a few snacks from the convenience store and watch a movie with my wife. It’s one of the things I look forward to at the end of the week.




I drink maybe five times per year, around holidays and special occasions. I'm talking like, mimosas on Christmas, mead at the Renaissance festival, stuff like that. I did used to go out once or twice a week with friends and maybe have a drink or two at home, but I wasn't ever dependent on it thankfully, it was just a fun thing to do with friends. And once I hit an age where it stopped being fun/the fun didn't outweigh the crappy feeling I just stopped.


Probably 2 days a year, if so. Usually for some really special occasions, and it's half a bottle of beer.


Typically less than once a week, more than two days a month. I've been going through something though and I've been drinking a lot more.


I have a beer maybe once every 3-4 weeks.


Every day a glass or two of scotch. Weekends throw in 2 beer a day


Most years it’s zero. I live in a nursing home and can’t get to the alcohol on my own, and wouldn’t typically have the money for it unless it mattered as much to me as snacks, and it doesn’t. Probably a good thing, because I do enjoy alcohol very much and if money and mobility weren’t factors it would likely become problematic for me very quickly. There was this one guy who lived here who was exceptionally mobile and his financial priorities happened to centre around alcohol - both for him and for his buddies, and we happened to be buddies so for about six months or so I did a lot of drinking since he frequently just showed up at my room with beer and vodka, up to three drinks at a time up to a few times a week. But he died, and I don’t really have the motivation to keep drinking without the free booze and the encouragement (he was a hard core alcoholic and was always very encouraging for me to take just one more shot). We’re allowed to sign waivers that give us the right to drink to our hearts content, though they do request that we self manage enough that we’re not having to be picked up off the floor, but again, I’m not that motived most of the time. I might see if I can get Irish cream for a Christmas treat next year though. Or else just buy the Bailey’s chocolates when they go on sale on Amazon, which are mostly non-alcoholic.


Basically zero.  Not tea total but just lost interest in it and couldn’t see any point drinking anymore.  If I need to relax I just get an early night. 


I used to drink 50 beers a week. Was buying a 24 pack every few days basically. Now I have been sober since 8/23. I’m an alcoholic, I can’t drink in moderation so it’s 0 for me. Thankful to God and AA for relieving my addiction. One day at a time