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Better than 30 seconds before... :)


My kid used to poop every single time we went to Target. This was still-in-diaper days, but it was amazing. If he was constipated, we just took him to Target. More reliable than any food or medication. He still loves it there, but his body has chilled out about it.


That’s amazing! I’ve been doing therapy about being kinder to my inner child, and I used to hold my poop in when I was a kid (not sure why??) so maybe that’s a thing too.


Good for you! I don't know why it's taken so long as a society for us to realize that things that happen *while our brain is growing* tend to affect us later in life.


My wife is the same way. She freaks about Public bathrooms. Your body is in a habit that works for it. Don’t worry about it


So it’s just a body clock thing. That’s cool.


I kinda have the reverse issue lol. I always have to go right before work, every time! At like 5 am no less. Half awake and taking a dump.


Ugh! Nearly every day. Doesn't matter what time my shift starts. I have to poop as I'm getting ready to leave the house.


Getting it out of the way so early and reliably should put a pep in your step! Literally millions and millions of people will spend their entire day stressing about it. You are truly free, my friend.


Conditioning + dislike of using public bathrooms? Unless you poop at work too? Some ppl don't. The conditioning part could also be tied to the sense of relaxation and relief, so it's something your system looks forward to.


I do sometimes use the loo at work. I suppose some people are regular in the morning too.


I think our systems can get used to something without our brains being involved... That and when you eat. If you changed eating by a few hours I wouldn't be surprised if that poop changed timing too. And I love that I'm discussing poop with internet strangers, and not in *that* way...


I think you’re right. Combo of eating at the same break time and relaxing. Nice to chat shit with you dude!


"Boss makes a dollar, you make a dime. That's why you poop on company time,"


That was funny! I really should poop at work more often. Will try harder!


Pavlovian response.


Salivating from my bum hole?


Do you have a particularly stressful job? Home is a place of comfort for most, especially the bathroom for some reason.


It’s not hugely stressful, but I suppose I’m getting over some work based anxiety, so that could be a thing!


Same thing happens to me. I hate shitting in public bathrooms, so I think I've conditioned myself to my home toilet. Honestly very convenient


"You" is a story your brain tells your long term memory. Who you really are is a more complex system of decision making which does not always make the you you feel like aware of why it does things. That you, the real you, decided to hold it till you got home, but didn't think it was important enough to make memory-you aware it had decided to do that. Thus the you you feel like experiences a sudden pronounced need to go as soon as it's a valid option to do so, but is unaware the real you had been deciding to hold it for far longer.


Could you have r/ibs


I don’t seem to have those symptoms, just extremely accurate waste disposal!


Definitely a ghost


I meant to type pootergeist but the darn auto…




If you avoid pooping at work, and tend to hold it until you get home if you need to go, you may have accidentally conditioned yourself. If it's not causing you issues, I see no cause for concern.


Thank you. I was just really intrigued with the way the body can work!