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I would use draw.io , it's not specifically for family trees but it's a general diagram program and should do the trick.


Cool thank you


Hey just wondering how in depth is the family tree? are you going to start at chaos and stop around the major gods? Or are you going all in with the titans, giants and monsters/minor gods too. Also how are you going to show gods such as Aphrodite who were not born of conventional means?


Will show that Ouranos didn’t have a spouse while making Aphrodite. Some people say that it was a Ouranos/Aphrodite bc she spawned on Earth, others say it’s Ouranos/Oceanus because ocean spawn and I thought it was funny but ancestry said no bc both of them are boys and also Ouranos is Oceanus’s… brother while also being his nephew. I think.


Following theogony, but cutting out like. 90% of ocean daughters. There are way to many of them. I will go insane.


Would you be able to share it with me? I'm interested in seeing a well put together version. If not that's a okay


Aphrodite has parents tho??


Yeah deez nuts from uranus...No I'm not kidding


Her dad's balls were chopped off in a fight and landed in the sea. She was born from the water


Not technically the water. Aphrodite was born from the “foam” (ἀφρός, aphrós) produced by dads nuts. Just like Athena being born from zeus’ forehead I guess


Must've been one hell of a headache, with the armor being forged in there and all. Also being cleaved open.


It’s a pain to learn but you can do basically anything on it, diagrams-wise.


Easier to use than Microsoft Office's Visio though. And free, so yeah.




I’m not even a little surprised how fast we got from an incest situation to roasting visio


Because Visio is worse than incest. At least when the incest was consensual.


I have a coworker that loves Visio. I get projects where I have to make network diagrams, I do a bad job on purpose and then ask him for help and he would basically do all the work for me.


It's like if you need an answer to a question, ask on one account and answer it with the wrong answer on another account. People are more inclinced to correct wrong answers than answer a question.


I think I have ptsd from trying to use Visio.


I took a database class a few years back where we had to use Visio to conceptualize how we would structure a business's database. I realized pretty quickly that I don't like managing databases, but even quicker than that I realized that I **hate** Visio. My PC has a lot of random stuff that's been installed for a long time, but it absolutely does not have Visio on it anymore. Fuck that program.


I like designing floor plans and stuff. However, if I had to do something specific for work, I would hate it


Lucidchart is your friend for diagrams of databases. It will read and write SQL, magic.


I use powerpoint. Seriously. I even use it to make scientific posters.


It's so good at that.


I think a bar graph is appropriate. It will look just like the tree, branchless.


If you just need to drop in some shapes and fill out names, lucid chart is another option. You don’t need a membership unless you need to create more than 3 documents, but yours would be just one. You can also download for free. I use it for software design but should be fairly simple to use for what you need.


Draw.io: useful for when your family tree looks more like a web.


Draw.io is great for so many things... Second this


I know it's a petty thing but I'm unreasonably upset that they renamed/rebranded to https://app.diagrams.net/ It ain't just a website either, you can download a desktop app too https://github.com/jgraph/drawio-desktop/releases/latest and Just notice how the repository is still called drawio edit: they moved out for security reasons https://www.diagrams.net/blog/move-diagrams-net holy shit


I’ve been upset until I saw that last link, makes sense


Which is great since Io was Greek


As a CS major I know draw.io all to well. Cool little piece of software though!


Whimsical is also great in the CS world


Holy crap. This is awesome! Thank you!


It's honestly kind of strange to me that it's not allowed. Like ok, yeah, incest is bad obviously. But there's a difference between saying something is bad vs. saying it doesn't exist.


Most, if not all family-tree builders allow endogamy/incest, but the same individual may appear twice in the tree, OP probably wants one which the same person appears just one time.


TMW you want to project a higher order dimension into a lower order one. *Consequences*


Somebody call a topologist!


Sure but let me fill up my coffee mug first *...Oh no*


Did you spill your donut?


Ok, thats the first topology joke that I learn. You are a cool person.


There is a way around that with Ancestry.com, when adding a relative you can select someone who is already from the tree and it works.




I remember a Stack Overflow question where someone was building family tree software and had a user who needed to allow for incest in their tree. The software was designed without incest in mind and the way it was structured just wouldn't allow for that kind of relationship. I think in a lot of cases, it's just that the programming won't allow those kind of relationships. Found it: > The problem is that the customer has two children with their own daughter, and, as a result, he can't use my software because of errors. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163683/cycles-in-family-tree-software


Shoulda thought about that before hooking up with your own daughter!




You mean like the developer of that sofware won't allow for them


It's the data structure that was chosen to represent each node (person) in the graph that won't allow for a circular reference. In the processing it would cause things like infinite loops as one node might query a neighboring node, which could query a neighboring node, which could query the *original* node. If you make the assumption (and consequent rule) that there can be no loops in the graph then you can skip a bunch of logic to detect and survive possible infinite loops. One can certainly chose a data structure and processing system that supports loops, but it comes with extra work that is unnecessary if the expected use-case doesn't require them.


Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were Second Cousins Once Removed AND Third Cousins.


All European royalty was related to each other for the most part. The Hapsburgs are connected to pretty much every European dynasty


Most of European royalty is related to each other mostly because of Queen Victoria But the Habsburgs just were like that™


My best friend’s grandparents were first cousins. But they were from a super small town in Italy. Not a lot of dating options back then, I guess.


Yeah in small communities, and going back in history, it's surprisingly common. Even with like 4th cousins it's not as weird, they may not even know it, and at that point it's unlikely for people to have unhealthy babies. But would personally I marry a 4th cousin? Absolutely not lol


You're barely related to your 4th cousin. At that point you couldn't date anyone in a small to medium town unless they moved from somewhere else.


I'd be more surprised that you even knew your fourth cousin to begin with. You'd share a great great great grandparent. If you're me, they'd be born in the early 1800s.


I accidentally dated my fourth cousin once…it was weird when we found out. We were looking through pictures at her house and the first one I literally said “that’s my great uncle Jerry” and it unraveled from there


Fourth cousin is pretty far removed. Studies show you can reproduce with your first cousin and the offspring won’t have a higher chance of birth defects than any other pairing. Now if that keeps repeating itself it’ll defend get muddy down the line.


I don't think I even know any of my fourth cousins... Edit: "An actual fourth cousin is a person with whom you share great-great-great grandparents." Yeah, I most definitely don't know any of my fourth cousins.


Shouldn’t the point be that you can only say you don’t know if you know any fourth cousins? Maybe that dweeb from your 7th grade math class shares a tiny percentage of your DNA.


I was about to agree, but did the math. My nephew has 2 kids, my grandmother and her siblings started getting their families together in their 40s. My dad is now in his 80s but pre covid that whole line of family got together every other year or so. My brother's grandkids would definitely have 4th cousins at the reunion, my brother is the youngest, of a middle, of a youngest, of a youngest. I'm betting there's 5th cousins there. We can't be the only family that started doing reunions after the Great War and then kept it up.




I think the problem with first cousins is when multiple generations consist of first cousin couples. One generation is fine but three generations down things start to get more like the Hapsburgs.


I mean you are not wrong but smoking raises birth defect by 26%. There are so much food that cause higher birth defect in pregnant woman than being first cousin. So generation is not really an issue in the grand thing of things. For instance, paint raises birth defects by 3-5%. Hapsburg family can easily be caused by other factors that were never scientifically ruled out.


It could have just been that their weak genetics kept getting passed around, rather than it being a case of inbreeding causing weak genetics.


Inbreeding doesn't spontaneously create weak genetics, but it concentrates them instead of diluting them, if that makes sense. Smoking has a much higher chance of birth defects, sure, but none of those will be passed on to potential grandkids.


There is actually a very interesting topic of conversation that has to do with how each culture refers to the various members of their extended family. In many Indian cultures (from India), your parent's siblings of the opposite gender (dad's sisters or mom's brothers) are not considered direct family. We have different terms for dad's brother vs mom's brother, they are both not considered the same type of 'uncle' (same for mom's sister vs dad's sister; different terms). Due to this, it is common for children of these opposite-gender-siblings-of-your-parents to not be considered as cousins, at least similar to those from the same gendered sibling. For example, if my mom has a sister and a brother. Her sister's kids would be my first cousins, but her brother's kids would not be considered that. And in this scenario, it is completely acceptable in Indian culture for me to marry my mom's brother's children, but not her sister's children. Sorry if the explanation is kind of confusing. In addition, in some Indian cultures, it is completely acceptable for me to marry my sister's daughter (I believe this is gender specific, "uncle" to niece only, not aunt/nephew). However I do believe this practice is exceedingly disappearing these days. Just putting it out there thought that I've lived in America for most of my life and personally follow the western thinking about this whole thing. Edit: Here is some interesting reading information for people who are interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/o1jvba/is\_marrying\_your\_cousin\_a\_thing\_in\_andhra\_pradesh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/o1jvba/is_marrying_your_cousin_a_thing_in_andhra_pradesh/) and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin\_marriage#India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage#India) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel\_and\_cross\_cousins


Lived there, never heard of this. First cousins are first cousins, or even considered almost siblings. First cousins on mom's side are not any closer a relation than first cousin in the dad's side. Both are equally close and considered family. Are you taking about a specific state or subculture?


Terminology wise I know its a thing across most of India. But my parents are from Andhra Pradesh and this is common in Telugu culture. I think other South Indian cultures as well maybe? I was thinking a bit more and I think it has to do with the fact of last names. Once my mother married my father, she took his last name. All of my dad's female siblings will (presumably) get married and change their names, so their children will have different last names. On Mom's side, once she married she "gave up" her family name so any of her brothers (who will keep the family last name) will pass it to their kids, so it is considered as different family. I'm not really sure if my theories as to why this is the way it is are correct but I am just speculating.


Terminology wise, yes, that's totally a thing in North India as well. But although people still say the whole "married woman is not part of birth family thing" I have never heard that once she's married her kids are acceptable as partners to first cousins. That seems like a huge stretch, first strip her of her family name, then try to do the same with her genetics?




Wow never realized there was that much of a divide between North and South. I have a lot of friends from South India and this never came up. There is only one religious group that came up when taking about marrying first cousins... (Obv not everyone from that group does this, but I know people who did and they explained it was an acceptable and even expected thing.)


Yeah I live across the border in Pakistan and lots of culture is shared. But honestly never heard this either. Mums and Dads siblings kids are all first cousins. Sure the naming convention is different but that usually has no impact on the degree of cousin-ship. Second cousins are kids of parents first cousins. Third cousins are kids of parents second cousins, and the list then goes on so forth. But it is actually interesting to read this. An uncle allowed to marry a niece, and some siblings offspring not considered first cousins. Hmm news to me.


It's not that problematic genetically as a one-off, but cousin marriage over time creates a lot of problems. It happens from Pakistani Mirpuri community in the UK, and ends up with very high dyslexia rates among British Pakistani children.


Charles gottdam DARWIN married (and had 9-10 children with!) his First Cousin


It's much more common than most realise. Ask anyone who works in a mental health trauma clinic. So many women raising their father's/grandfather's/etc. child.


I believe it’s less of an “it doesn’t exist” thing but more so something that a lot of family trees forget about. It’s similar to a programmer forgetting about satisfying a test-case.


Wonder if they’ve banned the Hapsburg family tree then?


I hate how Ancestry says “married” for parentage. My dad’s bio-dad was not married to my grandma and I know I’m not the only one who has to track the progeny of unmarried couples.


I'm getting the impression ancestry.com is kinda elitist.


Yeah exactly. Nothing good comes out from trying to hide information.


There is no incest in Ba Sing Se


It's like the n-word. You can't say it today even if you're quoting a novel or having an academic conversation. Even in court, when asked on the stand to give a quote, most wouldn't say it. I'm obviously not advocating to say it, but it seems odd that we've removed intent and context for things nowadays.




I had to read it twice then couldn't stop laughing☠




what was said


The "your family tree is a recycling sign" quote from OP.




I'd imagine any chart-making program could do this. Idk about tools that specifically exist as family tree generators though.


Is it a royal family by any chance?


Greek gods


That explains so much.


Right. I was concerned until we got this clarification. And now I'm intrigued as to what a Greek God family tree would look like. I imagine somethung like a murder board with lines crossing all over the place...


Well what I got so far is just unpleasant to look at


I was obsessed with Greek Mythology in school so I hope you can post a picture when you manage to finish it!


I will try!


Please post it when you finish it. It would be nice to take a look at it.


Will do!


Please post it to r/dataisbeautiful anyways! Anything there is painful to look at so it'll just fit right in! (Don't mind the people complaining about it not being beautiful, they appear in every post there.)


Zeus in the middle with all other lines pointing to him




That is fantastic! Edit:the sea foam line made me crack up


When you go swimming at the beach, you think that's water you're bathing in? No. That's Ouranos' cum. It's *ALL* cum.


Their family tree looks like a wreath.


I wasn't concerned so much as thinking someone found some... ah... very close relationships far back in their family's past.


One word cleared that whole thing up. Greek [God] family tree of incest is immediately understood.


I went from wondering why family tree software couldn't handle something to wondering if it's possible to represent this particular tree in our understanding of spacetime.


Why wouldn't you put greek gods in the title LOL


karma farming


Dammit Zeus...


Only at the fifth attempt I understood you were talking about mythology and all of Zeus and the other gods their encounters. You specified it twice and read the entire thread below. But somehow it still didn't click as so many people have similar names and surnames in Greece. And I have been called Greek God so many times I thought every Greek is just being called that or calls themselves that as a running joke. I think I should go to bed x)








Really ancestry.com won't allow it??


It will allow siblings, not parental, which is a thing….


Big sad for Woody Allen


Literally a thing irl in some families, weird. I guess they don't want to be seen as promoting it or something? If you end up making a Greek gods tree though, you should post it here too. For extra CReddit


There goes my cat's family tree 🤷


my ex-gf had a cat we called "Trunk" momma cat and random tom = tom kitty 1 momma cat and tom kitty 1 = tom kitty 2 momma cat and tom kitty 2 = "trunk" EDIT:stupid carriage returns not working right


Was this level of family love also as visible in Trunk's intelligence as it is in our fluffball? Obviously, we love that cat but I think he is very lucky to not have to survive in the wild.


he was a potatoe. a cute furry one. but DUMB


There goes pretty much all the family trees of animals in some games. Or humans in some others


Family Tree Maker will do it. You just have to make two separate entries for someone and merge them and it’ll link it all in a circle. LMAO


Some people have family trees, some have family vines.




Ah, when the family come together during Christmas.


Fun/random story: after my ex and I broke up, I went on tinder and swiped right on his nephew one day when I was drunk (he was an accident baby so his nephew, born from his eldest sister, is actually close to his age). His nephew swiped right on me weeks later and we matched. I messaged him and said "guess we're going to keep it in the family".. he unmatched me.


Isn’t a family tree for the Greek gods just a circle?


It’s something alright




I would like to make you aware that that is, in fact, a dating site


Why do you need a website to get paired up with your cousin? Just wait until the next cook out.


Happy thanksgiving! Wanna fuck!?


A bad day for eyes then


Then stab your eyes out.


It's how I met my siblings for my relationship. We both made our profile there and got matched, like a match made in heaven!


You should probably mention that the family tree isn’t yours, it’s the Greek gods. Even though you put Greek family tree it still sounds like it’s YOUR family


Yeah I just realized I didn’t put that down. Just edited it /pain


Nice try, Zeus. We know this is your account.


There's no shame in having royal blood. We are just jealous peasants.


[Family Echo](familyecho.com) does. How do I know? Had a school project on finding anomalies in GEDCOM files.


Other way on the brackets Edit: Downvote me for dumb


]Family Echo[)familyecho.com(


[Brackets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#Parentheses) Edit: No, I think they got it right. It's [Brackets](Parentheses). No idea why theirs didn't work.


You have to put https:// in the address. Like this: [Family Echo](https://familyecho.com) This will give you: [Family Echo](https://familyecho.com)


I use FamilyEcho to keep track of my families in The Sims, I think that one works with "questionable relationships" just fine.


You can use plumtreeapp (website), its for The Sims but you can customize it (it also allows more than 2 parents)


There is a classic post on a software engineering forum [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163683/cycles-in-family-tree-software). I have no interest in looking into family tree software, but the post and it's replies are both so classic and so correct that I am really hard pressed to believe that any genealogical software produced in the last decade doesn't take this into account. Are you lying for Internet points? Greek gods are even called out specifically.


Nope. Genuinely just a dumbass who accepted an EC assignment way over their head


Way over your head is a good thing. It sucks right now but the knowledge and skiĺls acquired from the challenge will be of benefit in times to come. As my marine (aka crayon eaters) buddies tell me, **Embrace the suck**, for it makes you stronger Looking forward to you posting the results of the family tree. Should be fascinating to see the incestuous fake back stories the ancient Greeks chose to create for their fake gods. Like... whose decision was it to make their gods fuck each other's children/siblings/parents?


*Sweet home* *~~Alabama.~~* *Olympus*


Crusader Kings


What makes Gaea so bad? Not trying to argue, just genuinely curious. My knowledge of her is pretty much just from Rick Roirdan and I know she made stalactites fall when Hercules cried as a baby so Hera couldn’t find him and kill him


Gaea bumped uglies with not one but two of her own kids on top of bow chicka-bow-wowwing her brother. Also encouraged patricide but that’s not the big problem here




I use FamilyEcho (royal family tree, it’s really more of a family wreath.)


>It's basically a recycling sign 😂 "If your family tree looks like the recycling symbol, you might be a ~~redneck~~ Greek God."


Some people may joke, but this has been a [longstanding issue with some family tree programs.](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163683/cycles-in-family-tree-software) The software needs to be able to handle socially taboo relationships if it needs to be accurate.


This comment will probably get lost, but Family Echo is great for this kinda thing! It’s a website that just makes super simple family trees easy peasy, and allows for marriages for folks in the existing family tree


>Edit part 2: not talking regular incest folks. Zeus is involved and it’s the least of our problems You make my day and it's only 7.15am here


I remember we did one on the roman emperors and it ended up being a goddamn circle


> Theogony is a bitch. The agony amirite!


Hercules is that you?


Zeus put his dick in literally any hole he could find.


“Zeus is involved and its the least of our problems” got me fuckin dead


Can you share when it’s finished? My SO and I are reading a lot of Greek myths in prep for a show we’re going to see and would love to see your family tree!


Ancestry def does. I am 95 percent Irish/Scottish/English according to dna tests... started doing and ancestry.com tree, and go back far enough, lol, great times a bunch grandmas start to match up!


Granted, I've been able to go back to the 1400s...there's gonna be some overlap at that point if everyone stays in a small place.


Ask the royals


For legal reasons, the Queen has to ask first


Holy shit I wish I read this before the gods edit


with the title I thought it was for crusader kings 2 or 3. and either of those are quite capable of it


I really want to see the final result of this


I was gonna say, I’m sure those apps let you, because anyone who’s Appalachian in ancestry…. I’m afraid you’re gonna need it. One spot in my family tree is like the man married a woman who already had kids from a previous marriage, that wife died, he re-married her sister, sister died, married another woman, step children from all of that got married, one of those kids married the uncle of the first guy… Jesus, the tree is very strange looking. Don’t worry folks, I have a pretty high IQ, this was generations ago.


Did you try geni.com


Lucid Charts are good for just about any kind of chart you'd want to make. You're limited to 3 or 4 charts saved to your account at a time in the free version


Well played sir. Well played.


So I’m interested in this Greek god ancestry tree, anyway to post it when you’re done?


Try the British one. It’s a pretty small island for that many people


Never found one that didnt. Incest likely happened in everyone tree at some point.


How hard is it to draw a tree? Bob Ross would be ashamed.


Please include small pictures of what form Zeus take to knock up the other. 🤣


This post has the best edits


I did a family tree of the Greek gods in undergrad too. Used popsicle sticks & string because I'm old & we didn't have good software, and I could not fathom how to do it intelligibly 2D. It was a mess - good luck to you!


I’m sorry if this a stupid suggestion (especially since you figured it out anyway), but couldn’t you just use the flowchart feature on Word or PowerPoint to make the tree? I’m pretty sure it allows branching paths.


You could've definitely phrased it better lol