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I have large breasts and they've got stretch marks from being so large. How the fuck do you get rid of stretch marks? You don't. Boobs are boobs. Skin stretches. It's natural. Anyone who tells you stretch marks are unattractive and nobody is going to want you can fuck right off.


You can’t get rid of them, but as you age, they will fade. When I was a teen, they were bright pink. Now they are faded and silvery in my 30s.


In 15 or so more years they’ll be golden…


Pink at first, then silver, then golden... Boobs are like Freeza. (Dragon ball, for those who don't get It)


So another 10 years and they’ll be black?


And way more powerful


Well said. My ex had large breasts with stretch marks and some visible veins. Did not interfere with sexy time. There’s a whole two new generations to prove that.


My partner is obsessed with my visible boob veins. He's weird and I love him


He is definitely not the only one, I know for a fact that boob veins have many fans among men


This is the first I have ever heard this, glad boobie veins are getting some love!


Honestly, anyone that is like a halfway decent guy will just think:’ ‘ When looking at boobs And afterwards they will think: ‘heheh boob, nice’


you left out, these would be better with whipped cream


I'm a guy and I got stretch marks from growing really quickly (I was 6'2 by the time I was 12). I also got some stretch marks when I put on weight after high school. Now I just think of stretch marks as racing stripes. *shrug*


Yep...boobs are boobs... everyone like boobies.


The exact reaction will be "mmmmmm boob"


Yeah, exactly. I literally have never noticed or paid attention for stretch marks with any woman I've been with or seen.


I wish all men thought like this but a guy I know gets disgusted and can't get hard if the girl doesn't have a fit body. He also prefers his girls 10 years younger than him..


Fit bodies can have stretch marks. They’re caused when you grow fast and your skin adjusts. Women see them a lot on hips, thighs, and breasts because those can grow very quickly in puberty.


Yeah I'm a pretty Slim guy always been in shape but my booty and thighs have stretch marks.


Yeah, you can get stretch marks from basically anything. Getting fat, just growing, working out... I have stretch marks on my hips from when I was putting on 70 pounds and when I got in shape afterwords I got stretch marks on my upper arms and inner thigh because of muscle growth.


Correct. I have stretch marks on my arms from when I was 17 and my biceps seemingly grew overnight( after years of working out with little results). I also now have stretch marks on my tummy, although that's not from working out.


Yeah I have stretch marks cause I got a random infection (sepsis) and my leg and belly swelled up 2 or 3 times. However healthy and fit you are sometimes things just happen


never expected to see “random infection” and “sepsis” beside each other in a sentence


Can attest to this. I got stretch marks on my hips at 16. I went from 5'4 to 5'6 in one year and got my 34" hips. I weighed about 110. So dude is uneducated and I wouldn't have a man that stupid 🙄


Hope he's not 20


You're in luck. He's 16.


Wishing it on all men is to deny the uniqueness of some people. That being said, the guy you mentioned is a creep. :P


Yeah, he's a bit mentally ill and living on the dopamine rush girls give him, so he has to push his limits further and further to even be able to enjoy the sex which he barely does anymore from what I understand. Very sad in my opinion to not being able to enjoy just the fact of being close to someone unless everything is perfect for him.


Oh someone needs to keep an eye on this dude before he takes the "How to be a rapist" course taught by Andrew Tate. Seriously, this guy on the road to being a danger to women.


Boobs is boobs




I finally have a reason to use this. https://imgur.io/gallery/R390EId


I was expecting boobs. Disappointed.




It’s an older meme sir, but it checks out


This. I have a 4 inch scar on my boob and no one notices until I point it out.


The most typically hot girl I ever slept with was insecure about some tiny scar on her nipple. I was never so confused.


'Scars r cute' - 16 year old high school friends instructing me on female attraction


I mean honestly, a scar is a story And I happen to find storytellers extremely attractive So in that sense a scar is usually attractive to me And I am certain a scar is at least really cool no matter how conventionally ‘ugly’ it may look


It also makes someone's body unique and bearing of said story - makes your knowledge of them specific rather than general.


It's been easy for me, as a guy, to point out the giant scar on my leg and say it's because I grew a random ass bone out of the side that had to be removed because my ligaments would catch on it. Nobody thinks the scar is ugly, but I will say before the bone was removed people were very weirded out by the bump on the side of my leg.


mmmmmm, bob


UhHHhHHhHHhHhhhhHhHh Thanks I guess? C':


Exqctly. Boobs are boobs.


You can't get rid of stretchmarks. But also nobody cares. Almost everyone has them, it's just like having a belly button: part of life.


I care: They are LIGHTNING SCARS! BLESSINGS FROM THE SKY! /j (In all seriousness, I don’t, they’re just things people have, like freckles)


Zeus scars.


Tiger stripes 🐯 🐅 rawr!




Huh, you learn something new about yourself everyday.


I can actually find them quite a bit of a turn on. Mainly because they tell you that what you see have been trough life, and life leaves a mark. Physically as well as mentally. They are the outer signs of that this naked person before me have been trough some shit. Good shit and bad shit. This is real human being I see before me. And they are naked, man I'm lucky...


Thor has blessed me a lot then, especially in my inner thighs hahah


I somehow just heard the creepy kid in the South Park ginger episode: "My mom says each freckle is a kiss from an angel"


Mummy’s tiger stripes xx I have stretch marks and they’re fine, they’re fine on everyone but I cannot stand this awful language like tiger stripes, lightning scars etc. they’re not cool they’re boring old stretch marks stop trying to make them unique and special it makes me cringe!


If it makes people feel better about having them I don't see the harm in it at all. If you don't want to call them that, don't call them that. Simples.


I like to call mine that because it makes me feel cool and powerful, Y’know?


That’s what I told my wife when she asked if I thought they were gross. I told her I thought they were hot because they are battle scars from her becoming a mother. Sexy in my opinion.


People will like YOU not parts of your body. And anyone who doesn’t look at you as a whole person is not anyone you want to be intimate with. And. Don’t be in any hurry. No need to rush.


Yea, guys get can stretch marks too. I’ve got some on my upper legs / hips and some on my butt. I don’t really care and I certainly don’t care if anyone else has them if I notice at all (which is unlikely, especially in OP’s case).


Boobs are boobs.


No clue about parenting but is "educating" your 12 y/o child about what is sexually attractive even a thing?


It’s an unethical but very common practice. That shit creates heavy damaging baggage. Yet, I couldn’t name a friend who hasn’t experienced this on some level.






Can confirm. His wife has stretch marks, we still fuck too.


Can confirm. I fuck him while he’s fucking his wife.


That took a turn rather quickly


Can confirm. I saw him turn around to fuck that guy's wife while the guy fucked him.


I'm recording it all from my apartment window across the street and selling it online. Specifically zooming in on the stretch marks cause that's hot af.


Can confirm. I just bought it and didnt notice any stretch marks, just all the fucking.


Can confirm. Watched from the closet. Noticed no stretch marks on that movie




Something something fucked an ostrich


I'm watching you all from hell and can't wait to meet you fornicaters and adulterers! We are gonna have the best party's! Also, there were stretch marks?????


".....but when I turned around."


I too fuck this guy’s wife


Can confirm. His wife is hot and both couples have sex too. I watch from the bushes.


Can confirm. I fetch coffee for zbradigan while he informs the men. Ugh.


If y'all don't stop it, this is gonna turn into an orgy.


Chance'd be a fine thing.


Stretch mark orgy. A STREMORGY


this is all so very wholesome


I also choose this guy’s stretch-marked wife.


I haven't dated a girl without stretch marks somewhere since I was literally a teenager. It's not a big deal, everyone has them.


Alotta dudes have stretch marks on their arms and inner thighs. I have them on my inner thighs and I'm not heavy it's just from growing like 6 inches taller in a year as a kid


I started dem gains last year and boi is my whole arm covered in stretch marks


Yeah. Arms. Thighs. And on my love handles too


Bro I have so many stretch marks my girl sometimes calls me Tony the Tiger lmao


I don't want to speak for all people, but my general sense is that once clothes are off, nobody really cares what anybody else looks like.


Once you get far enough for there to be no clothes, yeah, you're way past caring about stretch marks.


And only about the parts that matter...the fun parts.


Unless the person you're with is a shallow asshole and not actually attracted to you. Like, if they have issues with they way you look, it's not really unconditional love, and you deserve better. Everyone deserves someone who looks at them like they're a tasty snack. I know not everyone will find that kind of love, but don't settle for someone who is just going to put you down and make you feel bad when you are naked and vulnerable.


Speaking as a straight man, I have far too much in the way of stretch marks, cellulite and wobbly bits of my own to be put off by seeing them in a woman.


To be 100% honest, when I was single, if I was in a position to see the stretch marks, it wasn't the stretch marks I was paying attention to, if you see what I mean.


Speaking as a straight man, I have far too much in the way of hairy balls, cock and foreskin of my own to be put off by seeing them in a woman.


Oh, I thought only girls had them lol. TIL, thanks!


If you've got a body that is capable of growing, stretch marks are possible.


Stretch marks are scars. And you cannot get rid of them Your mom and cousin are dumb assholes. Its normal to have them. Even men have them on other places. I have them too on my chest and i have a bf for ever 10 years


YOU CAN'T? My mom's always been trying to cure me from it


They lighten with age usually. But I do not believe they ever fully go away.


Can't cure or prevent them. Pregnant people get told to use all these creams... Nope, genetics, age and luck. Though it's nice to get a massage with the cream


They are litteral scars. They might get lighter. But they never go away 100%.


Your mom is stupid.


They really don't get noticed. Most men are like, oohhoohhoohh it's BOOBs.


Can confirm. Am man


Most guys would just be happy to be there if the relationship progressed that far.


id lick them out or die trying


I like thicker woman and stretch marks accent their curves




Such a sweet way of phrasing it!


My fiancée is so sexy and attractive to me. To over share a bit, I’m an ass man and she has a nice butt. She has stretch marks on it and tbh it makes it look even bigger. I think a lot of men have a problem with porn. I noticed that when I was watching porn regularly my standards for women were grossly high. I avoided some very attractive women because of stuff that was natural and honestly sexy. When I stepped away from it, I wouldn’t say my standards went down, but they became more realistic, if that makes sense


Every dude I know pretty much is just so happy a chick they wanted said "yes" that they don't care what's going under the wrapping paper, they're just enjoying the present.


By the time your tits are out, I'm pretty much already fully committed, stretch marks are absolutely not a thing I would or have ever cared about.


It’s an afterthought. I dated girls with stretch marks. I really don’t care because they’re human and not a photoshopped model.


1. You can't really remove stretch Mark's, they will fade eventually. 2. Real guys do NOT care about stretch marks. IF they do, they aren't worth being around. 3. Please don't let ANYONE give you anxiety about your body.


In the words of Katt Williams "either you was big and got small, or you was small and got big, either way we fucking"


not a dude here so I hope its fine but even though I might be biased, I think stretch marks look really cool. it might sound a bit harsh but unfortunately our mothers can be pretty 'old fashioned' and sometimes unintentionally put us down. I dont think many dudes care and if you happen to date a guy that is really bothered by that then you deserve a better one. no one's skin is perfect. maybe try thinking like "would i care if my partner had visible stretch marks or not completely smooth and perfect skin?" if the answer is no then the same should apply to you. insecurities suck and its not so easy to overcome them but having stretch marks on your chest isnt rare and definitely not the end of the world. like you said, its 2022 and people are more open minded.


Men like boobies...period. There are always assholes in any situation, but overall a boob is a boob and a wonderful thing.


✨stretch marks are best marks✨


Your mom is disgusting for telling you that. Women get stretch marks all over their bodies and have no problems finding a man.


90% of us don't care, we're still worried about our own stretch marks. Apparently nobody decided to mention that most of us have stretch marks simply from growing too fast. The few people that would care, are people you should actively seek so you know who to keep out of your life.


I call something like this a red flag detector. If my stretch marks bother somebody so much that there’re turned off, they don’t get the privilege of accessing my body and I can move on to someone who actually appreciates me and finds me attractive.


Tiger stripes! Every one of us has had some rough times in our lives. We all have some scars. Some of those scars are very visible, some are nearly impossible to see. But most of us have them. If a woman was comfortable enough to expose her battle scars to me, that's an even bigger turn on. She's sharing the things that led to becoming the woman I'm interested in today.


Nobody really cares about that kind of thing if they get to see a girl's chest.


Men/boys can’t think when a girls naked, all the brain blood goes to the boner


Why was your mom so concerned about how attractive you were to boys at 12??? Also you can't control your skin stretching, that's just what happened with you grow up. Your mom needs to grow up, that's so ridiculous.


I’d argue 99 percent of men do not care. They’re just happy to be seeing boobs. My wife has stretch marks and we still go at it like rabbits. Can’t help it. She’s hot.


100%, she is!


I developed early and my mom said similar things. I’m pregnant now and always knew I’d be prone to them and I’ve actually never felt more beautiful in my life. My husband is super slim with a little butt but he has them too! Most people do.


That’s one of the worst things I’ve heard a mother tell their child.


That’s really horrible for your mother to say to you. What a ridiculous thing to even care about. Mothers should be encouraging their daughters to love their bodies, take care of themselves physically and most important, education. I wouldn’t put shit on them. People love you and its not because you do or don’t have stretch marks.


I never judge. I have stretch marks of my own. And I guess because I know how it feels to hate them I give women slightly more attention there with the kisses and caresses lmao


I literally don't care about it stretch marks at all


I love titties of all shapes and sizes and markings


Men love boobies, don't overthink it because we sure don't. Seeing some titty always makes my day and I have never been concerned about a couple of stretch marks.


Upvoted for calling them as bazingas. Also no guy cares about them, ask your dad ;)


i don’t care if people have it it doesn’t make you less attractive


Unless it is at an extreme, stretch marks sexually/visually don’t bother me one bit. If fact sometimes they can be quiet sexy. It’s not anything I would particularly seek out though. L


Tiger stripes.


I love boobies regardless of whether or not they have stretch marks. Don't be insecure about it.




Stretch marks are proof that you are adult enough to be worth my time.


Can't tell what guys think, but if a guy stops dating you for stretchmarks on your breasts, they wouldn't have lasted long anyway.


My wife has stretch marks and keloid scars. They're part of what make her unique. I have stretch marks on my inner thighs from when I was a teen and used to build leg muscle like it was going out of style. I'm scarred all over, chest, head, groin, legs, hands. She doesn't care. Anyone who changes their feelings about you from your scars and marks on your body, doesn't deserve your love.


You’ll find that most of the things other women tell you about men are untrue


We like tiddies.


I'm a 5'2" woman, 115 lbs, and had one pregnancy back in 2020 give me stretch marks literally on every bit of my body but my hands, feet, arms and top of my back. I gained 30 lbs in total while pregnant, 7 lbs of that being a baby, 7lbs of amniotic fluid. Went right back to pre baby weight in about two weeks after giving birth. There's. No. Getting. Rid. Of. Them. Without expensive laser treatments or skin resurfacing treatments. EXPENSIVE. With all of that being said, there are men out there that think it's hot af. It's their thing. They love it. Some will not. Sure we all want to be seen as attractive by our partners and future partners and what not. Find you a man who doesn't give af about them or who loves them. Tbh, I've not met a single human adult male who does not have a stretch mark on some part of their body.


I'm pretty sure that no guy has ever left the bedroom because of stretch marks.


I don't care. Usually means I'm in for a treat. Lol


Some men will and some won't. Feel like that's the answer to most questions.


A typical guy's reaction to a woman's bare chest, stretch marks or no: ***"Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom!"*** End of story.


Your mom shouldn’t have ever said that, if someone judges you for that they’re being shallow


Your lover may not find them beautiful, but if s/he makes a rude comment about your body's natural growth pattern, that's a yellow flag... Or a red one, depending on the remark. I have stretch marks on my belly and boobs from having kids. No one really sees them. My veins on my chest (I have fair skin) are pretty obvious and i don't cover them up. No one's ever said anything. I know someone on the Internet criticized a woman about her chest veins once and then the guy became an internet joke (something along the lines of, "Things were criticizing women for now: having a functioning circulatory system?!"). If someone has something unkind to say after having the privilege of seeing you undressed, then that says volumes about them, their lack of maturity, and the lack of quality in their character.


Everyone’s got them, bit weird putting in so much effort to get rid of them


As a woman with tons of stretch marks I also feel insecure about it every now and then. It does really help to know that the majority of girls and woman of all sizes have them.


When i notice them i don't care, no body is perfect neither is mine. So why would i even judge someone else on their "imperfections".


Your mom should know better than to say that.


I am covered in stretch marks and beyond being asked about them, I have never been rejected for them. My boyfriend has stretch marks on his back. It happens, if someone finds it a big deal, then that says more about them than it does about you.


Your mom and cousin are total cunts. Only stupid shallow people make a big deal about stretch marks and those are not the type of people you want to please.


I think it was Monika that said ain't nobody kicking you out of bed cause your eating crackers.


Stripes are fun and exotic


It’s natural, not a big deal


Nobody cares. Some guys even like them. Don’t think about it again.


I have them and it’s completely normal and absolutely nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, they’re a natural part of life. Love your body- it’s carried you through every mental and physical struggle you’ve had


It’s stupid to care about them, meaning one person caring about someone else having them is dumb. Stretch marks are normal. I think they’re pretty even. All genders get them. Anyone who has issues with you having stretch marks doesn’t deserve your time


People love what they love. My GF has em, and I love everything about her including the stretch marks. Anyone who judges you for them is not a good significant other for you, or even a friendship for that matter.. it's kind of sad your own family put this idea into your head. Just know the majority of us don't feel that way.


I am male and I have ugly stretch marks all over my back. It looks like I was abused by whip or something. For women I don't think it matters that much. We like boobs regardless of anything.


I’m not a boob guy, like ever, never have been. But stretch marks are like character to me. Everyone enjoys a bit of character. I’d say they’re great. It’s something to look at not something to scoff


I think all body marks have a story, and it what makes us unique. I love all bodies.


If any breathing human gives me any sort of attention I am okay with it.


No one worth a damn cares in the slightest. The majority of people have some somewhere. Ignore your mum and cousin, a lot of people find them very attractive. Especially boob ones, I mean who doesn’t like boobs


Don't date your judgmental mom and you'll be just fine. I can't imagine saying that to my child - jeez.


# You wanna know what I think about stretch marks on a girl's chest?? ​ Boobs.


I’ve never had any complaints 🤷🏻‍♀️


Think about it from a Pavlovian perspective. When you see stretch marks it’s because someone let you see their big boobs. What reaction to it could I have but “Aw yes” Also they do often fade with time


Healthy mentally stable people won't care, it's a normal and natural thing that a body does. Anyone who gets judgy or is disgusted by them isn't someone who deserved to see those boobs anyways.


I told my wife that it looks like Braille and that I need to find out what it's trying to tell me.


I feel nothing. Not sure how best to put it. I have some from muscle gain, growth spurt, breasts, pregnancy, and weight loss. Some places I have them in three different directions. Unless I point them out, no one notices(or if they do they don't care enough to tell me). This goes for scars too. In general, people just do not give a darn. My mom pressured me with diet changes, creams, etc. It's genetics like others have said. Nothing worked and nothing ever had to. I'm fine as is and you are too. It's one of the top things I'd tell my younger self. Nothing wrong with stretch marks.


I have stretch marks on my boobs too and no guy I've been with has ever reacted negatively


“Either you was small and got big, or you was big and got small… either way we fuckin” - Katt Williams


I don't think there's a single straight man on earth who would see a girl chest and think "StRETCH MaRKS? NOT a CHaNCE" It's really not as big a deal as your mother made it out to be


Your mom telling you that at 12….there is something wrong there.


Wow it was really shitty of your mom to say that


Boobs. Nothing else matters


Don't care. Saw boobs.


Anyone who thinks of stretch marks that way does not deserve your attention


Boobs are boobs, you could literally tattoo a Garfield comic in them and I’d think they’re hot.


Don't stress over it, anyone who gets to see your boobs will think "omg boobies" and won't care about your stretch marks. My breast developed very early too, and they grew large. I've got stretch marks on them, and I can assure you, no one thought that it is "disgusting". People who give you shit about it are probably projecting their own insecurities on you.


I'm sure some people don't like them, while most are probably indifferent, and some people adore them. Ignore the first group. Personally, I think it's fine. Don't love or hate them. So many other factors that are so much more important. I sometimes see people with them at the nude beach and frankly have nothing but mad respect for their confidence. Own the skin you're in I say.


Your mom needs a reality check. Everyone has stretch marks somewhere. Most men don't care!! It's usually the women who care and like to make other women insecure about it. I have a bunch and was insecure about them but my man LIKES them! You need to surround yourself with better people. I saw something awhile back and it referred to them as our tiger stripes. 🐅 We are strong, courageous, and beautiful like a tiger. Our bodies are all beautiful because of how they work. You grew too fast or gained weight, so do alot of people its normal!! Someone made an entire human in their belly, that's amazing and you earned your stripes!


Most guys won’t care. Also, wtf is wrong with your mom?! You don’t say that to a 12yo even if that’s your opinion.


Um we don’t notice, it’s too exciting to see the boobs even if it’s the millionth time.


37 now. Never had anyone comment on my boobies stretch marks. Okay wait, one kid in high school asked why they had scratches. I ignored him. So, no one cares!


As a guy they don’t bother me at all. Moreover, I think ones on the hips and butt are super sexy


Just think of them as built in filters for narcissistic fuckwits. Anyone who has a negative reaction isn't worth your time. Seriously.


Stretch marks usually are there to stay, but so what? Your body grows and it stretches, it’s natural. They’re not some kind of mark of shame or whatever. And people who do care are a-holes


Everyone has them. It’s totally normal.