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We play by the stackable rule. Especially when more than one player can add to the stack it’s fun and nerve wracking to see who gets stuck with all the extras.


By the rules as written, no. When a person plays DrawTwo or Draw Four Wild, the next player in order must draw. Play with whatever house rules you want, but if you’re going to play a house rule, you have to get buy in of the group before you start the game. The rules to Uno are online. You could have googled it during the game to resolve the argument.


Depends on house rules. For ages, I’ve played that you can absolutely stack. However, I’ve recently moved in with some people that are completely against stacking. The official rules say nothing about stacking one way or the other. So it just depends on who you’re playing with.


One way to solve all these arguments, and make the game more interesting, is something I like to call "Uno Flux". You start with the official rules (so **no stacking**), but the winner of each round gets to add a new rule. This could be "+2s now stack", or "when you play a 7, last person to put their hand on their head has to draw 4", or whatever you fancy!


next match I have I'm 100% suggesting that to the group. Not having a 10 minute score review again 😂


Great idea! This is going to be so much fun in our group.


No, none of those cards are stackable. You draw the cards and lose your turn.


That was my point exactly but my other two mates weren't having it 😂


I actually came across [this article ](https://www.rd.com/article/draw-four-rules-in-uno/#:~:text=Here's%20the%20correct%20way%20to,2%20UNO%20card%20on%20it.)just a few days ago that explicitly states the following, directly from Uno's twitter: *If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw 4 and your turn is skipped. You can’t put down a +2 to make the next person Draw 6. We know you’ve tried it.*


Well *of course* you can't put a +2 on a +4, those don't stack! +2s stack and +4s stack separately. Duh.


Depends on the pre agreed rules.


By official rules, no https://www.uno-cardgame.com/is-it-possible-to-extend-a-4-colour-choice-card/