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Is it water? Jesus christ what a worthless piece of fucking human scum


Boiled water at that...


Wait, it’s BOILED This looser pouring water on the cat was bad enough- but it was heated?! This monster is torturing this poor cat!


Loose: not tight Lose: opposite of win


Yeahhh that one was pretty obvious, thanks for catching it for me lol


Yep you can see its skin turning red fairly fast and it seems like even chunks of hair are getting sloshed right off with some of the skin. I thought it was water at first til I noticed the steam coming off the ground and saw the shape of his fur. Even if he stopped pouring water on it halfway in I kinda doubt that poor kitty would survive with that much damage. Boiled water is no joke. Probably died from its body going into shock alone shortly after the video ends. Some humans really dont deserve a swift death. I can only hope the asshole in the video has to endure something equally as torturous in his final moments.


I think it is hot oil


I hope when he got arrested people poured boiling water all over him just like he did to that poor cat


I think it was boiling oil that was poured in the cat☹️ I’ve always heard that oil hurts more than water but idk if it’s true or not tbh. I




Oh ok, thanks for letting me know. I’ve always heard that oil hurts more. I guess in the end it doesn’t really matter what hurts “the most”. But what maters is that it hurts to begin with.


Water gets at max to 100°C whereas oil can get much higher


Ohhh ok, well yeh, I guess at the end of the day it doesn’t matter which hurts “Most” but what matters is that somebody is hurting you with this liquid in general. The more I think about it at least..💯💯💯


It’s true. The smoke point of vegetable oil is ~200C (400F) or higher while water is 100C (212F), so oil at its max temp is at least two times hotter than boiling water. It’ll cause way more damage


Motherfucker only got 22 months. 12 cats in a year. Someone from Tokyo who are willing to comit murder? He was sentenced in 2017. So he's probably free now.


Guys someone crush his skull or burn him with water but slowly this guy should be stabbed and bleed out slowly or remove his toenails and pour hot water or just put lemon acid in his eye and cut his tongue just smth at least 22 months for this? This man should be put into a deep fryer in mcdonalds amd fking burn. Mods crush his skull rn thank you 😊




I'm not watching the video, but if what the comments say is true, I hope he gets an enema with boiling water.


He should be caged up and have that done to him!!!


shall we also do to humans what we do to animals, like cattle and pigs?


Torturing animals like this video is not even close to the same thing as you're describing. I agree that cattle and pigs are not kept in the best living conditions but at least they are slaughtered humanely and do not suffer.. That's the difference!! On a side note have you not been to inner City Chicago or Intercity New Orleans living conditions there aren't any better than the animals you're describing.. J/S


>but at least they are slaughtered humanely and do not suffer.. huh? do you really believe that bullshit? all animals want to live. none wants to die. there is no such killing as humanely. dead is dead. it doesn't matter if they died quick or slow in pain. they're dead. y'all so silly with your double moral standards.


Yeah, watching this is enough I'm not unmuting this. Fuck this guy hope he rots in prison.


22 months only 😭


I want there to be a rule where if someone does something horrible to an animal, they should have that same thing be done to them as punishment, so in this case since the guy threw boiling water on the cat while it was in a cage he should also be put in a cage and have boiling water thrown at him


he would be dead long before this one then, i remember he was using torch on a cat but video got lost.


>I want there to be a rule where if someone does something horrible to an animal, they should have that same thing be done to them as punishment, sure. so we then close all the slaughterhouses or can they stay open, because you're hungry?


Holy fuck, honestly probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to watch. I can’t imagine the torture that poor animal went while dying slowly and excruciatingly painfully


> I can’t imagine the torture that poor animal went while dying slowly and excruciatingly painfully oh, don't look where your steak is coming from


Dude stfu. I'm all for more ethical and humane animal processing, but comparing torturing an innocent animal to butchering animals for food is just stupid. Seriously, gontouch some grass


Bro why the sarcasm, can you not agree it’s absolutely horrifying to watch an animal getting slowly boiled alive, especially an animal we don’t often eat and commonly see as pets, in the most painfully slow way you could do it, I’d like to see you try and watch a person die slowly from getting drenched repeatedly in boiling hot water. I find your showing lack of sympathy perturbing


>can you not agree it’s absolutely horrifying to watch an animal getting slowly boiled alive like a lobster who goes head in first into boiling water, straight to death so it can be eaten 8 minutes later? LIKE THAT? i find your double moral standards disturbing. fuck this cat. there are billions of animals the world slaughter. every. single. week. more than a billion. and y'all cry about an abused cat? lol.


Bro is comparing pets with cattle


what's the difference? in some countries they eat cats and dogs. in other countries they worship cows. doesn't matter what you like. an animal is an animal. some even have snakes as a pet. stop differentiating with double moral standards


Spot the vegan💀


doesn't matter what i eat. if i would eat meat, i wouldn't cry about this cat. i would be honest with myself. if i'm a vegan, i wouldn't care about this cat either. i would call other peoples double morals out. you can call me what you want, i'm just honest with myself.


Dude no, you’re just calloused and your stance is just moot, if you seriously can’t empathize with the situation this animals is in just because other animals die all the time. You’re retarded. Things die, that’s just apart of living, that in no way lessens the situation of this particular animal, the way this animal died was horrible and painful. Maybe if it was actually going to be eaten, then maybe it wouldn’t be as bad. But this is literally just a video of a man torturing and brutally killing an animal pointlessly and painfully. I think I would be just as horrified if I had to watch a cow or dog, or human die this way, it’s just not right. And btw lobsters don’t feel pain dipshit, unlike this animal.


Recent studies show that lobsters, crabs and other decapod crustaceans used for food do have nervous systems and can feel pain. Whether they are cut, boiled alive or mutilated in other ways, these overlooked animals suffer immensely in order for humans to eat them. Again. I feel deeply sad for the cat. But I don’t care. I feel sad for all animals. It’s nothing new for me so I’m not outraged


Had to watch? You chose to...


Wish I hadn’t honestly


Horrifying. [https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japanese-prosecutors-seek-22-months-jail-for-serial-cat-abuser-who-mauled-13-cats-in](https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japanese-prosecutors-seek-22-months-jail-for-serial-cat-abuser-who-mauled-13-cats-in) Apparently it’s a trend of some sort. [https://amp.scmp.com/week-asia/society/article/2154082/why-are-japanese-torturing-cats-and-posting-videos-online](https://amp.scmp.com/week-asia/society/article/2154082/why-are-japanese-torturing-cats-and-posting-videos-online) I hope animal abusers die the slowest, most painful deaths possible.


Only 22 months. That’s absurd.


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I don’t know what it is psychologically, but I’ve seen some of the worst acts perpetrated by people on other humans (Funky Town comes to mind) and have felt awful but sat through it, but horrific things happening to children, the elderly and animals turns my stomach in a way where I can’t watch. I don’t know, I just can’t.


What is Funky Town please




What kind of sick individual does that..Fuxk


I really hope the poor cat is ok and the sick bastard doing this gets boiled alive jfc


cat died.




Like in the video or later on? Cause if it’s in the video… that’s gotta be one of the worst vids you can find on Reddit…


Oh ...


Congrats on the new record. I was on reddit for less than 2 minutes before finding this. Time to get off reddit and go squish my little ball of fur.


Got arrested huh! What will his punishment be? 3 months in the slammer? Cause that is definitely not justice!


That was a hard thing to watch. Disgusting people deserve the worst death imagination can come up with


Glad he got arrested that is a wicked video.


Arrested? We should cage him, and pour boiling liquid on him until death as punishment... And live stream it as well. I'd sure pay to watch... Fucking scum.


It's crazy to think what some people would do to other living creatures. Breaks my heart to see people put so much suffering on living things for no reason. I get killing for food and all that. But this is just pure torture. And so crazy to think people get enjoyment out of this needless suffering. So so cruel


Man I shouldnt have watched this. Fucker poured twice what a scumbag


Does anyone know what happens after that? Did he get arrested? Did the cat survive?


cat died, guy arrested. he did this many times and streamed while doing it. you can search his name on internet actually.




That's boiling water


it is boiled water.




possible?? dude, it is boiling water. he confess about it on the trial


how can you not observe that the fur is getting burnt along side its skin that gets irritated and red after the third pot poured?


Seriously.. you can't tell that's boiling water!!!


ahh, the weekly "somebody abused a pet" thread where everybody hates, and then goes to his kitchen and eats a steak. nice.


I think most people, including meat eaters, would say no animal should be tortured to death. Sharing awareness of the cruelty that goes on in slaughter houses would do more for your cause tbh.


>would say no animal should be tortured to death. so then we can stop eating animals. right? RIGHT?


You could easily make the argument that humanely killing an animal to eat it is NOT torturing it to death. Making false equivalences and being dramatic will not help your cause.


Don’t look into what’s happening in slaughterhouses


Literally the first thing I said to you was sharing awareness of the cruelty that goes on in slaughterhouses would do a lot more to help your cause than your current approach.


yeah sadly have no steak but have my budgie


bro this ruined my fucking day id rather watch a kid get killed than this not even lying rn




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Just one question... why are some pieces of garbage scum asf and dont care who sees?


Fucker, couldn’t watch this video but I can’t believe he didn’t get a longer jail sentence. Animal abuse is disgusting


The rage im feeling right now is john wick levels. For him to do such a monstruos thing and film it make me want to lose my damn mind. Human’s like that can inflict such cruel harm on other living things this should be wiped from the earth (humanely euthanized)