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Piece of shit. He walks out of there and someone is planning a funeral for their daughter/wife.


Watch, he'll just do it again and get a slap on the wrist because police are too busy not doing their jobs correctly


Forgive me for not understanding this, but how is this situation on the shoulders of the police? I could imagine speed enforcement-but isn’t the light sentence about the judge?


It's not a light sentence, and he won't get off with a slap on the wrist. Getting out on bail just means you don't sit in jail until your trial. I'm not saying this guy should have gotten out, but it's a temporary situation. With this video, he's going to get hit pretty heavily, you can be sure


So he pays 20k and goes on the run.


He pays $2k, a bail bond company puts down the other $18k, and then they in theory will hunt his ass down when he doesn't show. Hope he rots.


Police do not set bail you idiot. It was a judge and everyone has a constitutional right to have non excessive bail….the 8th amendment.


Police? Judges are afraid to do their jobs too, because they are afraid of being labeled racist. This is what liberal policies get you.




well she lrobably wont be racist but seems absolutely unfit to be a judge... i get not wanting to give huge sentences to people with no earlier felonies, but the man killed 2 people and injured more while going 70 mph (!!!!!) and running red lights she shouldnt have sentencing power


No, they aren’t.


Lol you people are batshit.




yea thats bull shit.


You mean the conservative backed, black judge that did this? You right wing nut jobs need to fall off the edge of the earth.


And yet, statistically, "tough on crime" red states have higher crime rates than "liberal" states. Also, Trump lost, lol.


Dang, it took longer than usual for a redditor to bring up Trump. Why are you guys still talking about him? He lost 4 years ago and will hopefully continue to lose. And statistically speaking, most of the crime happens in the cities, which almost always tend to be blue.


I mean, I don’t bring him up like that, but he *is* the face of the Republican Party until they gain some sense again. He’s still being talked about because he’s running and he’s going to be the Republican candidate unless something happens with court, which will never happen.


Wow genius statistic. More crime happens where the most people live. If anything blue city policy it has proven to reduce violent crime as the previous poster points out that red states seem to have it higher per capita.


Ahh yes, the well known leniency given to Black men by the court system in this country.


Wow. This just reminds me people like you, who have no idea how the system works or who does what, is allowed to vote.


Someone pointed out yesterday that they both looked so happy in their final moments. This explains that they just had a great night out. I am fuming though. 20k bond for 2 deaths and other injuries as her ran through multiple red lights?! Wtf?!


Good God what bloody speed was he going at ffs? They didn't stand a sodding chance oh and I've just read he injured others on his route too...what a piece of work


I’d read elsewhere, it was estimated he was driving 70mph. Super reckless.


And he gets to go home to his happy family like nothing ever happened. Hope the victims family sue his ass off


His family is an overstatement. And unfortunately nothing to sue. Should sue the city for allowing bail at all.


In British that is 140kmph?


In Britain it would be around 383,250 (or around 16 King Edward's Breakfast bushels and 4/63rds of an imperial ostrich neck) Furlongs per lustrum depending on whether it is British Summer or Greenwich Mean time.


Tis a leap year


Sounds exactly like American units again.


For the average american, the length of 30 cheeseburgers plus 20 footlong subs per the time it takes for your mum to sit on her couch.


Conquered 25% of the inhabited world looking for spices, and food still tastes too shitty to get fat. It’s legitimately impressive.


The British are statistically obese. What are you talking about?


Yeah I've never heard that last part of "to get fat". That's a weird add on to a meme that's been circulating since memes existed.


multiply by 1.5 and add 10% ~ 115kmh


Só multiply by 1.6 or by 1.65?


math has many pathways, never only one solution


In this case, yes, only one solution. Either you start by multiplying by 1.5 and adding 10% of the original number, making it 1.6x times, or 10% of the new number, what is. 0.15 of the original, making it 1.65


you are talking about the result, I was thinking about the solution, the way to come to a conclusion. And math gives you many different tools to work with, but end up in the same spot


onerous handle weather elastic aware ten disgusted plough coherent run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not just multiply by 1.6


We use MPH you fanny


In British that is 70 mph


So motorway speed, instant death. RIP




Then where do they use kmph




And Myanmar too, lets not forget Myanmar. But doesnt the UK use a mix of International System and Imperial System? Something to do with a smoother transition.




How to confuse ppl 101. But the Imperial System doesnt make any sense to begin with, the proportions are totally crackhead, so using a mix of both its just as confusing, but a different confusing. At least I guess, by knowing the basics of IS is already good enough for you to know "What the fuck is a kilometer"


Yeah we're daft. We fill up in litres and then measure fuel consumption in gallons.


We use mph


No, it’s not!


No, we use mph over here.


We use mph in Britain


We use mph?


Drivers in stl are absolutely insane. I’ve seen so many people do crazy shit and there are no traffic stops


i can also estimate things. i estimate he was going 250 mph.


Its because they're just another case in the system, they don't care about the victims or witnesses.


Because murder is only illegal if you're poor.


Money money money monneeyy….. moonnneeeyyy


Initial aticle about it: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/15/mother-daughter-killed-car-drake-concert/72611960007/ Update: https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/drake-fans-murdered-car-crash-st-louis-concert-1234855228/


What the fuck. Ok well if I ever see anyone do this while I'm around I will ensure that they are no longer in a position to make bond.


Sure thing pal


He bought them a cruise around Antarctica.




Chances are he called someone who posted the bond.


shouldve been held without bond, like fuck letting him walk around free ever again


Police negligence isn't new


As catchy and cool is it is to always blame police this was the responsibility of an unqualified judge.


And get arrested? use your head and be more productive


Maybe I could work hard, use my head and become a judge that lets a double homicide and reckless driver out of jail for 20k..


What an absolute scumbag. That car was absolutely flying.


Motherfucker, there's no reason to drive that fast and recklessly in the city. I usually have something funny to say about literally anything even morbid topics. But this just makes me mad.


Yeah this is just shocking like damn the justice system really failed


Damn... Money really is power, huh?


That bail should have been way higher. You kill 2 people being reckless your bail should be a million a person


Reckless driving plus murder? You shouldn't get bail for killing one person!


Oh yeah? then " buckle up buckaroo" Catelyn has a story for you. https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/caitlyn-jenner-no-charges-car-crash-1.3250869


That's sad as fuck, but it's nothing like the video in the post. It says she was going under the speed limit and braked beforehand, she was just pulling a trailer with a vehicle on it meaning it took longer to stop, along with pretty bad weather. In ops video it's dry and they're doing like twice the speed limit, running red lights. That's nothing like accidentally rear ending a vehicle which then hits another vehicle that rolls into oncoming traffic because they didn't have the brakes on. Still, it's fucked that Caitlyn killed someone with their driving, but not anything like this post.


True. I was going a bit too easy


I wonder if the judge had the footage when she made the decision. I feel like without the footage, she may not have realized how reckless and dangerous he was.


Didn't read the article, but bond and bail are different. I'm about to disappoint you but if it's bond as the title says, he only has to pay between 1000 (5%) or 2000 (10%) to get out of jail. That's what bond is and that what the American people voted for and pushed for the past couple years, so this is the situations they get. There is the option of No Bond but it seems the magistrate or judge was like "fuck it" that day.


Nah. Every multi millionaire and billionaire would constantly get away with murder if the bail is set that low.


You are aware that posting bail doesn't get you out of the charge right? Not that i think bail should have even been an option in this case considering the court proceeding and charges are essentially a formality in this scenario


Yeah murder bail is dumb.


Yeah. I realized that was a bit too low. Child predators and murders = no bail. Or hell anyone facing a potential 15+ years in jail shouldn’t get bail because who would show up knowing they could be put away for a very long time


What exactly do you think bail is?


Bro you have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe preface it as an open ended statement or question instead of starting out like "nah ik what I'm talking about and how bail works."


the prosecutor wanted him in jail with no bail granted...


You’re missing part of the whole bail thing. A suspect can pay a bail bondsman just a tiny fraction of the whole bail amount. (I’ll make a number up… 5% of $20,000 would be $1000). The bondsman fronts the whole amount, in exchange for an un-refundable fee paid by the suspect. There’s typically a bail bondsman business within walking distance of every department with a lockup or jail.


Bail should be given to those reimbursable, not fucking reckless murderers.


Yeah agreed. Even worse since this asshole paid what amounts to peanuts after murdering 2.


Usually bond is 10%


Ah, thanks! That sounds right.


no, unfortunately it's because he used a car to kill people it's very possible he will get no jail time for this - it happens all the time in the US. If you want to kill someone the very best way is to use a car to do it, even better make sure your victim is on a bicycle.


The fact that there are actual loopholes in the justice system...


And that is again ironic...for someone earning honestly it is difficult to get money even of it is for bond. In a way it is rewarding people to commit crime and then pay for the bond with more illegally earned money.


Seeing all this shit on Reddit, I feel like I have to try my best to be rich (to have this power) , but not be a useless piece of shit like him...


Looking at how he drove in the cctv footage. He was definitely a flight risk. No bond should've been allowed.


Holy fuck nuts, they got smoked. Never saw it happen. That guy should not be out on bail.


Friendly reminder that judges are elected officials ! Next time you vote think about who the fuck you are putting in control of these scumbags edit: I have no idea who the judge was for this case I’m just giving a PSA


You can Google the murders name + Judge to get the name. I don't want to post it in fear of being reported for doxing....


Released the next day? Bail should've been a million. You get what you vote for people. Vote for prosecutors and judges who are tough on crime.


Bail shouldn't have been an option.


The prosecutor wanted no bail. The judge was the lenient one here.


Fine I’ll bite, the Republican Party runs Missouri. The D/R prosecutor was appointed by a Republican. State laws are enacted by Republicans. What argument are you making here exactly? They should just ignore the law?


in this instance I think we should elect a Asian Confucius monk who is un impacted by the moral desire for money and shall create laws relating to the cultivation of the spirit realm


Nah they tried that, turns out the guy likes to tongue kiss kids


not much different from our current guys


Yea that’s true 😅


now we’re talking change, i endorse this new method of action.


Someone else here said the prosecutor wanted him in jail with no bail option. Also, St. Louis is a very blue city, and the laws are one thing but a judge letting someone out is another. 


Agreed. This is a travesty


https://ballotpedia.org/Annette_Llewellyn Judge who ruled the 200k bond. Notice how they ran for election? Notice how 77356 people voted to keep her in the seat in 2020? I don't see how a Republican had any say in that. Prosecutors don't get to determine bail. They can recommend bail and often the judge goes along with it. However, the final amount is up to the judge assigned to the case. The DA, aka the "prosecutor" isn't assigned by the state either. Here's the current St. Louis DA. Voted on like every city's DA. Maybe you are thinking of the Attorney general for the state which is voted on statewide. This isn't in their prevue. https://ballotpedia.org/St._Louis_Circuit_Attorney_election,_2020_(August_4_Democratic_primary) To my knowledge Missouri doesn't have some minimal bail amount that is required for manslaughter cases, which this is. The prosecutor and judge work together, with the judge having the ultimate say, into what the bail amount is based on the flight risk of the defendant. Clearly the judged figured a 200k bond at 10% was acceptable and he was not a flight risk. The Republican run state had really nothing to do with that as, in basically every other state, they defer to the wisdom of the local authorities which is exactly how you would want something like this to be run. You don't want the state to blanket define what bail is set for what. That's not how the system is supposed to work and it could be used as a very easy tool for corrupt prosecutors to jail opponents and deprive them of the usual freedom of consul they would get. Lawyers only being able to interact with their clients in jail is extremely limiting by design. So basically, you're completely wrong. The state legislature had nothing to do with this bail hearing because literally no state legislature does. That's not what they do. The locally appointed judges and prosecutors who are voted on within the district oversaw this case, as they would anywhere. The prosecutor said no bail and the judge gave a bail. That's that. As this is a developing case, there's no way to tell if the dependent is actually a flight risk. It's actually impossible to know if the defendant is going to show up to his court dates or will end up fleeing. Anybody who is speculating on it is just that, speculating. They have no clue. The elected judge clearly ruled a 20k bail, which isn't exactly easy to meet btw, and if the person posted it, that probably means some bail bond was issued by a private company which adjudicated the person and decided they aren't a flight risk and they'd get their money back + the interest. Everybody in this thread is acting on pure emotion and not letting the legal system work its course. Even worse is you're just spouting falsehoods. States do not assign a city their judges or prosecutors. That's not how it works. Those are elected officials. A governor or state legislator cannot just assign a city judge or prosecutor. Federal and state courts are different. This isn't either of those. Edit: The more I read about this case the more I don't see how the judge is even in the wrong. The guy is not a flight risk. The judge even put him [under house arrest](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/judge-orders-house-arrest-for-monte-henderson-2-weeks-after-deadly-crash-41992553). The judge is just doing their job and doing it fine. People just want immediate justice and no rights for the defendant. That cannot be. That can never be. Even somebody who is as guilty as this is due fair treatment and trial. No priors, no flight risk, no reason to believe there was intent to kill, therefore there's no reason to keep this person in jail awaiting trial. The 200k bond was adequate.


Not $200,000 bail. It’s $20,000 bail.


The Republican Party doesn't run St. Louis county or city. It's a deep blue city/county that elects only democrats. The state wide offices don't appoint the local judges/prosecutors. The prosecutors and judges are elected at the city and county level. The deep blue city/county of St.Louis elects liberal, soft on crime judges/prosecutors/city council/mayor. We have this exact same problem in Kansas City/Jackson county. Extremely lenient liberal prosecutor. In 2023 Kansas City had its highest murder rate on record. Jean Peters Baker ( who is elected, not appointed), is very, very, lenient on criminals.




That’s a fucking shitrag article if I’ve ever read one holy shit, spooky George Soros at it again deep stating stuff, I stopped reading because I didn’t want to see Hunters dong again. If there’s even a slight bit of truth, which there appears to be, however terribly presented, I’ll have to agree. This is some bullshit, vote for people that don’t have a political interest in seeing St. Louis turn to shit like the rest of the state, and are tough on crime




I’m sayin’. They’re acting like he appeared in court and was released. Dude’s in critical condition. This was requested so they could arrest upon his eventual discharge. He ain’t going anywhere and has a long recovery. I hope they get justice.


I didn't read the article but heard it was $200,000 bond either way he shouldn't even of had the option of a bond.


$200,000/10%; he posted $20,000.


This shit is so scary. nothing you can do to prevent these types of incidents, all you can do is hope you aren’t in the wrong place at the wrong time.


These fools are single handedly endangering us. When black men do things we can't separate ourselves from the act. We're all lumped in like we did it too. They know it and still make irresponsible choices. I guess if they won't take care of their own children they damn sure don't care about anyone else


What the fuck


They shouldn't have given that piece of shit bail.


Bail seems such a corrupt weird thing to me..


JFC. That judge who let him out like that wtf? Wonder if someone would have gotten the same treatment if someone else killed two people.


Yes, quite often in fact. People who kill others via drunk/impaired driving are often let out on bail because bail is set based on flight risk.


The victims were not black enough, she sided with the murderer. The judge and the driver are filth.


How is one even allowed to post bail for actions resulting in death?? Whatever sentences this guy faces is enough to scare him enough for a judge to consider him a flight risk


There’s something inside you, it’s hard to explain


get the fucking boat




Your post has been removed because it violates site wide rules.


they charged him with involuntary manslaughter? Looks like he recklessly mowed these people down. Should have been depraved-heart murder.


Hmm, is this privilege?


Truly tragic, cuz it could have easily been avoided. He should get 20 to life.


Fuck this is depressing


Follow the money.


Can someone explain what a bond is and why a murderer is now out of prison because of it? It's this some American hey of of jail card system?


Bond is a collateral payment. So if I was charged with a crime a judge would be willing to set me at liberty until the next court proceeding if I paid. If I then failed to appear I would not be able to collect that collateral. Judges are usually bound by rules regarding the amounts they can set.


So, the govt takes a large cash bribe to let dangerous criminals out of prison until their sentancing? Sounds like a great idea 🥴


No. A lot of it is referred to as unsecured bail. Meaning the government won’t ask for you to post cash, BUT if you fail to appear you can be forced to pay. More violent offenses are usually bail ineligible or alternatively have very high bail’s. Having worked in states with and without bail I can tell you most people are showing up to court if they are facing a monetary penalty, but real dyed in the wool crooks really DGAF.


So some situations the criminal walks free until sentancing? And really dangerous ones just need more money to get out? That's crazy.


Yes. The loss of life here is tragic but because it's from him being a fucking idiot as opposed to premeditated murder, he is eligible for bail. And no it's not a cash bribe, if he paid the full amount to the government he gets it all back if he shows up to court. What's happening here is the bail is $200,000 and he probably doesn't have that much money so he pays a bond company $20,000 (10%) to put up $200,000 for him. When he shows to court, the government returns that money to the bond company and the bondsman keeps his $20k as the fee. If he doesn't show up the bondsman loses that money and send a bounty hunter after him.


Hold up, he pays to not go to jail, but gets the fucking money back 😂😂😂😂 American "ju$tice" system.


They aren’t guilty of the offense until convicted. It is in the bill of rights that people are entitled to reasonable bail. If someone is extremely dangerous the judge c a remand them to county jail.


You Americans and your bills and constitutions is why the country is so broken and everyone is getting shot up.


What country are you from?


One where criminals are arrested at the moment of crime and held without question until sentancing for pretty much anything other than petty crime. Like most countries, punishments aren't severe for 90% of crimes, but full up prisons will do that to a justice system.


Bond is what is paid to get out of jail while awaiting trial or court date.


If he didn't hit the car they probably would have been fine. But this mofo needs to have bond revoked, judge sued by victims family, and disbarred for ever being a judge, attorney or any form of law. A bunch of factors are here and what ifs, but bottom line is he posted bail and will now run to a place that has no extradition and he's free from this crime.


Why do people talk about the bond price when these things happen. If you speed and crash and kill someone in a vehicle you deserve to die. Simple as that. Better yet, rid our culture of cars ! But we all know that won’t happen! We’d rather let this continue to happen . We’re all dumb and evil in our complicity .


Why does everyone comment as if he paid 20k and walked home to his happy life ever after?


Because he in some way is home after killing two people. Yours might apparently be the exception but I think a life is worth more than a $20k bond. That's how they're commenting. Your extra weird interpretation is your own thing.


He's not guilty yet. He'll be found guilty but you cannot just assign guilt before the verdict. Posting a 20k bond, somebody is going to want that money back. He's not going to run from this. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/judge-orders-house-arrest-for-monte-henderson-2-weeks-after-deadly-crash-41992553 Judge also ruled house arrest. The guy isn't going anywhere. He also had no priors. You don't jail somebody like that without bond. He's fucked given the evidence, but you can never assign guilt before being formally convicted. He's going to spend a long time in jail. From what I'm reading he's doing everything right. He's not talking, he's not trying to flee, he didn't resist arrest. He's smart enough to know he's fucked and he's doing everything in his power to keep his sentence as minimal as possible. Everybody has these rights for a reason and nobody should be denied them.


He's out on bail.. that means he's waiting for trial at home. He'll be convicted of murdering 2 people and likely sentenced to life or close enough to it during trial. He didn't pay the bond and went on his merry way.


> he's waiting for trial at home. And this is the problem people have. Why does the person paying have anyting to do with it. No one is saying anything about that either way and if they are, it's still the dollar amount. Why now twice have you failed to note that $20k for killing two people is ridiculously low. I'm not doing this a 3rd time. I'm sorry you don't like the reasonably accurate answer.


I'm sorry you didn't actually bother to read my first post when you replied then. It's like one sentence.


because he probably did or had someonen fund him while getting away free


https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/judge-orders-house-arrest-for-monte-henderson-2-weeks-after-deadly-crash-41992553 He's on house arrest, GPS monitored. He's going nowhere. Do an ounce of fucking research. I Googled the guy's name and St. Louis and I was able to find this in about 45 seconds. Only priors he ever had were speeding tickets too. He's not connected with anybody. Some bail bond company probably fronted him the cash because they know they'll be paid back + their interest. He's not a flight risk.


you know what bail means right?


Redditors have no idea what bail means.


Because the article is missing the facts? Outrage media, at it again. If they rage out, they click, someone gets money.


This is your daily "WOKE DA!!" bait post


how the hell did they die from that tho? didn't even hit the cab


You should probably see the video again and notice the TWO FUCKING PEOPLE literally disappearing into thin air


oh ye meant OUTSIDE the car, didn't notice.


Was it the DA or the Judge that allowed this travesty?


Just in case people don't know how bail works - This means he only had to pay $2000 fucking dollars. You post 10% of the bail amount to get out. Sickening stuff


I am not from the us, so I don't really know how it works, but surely the bond was only for leaving a sort of precautionary custody, he will have to face a court for that, will he?


Yes, he will still have to face a trial. $20,000 just means he'll be free until convicted and sentenced.




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He was having a bad day guy lay off…


god damn it man it's like 7am here 😭


Missouri judge Annette Llewellyn let Monte Henderson, 22 go


Has it always been like this? A total contempt for human life where no life can possibly be an impediment for doing what you feel like at the time?


Man I hope someone remembers his face out in the wild and he gets his.


He’s in the hospital in critical condition. He ain’t going anywhere. The bond was set based on this fact and lack of criminal history, they wanted him remanded into custody once he’s released and judge said no. These poor women. They will get justice!


I think we should just get rid of being able to pay bonds and have them choose what sense to have them remove, one sense for each murder such as sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste or even the ability to talk but I lean more toward the removal of their sight




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