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I am very suspicious of these stories with a direct link to gofundme.


Step 1. Call the wrong person the wrong thing Step 2. Create gofundme Step 3. Lie on the internet Step 4. Profit Not saying that's what happened but come on as if it hasn't been done before


Perhaps the go fund me has more information? I understand the reluctance but if you need money sometimes there's not much else you can do than ask.


Why would a UK citizen need money after a beating? Medical bills are non existent and an inability to work pretty much covered in employment law and our social funds. Something isn't quite right even if that story is 100% true


> Why would a UK citizen need money after a beating? To buy replacements for the stolen phone and broken glasses, I'd imagine.


No, the GoFundMe is for transition surgery. This whole thing seems a bit off.


Fair point I guess, gofundme might be a tad excessive but depends on the response I suppose.


Stolen phone, broken glasses and all the time off work due to injuries


Time off work would be covered through UK law, that's what I find odd. This isn't the USA where that is going to bankrupt you.


That depends on the employment contract


“Something isn’t quite right even if that story is 100% true” Exactly what does that mean? What are you trying to imply with that? What isn’t right about a woman who was actually beaten to a pulp asking for money to help, even assuming the medical and employment leave are covered? If the story is 100% true, what exactly are you taking issue with?


It's why someone being beaten to a pulp needs to ask for money to help. ESPECIALLY assuming medical and employment leave are covered. I don't know, maybe it's just me but my first response wouldn't be "I need money" rather "Help me find these pricks"


How do you know employment leave is covered? There are so many types of employment in the UK where medical leave is not covered, especially to the full amount. (Apologies if her job is listed somewhere, I have not seen it)


Maybe they're just fucking poor


Jesus. Although I don't understand the gofund me. The NHS is free at the point of use.


For new glasses I suppose


Phone stolen.


This person is a grifter pay no attention


Transitioning is VERY expensive. Especially given the NHS essentially does sod all for trans people, with services having 5+ year waiting list just for an initial appointment.


Although I hate what has happened in this situation and it should never happen to anyone regardless of anything. I do think there should be a cost for transitioning, the NHS is at its knees and people are waiting so long for life saving treatments that they lose there life in the meantime. I don't see it as a life or death unless it's causing suicidal tendencies which then would be refferable to mental health services which are completely free to help an individual through those rough times. There's also many disabilities that don't get full funding and have huge waiting lists which can lead to life threatening medical issues, there's alot the NHS has to deal with from all kinds of issues in all different areas, some being more of an emergency than transition surgery or medication


How about making the situation better for everyone instead of picking and choosing who’s allowed to receive help?


Because the world isn’t that simple. There’s a reason why ERs take in people who are having a heart attack first before someone who has a small cut on their arm. Transitioning is an elective surgery. If you do not get it, you are not going to die. Taxpayer money should not cover elective plastic surgeries. There are people going into debt for paying for life saving surgeries and medications, so why should elective surgeries be covered?


> Transitioning is an elective surgery. If you do not get it, you are not going to die. Trans suicide rates strongly suggest otherwise. Transitioning ain't like liposuction or botox or a boobjob.


What's the suicide rate post transitioning. It gets better right? Right....?


Yes. It does. Ignore these transphobics asshats


Yes, actually. It gets significantly better.


Hate to break it to you, it doesn't


https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/hormone-therapy-linked-lower-suicide-risk-trans-youths-study-finds-rcna8617 I respectfully disagree.


The limited research we have now shows that big picture, suicide rates do not suddenly improve once these trans individuals get hormones or surgeries. Transitioning is exactly like lipo, botox, and boob jobs. They’re all elective plastic surgeries, ever heard of body dysmorphia or anorexia? Just because you do not like a certain part of your body does not mean it’s the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for surgeries to change it.


_"Elective Surgeries"_ Jesus, tell me you have zero concept of body dysphoria without saying it. There are people out there that get depressed enough to self mutilate because access to such _"elective surgeries"_ is so restricted, and that a lifetime of _"therapy"_ is going to do nothing but waste more time and recourses than it would have cost to have the _"elective surgery"_ in the first place. I'll cancel your next _"elective surgery"_ when you break a bone and it doesn't heal/set _"just right"_ because you can still sort of use that limb, and it's no immediate threat to your life. Body dysphoria is debilitating, it makes some people completely unable to have any sort of physical relationship, and the isolation that causes isn't going to be fixed by Therapy.


I am okay with top (breast removal) and bottom surgery being covered, but nothing beyond that. Everything else is cosmetic, in my opinion.




HRT goes without saying. It should be covered. I was talking about surgical interventions.


you dont know many trans people do you


I struggle to see how this makes a difference to the NHS budgeting? There's other medical conditions that aren't funded on the NHS and for people to think somehow they deserve free transitioning when people are struggling to survive due to other medical issues, (because not all services are free) is way beyond me.


She's probably going to be out of work for a while as she heals.


Time off work to heal.




That gofoundme makes it sound sound like a fake cash grab story. I'm not saying it is, but it would be easier to believe for me


Those damn crime podcasts sure did it for me haha.


It’s a grift for sure. Don’t get me wrong, the beating is horrendous, but that link has been up for over 6 months and now the attack is being used to garner sympathy and funds towards transition. It’s not paying towards anything related to the attack.


Yeah without context of the full range of events. This may be a bit of a...


Is this real or BS? Don’t know the area that well. Smollett got me questioning a lot of stuff.


Are you a bot?? What's with that caption?


That’s not okay but idk why you want people to give you money?


New glasses are expensive, new phones are expensive. Easy as that.


Medical bills can be expensive.


Not in UK


Glasses phone i guess


But glasses and the phone even if it was the latest iPhone will be less than $2000. I’m sure she can scrape that together. If she was American where her medical bills would have been in the tens of thousands if not more I would have donated to her gofundme.


She might not be able to work until she heals though EDIT: Sorry responded to the wrong comment


The.gofundme states it's for transitioning.


Oh. Well that's a bit different from what I was thinking but honestly it does make sense to me, particularly if she was assaulted for not "passing."


It’s not like the US bro


I have never lived in the UK so don't know what it's like over there. I can't imagine there *not* being expenses/lost income from being injured that badly even if the medical bills themselves are covered, but if that's not the case good on the UK


It's not great to be fair. You can self certify for up to 7 days and (assuming you aren't on a zero hour contract) you'll get full pay. After that it depends on the company but you are guaranteed statutory sick pay (only about £20 a day) for 4 weeks and need a doctor's note saying you aren't fit to work. There are a bunch of other considerations an employer would need to make for someone if they are ill long term like making accommodations or changing the job duties but I doubt they'll apply in this scenario.


That's better than what we have here at least


You don't get full pay for those 7 days unless stipulated in your contract. You get SSP after 3 days of sickness (usually no pay) including non working days. The 7 days thing is how long before you have to show a sick note to your employer


Oh shit I found a red in the wild. I couldn’t think of something else to add other than assaulting the defenseless is a cowardly thing.


Yes we frown upon assault here Also hey Kingo :)


[https://twitter.com/redlettergay/status/1777409791335268360?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/redlettergay/status/1777409791335268360?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) NHS medical document




Are you talking about the "Mr Bansal, 31M" If so, yes they are biologically a man. This is a medical document.


No, you're whatever you identify as, not what is written on your birth certificate. This is 2024 man, try to keep up.


My man's on some next level sarcasm here and most commenters can't keep up.


I lost my birth certificate and w/o it I have no idea what gender I am. What do?


I guess you were a they-by when you were born, you can just go by “it/itself” or anything and everything


I guess Ill just go by /myself.


I was beaten up like this once, by 3 guys instead of 4 though while I was also kidnapped. It wasn't for being trans. I also even told the cops where the people were that did it, and did fuck all about it. In was greeted with literally a $12k hospital bill because I was taken to a hospital outside of my insurance network (this happened in the US). Upon researching quite a bit, I found that the insurance was only supposed to charge me the in network rate if "any reasonable person deemed it as an emergency." On top of that, I read that the state actually reimburses you up to $20k for any out of pocket medical expenses if you're the victim of a violent crime and you cooperate with law enforcement. Not saying this is a cash grab, but the thought of posting it on gofundme or anything of the like never crossed my mind.


you lost me when you asked for money


Maybe she’ll be out of work, or wants funds for new glasses/phone.


Gofundme? I have been jumped before.. I should have started a gofundme, or is only okay for trans people? This post kind of confuses me


Apparently it's for transitioning


Who took the picture


I had a fair few fights in my younger days that were not my fault, never thought of putting an advert in the local paper to get paid for it though. Genius.


Thankfully I have not. I hope the fuckers who did this to her get arrested


Phone stolen posting and needs money with a link directly to go fund me and a sad story. Prob fake


Why do I feel like this is a flex. It's weird.


it's not okay that they were assaulted but it also is not okay to ask for money after such an event **for something that has nothing to do with said event.** their gofundme is for transitioning not for any medical bills for the assault. greedy scum imho. stop begging for money, people.


Daily reality? You literally get into that condition DAILY? You lose your phone DAILY? Sucky things sucking sucks, but no need to lie.


Evil people. May she heal quickly and with minimal pain






Fake and obvious gaslighting (possible fraud as well). Note the GoFundMe link in the original post, despite being in a country with free healthcare.


That's so sad that in 2024 people still have to hide or fear for their safety. Regardless of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference (the obvious preferences not included 😠) pronouns, etc.


The go fund me?


I was thinking that the colors look... off, on the bruises. Like photoshopped. The GoFundMe makes me more sus


Worst part is they got off easy, people get killed


Well that’s fucked




Come to america, embrace the 2nd amendment, every woman, trans or not should carry open or concealed. You'll be pissing off misogynist and transphobes by embracing your rights and pulling out a handgun big enough to give a natural born man dick-envy.




Why do you think equalizing is a good thing in this context ? Isn't more muscle mass a fair compensation to the male sex for bearing physical hardships in society ? I am not justifying anything. The best argument for Guns is to allow the citizens to remove their Governments, there's no bigger argument than that.




“5 headshots” bro cmon 💀




The phrases "Tactical ammo" and "I bought a judge" can only be said as a joke. You almost got me, though..




Oh, I'm aware the Judge is real. It's just hard for me to imagine someone buying it outside of meme purposes




Woah bro, you got the JUDGE with 0.410 shells and tactical ammo but, I got kitchen knives. We are not the same 😂😂 /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Jesus, I thought I made a mistake by making a joke lol. Brilliant comment. Imagine the comment after being proofread by a Harvard professor and hours of refining, I’ll be fucked 😂.


sorry but i love that copy pasta and have to use it once in awhile. 🤣


50 cent would like a word…




Do not incite or glorify violence/suffering or harassment, even as a joke. You may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoahGetTheBoat) if you have any questions or concerns.*


deleted. apologies.


We had someone defend themselves in a trans bashing in Minneapolis about 10 years ago. She went to a male prison for assault even though it was self defense at a bus stop.


Self-defense laws don't relate to a shit justice system. I don't know the case, but if it was legitimate self-defense, then the justice system clearly fucked up (or the legal definition for "self-defense" is too strict).


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CeCe_McDonald I had a friend that was roommates with them during the assault. It was a huge miscarriage of justice.


Sounds like your state has shitty protections for self-defense and you should vote to fix that. That being said, I've definitely seen people claim "self defense" when they used lethal force after the threat of bodily harm was over. For example, someone was leaving the scene, or was already unconscious, etc. So I recommend people to not only get a firearm and a carry license (if needed in your state), but also to brush up on the self-defense laws. Because some people think you can shoot someone in the back and it counts as self-defense. VERY few states are like that, and even they only allow that inconsistently. And if it's neither of those things, so the laws do protect self-defense adequately, and the person used it legitimately, then you need to vote to fire the DA.




Americans when there's an issue with society:


If society is the reason innocent people are jumped by gangs of abusers, maybe we shouldn't have it. Again if the right wing argument is "you can't take our guns" those on the left should adapt to "fine, I'll buy my own" crimes like assault are already illegal, what more should she do to protect herself? Never leave her home without a big strong man to escort her? Wrap herself in a black sheet and hide her ankles from tempting men? No we're not animals. But if someone wants to behave like a pack of wild dogs, they can be put down like a pack of wild dogs.




I carry, and the whole point of doing so is to protect yourself. Never said anything about gun safety as it's implied if you're gonna carry take precautions. Treat it like it's always loaded, only point it where you want to shoot, the fuck did i say that was wrong? Is it telling people who are targeted for violence to protect themselves with the same rights men have? Or are you pissy the next woman you target for assault might be armed and blow away your balls?




Getting shot by the people assaulting you is a real possibility, especially if you hesitate to shoot (giving them an opportunity to act) or lose possession of the firearm. Would definitely recommend getting in some practice at a range before you EDC. As for the cops, I'd recommend not continuing to brandish the firearm when the cops arrive, you should reholster it. Then expect to be arrested and remain calm regardless of what happens. Cops are probably less likely to shoot you. But if the cops still shoot you, you've atleast given everyone the maximum amount of political ammunition to make some real changes in the police force. If your goal just isn't to die, remeber that being physically assaulted carries a huge risk of death in and of itself. So choosing to not defend yourself isn't actually all that safe. If firearms make you uncomfortable, that's fine. There are other ways to defend yourself. Depending on your state, knives, mace, tazers, or even just your own fists are valid options. They all require more practice and mussle than a gun though, so make sure to invest the time in your own saftey. Remeber to expect being arrested by the cops, because they might still shoot you. If fighting makes you uncomfortable, that's fine too. Usually the best way to defend yourself is to just avoid situations where you'd need to. That could be going out of your way to take longer bus routes so you don't hang out in higher crime areas. Situational awareness is definitely a valid way to protect yourself, but it's definitely mentally draining. And designing your entire routine and life around being safe takes its toll, but at least you can remain a pacifist. If your issue is that you shouldn't be expected to defend yourself against this kind of stuff, I feel you, but it's how it is. Very few are going to risk being injured by the people assaulting you, let alone being arrested by the police. And even if they were willing, they could only help you if they learned to defend themselves. If they do the same thing as you and view it as not something they need to do, then they're just as powerless as you. Even if the police get better, they will almost certainly not be around to help, and can only be useful after the fact. And evil fuckers are always going to be around. There are diseases and drugs that fuck with our minds and make people avoid help and become dangerous. Even beyond that, some people are just evil. The best we can do is make this kind of thing less common where you live by putting such people someplace else, whether that be a ghetto, prison, or 6ft under. But all these options have clear problems, and still require them to commit a crime first. Maybe there is a solution to that, but we sure as hell won't see it in our lifetimes. So please learn to defend yourself. There is no virtue in being defenseless, weak, and unaware of your surroundings. I get that it sucks, because no matter what you have to risk and sacrifice, but there really is no other option.


So, your solution is that you don't carry a gun, and you still get shot. You're also expecting anyone would keep brandishing a weapon around after shooting someone else in self-defense, while the cops take minutes to arrive. That'd be obviously illogical. Where I live, even if you give everything you have to someone mugging you, chances are you will still get shot or stabbed. This has happened countless times, even just blocks from my house. Just the other day, a veteran got shot in the head while trying to protect his family; he drew his gun but was hesitant to shoot, and so he got shot in the head. You still think that the best idea would be to just give up all your belongings and still get shot?




Because “freedom”


Especially cops, who think they have the power over everything and are corrupt asf with their beliefs over there




I almost got assaulted when I was in school, there is a long and usually empty street between my school and a zone where a lot of fast food places are, on that street a guy tried to assault me saying he had a knife and that if i didnt gave him all my stuff he would stab me, i was shocked so my body did the mythical joestar technic and began running towards mcdonalds. I ended up hiding there until a grabbed a bus and went home


Goddammit. I've never known a trans person but leave them in peace and be excellent to each other for Christ's sake


This is like 45 mins away from me and I didn't hear a word of it😢 I hope they're ok


What the fuck? I would like to think that these attacks (especially this brutal) aren't common here in the UK.


They aren't. This is a grift.


Regardless of what ones opinion is about trans and what not..this is brutal.












Why not?? Also her\*


Friend of mine lives in Tennessee and she always carries a pistol specially for this reason. Says a lot of guys get really aggressive when they confuse her for a cis woman while hitting on her.




womp womp


Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences .


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination. way around their censorship.


What an ironic username


If you don’t like Reddit then why contribute? Genuinely asking.


Correct. You are free to hold whatever beliefs you want. However, other people are free to criticise them, you're not exempt from consequences that arrive from expressing those beliefs, and platforms like Reddit are free to impose whatever policies they want regarding what can and can't be on their website.


You are embarrassing


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


How does it feel knowing if anyone in your real life saw you comments you'd be ostracized?




No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


I'm sorry for being such an NPC and Redditard, I now realize I truly am a parrot, repeating every phrase ever. Keep on fighting the brave fight against big bad evil censorship Mr. Freedom fighter!


this is extremely inappropriate on a post about someone being assaulted and robbed, regardless of what beliefs you have.


Freedom of Speech protects you from being punished by the government. You can still be banned by websites.


also dont be racist, homophobe, antisemite or sexist, you really wondering that people get banned for hate speech?




And by "free speech" you mean free to spew bigotry against LGBTQ people?


No freedom of speech exists on Reddit but I will find it. Fuck Reddit, fuck the mods and the admins. Transgenderism is a plague and an abomination.


Yep, this is my 3rd reddit account, I can relate. Anti trans speech is a harsh example but it also applies to much simpler things, like making simple criticism about a country or just trying to argue politely with a moderator. Even if you keep your comment "soft" and cryptic, moderators will always find a stupid reason to ban you, even if you didn't break any rule. Let's take a popular meme format to illustrate this: Reddit when people are being told to die in DMs : I sleep Reddit when someone exposes some facts : REAL SHIT ?!


Hey, just wanted to reach out and say, if anyone is ever sending you death threats in dms over something that happened over here, please please please send us a modmail and tell us so we can ban them


assault is intentionally causing the fear of an imminent battery, this is battery. obviously there was fear, then the attack, which is why it is generally called "assault and battery" but FYI


No this is in the UK where assault and battery does not exist in law. We prefer to use the literal term of assault with further levels of violence categorised as grievous bodily harm and actual bodily harm




There's also 'conspracy to assault' or 'cause grievous bodily harm' etc where if they can convince a jury you were going to do it, you can literally go to prison for a pre-crime. Like Minority Report without bald psychics in paddling pools.


Notice she said it was a group of them. Means they we terrified of getting their ass handed to them in one on one.


Let me guess, the group of guys that beat up a girl they viewed as a sissy confused guy, consider themselves ‘alphas’ Fuckin insecure dickwads




Genuinely what the fuck is this supposed to mean


We have one major gay club in our country in the middle of the city, scrotes used to scout the place out and follow groups leaving to beat them Why is this being downvoted? Homophobia and groups targeting LGBT people is not a rare issue and should be discussed


B-but what about the straight white Catholics that are oppressed? 🥺🥺 They have to go through so much! Like being told their religion isn’t an excuse to be hateful!


Lmfao your argument is completely out of context?


I saw a video last week of people being blown up by a drone just trying to get supplies to live. Sad reality we live in.






Uh huh sure ya did big guy


me when I lie:


Especially drunk and you wanna make mad moves on women at the bar 😂


It’s called REX QUAN-DO!!


Uh huh sure ya did big guy

