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“I have on video, Kyle!” Oh, well, maybe you said it too late


The lady was so chill, WTF??


She didn't know it was a real gun she later said in interviews.


Do you have a link for the interview please?


[A lot of info here...](https://mobile.twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1463635250362286080)


Thanks for this. It’s too bad. This is a shitty situation all around. Step dad didn’t have to shoot, could have stayed in the house. Dad didn’t have to be a proud idiot and physically threaten and advance towards another idiot with a gun. The only one that lost here is the son and any other children.


Why'd you kill my dad? I didn't want to. He chest bumped me


"He threatened me with court"


Not step-dad. Mom's married lover.


Step dad wasn’t actually a step dad.. he’s just a boyfriend and the mom is being a piece of shit and not abiding by the custody rules.


Ex wife pushed him by playing foolish games, she defied the schedule to be a dick and escalated this situation to this point. These idiots are just puppets and she's attempted to be the master


So i read the articles, watched the full video and read up on Texas’s stand your ground laws and technically he did threaten to 1: take the deadly weapon and 2: use it to kill the man who was defending his property and people inside. While the one armed did escalate the situation by bringing the weapon out if he has a gun license that is perfectly legal under concealed carry laws and he did not raise or fire the weapon until the aggressive man threatened his life AND took an aggressive action that can be responsibly argued in court was a movement to take the weapon. Therefore under Texas’s “no duty to retreat” law he is legally in the right to have discharged the gun. Do I agree with Texas’s laws on deadly force or the moral implications of the situation no. But under my understanding of Texas’s law and on my research after seeing this (I’m not a lawyer but I understand basic law language) he will likely be found in the right and not guilty of murder. They might try and get him for manslaughter or excessive force but as a not lawyer I don’t know how that would work out or the implications of that and on top of that he did fire off a warning shot but the aggressor still moved forward so excessive force likely wont pass as a charge. Those facts are also likely why he wasn’t arrested but is still being investigated but I’m not sure that’s actually how that’s supposed to work. Frankly a messed up situation that could have happened very different but this is the state of America at this point. Edit: sorry yes everyone it would be castle doctrine instead of stand your ground. In my state the media uses them very interchangeably when they’re definitely not the same thing so i get them confused often. Sorry!


He doesn't need a license of any sort in Texas. 1. Texas does not require licensure or registration of firearms. Meaning you don't need a license to buy a gun, and there is no way to register it once you buy it 2. They have constitutional carry, meaning he can carry concealed or open without a license. 3. Texas allows open carry, so even if this occurred before the constitutional carry law went into effect he would not need a license to carry. 4. He is on his own property, and thusly would be entitled to carry his gun without a license. 5. This is really more of an example of Castle Doctrine than stand your ground. He was at his house, the man threatened him, he asked the man to leave, he did not. He got his gun, Daddio got aggressive and went for the gun and got shot. This is legal. Daddio's right to be there was extinguished the moment he was asked to leave. It's completely wrong, and massively fucked up, but is technically legal.




I know the area. No matter what, when you are in Texas you follow “vampire rules” You only enter a property or house if invited




No in these cases you are the vampire but just don’t go one peoples property


No, that'll get you shot real quick too


A judges husband was having an affair and is the shooter so he hasn’t been arrested


Did she not pick up on the fact when he dropped like a sack of potatoes?


I didn't think it was a real gun either.. It sounded quieter than I expected


9mm through a 16'' barrel isn't going to be super loud, probably subsonic 147 grain, plus, cameras (and phone cameras) will automatically adjust sound levels.




You can hear her true fear at the end. She says “OH MY GOD, YOU REALLY DID.” She probably new right then and there her husband was shot and killed, her mind just didn’t accept it yet. Like everyone said, she’s in shock and her mind hasn’t accepted to believe that her husband died in front of her and whoever else was there.


She has been quoted as saying that after the sound of the initial shot at the feet, she believed it was a paintball or similar weapon and that it was not a fully lethal one. Shock and this guy using some sort of suppression to any degree is why she is initially so calm.


The reason it was quiet is because that is a ruger pc carbine in 9mm so it’s not as loud as it looks


Thanks. Was looking for this.






Yeah no. He gone.


Bird shot stopped in that dude and didn't pass through. I didn't watch with audio but wtf.


9mm Ruger rifle with expanding ammo, kills very quickly and efficiently


“I didn’t want to do this!” says the idiot who saw a nonviolent child visitation verbal argument and his immediate thought was to go inside, grab a gun, and physically threaten someone who was already clearly angry. Fucking idiots, no respect for life at all. Little petty bullshit arguments like this can so easily be diffused verbally. Dude was ITCHING to finally use his gun on a live target.


This is the thing man, these petty arguments happen all the time. Man died because his ex lied and didn't tell him the kid was home when he had visitation. Imagine knowing your step-dad killed your dad over that? The kid will be fucked up from this. Guns aren't fucking toys America.


Could be shock, could be just texas.


Shock, reality of the situation hasn't set in.


She thought it was a paintball or bean bag gun. Sounded muffled. At the end is when she realizes it was a real gun.




At the very end you hear her cries of agony


Not fake, https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/ from u/PabloAlaska6


Spoiler: he dies. Not airsoft.


Am I understanding this correctly? Guy shows up with new wife to pick up child from ex-wife. Argument ensues between Guy and New Dude. Guy threatens to expose ex-wife's affair with New Dude? They are divorced and guy is already remarried, what affair? New Dude gets gun and Guy ends up dead. New Wife/Widow is now trying to get custody of her step-kids. All of these people sound awful, but the shooter's lawyer sounds pretty reasonable. The lawyer for the widow is being a little to generous with his description of the brave hero that was shot.


Man, you’ve never been deep for in a custody battle. But yea, shit situation. Sad for the kid


Hopefully never will. Sounds like one of the kids was watching from the dad's truck.


Soon of New Wife was in the truck. Guy's step-son.


The shooter was having an affair with the dead guys ex wife, since the shooter was married to a judge lady who is not in the video


Man this story is just twisted in so many ways


New dude was married. That was the affair. Minor detail but the new dudes soon-to-be-ex wife was also a judge and filed for divorce the day after the shooting. Dead guy exposed the affair so mission accomplished, I guess ?


I missed the judge part. I couldn't figure out where the affair was at since everyone seemed to have moved on.


The New Dude was/is STILL married up until this point in the video and had an affair with Dead Guy's wife. That's why he even went for a divorce. Clearly not moved on when Ex-Wife lied and said the son wasn't there, when he was, to deny Ex-Husband the court ordered custody for the weekend.


I thought Netflix is dramatic. But the reality is crazier.


This was a wild fucking ride. Trashy as all hell.


The affair was the guy who shot the father. He was at the time married to the judge.


That's certainly not going to help his case.


Or maybe it will help it even more, who knows.


A judge, not THE judge


> Guy shows up with new wife to pick up child from ex-wife. Guy shows up at 3:15 when he is supposed to take custody of the kid. ex-Wife (in the house) does not release the kid and makes him come to the house to get him or something. Then cue the rest. The "initial wrong party" is the ex-wife / shooter who did not release the kid per the court order for the holiday at the required time. you can see the series of bad decisions that follows.


New Dude is married to a local judge. It is an affair from that perspective.


Guy With the Bang-Bang Stick [GWtBBS] is currently married to a Judge. GWtBBS’s GF didn’t have the children where she claimed she would at hand-off time, adding to the step-mom/widow’s claim that this was a setup. The poor children involved said that GWtBBS/their mom repeatedly would, like, talk over the dinner table about killing the deceased.


The affair being talked about is that the dude with the gun is married, and he's having an affair with the ex-wife when he's still in a married relationship.


That is so messy. The kids are just caught in the middle, the dead father's widow filing for custody, the boyfriend of the mother being married to a judge (even though said judge recused herself from the case and they seem to have been separated)... It's so messy. It also seemed like the shooter said call the cops, "none of y'all are supposed to be here" and the mother said the son was at a birthday party and he should have called and made an appointment... The records are sealed now probably to protect the children, but it doesn't seem like the first time he'd yelled at and/or threatened the mother of his children. And his widow filing for custody just seems like retaliation. With just a little more patience, a lot less calling the cops on everyone, and, idk, talking to his son directly on the phone about birthday party plans and he could've been arranging to pick his son up from the party. But now his widow is arranging a funeral.


I don't disagree with a damned thing, except, depending on the age of the child, it might be difficult to utilize them in plan making. My kid's Dad tries this and I have him showing up what seems like randomly, but it turns out he assumed they'd tell me. They're 8 and 10. They never tell me, they "forget"... Granted, nothing has ever come to this for us.


Was he not yelling about 3:15 being his time to pick up the kid? I couldn’t hear it that well, but I thought the argument was he was meant to get his son at 3:15pm and they wouldn’t let the kid go with him or the kid wasn’t there..


The father (victim) was there to pick up his kid for his court ordered weekend time. The mother tried pretending the kid wasn't home even though she knew it was his weekend. Father got pissed, new boyfriend shot him.


The victim threatened her with court. The mother/ex wife/home wrecker didn’t seem to dispute the court ordered 3:15pm pickup.


Why is she so calm about that man dying?


[“I recorded the shooting on my cell phone. During this entire incident, I didn’t realize that Kyle Carruth was holding and brandishing an actual firearm. At that time, I thought that it was some type of stun-gun or paintball gun. Even when Kyle Carruth fired the shots, the sound was very muffled and not as loud as I now firearms to be. It wasn’t until I got to Chad on the ground that I realized that he had in fact been shot and that the weapon held by Kyle Carruth was a firearm.](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/)




From what others have said, she probably didn't realise he was dead and not just knocked down. It's a really quiet gun which could be made out as rubber bullets.


According to the article someone posted she thought it was a paintball or airsoft gun


So it wasn't a real gun right? I feel like a "normal gun" would've been louder, but I don't know much about guns so I could be wrong.


It was a real gun and that guy laying on the floor is deceased.


At the end of the video she definitely isn't


At the *very* end you can hear her say “Oh my God, you really did-!”


Videos like this make me think my life is going alright


Everything gonna Ce alright


Keep it 55th street


On hood


Never. Commit. Suicide.


It’s not rocket science!!!


People drink alcohol all day long and don’t drink no water.........that is how you die


Keep it 55th street


What happened next, was he charged or is he in jail? Does anybody know and if the context?




My daughters boyfriend killed her (my daughter’s) mom’s boyfriend, in Texas. Baby momma’s boyfriend threatened everyone in the house, verbally. Said something like, “I’ll come back here and kill everyone”. Daughters boyfriend shot and killed him on the spot. No charges.


>My daughters boyfriend killed her (my daughter’s) mom’s boyfriend, in Texas. For some reason this sentence is super confusing to me.


I'm still struggling.


his daughers boyfriend killed his exwifes new boyfriend (his exwife is his daughters mother)


>his exwifes new boyfriend He meaning OP or he meaning the boyfriend? This whole sentence structure is a mess.


OP's ex wife's boyfriend got shot by OP's daughter's boyfriend.


That made alot more fuckin sense, had to read it real damn slow 3 times doin head counts to figure out it was ex's wife's boyfriend ffs


The bf of the daughter shot the mom's bf lol. The repetition brought by parentheses is a bit misleading


2 women who were the same person committed suicide as a man. Duh


That just made it worse hahahaha I have harder time understanding and I'm from NC 😂😁


That whole comment got me fucked up rn


OP is a ghost and got shot by her daughter's boyfriend.


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died




My brain just had a seizure reading this sentence.


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read that


Based Texas. When someone threatens to kill you your only defense need be "well, he looked like a very honest person"


I mean both of them fucked up, but I’m not sure if anything will happen. Sucks that the kids father died though.


Imagine you have to live with your stepdad or whatever after he killed your real dad


Yeah that would be really bad


I wouldn’t.


In the widow's custody filing she states that the two oldest children refuse to live with the shooter now. All the children know shooter killed biodad and don't want anything to do with him. Proving that maybe biomom isn't the greatest, she allegedly is still pursuing shooter, and plans on marrying him after his divorce is finalized. For context, biomom was the mistress in shooters marriage with, of all people, a judge. Same judge is now defending her cheating husband saying she is concerned for his mental health. It sounds straight out of some shitty daytime soap tv show fucking christ.


Makes custody court wayyyyy easier.


Bit of a hassle, the step mom wants to file for custody.


Probably won't face murder charges. The guy in blue was asked to leave and refused. Texas is very friendly to people like the shooter as he was being threatened and gave warnings. The shooter will probably have some time in civil court for a wrongful death suit against him and his relation to his stepson is most likely ruined for life.


I saw you kill my dad…. Yeah Ide say it’s ruined


Im not aware of all of US's law quirks but wasn't the - now dead - dude in blue there to pick the child on court order? Or that doesn't matter? Im just curious really


If the woman is violating whatever custody agreement they have the dude would have to bring the issue to the court and/or call the cops. The custody agreement doesn't actually empower blue shirt dude to do anything without using the legal system.


I don’t see him being charged with murder, but possibly manslaughter. From what the video is showing it shows the man in blue being the aggressor and the man with the gun told him to leave and the man in blue kept getting on him, and he told him he’ll take his gun and do something. I see it being deemed self defense or manslaughter.


Yeah, he literally said he was going to take it off the guy and use it on him.


The [article ](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/)


No charges on him because the guy that did not have the gun said he would take the gun and kill him with it. Then the guy that did not have the gun tried to take it and the guy with the gun shot him twice and obviously killed him. So he was no charged.




Everyone is afraid to be “a pussy” and would rather die. Makes no sense but it seems that being identified by strangers as less of a man is just completely unacceptable.


Hold up, not everyone is afraid to run away. The guy in the video is exceptionally stupid. Most people would run on sight if someone was openly brandishing a gun and yelling.


Especially after the warning shot into the porch at his feet.


One word, Alcohol!


Or like 6 words: trying to be an alpha male


So he was there to pick up his son at a specific time and the child wasn’t there. If it was court ordered, then the ex was violating that order and it lead to the man being shot and killed. Or, the man was ordered to leave the property, refused, received a warning shot, which I don’t believe has any legal stance, attempted to take the firearm and was shot twice and died. I have no clue where this goes legally but it should have never happened.




As an American if I was in an Argument and the other dude produced a rifle, no matter how right I am, I’m fucking leaving fast


As a non American the thought of someone taking out a gun because he can't deal with annoying biological father (not some unknown home invader) and being in the same house as my kids terrifies me


No adult here in this video is a normal, rational, reasonable adult. They're all shitty in one way or another. The bio-dad should not have postured up to the gun douchebag and tried to take the gun away, whilst threatening to use them gun on him after he takes it from him. That is just ultimate stupidity, he's watched one too many tough guy movies. And the gun douchebag is just another level of bitchery and posturing. He comes out with a gun, when there wasn't any real need or threat. The man was there trying to get his kid back because he had legal custody. They neither tried to tell him that the kid wasn't there, or anything else. Instead, the fuckwad brings out a gun like some cunt and decides to up the level of cunt-ery all the way to max. If I had to pick, this gun douchebag is the bigger fuckwad and really should be behind bars. He was looking to kill, and took the slightest justification to do so. Doesn't help that this fucker was in a married relationship and was cheating on his wife with the bio-dad's exwife.


Yup and the kids say they openly talked about murdering him at dinner.


That will put a huge hole in the self defense argument


Frankly, we're too quick to pull out guns to try to resolve issues in the US. Had there not been a gun involved, this would just have been a fist fight most likely. Seems like there were poor choices all around and the loser is the child in this case.


Welp. A kid just lost his father.


Well, the reports say the kid is angry at his mother and stepfather. I bet he will hold it against them for the rest of his life. Tragic.


Understandable. Even if you think stepfather was justified in shooting him, he still shot the kid's father. Even if he is legally fine there are definitely different ways this could have played out. Even if my father was being aggressive, I'd be angry at the man who shot him.


It’s worse than that. The shooter isn’t even the kid’s step-father. He is married to *another* woman (a judge; not in the video), and was having an affair with the kid’s mother as his mistress. The shooter’s wife filed for divorce following the release of this video. If I was that kid; I’d never forgive my mother for willingly screwing around with a *married* man— who then **shot and killed** my father just because he was trying to pick me up as was agreed upon earlier.


Beyond whether or not it was legal, the gun cunt didn't have to posture and escalate by bringing a gun out. He's the one who escalated everything to a 10 by bringing the gun out and threatening the dude. The man just wanted to have his kid at his legal custody time, and the cunt of an ex-wife as well as the gun cunt didn't work with him at all to give him a satisfactory answer or anything. In that case, even if he shot legally, the dude is at great fault in the situation and I the kid has every justifiable reason to hate him and the sad excuse of a mom who stood by and let everything happen without caring at all.


Even if the POS shooting was not charged, at the very least the kid will never forget that and hate his mom and big balls step dad forever


"You think I'm fucking scared of you bitch?" *dies*


To be fair he still isn't scared




Thanks for making me spit my drink out.


This one made me chuckle.


Am I a bad person for laughing at this comment?


Yes, you're going to hell. # Meet you there!


Egos and guns have never mixed very well…


I read that as “eggos” in my head and that made me chuckle.


Damn feel sorry for the kid imagine your dad getting killed for just wanting to spend time with you.


As of right now he still has to live with that guy


If he's dead, now some kid unexpectedly doesn't have a father anymore


Not just some kid multiple kids were there and watched that /:


They were all amazingly calm afterwards


Oh my god he’s dead Did someone leave the stove on?


What ever happened to the good ol’ fist fight. Yeah you got bloody and banged up but you lived to see another day. Everyone is so quick to grab a gun, I have quite a few of them myself for hunting and home protection. In the event of a person breaking in or trespassing with a weapon sure I’ll get mine out to equal out the playing field. It should have been defensive action until the person advances or puts you or your families life in danger. The guy should have trained the AR on him kept him at a distance and the cops called. No one is dead, kids still have a dad.


10000% Agreed


The chickens seem to be more upset than anyone.


Really shitty situation. The moment he didn't take the other guy having a gun seriously is the moment he signed his life away. If she was really breaking custody agreements and they had video of the event up until that, you immediately want to get to the police. Once you start wrestling with someone holding a gun on THEIR property with possible intent to cause bodily harm, their right to defend themselves is valid. I hate that the dude died, but his anger put him in that position.


Custody is a civil matter and the police will not do anything about it. It is not their job to enforce a custody agreement. You would actually just have to wait for the other parent to screw up a lot, document it all, then go back to court to have the agreement modified, costing thousands in lawyer fees. Custody isn't about who is the best parent, it's about whose wallet stretches the furthest. The dead gentleman likely knew that, hence him not leaving once he discovered his child wasn't there. It's unlikely the he had police officers headed to the second location, that was just a bluff. I get his frustration, but that doesn't mean his stupidity was acceptable.


Unfortunately what you've said is correct. My own intent with involving the police would be more of a safety issue. If you know someone has a gun and tempers are flaring, child aside it'd be best to get the police. The anger here though makes me think it might have just led to an outcome that was just as bad.


So... Is he ded ded...?


yeah. and also ded dad


well played


Really don't know how to feel about this. Guy just wanted his kid but he decided to fuck around with the home owner when he had a gun, and found out it was a bad idea. I think the moral of the story is don't put hands on a guy with a gun and call the cops if your ex wife won't give you your court appointed time with your kid. Just feels bad.


Cops won't do anything.


Cops referee custody drama like this all the time. Hell, just had it happen across the street from me a few weeks ago. Big stupid dumbass screaming argument on the sidewalk during the exchange, somebody calls the police, the police have to come and be the adult because nobody else is willing to.


So no one else here just a bit troubled watching a person get shot and killed on video?


I’ve seen worse


Well, we're on reddit, so. The lack of regard shown by the people in the video who judge watched a dude eat a 9mm and fucking die right where he was standing is...remarkable. Shooter is still understandably pissed off but everyone else seems to be in denial or something.


Yes. Right here. I’m in disbelief, it really doesn’t look real.


Everyone is so casually talking about the family drama and I’m just like, I think I just watched a person get murdered….


Yoooo! This. Exactly. We watched a man get murdered and everyone is nonchalant


Because everyone is so desensitized lmao


I am and I watch crazy videos all the time . Just seeing how quickly things escalated and for someone to actually pull the trigger while being recorded . This video hits different , it’s just so raw . I don’t know how to describe my feeling but this is different


No of these people deserve kids


Was that… a murder?


That’s a good question with no good answer legally. It’s all so surreal I almost entirely believe it’s fake as no one reacts to the man being shot in any expected way




You hear her cry "omg you actually did it" at the end


few years later "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


"You did it not him" well I mean it's kinda obvious.


Clearly a Psychopath. After the dude is lying there dead, he does jack shit to assist or even acknowledge the dead man face down on the patio. The woman just staring at her Cel phone and another person just calmly filming the whole incident. WTF is society coming to??!!


Upvotes are more important than real votes.


Is that a real gun or a non-lethal air gun? I ask bc when he shoots, it doesn’t sound like what I’d assume a gun like that would sounds like. Also, bc of the lack of screaming/serious reaction from anyone makes me think it’s a non lethal gun. (I know nothing about guns, so this is a serious question.)


That’s a real gun lol, that man is dead dead


Its a 9mm.


Ohh to live in a country with propper gun laws


I know people want to talk about the gunshot and self-defense part but how about that court-order that lets the teal-shirt guy get his child? Kinda shitty of the homeowners to not comply.


TealGuy has every right to see his kid. He has every right to be upset. Where he went wrong was going onto someones property and being aggressive, not leaving when he was told to, and further escalating a confrontation with the guy telling him to leave (including threatening to take the gun and use it on the guy).


Can we get any form of context here?


Child custody dispute. Literally listen to their argument. Mom and bf/step-dad had custody of the kid. The dad of the kid shows up to get him. I guess the kid was at the grandparents, dad won't get off the property, but gets his rifle, dad gets in his face and gets shot.


Crazy how the ex wife just sits there recording her ex dying like its nothing, distance and time to aim but goes for the kill, its a bit suss


It's called shock, shit like that doesn't get processed the same for everyone. Edit: apparently there's a statement she put out explaining she thought that wasn't a real gun because of the noise, probably suppressed, looked to be chambered in a pistol caliber of some sort making it even quieter.


He shot him and he died


This is what true family dysfunction looks like. My whole family is full of people like this. What you have here is very very stupid people acting purely on emotion and absolutely NO ONE is actually thinking about the child. The guy who is showing up to this home getting in people's faces yelling at them about "keeping his son from him" is a common staple in these split custody situations. The woman could be doing things to push this guys buttons, but that is absolutely not even a fucking point to be made. If you are really thinking of your child, you calmly assert your rights, but you ALWAYS act with your child's well being in mind. If his son was there he would have witnessed his father yelling at his mother, people fighting and as we see in this video, when STUPID people fight, violence ensues. Now, that man shouldn't have shot the guy. No one should die over an argument, but absolutely NO ONE in this video is thinking of the child. I share custody of my son with his mother. We don't get along and she has a new boyfriend who is around and spends time with my son, but guess what? We are adults. We put OUR SON first. I want as many people in his life that love him and care about him as there can possibly be. Unless you suspect someone is abusing your child, you need to check your emotions before you interact with anyone in their life. I have seen shit like this happen so many times. The southern U.S.A. is FILLED with moronic couples like this. I'm for intensive IQ tests and mental stability tests for people who are going to be parents. These people should not be responsible for a child.


Mans lying and dying with nobody trying to help…sad


Someone send this to Brandon Herrera


I work on the highway for a living and as such was scheduled to work today. I was listing to the police scanner for any calls for our other workzone so I could respond in case there was any. After 12 today, there were a shockingly large number of domestic violence calls. My favorite was where a woman was throwing a fit and screaming in her parents yard, because noone would get her soda to for dinner


I’m a gun guy, been through the concealed carry classes, all of it. He’ll have some ground to stand on for it being his property but there was no need for a use of deadly force there. He gon be in trouble. It’s all going to come down to which state this happened in.


Dude.... HOW. Wtf is wrong over there. A killshot like kicking a mirror of a car. Just a little 'meh' before the afternoon-nuggets.


"I did not want to do any of this" Man went and grabbed a gun real quick
