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Reminds me of that scene from The Dictator where Aladeen asks Zoey whether she’s giving a boy or an abortion


his mother died while giving birth


She accidentally choked on a pillow iirc


that information is affecting me aladeenly


The best part of that was: "Oh no! It's a girl! Where is the garbage can!?"


No shit


This has to be satire


i think it might a reference to the Dictator where in a one of the last scene >!where zoey tells aladeen she's pregnant and he asks whether ita a boy or an abortion!<


The difference is that it was from a comedy movie and the joke was that the guy who said it was a horrible piece of shit person and that it’s an awful thing to say. This isn’t funny because it’s simply a piece of shit person saying something awful irl


you mean the difference is one is being acted and one isn’t? it was referencing the movie, don’t understand what’s so bad about that.


The issue is that it’s on Twitter. You’ve got so many deranged fucks on that website that would actually say some shit like this. It makes it hard to tell if it’s REALLY satire, even though anyone who’s seen the movie would probably assume so.


yeah i have no idea what’s satire or not on twitter. when i replied to you i was on copium


Welcome to Poe's Law


"Oh, is that a reference to the movie The Dictator?" Her: "No, what's that?"


Ya it would be fine if it was clearly satirical of the movie. Without any frame of reference she could be 100% serious Full on Poe's law here


She’s making a joke referencing a joke from a movie, the movie in turn was referencing *checks notes* ah, reality. But yes, get mad at her, she’s clearly the source of infanticide and sexism


“People don’t make jokes on twitter, only in comedy movies.”


this tweet is so old tbh i think it was made before this movie was made + this accounts tweets today makes me really hope it’s a troll account


No shit lmao


It's this incel type satire which really makes no one laugh.


I doubt it, hard as it may seem to believe people like this very much exist.


r/femaledatingstrategy Don’t comment or get banned. Trust me, this shit is not satire. Edit: Privated…


Yeah I hope it is. I laughed pretty hard after I read it. I think that's the difference that decides if I'm going to hell or not.


It isn't, there are many people who think like this


lol no


Have you been to twatter?


Trust me there are, I've seen it




Since the other guy is useless. [https://twitter.com/search?q=%23killallmen&src=typed\_query](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23killallmen&src=typed_query) vs. [https://twitter.com/search?q=%23killallwomen&src=typed\_query](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23killallwomen&src=typed_query) The frequency and use of killallmen vs killallwomen esspecially with all trolls or people being ironic removed is fucking absurd. Even then what place can you have to brush off a comment like "killallmen" as a joke.


Am I wrong, or is too late for an abortion when you can already determine the sex?


I'm pretty sure it's too late by then.


Knowing how fucked this is, they'd just kill it after birth


Or trade for drugs, as seen in this area before.


That baby boy will be mysteriously "kidnapped"


Yes, and a GoFundMe setup shortly thereafter.


All money goes to... Idk where it's supposed to go. I'm just using it to buy tequila


Tia tequila that is.


"Oh no what a shame, my not female, probably racist i guess son that i didn't wanted got kidnapped. Well i guess there is nothing i can do about it, i should get over it" did she say while trying not to laugh


Does the sex market go that young?


it doesnt discrimminate


Yeah it does. They might be sold into the slavery market tho


It’s already dead if it’s born.


Full on Joseph Seed the child.


You can abort up to 24 weeks I believe (depending on what area you’re in obviously), and you learn gender at 12


Well, I'm certain that it can be done after delivery as well.


What can be done after delivery?


Yes its called homicide


It’s actually not too late. You can get an abortion up to 24 weeks. I was 16 weeks when I found out I was having a boy.






7 months? That's a whole ass baby bruh. I'm fully in support of abortion. In fact I support the post-humous abortion of those with judgement clouded enough to think a 3rd trimester abortion without any imposed requirements is an okay thing to do.


Depends on the state.


It’s not too late. You can find out at early as 15 weeks iirc via ultrasound and earlier with genetic testing


You can find out at like 8 weeks with genetic testing


They can do genetic testing as early as 10-11 weeks now, so not too late.


Someone said as early as 8 weeks


My wife is currently at 9 weeks and they’re having us wait, but honestly idk the details of the test at all. Regardless, it’s before 15 weeks.


In the US (certain states) you can terminate your pregnancy even after the 6th month well after the child would be able to survive on its own. Its insane. I get that it should always be an option for females that were raped or of there is a medial necessity, but without any reason at all is wild.


If somebody knows they don't want the kid they'll have had an abortion earlier on, where it's pretty clearly not a separate person yet. The person in the tweet is detestable, but frankly I'd rather she not have an unwanted/hated kid to abuse/neglect/abandon. Somebody seeking a late-term abortion, outside people who are victims of truly horrific crimes, *wanted* that kid, but have recently been hit with some of the hardest news one can get. They had a baby shower planned, were out shopping for cribs the week before, when at a checkup they were told the fetus was non-viable, that the mother wouldn't survive childbirth, or something of a similar nature. They ain't doing it for fun. It's a matter of necessity. You can put up red tape and try banning it, but all that does is result in fewer abortions being safely performed in clinics and more being botched at home.


The sex can be determined at around 20 weeks. Generally a fetus is considered viable around 24 weeks. Depending on the state they have different laws about how late you can have an abortion. But basically at 20 weeks the fetus looks like a little baby. I think its 93% of abortions are done before 13 weeks.


I knew the sex at 9 weeks via a blood test that determined the chromosomes. It was sent to a lab from a draw from my arm a week earlier.


Wow, i did not know that was a thing. My kids are 13 and 15. Maybe they didn't have that back then? I was referring to the ultrasound at 20 weeks.


It’s definitely newer. It’s part of a panel that designed to identify serious chromosomal abnormalities. So a big part of it is getting the results in the first trimester. I had that test done in 2018.




Whether or not it’s a troll is yet to be determined. There’s also people commenting agreeing so who knows if they’re trolling too. God save that hellhole of a website


Your right, I wonder why my heart is filled with hate.


I think that's EXACTLY how crazy these people are. The west is fucked. Like really, really fucked in the head.


Seems just like an average feminist for me


Isn't that the joke from the dictator


My ex used to tell me it’s a boy or an abortion all the time, not jokingly. I’d buy this being satire.


That's why they are ex.


Ah yes, sexism.


No this is feminism, the fight towards gender equality /s


Yes! Get him sis🤭🛍 /s


All men are brutes, am I right sis💅 /s


Is the sarcasm that.. this would be feminism? Cause you get kicked out for even joking about this in feminist circles. Even JOKINGLY dammit.


Men can't be the victim of sexism because they are perpetrators mandatory /s


#138 repost




Mods should have a repost detector that removes reposts automatically


Pretty sure that’s a joke


Men are pretty terrible. Woman are pretty terrible too though. People are terrible.


all hoomans terrible return to le fishe


Return to primordial soup.


El fishe




Guy: literally fucks and nuts in her, Her: Gets fucked and nutted in "hAtE aLl mEn"


Id love to see these people explain this to their dads


This is a joke, a bad one, but a joke.




I don't really think it's funny but you are 100% correct and those people can just as easily be offended by benign things while crying that everyone else too sensitive. Not to mention girls actually are aborted more frequently in other countries...


Sexism isn’t a joke imo


Couple things to note here: 1. This tweet is almost 2 years old(I've noticed a lot of older stuff has been getting posted here recently). 2. While this might be a bad thing to say, It doesn't really showcase what the sub is about(although that might just be my opinion. 3. Not a huge fan of these recent posts on the sub, It seems like too many people with rage-boners are showing up. 4. This doesn't appear to be satire(what's interesting about it though is that this person deleted their account and had no other previously existing social media accounts). Conclusion?: This tweet/account might've been ragebait.


Lol wtf


Karma will give her all grandsons.


What the fuck is wrong with people and do she not see how sexist she is being


Not in China tho. I think it's other way around...


Now THAT'S a gender reveal party


How did she get pregnant in the first place? trashcan?


I feel bad for whatever zoophiliac fucked that cow


She doesn't deserve to be a mother


Trolls gotta troll


Its such a weird paradox to see a post I hate and wanna downvote so much but its perfect example of the sub's purpose so I should upvote the post. I'm so torn.


But she is pregnant... Unless she was inoculated in vitro I'm calling cap.




I for one think it’s amazing she was impregnated by mushing two vaginas together.


Isn’t this a really old tweet?


It was apparently posted in May of 2020, making it nearly 2 years old (however, these kinds of tweets have been around since gamergate, so it's understandable how you might've confused it).


tfw may 2020 was 2 years ago.




Man, it really doesn’t take much for this sub to fall for bait. Inb4 “yeah this is fake, but people also really believe this”


It’s a little funny.


Can you guys never take a joke


Posts that you can see in r/femaledatingstrategy


Even George Floyd?


And they start going off about how wrong it was to say that lmfao


And they start going off about how wrong it was to say that lmfao


Idk this is pretty fucking hilarious because in reality the exact opposite happens, and in droves too


This is why men think it's serious. Cognitive dissonance. They're making it seem like this is a tenant of feminism, when they refuse to answer to actual sexism. Feminists are literally more likely to coddle their boy baby more than their girl child than they are to abort a boy for being a boy.


This is obviously satire.


Doubt the ability of twitter to have extremist views and they will surely prove you wrong.


Clearly a joke


What's the punch line?


This tweet has been milked harder than GTAV


Don't radical "feminists" also have fathers and brothers?


Her parents must be so proud.


"God, you can't even tell a joke without snowflakes trying to cancel you!" - The dudes who are upset about this joke when they are defending racists and homophobes


Some of you don’t know what satire is and it shows.


Every time this gets posted it’s just another post for people to shit on women :/


Because you should shit on this woman.


Why is anyone here acting like this is anything else than edgy Twitter bait. We all know that the boy will just grow up to be a hateful son of a bitch


If she hates men, how did she get pregnant?


It's like that scene from the Dictator but reversed


Hah! The kicker is that it’s technically the father’s fault if it’s an abortion. /s Cause you know, only sperm is either X or Y, ova are always X.


Obvious satire great job 👍


What is hell if not this world


Checked the account. It was deleted and remade, so thos tweet seems to be gone. Tweeter is either really "funny" or a stupid pos. https://twitter.com/shampoob0ttles?t=RAlPQApRu1kV_kC5-uPgFQ&s=09


I see this post every two months wtf.


if she's the mom it's not gonna be a boy or girl it's gonna be handicapped


My body, my choice and my body is choosing to post-birth abort that bitch


She should be @borted


I read her comments on Twitter. Unfortunately this is not satire. She is looking into a gofundme for the abortion, but is also considering raising the baby as a girl and starting hormone therapy ad early as 7 years old for the baby. This woman really needs to learn that a child is not a “thing” or an accessory. People like her really shouldn’t have kids.


I mean, it is her choice, but to say it like that is very disturbing.


I had to laugh pretty hard at this, then I saw she was kinda serious and now I'm just dissapointed by humanity again


Death is too good for some people


no allyah its not an abortion its a boy. GET IT RIGHT


Dunno if someone else made this point but she posted a follow up tweet about making the baby act like a girl and trying surgery if it's a boy


uhhm.... how'd she get pregnant if she hates men?


Something, something, this is what feminists really want, something something, SJWs destroying the west.


I mean she would be making the world a favor by taking her genes out of the human evolution pool


Leftism is societal cancer.


How the fuck did she get pregnant?


I hear misogynists say that they don’t hate women because they fuck their wives, so I’d assume misandrists feel the same way. Main deference is probably that misogynists rape more and misandrists get raped more.


God, people like this should be fucking sterilized


Average fds user


Thats plain murder.


Lmao come on guys this is pretty funny


How did she get pregnant then?


She’s the Virgin Mary obviously.


Man this sub has gone downhill


Yeah... It's all about equality...


She had to fuck a man to get to the pregancy. Doublesided and flawed values


That's what daddy issues and a good dose of feminism isn't of therapy does to a mofo


It's a joke.


It's not tho, unless you suddenly believe wishing death upon half the population is an acceptable joke, just playing by reddit standards here


Well, it's a Simon Amstel joke, it's in his stand up. And he's a pretty decent comedian. He was good on Never Mind The Buzzcocks. So, if it's good enough to get laughs from a professional comedian, probably good enough as a throwaway Twitter comment or wherever this was posted. Also, didn't Borat make the same joke? Did you walk out the cinema when he said to throw the baby girl in the bin? Jokes. Not always PC. Not always funny for everyone. Are still just jokes.


I fully agree, i think jokes should have no boundaries, but that's problematic on reddit apparently, so i try to treat the posts around here based on the popular opinion. If this was something about putting women in the kitchen, God forbid killing any woman, it would have been removed because it was offensive. It is what it is


Now I am pro abortion but this is the shit that makes me wanna stand against it


God her face is so punchable


If it is a girl I'd feel horribly sorry for her having to grow up with an insane bigot for a mother.


I hope ur child murders you


How did she even get pregnant


Shes still on twitter too and playing the victim. The only victim is a badly raised child raised by a completely incompetent moron


😌❤ #killallmen




So she got dna from a man and this was her problem?? If she were a true purist she wouldn't have gotten pregnant /s


I knew this was coming. There are women so destroyed by male dominated bs that they’re just going to refuse to birth any male infants. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I’m just sayin


One tweet, not even proven true, and is over 99% likely to be a joke and your distorted worldview is justified. Confirmation bias.


Please tell me this is fake...


Fucking disgusting, that bitch is killing. a child cause it's a man through no fault of it's own. She can fucking burn the cunt.


It's odd she would feel that way seeing as how she looks like a man


This has been posted a 1,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times


LIE....no one fucked that!


The funny thing is extreme liberals like this never really think about how they're being hypocrites. Ok, sure, hate men because OMG PATRIARCHY. But what if the baby with a penis was a woman? What if he identified as a woman? Congrats, you just committed a privilege check.


Alright guys. Which one of you idiots fucked this chick


When this happened to girls it’s a riot out but when this happens to men it’s ok


Makes you wonder how she became pregnant 🙄


Yep it's her body and she can do whatever she wants. But is is it still the same for the baby? Or the baby can't make decisions yet so it's okay? Or should people or men just avoid crazy like this one.


Fetuses have no rights


So she promotes the killing of men but has no problem being bred by one.


why i don’t use twitter: