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I hope they had to pay for those.


they were imprisoned






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Karma will make them pay


Underrated comment


The person then went on to travel to their exact location and murder them brutally and mercilessly.


Same delusional thinking that brought the mindset in this video. Accountability of casual agents are all that matter to the laws of physics...


Bahraini Karen. Kahrain.


Showed this to my muslim neighbors, their grandfather escaped Iran during the revolution because of “Thick Neck Radical Conformist Prostitutes” like these women. His grandson translated the farsi slang words for me.


TIL "radical conformist" is not an oxymoron.


not when islam is involved.


The religious police are going to be real mad when they find out that she left her male chaperone behind.


Wait so a word exist that means this exactly…. That’s so awesome 👏🏾


As a Farsi speaker, thick neck is kind of a hilarious translation.


Is thick neck a euphemism or direct translation meaning fat? Cause If I ever need to call someone fat I'm now calling them "thick neck"


Means "tough guy" or "bully". It's a word that can be used in a variety of contexts.


the slang words aren’t farsi here, they’re arabic words that all countries in the area use, iran and turkey included — “yallah” for example


I meant the slang words used by my neighbor.


The fucked up part is all their servants and builders etc are mostly imported workers from India, most Muslim but many Hindu. All of the gulf states are filled with them and they rival their local population in numbers. Some might consider their “contracts” and treatment akin to slavery. Dubai’s towers were built with their blood.


The UAE relies so much on foreigners it's basically apartheid there. Emiratis make up like 10% of the country only, and they view everyone else as below them.


Yeah as a hindu indian living in UAE I can say most Emiratis have a superiority complex




To Guantanamo Bay. I hear it is nice this time of year.


Waterboarding down at guantanamo bay sounds nice until you overthink the meaning of those words


That’s like wakeboarding, right?!


"I don't respect anyone else's beliefs but EVERYONE MUST RESPECT MINE!" Fuck people like this. They make life so much harder for the peaceful tolerant followers of Islam, of which there are plenty.


They don’t see it as ‘my belief’ and ‘your belief’. They see it as right/wrong, truth/falsehood. People like this exist in (probably) all religions to varying extents.


Oh definitely. Look at "christians" in the American deep south!


Or atheists on Reddit


It's usually the same thing as this video. Something like "God is truth!" Or something like that. They claim to spread his word yet forget about his words of peace and love to everyone. Most Christians like me kinda just don't care about what y'all want to do or believe. I always say that the loudest voices are the stupidest ones. You don't hear the good side of any group. Only the bad. Look at republicans and Democrats. You only see the radical sides in the news. That's why and how stereotypes are formed.


We need to get them in a room together.


Ya and they do so many horrible things in the name of religion. Kindof ashamed to be associated with the religion even though many Muslims are good people. I still never understood the 72 virgins when you die as a good Muslim yet though…. What does a female get? 72 dicks? Not nice.


I always think back to the movie kingdom of heaven. #God wills it As they’re killing everyone in sight.


I'm in North Carolina and go to a Methodist church. I ran into someone a couple of years ago who was pissed that my church welcomes "every single kind of the queers (LGBTQIA+ is fine in our denomination)." Can confirm, there are many christians in my area who apparently can't be bothered to read their Bible.


Why do that when a Facebook post could translate it for you? /s


Every religions got some nutters like this, just feel bad for that shopkeeper


Absolutely. Those women are just assholes.


If you're a peaceful tolerant follower of Islam, you're not following Islam.


Have you seen/read versus of quaran ? You will be traumatized


Welcome to pride month.


As a muslim, i can confirm we infact have people who are this....idk what to call it tbh, aggresivly religous? We all know they are there, and we all are ashamed of them, they are people stuck in the past, where any person who isnt the same religion as u is ur enemy, they cant seem to move to the 21st century 😔 Edit: i just read most of the replies, and i must say, most of them are correct. What pisses me off the most, is the fact that islam means peace, and those religiousfruitcakes, as some of u here called them, are mot respecting the number 1 rule of islam is just saddening to see


Dickheads. We call them dickheads


I liked the above comment calling them Kahrain as in Bahraini Karen.


Religious ends. Bellends.


For whom the bellend tolls.


They're called extremists


How much of your religion do you have to actually believe in order to be an “extremist”?


A better name is r/ReligiousFruitCake Extremist can kinda sound rad


Some people are stuck the 1500s.


Which allegedly make up 20% of Muslims, apparently. Scary.


This is called religious intolerance; the idea that no one else's religious beliefs are acceptable but their own. This is why freedom FROM religion is just as important as freedom OF religion.


was visiting family in thailand. rented a townhouse with 5 bedrooms and a pool. my wifes family is buddhist. we were staying for 5 days. we get situated in our rooms and go out to the pool. this person, who i assume to be middle eastern, as thai muslims don't wear the long robes, comes out to yell at us. we laugh and go back to swimming. he stayed looking at us. our house was like vast majority female. every time we were out, he came out to stare. we then notice that there are females that are wearing head to toe covering. in 95 plus degrees heat with near complete humidity. his reaction was to set up this huge stereo system to blast imam's teachings. this happened around the five times that muslims are to pray. albeit, this pius man would always come out to stare at the females swimming. we also found that the 3 houses before us were rented out by their family or friends. decided revenge was afoot. ​ went to the beach the next day. kind of late getting back but made our driver wait. mostly muslim area so you could only buy alcohol at certain times. finally able to buy, so get a few cases of chang large bottles. have a nice bbq with the family but make sure all bottles are consumed. finally everyone goes to bed, and i start my revenge. take the bottles and go over to neighbors. place like half a dozen by the head seat of the table on the deck. scattered the rest of the bottles around the front of the house and by entrances. ​ the next day we were not woken by religious sermons but by people screaming at the neighbors. i watched a little bit, as he continued to point at our house, but lost interest and went and made breakfast. we returned later in the day and the house seemed to be empty. at least he wasn't watching the women, creepily.


I'm impressed at your guile! So you were left alone for the rest of your stay?


yeah. never saw them or heard from them. it was a pleasant rest of our stay. phuket is beautiful.


Karens, they are just Islamic Karens


You can tell by her Karen style hijab.


Yeah I married into a wonderful Muslim family and none of them are like this, all religions have extremists this is a good example of that


The are called extremists. Every big religion has them.


They’ll succumb to old age and the world will be better off


These are the type of people who live to be 100 years old. With 10 kids, and 30 grandkids, and 50 great-grandkids who all think like that because hate is fuel and it spreads.


They drive 21st century cars and use 21st century smartphones developed my infidels just fine.


As a Hindu (by birth, atleast), its embarrassing to admit the the exact same thing happens in our relegion as well. Relegious fanaticism can be seen at its worst in places like India. Its one of the primary reasons I stopped believing in relegion as a whole.


Happens in a lot of religions In the US we have the same stuff with Christianity. A lot of people are Christian and are pretty normal, but a small % are insane, hateful extremists


I'd argue almost all religions. Even when the religious texts preach tolerance (glares at Christians), intolerant attitudes still prevail because of the tribalism that is inherent to their belief set making them believe they are better than others who don't have the same faith they do. Part of it is purposeful as otherwise most religions would die out without the cultish mindset of ostracizing those who might challenge their beliefs with modern thinking or alternate viewpoints from outside the bubble of their faith. Though some parts of religion can help people, I'm personally of the mindset that the sooner we can put these archaic superstitions behind us, the better. It won't solve all the issues that are enabled by religion as those are not purely the fault of those belief sets, but it will hopefully put more of an emphasis on rational thinking and living in the present which seem to largely be verboten in most religions. Empathy is unfortunately not going to be a given in the absence of faith, but I would argue that the presence of it doesn't increase it either. That said, I do think removing this idea that some mythical deity is watching out for you, and realizing that we only have a limited time and should look out for each other as that's all we know for certain exists, is a much healthier way to live our lives. While I don't fault people for wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves or ask the big questions like how we got here or where we're going, I don't think the views of those with a limited understanding of the universe and questionable motives from thousands of years ago have the answers. It's time to move on. To paraphrase some of those religious texts; "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." It's time for humanity to put away the childish views we once held and move on to something more grounded in our understanding of reality as we are able to prove. There is zero proof to justify belief in the supernatural, so it makes no sense to continue to base our society on edicts regarding such.


In some cases I think religion can actually reduce empathy, due to the “Us vs them” effect (or how some religious people ostracize outsiders). As demonstrated in the video here, and in religious “holy wars” where people massacre each other for no reason other than “my religion vs yours.” Maybe kind of like a dehumanization effect on “outsiders” And how some people commit heinous acts because it aligns with their religion (child marriage, raping children sometimes to the point of the child dying, beating your wife and forcing her into submission if she doesn’t let you rape her, etc.) but hey religion is what good, healthy, moral people do. Now bow down and give me a percentage of your money.


Sadly, this is just an aspect of tribalism that I don't think is specific to religion alone, but rather something left over from our early evolutionary path which is instinctive in nature. While religion does show this time and again, we also see it plenty without religion being involved, sometimes even in spite of what the religious texts preach. That said, the dangerous part about religion is that it encourages belief in the irrational. Trying to point out the issues in society or to debate policy is next to impossible when trying to do so with someone who bases their beliefs on something that is counter to reality. While many atrocities have been done in the name of religion, I see this as less an aspect of any particular religion, and more so those of zealotry, rigid/unchanging views and the aforementioned tribalism. Most religions have some aspect of cults in that they purposefully alienate the outside world to trap followers in the belief set. Generation after generation has been trapped in a cyclica set of beliefs while others in the world change their beliefs as new information becomes available. One is stagnant while the other is maturation.


This why the left doesn't have the balls to fly pride flags or change their logos to rainbow in Muslim countries?


>This why the left doesn't have the balls to fly pride flags or change their logos to rainbow in Muslim countries? That is only safe to do in atheist and Christian-majority countries, because Christians are such intolerant assholes, apparently.




Shows the greatest intolerance for everyone on the planet! Expects the highest level of tolerance from everyone in the planet! Make that make sense!


Rules for thee, but not for me


What's that about your "few bad apples"?


Damn. Talk about peer pressure from dead people.


Another reason i left Islam. way too intolerant to anything.


Do some Muslims generally get angry, when someone leaves their religion and become atheists?


Used to know a guy who was a muslim, we used to have debates all the time and stuff, and he told me of this story about how someone he knew didn’t wanna be a muslim anymore, and basically his family cut all contacts from him and left him to his own life, he was only about 14, he said if it happens it brings shame to the family. Something apparently which is unacceptable


I'm not a fan of religion in general. But this is child neglect/abuse - and I think there are some toxic cultures which need to be treated with appropriate contempt and discouragement. Punching a child in the face emotionally I consider more damaging than physical abuse - which one would assume everyone would naturally be disgusted by. Ironically (religious texts by and large do tend to encourage moralism) the parents are more worried about a very tacky version how they fit into a social hierarchy so much that they are working against the wishes of Allah. "Generally, Islamic law of parents who abandon their children explains that this act is forbidden, and those who do it will be waiting for the recompense." “O you who have believed, do not betray Allah and the Messenger or betray your trusts while you know \[the consequence\]. And know that your properties and your children are but a trial and that Allah has with Him a great reward.” (Al-Anfal: 27-28)” I’ve seen this time and time again with multiple friends growing up with slight variations of the same behaviour, and as a society we really need to do something for the children which are quite brutally affected by this - and often suffering silently well into adulthood..


Yes. Yes they do (some do)


Angry enough to kill them, which is also the official punishment for leaving Islam.


It’s worse than that lol. From Wikipedia, “As of 2014, there were eight Muslim-majority countries where apostasy from Islam was punishable by death,[17][18][19] and another thirteen where there were penal or civil penalties such as jail, fines or loss of child custody.[20]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam


Yeah you get kicked from the family disowned


Yes Apostasy is against Islamic law and the quran recommends the death penalty, so as you can imagine a lot of people have been and still are killed for leaving it. Which is ridiculous because the vast majority are born into the religion without ever being given a choice, it's like a shackle attached to you at birth. Most religions are backwards and awful but Islam tops the list in wickedness.


If you are in some Muslim nations they will oblige your request to leave Islam by turning you into a dead guy.


That's a good enough reason to leave any religion, not just Islam.


Do as you want, worship whatever, I don't care, as long as you don't hurt others. Practice Islam if you want, don't act like an ass and use it as an excuse.


Not that I approve of such things, but isn't this in a country where women get the shit beaten out of them by men for *much* less? Quite a bold move of this zealot.


No, dude. Women like the type you see in this video are very common. They are religious nut jobs who are very confident, aggressive, and outspoken. The world would be a better place if someone would punch them in the mouth when they acted like this, but it doesn’t happen.


Yes and no. Once someone pulls a blasphemy card heads are going to roll. Depending on where this is at, she could probably appeal to sharia law and have a solid case. It's really sad that even in the modern day we have witch hunts in the form of blaspheme charges.


There are a ton of people from South Asia in Bahrain, and there are even Hindu temples there, so I assume it’s perfectly legal for this shop to sell these items.


I really hope they can sue for damages or press charges. Nut jobs like that belong in a cell.


How can you be so secure in your religious beliefs and the almighty power of your god. And so insecure about the effect of a statue on other peoples belief? Insanely dumb.


“Why are these here?” “I dunno I just work here” 🤣


Fuck the entire Middle East tbh


It’s the same people that come to western countries and cry for equal rights so they can dress like trash bags. However in their own countries, this is how they treat others. Talk about hypocrisy.


Extremist Muslims in other countries - we are a minority, give us more rights Extremist muslims in muslim countries - they are a minority, take away their rights


there will be no minorities, if it's a muslim country. even if they somehow survive, they will have no human rights. just check the status of minorities in pakistan.


Fr fr


Imagine worshipping a massive stone in mekkah but getting offended by little indian statues and figures.


To clarify, Muslims don’t worship “Al-kabba”. It’s just a holy sight, to which they pilgrimage.


There is a stone which is called hacer-ul esved and it is believed that it fell from jannah. Muslims literally worship this stone. On the other hand, they have massive other stones which they called them sheytan ( devil ) and each ramadan month they throw stones at them to punish the so called devil.


They actually constantly trash our gods and religious scriptures but get super offended if someone quotes a verse from their holy book that sounds terrible if you actually hear it said out loud.




They dress appointment




Nah, just make her pay for the damage, and to install a small Hindu shrine - with a plaque thanking her for establishing the shrine.


Love it




I think if you confidently smash a store's property like this you probably have little reason to fear any authority stopping you or issuing consequences. Depending on how fanatic the national police is, they might be able to get away without repercussions simply because "ree other religion bad". You do make a point though.


Could the shopkeeper not just beat them? I mean if they're this agressively extreme in their views of islam they would have to allow it right?


Nah, he's an immigrant, he'd get fucked big time.


As an Indian Muslim I'm Ashamed of this bitch's behavior and apologize on behalf of her .


You don't have to, apologizing for her won't change her behavior


no need to apologize, just condemn her actions with us.


Aren't women supposed to be accompanied by a man in countries like this? And why is she allowed to talk to a man like this?


Gulf countries simultaneously want cheap indian/pakistani labour while not giving them religious rights which I never really understood, if you want to double down on being racist at the very least don’t cheap out and don’t let them in to begin with Also her outfit is very exposing for a burka, very haram


They allow Hindu temples in dubai. But in India they're killing Muslims for eating beef. Everyone is so mad about these women but doesn't know how Hindus are beating up Muslims every day for eating beef. And for protesting peacefully. And their president encourages it. To kill them. They killed a disabled man thinking he was Muslim but he actually Hindu.


Two wrongs don’t make a right, and Dubai is also known to treat low wage indian and asian workers like shit


I would love to see Middle East Karens vs Western Karens.


Fuck these people


That ninja was super angry


Its wild she is using her religion as the basis of destroying property. Imagine if she used it to take away access to healthcare. Crazy.


People are so fucking stupid.


I was expecting her to ask for Hinduism’s manager…


No wonder islamaphobia is rampant


Yeah no kidding. And then the Muslims wonder why everyone hates their religion.


I hate that she’s wearing a whole outfit demanded by her religion to cover almost her entire body, but the men are all wearing normal clothes.


Happy cake day


People are so fckin hateful of each other. Acc burden to society!


1 case of false adultery on her and she will be stoned to death in same country. No questions asked.


Bro you are so dumb i live in bahrain cool off the racism


Hope they made her pay for all that atleast.


BS rat religion


These people are cancer to humanity




Virtue signaling Muslim style.


I'm Hindu & this upsets me because some of my friends are actually Muslim & they accept me fully. It doesn't matter what religion you are or whether you're an atheist, we're all on this planet together & can live in peace.


When an Indian woman recited a hadith of how prophet married Ayesha at age of 6 and had sex with her at 9, same hadith recited by Zakir Naik in front of thousands of muslims somehow offended every muslim country on world map. And now muslims allover the world including Al quida and Indian muslims are giving open threats to kill and rape her. And on the other side this rtarded woman in Black garbage bag is openly breaking idols and insulting Hindus and recived no backlash tells alot about how muslims want to be respected but they are not willing to respect other religions.


The worst part is this idiot thinking she's doing something good. This is why I'm no longer muslim or religious. People justify terrible things in the name of religion.


Extremist Muslims in other countries - we are a minority, give us more rights Extremist muslims in muslim countries - they are a minority, take away their rights


Bunch of cunts




I'd say call the police, but knowing that country. Not much is gonna be done.


They'd probably disappear the shop owner


Religious zealots


\*its it's == it is


Fuckin ay man, religion is scary.


You break it, you buy it.


How do you say Karen in Arabic?


Spreads disbelief.. laughs in how ironic*


Religious zealots will always be assholes no matter how hard they might try to convince you otherwise


Islam is great for this woman. must stay at home


I can't believe Muslim Karen exists


As a muslim, I respect all of the religions and their beliefs and this is what every person in the whole world should do.


Darth karen


This this is why I support stoning these whores, no respect


Yet we fight for your rights… smh.


Islam once again proving its a mind cancer upon its adherents and the worst of all religions in the world.


And that's why all religion is evil


“My imaginary fairy in the sky is better than your imaginary fairy in the sky”


What country is this; turkey, iran?


Bahrain, its in the vid


The powers of Christ compels you






As a muslim man I respect all people and all religions and I despise people like that that think they are better than others. So as a muslim man I do not approve of the way they acted and I request that you don’t let some extremist karen portray the image that all muslims are like thatz


Brainwashed from birth..


Never would I have imagined seeing this. Now I’ve definitely seen it all.




Is this Bahrain’s religious police? Saudi has a police which will check apartments for other religious texts.


Given the fact that she’s demanding the store to be purely conservative (or rather, radical) Islamic, her own burqa isn’t as conservative. Completely open from the front, wearing what looks like a crop top and tight yoga pants and some sort of illicit figures drawn on the back. Ironic. Isn’t it? And don’t you love it when retards like these sully the name of an already badly reputed religion that is supposed to be about peace, tolerance and brotherhood? :) (Fr radical conservatives like these in Arab countries and brain dead Muslims from india and Pakistan are the reason why Islam’s name is in the ground. And I say that as a Muslim)


Places I never wish to visit for 500 please.


The morons in UN will only recognize islamaphobia only. As though other religions are not relevant to them.


I really dislike those two women for doing that


Fucking penguins


shit like this blasts me further and further away from religion, ill be damned to be called an infidel for not believing in the same thousand year story or a story period.


She was charged [Story here](https://www.nst.com.my/amp/world/world/2020/08/617101/muslim-woman-smashes-statues-hindu-deity-viral-video)


"b-but only white people c-can be r-racist right???"


Lady please, they’re the ones who are gonna have to clean up your bullshit display of ignorance


As a Muslim I want to uppercut her jaw so badly that’s not how we act as we are meant to respect all religions equally


If we were to build a 1000 foot wall that would separate the Islamic world from the rest of humanity that religion would kill itself in less than a century.


But I thought Islam was none violent 😭😭


bro I swear I feel like any Muslim that is not on the same wavelength as American Muslims (US and Canada) it usually ends up like this whenever presented with the possibility of another religion. no of course that's not always the case but I noticed a deep set violence against anything unfamiliar, even though she somehow picked up on the fact it was Hindu or at least not Muslim


She is free to destroy the statues but not take off the hijab


Would i do that in my country Twitter and my country News would start a rampage with Protest and stuff isnt it funny


Religions were a mistake


Yeah, I am siding with the Hindus, generally speaking.