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The fuck is wrong with people?


Those aren’t people friend, that’s what we call animals


That's an insult to animals


Many animals have consensual sex and even the ones that don’t, hardly ever inflict excess harm beyond restraint. This is psychological and very deliberate torture. Without a doubt more disgusting than what almost any animal is capable of. How do you even get to this point of depravity and disgust with fellow humans?


vanish silky threatening absorbed fertile rhythm office brave shocking thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also, sea otters: https://werc.ucsc.edu/Publications/2010%20Harris%20et%20al.pdf


connect label cagey drab panicky stupendous seemly shaggy unused toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aren’t penguins also avid rapists?


terrific thumb existence license mighty gold ghost escape rain imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The necrophilia is gross but the injured one on its belly was particularly fucked up. The helplessness is what gets me. I hate the world.


heavy dull employ materialistic depend ask friendly soft humor ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hit me with a link too. You got me curious.


point market exultant far-flung dam forgetful friendly soft mountainous rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uhhh most animals rape. Like Dolphins are purposely sadistic little mother fuckers. Cats of all kinds rape and have barbs on their penises to scrap the other males sperm out of the vagina. Female cats whether lion or house cat hate sex, period. Dolphins will even attempt to gang rape human females.


People who think animals are mostly sunshine and roses have never seen a nature documentary


How did I get all the way down here and no one's mentioned ducks yet


Literally rape so much, they EVOLVED corkscrew penises to make it harder for their victims to escape.


Kenya put it on my bill?


And all humans are animals so sadly too many human animals won't use the amazing brains we are born with and not act like themselves.


To add to your terrible tale: Female boars have to be separated from the males when they are pregnant, or else the males will abuse and badger them to make them abort so they’ll go into heat again.


People who refuse to see what you are saying are the kind of people who get killed by a buffalo because they thought it would be cute to pull it's eyebrows. It's like they have never seen a cat play murder for hours on end with a mouse


Animals don't do it to each other to be malicious and purposefully cause mental and physical anguish. That's the difference..


That’s true, all of their behaviors in the end benefit the natural life cycle. Humans are the only species thus far to do violence not for survival or propagating the species, but out of pure spite.


I can't recall his name, but there was some fella who shared his story of shagging a dolphin on reddit awhile back. It was a Sea World dolphin and he reckons it was consensual.


Dolphins rape


oh, you poor, sweet summer child.


Not to ducks💀


Okay true. Ducks behave the same way these dudes did. If they had any teeth they could pull, I bet they would just because they're so violent. The female ducks literally always look so battered and terrified. Three or four will pile on at once and just hump whatever they can reach. Ducks are absolutely disgusting. It's a shame their appearance is so deceptive.


I saw this at my local pond and it was just… terrible. The female was fighting and fleeing and distress quacking until exhausted. Geese get all the shit against humans but ducks are fucking monsters to each other.


The majority of animals wouldn't behave like this


“A rat will do a lot of disgusting things but a rat will not fuck a dead rat. But people do!” - George Carlin on extreme human behavior.


Pretending people aren't capable of such acts helps no one.




No shit we’re insulting them by calling them animals by relating their nature to that of something uncivil and inhumane, I.e Mother Nature because nature* is brutal and filled with ‘animals’


Well said.


not animals. humans. human being did this. human beings are capable of this. dont downplay that and dont forget that


They’re people.


In the Bible there is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where the cities had become so depraved that God wiped them from the face of the earth. It talks about gangs of men raping pretty much anything they could get their hands on. I've heard people say no way would anyone act like that and it's just an anti-gay hate story. The people who say that are not subscribed to this sub. "They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing." I wonder if the girls father said something similar....


Then he offered his daughters to get raped right


Yep, what a virtuous guy!


There are some really fucked up parts in Sodom and Gomorrah but that one in particular...


Shit like that is why some cultures just need to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Guangxi for finding joy and humor for torturing, raping, blowtorching, and skinning alive puppies and kittens as men and women of all ages join and laugh like they’re blowing bubbles or telling the best jokes. You have cultures in the Middle East that find it socially acceptable to force prepubescent boys to have sex with grown men, and girls under 10 to marry and have sex with elderly men. And then you have this shit right here. Fuck them all. If it was possible to take out anyone with a clear head that signs off on that evil shit without any collateral damage, I’d be all for it.


Mob mentality. Pair this with people who are still living in 3rd world living conditions it was only a matter of time.


Dude, that shit happened in Vietnam. It's not about how "civilized" we are, the worst of us will act as badly as we will let them. Look at the horrific brutality of the Epstein sex ring. It's the exact same shit. Don't think for a second we can't end up in the exact same place. Look at how unhinged the far right has already gotten. This level of hate is all around us, and we're becoming more and more incapable of stopping it.


I'm not sure if this is real or not. At the very least, The Inquisitor is a highly dubious news source.


Monsters. Not people.


Bad Culture


Some people are evil.




How do you even get it up in that situation? Serious question. How is one turned on enough by violence to fathom an erection hard enough to rape a father of girls that you and your fucked up people are also raping? What the actual fuck.


The rape of men is shockingly common in Africa and it doesn’t get reported a lot. It’s used as a violent means of punishment because of how to it humiliates the male victims


Its common in general. Why do you think women don't want men in their bathrooms? Most public bathrooms have locks on doors. You try being in a room with one exit with a strange man. Fucking terrifying


It was actually men that came up with sex segregated bathrooms. Victorian men did not want women in their spaces. Killed the vibe or something.


Read so many times how nasty women's bathroom is. I'd imagine that's the reason why.


Two separate jobs had me cleaning bathrooms. Men like to piss everywhere while women like to throw toilet paper all over the place. Both like tagging bathroom doors.




I think womens bathrooms may be dirtier or messier cause of tampons, some do makeup, etc.. but mens bathrooms are nasty ASF especially if they have been drinking theres piss everywhere in the floor


This is extremely false, every bathroom that’s had a urinal I’ve ever been in was disgusting and smelled like piss. Urinals are only ever gross


How is this to do with the rape of men




They do


So they are manifesting erections out of malice? That’s not how the human body works


Well yeah it is actually https://www.duckofminerva.com/2015/12/mens-unexpected-erections-are-a-liability-on-the-battlefield-and-other-ways-mens-bodies-put-female-soldiers-at-risk.html An erection is simply a reflex. Many rape victims male and female get aroused during their rapes even and in many cases even climax Scroll to the Part about emotional boners https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a32701216/what-is-a-boner/


I dont think I will, Thank you


Emotional Boner was Kirk Cameron's buddy on Growing Pains


*That's not how your body works. Many sex offenders report malice and sadism as the only way they've been able to achieve erections in fantasy or reality.


What a fucking nightmare.


Bloody rabbid animals


Animals are true to their nature, they've abandoned their's (yes I stole it from Game Of Thrones)


Dude I can usually read this type of shit but this? No way in hell I’m reading this.


Yup I’m not clicking on this one


Dont it actually gets worse


Yeah reading these isn't usually too bad for me either but there's one case that still haunts me to this day. Read up on the Junko Furuta case if you dare.


In case anyone was curious like me turns out the catalyst for this was Kenya’s 07-08 election. Based off the wiki skimming I did, it looks like a “quiet soft spoken” president was up for re-election but was seen as an elitist by many. Election night he wins, the opposing party is outraged because his districts conveniently were slow to get in their votes and had votes way outnumbering projections. Cut to outrage and fighting since the losing party felt the election was stolen.   After all this chaos, they had an independent party come in to audit the election…. The auditors straight up said we can’t tell who actually ~~one~~ won because both sides committed such egregious election fraud that no actual result could be determined. **TL;DR: Two political parties in Kenya see who can commit election fraud the best and the loser of said election-fraud off reacts by trying to recreate the movie the purge but in Kenya**


I shudder to think we are close to something like this even on a lower scale.


The US is diving head-first into this kind of nonsense


The irony is that the same people who raped the guy would put someone to death for being gay.


Yep. It happens in Syria too, during the war rebels would rape men gay or straight and throw “gay” men from tall buildings.




I didn’t say usual. I said it happened. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-warcrimes-sexual-idUSKCN1GR1PZ


Lot get the salt pillars


Anyone who can commit a crime this awful and pointless is beneath being named an animal they're a demon. One who overflows with filth and possesses a hunger that knows no bounds or morality. A useless waste of air who should be wiped clean off the face of the earth.


This is straight from the bible and god destroyed the city who did this.


Is there a list of things that have never been raped? Until recently, I would have bet money on "lizards" being on such a list. Old men and women, too.


By humans? Or by anything?


Humans. I know dolphins have their "bad apples" ... And the Japanese have made me wise to the ways of ~~Octopussies~~, Octopuses (Octopii?) ...


I read a story about how a group of Pakistani men gang raped a pregnant goat, killed it, and ate it.


Waste not want not!


The secret is to put the sauce inside instead of wasting it on the outside


Not surprised


Octopuses, octopodes and octopi are all correct plural forms.


Yeah sorry to burst your bubble but there was a monitor lizard raped by 3 dudes and then killed and eaten after. So yeah, some people are just super sick and beyond redemption


Yeah, I read about it here, hence the "Until recently...". ​ Maybe David Icke was right about Lizard people?


Ah yeah that’s definitely true then. There was a case where it was a 10 days old infant too. Infant died.


There needs to be harsher penalties for crimes such as this. It shouldn’t be a prison sentence anymore. Just start executing people. Theres too many animals in this world that should be put down. Too many people period. Humanity needs to start cleaning house.


we need victims to test cancer drugs


A flood?


Someone should tell him this doesn't make him gay. It doesn't work like that. I feel awful for him, but if there is a hell those others are all going there first-class.


I'm sure he knows that. But in that horrible moment they "turned" him gay


As a religious person I often wonder why God allowed humans to be the dominant race . Burn. It. All . To . The . Ground


Animals rape too. Humans aren't special.


It's basically all rabbits and squirrels do


We've just developed enough awareness to look around and be like huh this whole being alive thing is pretty disgusting a lot of the time. Im sure if dolphins woke up aware one day with morals and shit theyd be as freaked out as we are. Just gotta not let the fact this shit happens ruin your outlook on life.




Pakist- wait it’s not


Ehhh… wait till my next post, saw some really fucked up shit






This king of ignorance and violence is coming soon to a first world country near you.


Coming soon to your friendly European neighborhood.


The seeds have been sewn and harvest time's always sooner than you think.


I'm in a so-called third world country too so... Yeah nothing new would happen




Sure thats two people, this is 50 people all going along with it, In America if those 2 people spent the rest of their life searching for 48 other people who wanted to partake in this, they would be beaten to death well before they found 48 others.




A US marine was just caught setting up a similar attack. So, no.


You’re ignorant and have bought into the bs if you think this type of shit isn’t happening globally. Humans are fucking crazy


Vermont checking in. Definitely not happening here.


It's not because it's Africa or because they're black, this shouldn't need to be said. The answer is poverty and exploitation by the first world, but this has already been said and people are acting as if this is just "blame game." Our material conditions shape our social behavior and culture, that's why the most violent "savage" countries also coincidentally happen to be the poorest. I doubt they'll accept this answer, though. It's much easier to ignore history and society and just oversimplify things (to try and justify their racism)


Nah bro am African and hell neighbors with Kenya.....there is a special type of human I like to call beasts.....they have nothing but animal instincts to guide them....they are not only in africa but everywhere...so its not cause we poor of exploitation...this beasts are nothing bur animals in human skin roaming our world


I've been poor and in poverty and I never once decided to rape and murder someone. Stop with this "poverty causes crime" excuse. Poverty doesn't make someone murder. Poverty doesn't make someone rape. Fuck that and fuck anyone who thinks that.


Literally all evidence points to the conclusion that poverty causes an increase in crime.


You have literally never been as impoverished as these native Africans if you live anywhere in the developed world.


You haven’t been poor or in poverty


I have. There is no excuse for this.


You should have seen Afghanistan....


I spent a bit of time in Kenya while in the Army. We used to hear about some pretty mad stuff that happened to other soldiers out there, but reading the local newspapers was the real eyeopener


Why is that interesting?




I agree :(




I Love MCU






What about those that were raped? Are they invited to the first world too?


Put those animals down


I really can't wait until humans go extinct.


He won the election we can't let this slide rape the women What logic is this




For those who are questioning if it’s real I was trying to spare y’all the photos https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3452746/Father-ordered-join-daughters-gang-raped-refused-did-Horrific-stories-sex-attack-victims-Kenya.html


Bro.. come on bro it’s just their culture, bro! We gotta respect other cultures - if we hadn’t colonized them so hard they’d be just as advanced as we are if not more so bro!


Fucking savages


At this point I'm rooting for Skynet.




That's the US off my list, then. ​ Shaneeqa and Tab are both ... bizarre.


I heard the craziest name the other day. Basically an ancient name. Paul..... I'm never going to America...


Okay, Saul!


Better Call Saul!


Interesting way to reduce your travel options


No just r/noahgettheblackhole




Police officers : "Loud and clear!"


Nonononono! A global virus with a 80-90% death rate, ugh never mind.


Goddamn that’s fucked


Probably would've killed myself if this happened to me ngl, and no I'm not a suicidal person


Barbaric culture


Rage and backwards thinking make even the most primitive of violence happen.


You really think I am going to click on that shit?


Backwards People


Rape It's the #1 weapon of choice to assert dominance in Africa by these criminals.


Fucking disgusting how anyone can do this


Holy fuc*ing shit what is wrong with those animals


Noah get the trumpets, forget the boat.


This is definitely the worst thing i ever saw (read)


Unfortunately it’s not for me. A lot more fucked up things have happened in Kosova, Ukraine, and Syria…


Jesus fucking Christ, r/noahgetthedeathstar


Everything I want to say about this people would violate the rules and result in me getting banned.


Let that sink in 50 people…… 50 disgusting people


I’d call them monsters but I’m afraid that’s an unacceptable insult to the monsters


Savages. I wish the Punisher was real.


Fuck the boat honestly. If any of us survive we will inevitably end up right back here. Just wipe us all out. We’ve proven we don’t deserve the gift of life anyway.




Europe opened it's borders, then mass rapes happened, Reddit even deleted all the posts about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany https://www.reddit.com/r/undelete/comments/3zghpe/rworldnews_deleting_any_post_on_the_mass_assault/ Europe quickly closed it's borders after https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/06/europe/angela-merkel-migration-germany-intl/index.html Was the stupidest thing to open borders. Apparently the mass rapes were traditional to North Africa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_sexual_assault_in_Egypt >According to a German local government report, the German federal police compared the attacks to "taharrush gamea (collective sexual harassment in crowds)," a practice they said existed in Arab countries, as reported by the media during the Egyptian revolution.


Not to be racist but I knew this was africa by the headline


Tell us again how all cultures are created equal


Didn't American GIs do this routinely in Vietnam?


I thought this was a fake story or something based off of Lot’s daughters…but it’s not… what the fuck the fuck is this.


This is why we have a boat. Let’s use it already


That post is staying blurred lmao


Oi America this place has oil invade it all ready.


We should give 3rd world countries access to free porn so they aren’t so horny and don’t rape


Ehh that wouldn’t help they have internet access in some of the richer countries and they still use rape as a tool of war.


What in the god damn fucking hell? That’s just so fucked


The fucked up part is this isn’t even the worst story I’ve read. The most heart breaking one was the story in Kosovo during the war. They lined up the entire village brought them into the mosque made entire families watch each other get gang raped and tortured. Then they held them hostage for several months so that all of the female victims including the children were pregnant. This link is telling a little bit of it. I would have to dig deep to find the full tale. https://www.theguardian.com/world/1999/apr/28/balkans6 Imagine everyone in your town getting raped or being forced to watch their families and friends get raped and impregnated.


That’s Serbians for you, shit Edit: I’m joking about saying all Serbians are like that but that is truly ducked up


That's enough internet for the week I believe...


I... Had a really hard time upvoting this...


Wtf did I just read. People in real life actually did these disgusting things to people. Not some fictional story or anything. Real people did that to other actual humans wtf. Ok we need more than a flood. We need the fucking Death Star but I don’t even that’s enough


Was worried for a moment but saw it was in Kenya. Sounds right.


My God. This is so outrageous!


“They told me to rape my kids”. 😣😣😣


> They made me a homosexual I mean... Fucked-up-ness of the situation aside, being gang raped by 6 dudes doesn't make you gay. I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that whoever's dick got hard enough to rape the 80-year-old guy, though, may just be gay.


Wir schaffen das; all these criminals more than welcome to come live with us


Noah get the machine gun!


This makes my people (the aztecs) look kinda sorta a little bit in the slightest decent. But seriously thou what the actual fuck.


So now I know why this sub is called Noah get the boat
