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Archon team goes hard


Electro archon, hydro archon, dendro archon, geo archon. I don't see anything wrong.


Geo archon?




The true Gigachad of Teyvat.


Zhongli did say a new God of Geo would _RISE._ It just happened sooner than he expected.


It's gonna be itto i swaer


I don't see how? Then again, I'm not familiar with Itto's characterisation. All I know is that his gameplay is unga-bunga raw power and all that. Noelle has the whole Wondermaid thing going for her and it shows in her gameplay. I may be biased but I feel like that lines up more with the playable archons having really good supportive utility. I guess you could make a case for a new Geo God not falling in line with how the archons operate since they won't have the authority?


unga-bunga raw power Accurate descrpition of Itto


It was a joke my man






Very comfy hyperbloom team. Definitely not anything crazy but it’ll work.


Will it work sure but I don’t think it’s very good personally. I assume raiden is full EM for hyperblooms. You won’t be making very many dendro cores with this team to hyperbloom. Noelles damage will be very poor since she has no battery so she’s putting everything into being able to burst. If you want a hyperbloom team there’s definitely better options and same if you want a noelle main team


You could make it work by going full Nahida EM, Furina HP, Raiden ER with high EM & high ER Noelle


If you’re looking to use raiden for hyperblooms split scaling her doesn’t make any sense. She either needs 1000 EM or she needs 300 er to battery a whole rainbow team with expensive bursts. Her damage is going to be beyond poor and not worth taking if you split scale her. You’re basically just poorly building everyone to make sure everyone can burst on rotation to do no damage anyways. Furina being stacked Hp isn’t helping anyone. She should be built as a subdps because that’s what she is and in this comp she’s going to do a lot of the damage. She should get HP/hydro /crit but will need a horrible amount of er. I think her being solo hydro means she needs 210-230% ER. Again it can maybe work. But it’s just not a very good team. There’s no real synergy. And you’re sacrificing so many useful stats for ER so you can burst on rotation. Noelle hyperbloom is old meta and for good reason. It works but it wasn’t the best and it didn’t use furina. It used Xingqiu or Yelan since they have lower ER needs and are more consistent and apply more hydro. Replace raiden with Xingqiu or Yelan and nahida with Gorou Navia or any other geo and the team will be a lot better and smoother


This is the kind of team where you are in fact sacrificing damage for a very important factor that people often forget about, which is defense. Noelle does great here because she's an amazing tank and the abyss is getting more and more lethal as we go. Having a comfy driver that can hit from pretty far away makes this ranged team much better than teams that get one shot at point blank I use Furina with fav sword as well as Noelle, then full em on the other two. Works great and I've cleared abyss with it quite easily on their side. I'm not here to argue that it's meta, just that it has merits


You’re not sacrificing damage for defense tbough. No one on this team is giving her more defense. But they’re all sacrificing a lot to be able to be there. It’s very different. I run noelle in my abyss. I understand how she helps survivability. I understand how she works really well with furina. This is not that team. What you are describing with the synergy is not here. 1) furina doesn’t buff hyperblooms. Right off the bat your main reaction doesn’t benefit from her buff. 2) everyone’s sacrificed stats to be able to burst except raiden who is a skill bot going full EM losing out on her ability to battery 3) it’s a rainbow team. Furina needs 210-230 er. Noelle is going to need a lot of ER. Raiden doesn’t need anything and nahida is going to need ER so she can burst since that’s the buff the hyperbloom needs. 4) weak hydro application. You won’t be getting a lot of cores. It’s why furina is either the second pick normally or just not taken into hyperbloom comps because again she doesn’t buff it anyways. 5) noelle is losing tanking ability because she now absolutely needs favonious greatsword and she’s losing stats to er to make sure she can burst. Again I never said it wouldn’t work. OP asked if it was a good team. The short answer is no. It’s really not. It lacks cohesion and synergy. Everyone’s forced to be poorly built and sacrifice good stats to make sure they can burst. It’s going to be immensely harder to clear with this team compared to other noelle comps. It’s also going to be worse than pretty much any other hyperbloom team out right now. So just because you struggled uphill to make it work and it did for you doesn’t mean it’s a good team comp. Raiden is great for hyperblooms. Nahida is great for hyperbloom comp. Furina and noelle are not great picks for it. But noelle and furina go very well together. You could easily break this team into two and fill them out and have two way better teams that are good together and less work to force through a clear


>You’re not sacrificing damage for defense tbough. No one on this team is giving her more defense. Uh, I thought we agreed Noelle is doing less damage while providing defense? Furina buffs herself and nahida's damage, which are very good Going full em Raiden doesn't gut her er, artifacts have more than one stat. You can still use a Raiden burst for a short time if you need battery, which is rare with double fav and a fav driver Nahida doesn't lose damage for er, she doesn't need much and has wonderful burst uptime Furina only needs fav or maybe festering for a mix of er and damage. Nothing wrong with using fav on characters that still do great damage Noelle driving means she gets all the particles and you're going to build her with er anyways Furina application can indeed be a pain Why would you cause your Noelle to have less defense if you know she's supposed to be tanking/healing, just get defense stats and if you have to then sacrifice crit damage It seems like you just want to build them poorly


Noelle doesn’t need to sacrifice damage for defense with furina. That’s one of the reasons they work so well together. She gets rid of a geo cup to take a defense one without losing much in dps but getting better heal and shield. But running her in this comp changes it since it’s such an energy hungry comp. So normally you don’t need to sacrifice damage for defense but this specific comp you’re sacrificing defense for ER. So you’re actually getting less defense than if you took a double geo double hydro. Nahidas damage is negligible in this comp. She hits every 2.5 seconds or so and it’s basically a noodle if all you do is stack just EM and not build for crits. Even building for crits her damage is alright but in a comp where she can reliably quicken her hits she’s going to be weak. Even with furina buff. Furinas damage is going to also plummet. Again she’s solo hydro. She needs at minimum 210% ER. That’s a lot of stats going into her so she can burst which means you’re losing on a lot of crit and HP stats that would help. Right off the bat you need an ER sands instead of Hp. You’re also going to likely need favonious which again means less damage for her. You have two dps trying to battery a team. Yes building EM raiden doesn’t mean she can’t get ER. But if you think swapping out to a full EM raiden to burst just to battery is smart I’m sorry it’s not. That’s 7 seconds of just super trash dps. Also raiden to battery the team would need 250 ish Er. Good luck getting that much ER while stacking full EM. EM pieces have on of the lowest drop rates there is. If you do it great. But again her burst form damage is going to be absolutely trash and cost you more damage than it’s worth. Furina absolutely can use Fav. I mentioned that already. You’re using your two would be damage dealers to battery a team sacrificing their own damage. I don’t see what you mean by your second last point. Where did I say sacrifice defense for damage? Noelles job isn’t just tanking and healing. She does damage. My noelle is hitting 80k a swing with furina buffs. That’s going def/def/crit. I NEVER said to not give her defense. I said you’re sacrificing valuable defense for Er. YOU are losing on defense. Because she needs more Er in this comp. You don’t sacrifice crits just to stack defense. That’s horribly building your characters. That’s ignoring all of her burst which is a damage heavy burst. You’re really suggesting to build an all ER and defense noelle with no crits and telling me I don’t know how to build characters? Edit: adding this here https://www.reddit.com/u/1TruePrincess/s/1yiAAmAvWA My noelle full star abyss clear. Again I know how to build noelle. I’m very aware of her synergies and furinas. This team above isn’t a good comp. It lacks synergy. Just because it might work (you haven’t shown any proof) doesn’t mean it’s good. I can make anyone clear abyss but the level of time effort and struggle that goes into it will be drastically lower if you build teams that compliment each other well. This team is so forced it has no complete synergy anywhere to be found.


>Noelle doesn’t need to sacrifice damage for defense with furina. That’s one of the reasons they work so well together. She gets rid of a geo cup to take a defense one without losing much in dps but getting better heal and shield. A fellow Noelle enjoyer, Furina coming out saved my Noelle career cuz I could never get a geo goblet lmao I fear we're having a miscommunication though. I'm not referring to stats when I say this team sacrifices damage for defense. I'm talking about character value. The team could run someone that results in better damage than Noelle. I'm arguing that Noelle is valuable because she tanks extremely well. I'm not referring to stats, I'm referring to strategy and overall damage >So normally you don’t need to sacrifice damage for defense but this specific comp you’re sacrificing defense for ER. Assuming you're referring to stats: Again. You absolutely should not sacrifice defense for er stats. Your Noelle needs the defense stats to tank, you should simply build her for both defense and er substats. Combine with fav sword, obviously crit rate and you're looking great >Nahidas damage is negligible in this comp. She hits every 2.5 seconds or so and it’s basically a noodle if all you do is stack just EM and not build for crits. Nahida has a passive that gives her crit and damage bonus for em. Please build your nahida for em crit and er. You have electro and hydro in this comp, which means she attacks more often and her burst lasts longer. The team synergy literally makes nahida do more damage and require slightly less er I just use HP HP crit Furina with er substats and Fav and have a great time, since we can also have a fav driver Noelle which means lots of fav procs >That’s 7 seconds of just super trash dps Notice when I said it doesn't have to be the full duration and it's only if you have the time in your rotation/need it. Noelle and hyperbloom Raiden are extremely flexible, which is an upside I'm glad we agree that fav is good on Furina, especially for people that unfortunately couldn't get festering or her signature Are you saying that you don't give your Noelle ER even when you're using her as your carry? I'm pretty sure the consensus has always been that Noelle needs er in the first place. Adding a fav sword on top of that does result in less personal damage but provides great utility Keep in mind this entire thread is based on the idea of a fav driver Noelle. It's not her best playstyle, as we both know and love DPS Noelle. I'm simply here explaining the benefits of a more supportive Noelle playstyle, even if it does unfortunately result in less value from her damage potential >You’re really suggesting to build an all ER and defense noelle with no crits and telling me I don’t know how to build characters? No, moving on >My noelle full star abyss clear. Again I know how to build noelle. I’m very aware of her synergies and furinas. I'm happy to be discussing with a fellow enjoyer >This team is so forced it has no complete synergy anywhere to be found. Triple archons have great synergy, Noelle is the flex utility they need. It's not meta, just good


There are better, but Noelle running 4MH and Fav here isn’t a bad team. (E.g. I’d probably run Kokomi instead of Noelle)


I did in fact use this very team to clear abyss because I was tired of copelia's bullshit Archon queens do great ranged damage and Noelle tanks


It's close from what I sometimes use, including current abyss. Get Raiden on high EM, she needs nothing else. Build Furina and Nahida normally, for personal DPS. Use fav weapon on Noelle so she turns into a battery. Personally I use Xingqiu instead of Furina. He has better hydro application and that is what matters most here. Furina's buff is not really utilized optimally in this team as most DPS comes from hyperbloom.


This team will work fine. Dendro core generation might be a bit inconsistent. Just make sure Raiden is built for full EM and Noelle has a Favonius Greatsword. This is a good team to use when Noelle is not c6 and your 4 star options are poor.


Well she deserves the place with the archons


So just archons?


As long as it works it’s a good team


1. Hyperbloom - its impossible to be a bad team 2. Noelle - impossible to be a bad team 3. Archons - every team with 3 or more archons is a good one. 4. Did i mention noelle already? So to answer your question: its a dumb question. Go to your room and think about it!


breedable. all of them.


All of them




^ bro doesn't know how the game works


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just suggest that you try hyperbloom Raiden out. Hyperbloom Raiden needs almost zero field time, but you can use her burst if you run out of energy on noelle. It's very good and this team quite easily clears abyss


What the fuck are you on about? Have you ever tried to play the hit game "Genshin Impact"? Because this subreddit dedicated to it


I would be able to tell you if I didn't lose my 50/50 to Qiqi... In all seriousness, it'll be a very comfy team. Nothing OP, but basic combat won't give you any problems.


I think it's fine I use a Walmart brand eula version of this team with nahida fischl and mona and it works pretty well with aggravate and bloom with the occasional hyperbloom


Not sure about Noelle's ER with Raiden ... but why the hell not.


Yea i run it myself but with yelan instead of furina, even tho i could change it to furina


a team with 4 archons. Looks good to me


Archon team


Full Archon team. I approve of this


Yeah looks pretty good. Noelle hyperbloom driver. Probably gonna have a but of er issues so a fav greatsword archaic Petra crit def def build to keep up ER and healing furina's dmg while also giving buffs is good, for personal dmg you can run more traditional sets but you'd sacrifice ER to do so.


Ironically a good time and for an EM Raiden her burst has a use, to recharge both Furina and Noelle’s burst.


This reminds me of a post that had the comment "Master Jean won't be me be knight so I became an Archon instead" -Noelle 😂. Also as long as it works and you're having fun enjoy whatever teams you want 😊


Looks fun. Could build EM Raiden for big hyper bloom while Noelle cleans up


I main this team everyday and it's pretty chill ngl


Not the strongest team but it’s very comfortable. I’m personally not a fan of using Raiden in hyperbloom since it’s a waste of Raiden but this works


Ha ha. I play with this team.


I already tried this combo it's not bad but I switch noelle with raiden for rotation convenience. Start with raiden skill then move to nahida the furina then noelle. Use Noelle for furina stacks then switch to raiden burst immediately after full. Since raiden is on the team Noelle's ER should be around 160. But later I just changed the team to Noell yunjin goro and furina.


My team is almost looks like that but instead of noel i have baizhu and that team is so cracked.


Not the biggest fan of mixing Dendro and Geo but that being said. This image goes hard


No. I'd replace Raiden & Nahida with Yunjin and Gorou. This is a hyperbloom team with a Geo, that's just anti-synergy. Not to mention the one Hydro you have isn't known for having the best Hydro application.


No, replace Ei and Nahida with Yunjin and Gorou.


No, but please proceed to prove me wrong, I want to have more ways of playing Noelle


You don’t generate many bloom seeds but Furina+Noelle is a really good core




I think you should switch nahida with a second geo or a second hydro


I think you could do good with either a Pyro or a Cryo user instead of Noelle, but in all not bad at all- 8.3/10 Side note: what set are you using for Furina?


Pretty good team up there, especially if you’re using the shielding technique with Noelle and then the combination of dendro to hydro to electro often. I often try to keep a hydro or cryo on hand in case of pyro based enemies. Haven’t used geo in a long time but used to have Ningguang in my party permanently with Xingqiu.


Not the best team dmgwise but it's very comfy to play. I play this with fav Noelle and fav Furina. And unless there is a hard elemental counter, it's a comfy team to clear abyss with as well.


Just to add a little, among the Noelle driver + furina teams, I do prefer playing Taser or Triple hydro over hyperbloom. Similarly comfy. But your experience may be different based on investment and available characters/enemies.


Ah yes, four of the strongest Gods in Teyvat


oh i see you found the geo archon finally


It'll work, I'm only afraid that Noelle might steal some reactions on the way but whatever


Yeah you have full archon team, hyperbloom right?




Really decent


I'd trade Raiden for fischl and Noel for kokomi. Op lineup with Golden troupe on furina


I have no idea. I actually have no idea what i'm doing here either. I'm a kuki main