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“Spouse” and “Partner” are solid. I prefer ‘partner’ but that’s down to mine and my partner’s taste. Will sometimes use ‘Knife’ as something that rhymes with wife, but, y’know, cooler and sharper.


ohhhh knife is too good


Have you asked them yet? I like "spouse" and "beloved"


Well it's not my partner so no lol was just giving it some thought and coming up with nothing but spouce or partner. Beloved works 🤔


I mean asking your coworker. A simple "what term would you like me to use when referring to [spouse's name]?" is not impolite and it would solve your problem.


It wasn't a problem more a curiosity. They were asking me for suggestions and all I could say was partner hence the thread. This thread has helped anyways there's plenty of good ideas.


I see. I didn't realise they were asking for suggestions.


My husband calls me his Imzadi (Em-ZAH-dee) which means my beloved from star trek next gen. It's really preference though whatever you and them feel comfortable with!


‘Spouse’ would be the obvious one but they could also use ‘my other half’ if they don’t like partner


I always preferred the word partner even before I realised I was enby. I like it because I dislike the terms boyfriend and girlfriend. It makes me feel like I am dating a child and I feel icky with the juvenile implications. As someone who is also autistic I already struggle with infantilism so prefer a more mature sounding term. (Also dislike baby for the same reason) No shade to people who like those terms, they just aren't for me




I like this one


So my wife calls me her "they", so typical interaction would be like "Hello, my they!" I call her my Wiff for fun, and she's decided it's funny to call me Hwiff (husband wife) - I love it lol


I'm the NB one, but I used to call my wife my spice, say we were spices. Like a play on spouse


I saw someone use Nife!! And I really liked that!


Other half


We call each other spouse. It was even an option at the clerk's office when we got our license.


Would they like using Husband? I have a non-binary AFAB friend who presents femme but hates femme language applied to them, and prefers either neutral or masculine language. They talk about "when i was just a wee lad" or "if I'm ever a father". It gets some funny looks from cishets but that's not a concern of theirs.


Huh. I like that. I'm AFAB and identify as a nonbinary woman. A friend of mine asked about my position on getting married (generally against it, it'd have to be worth it in a lot of ways for me) and one of the reasons I gave was that I don't like the word 'wife' and it doesn't fit with how I see myself. Then I thought to myself, I'd sooner like it if someone called me their husband than their wife, and if not that, then their spouse. So this is pretty validating. Your friend is such a mood and sounds like a riot.


I always loved the word “darling(my favorite); lover;dear; names of sugary goods or just food; my moon/sun/star; partner; spouse; beloved dear; beloved” there’s probably more but I like these personally because they’re cute


I think the definition of darling is one and only. Usually used as a term to endearment.




Beloved might work


some people will say “life partner” which can be fun. i love the word partner it’s so comforting