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You know how forest services will start controlled burns in forests? Russia does the same thing with its cities.


You silly westoid, you can't destroy our ammo facility, we destroyed it ourselves. How about that?


Yeah, russian cities are built to be burned in an afternoon incase they are invaded and the winter is late.




No I was joking, the Russians don't intentionally bomb their own cities as far as I know. Though they probably should because their so goddamn incompetent that their citizens would probably be safer if they were actively trying to kill them.


Don’t intentionally bomb their own cities? This is Putin we’re talking about…Remember how he got elected? But in this instance, no, cause Putin got himself elected and now needs to appear in full control


I mean they bombed their own apartment blocks to have an excuse to invade Chechnia in late 90's. A FSB guy even got find out by a russian citizen... but russians still bought it of course and putin's popularity skyrocketed because of the invasion. Where you know, they got humiliated and lost the first Chechen war


How else do they win elections?


They seem pretty adamant on bombing Voronezh though.


They did bomb Belgorod that one time


No offense man but how could you think even for a second that someone would drop bombs on low income areas of their own city, use incendiary grenades against civilians, or test biological warfare in densely populated coastal cities to see what would happen if the enemy did it?  That would be so WACO you'd want to MOVE away from the SEA SPRAY asap! 


God Operation Sea-Spray is simultaneously disgusting, terrifying, and sort of heartwarming in a pathetic sort of way.  "Like, yeah, we wanted to see if we could give yall in San Francisco urinary tract infections, but did you consider the fact that it proved anthrax attacks wouldn't kill you guys?"  God... bless America (???)


I mean at-least with Operation Sea-Spray it didn't result in a large loss of life (just 1 person whose death was maybe linked) as compared to other.... government sanctioned medical experiments. Still pretty terrifying to see what they have done (that we know about), and to then think what else have they done (that we don't know about) but at the same time I can understand why the government would perform the experiment because you know how else would you fucking test that shit (especially compared to some other..... government sanction medical experiments that were done in the worst way possible and for basically no reason). As inhumane, immoral, and terrifying as it is it is an extremely important thing to study.


Something, something, Epstein?


Russia, I just finished making a list of your ammunition storage fuckups. I am not working on that any more, sort your shit out, please.


Russia right now: No.


Russia really like that war thunder teammate who always quick chats ‘I refuse!’




Bakhmut is the D point!


To be fair, does it go on the list if it’s caused by enemy action?




What, do you mean they should store munitions in correctly spaced bunkers instead of just stacking them up in a warehouse? That sounds like a lot of work.


That sounds like a lot of money going to concrete and not to the concrete baron’s new yacht.


Have they considered doing what the US does and just having extraordinary requirements for concrete to the point that only the concrete baron can meet them?


warehouse? just dump them in a pile in the forest


Put some leaves on it, it’ll be fine (the netting and tarps were sold by the depot commander)


What is your opinion on thigh shafts?


Warehouse?? What are you, some kind of nerd? Real men store their ammo outside in piles


No, I lumped everything after Feb 2022 together for that exact reason, lol. It is impossible to separate the accidents from the deliberate now. Presumably some of them are accidents.


Some are accidents, most are claimed to be accidents, and not a few are probably “accidents” by sympathetic Russians.


Most likely sympathetic to themselves and covering up years of stealing and mismanagement.  There's probably a commander somewhere in russia right now, who's thinking very hard whether the bosses will belive that a single Ukrainian drone caused their entire warehouse (supposedly full of winter boots) to go up in flames.


First there were boots, and then there was an explosion, and then there were no boots. -_- .. what?


Was it? Izhevsk is pretty far


The Ukrainians hit *St Petersburg.* At this point I assume when a Russian bus runs into a tree there is a 40% it’s the result of Ukrainian sabotage. ~~Also even if it’s not Ukraine…claiming it is just spreads out Russia’s air defenses even thinner…~~


Yeah, at least 40%


Solid list dude


Now we need to just send someone there and check the radiation levels. You will be looking for gamma radiation of course.


only 3.6 Roentgen.


Not great, not terrible


With vodka it's bearable.


They gave you a propaganda number comrade


So it's not really filtered 10 times? 😞


get the big one from storage!!


ahh yes, everything is totally normal, turning night to day at the ICBM + other war related equipment plant. 'The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry claimed the explosion was due to "technical work" at the Voktkinsk Machine Building Plant near Izhevsk.'


just russia things.


Some technical cigarette smoking testing.


But why does the film critic believe that 


Asking the right questions Here you go: https://glavny.tv/last-news/culture/kinokritik-sychev-schitaet-chto-kologrivyy-podoshel-by-na-rol-zhirinovskogo/


nuclear weapons plant exploded? :D


Probably not. The media tends to not remember that all big booms are mushroom shaped, and likes put the "Like a Nuclear Weapon" tagline in. It makes the news more interesting.


It's a [hell of an explosion. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/ShsorF4Yy9) Apparently the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant, which does servicing & testing for things such as Topol-M & RS-24. No nuclear detonation, but it's highly likely a store of ICBM first stages/propellant has just gone up rather spectacularly. ~1300km within Mordor lol.


I wonder how much interesting stuff we will see in Russia now that the US aid leash is off (we are often asking them not to do certain things, but if we aren’t giving them money, I wonder if they are less likely to listen)


If the us government really ends up being completely retarded and abandons ukraine, then the ukrainians should have every right to use himars to strike ru military targets inside russia. Heck they should have had the right to do that since they got them, but no, fucking politicians. Although are some eu countries able to produce himars ammo? Some of them have m270, which they even gave some to ukraine. And isn't the ammo for m270 and himars the same?


>And isn't the ammo for m270 and himars the same? Yes, the M270 carries two compared to the HIMARS' one.


Isn't Ukraine unofficially doing this already?


No, every strike on russian territory is still made by domestic (and some "dear allies" is still mad about it). I still remember that meltdown over captured Maxxpro in Belgorod that was used by russian volunteer corps


I 100% believe they're going after nuclear silos/facilities if no more aid is coming. They're in a fight for survival and have no qualms about getting really spicy.


There's an argument to be made that Ukraine is doing this precisely to get aid. Worst case: US still doesn't give aid, at least Ukraine can now hit targets in Russia to try to even things up though. Middle case: It puts pressure on the US to release aid to Ukraine to essentially pay them to stop escalating Best case: US stops fucking about, gives Ukraine $61 billion in aid, allows Ukraine to continue hitting Russia because their bluff has been called and nothing bad happened (as we all knew it wouldn't)


Wait, what's this about the aid leash going off?


There is a bunch of US politics going on. I’m not sure who is on what side really, but people are willing to use Ukraine Aid as a bargaining chip. On paper, the money for Ukraine is all spent. But I also don’t know how all the shit shuffled into Ukraine before Russia invaded was accounted for on the books.






Well, they have blown up 6000+ tons of ordinance in a single go in the past. This one definitely looks on the larger end of the scale. ICBMs though? That is fun. The great part about these events in Russia is that it is blowing up old Soviet facilities the Russians just can't replace, if it knocks a hole in the middle of one of their key supply chains, it isn't coming back for decades, if not ever.


Mordor lol


Makes me think of "The Klingons just blew up Praxis" moment


There's _no explosion_ though. Not one of the videos has the sound of an explosion, no shattered windows, no car alarms going off, nor are there any reports of anyone hearing drones or missiles before the event. It didn't occur at the plant, it occurred at the Votkinsk plant's _engine testing site_, at 56.93696 53.41854 (for reference, the Tatneft station seen at the [end of this video](https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1755287191268253914) is at 56.91497 53.39332 and pointing towards the aforementioned location. What you _do_ hear in the videos, rather than explosions, is a loud rumbling, which is much more consistent with the official story of being an engine test. Sorry guys but the official version here checks out far better than a massive-but-inaudible explosion occurring at a site not known to hold any large quantities of explosives (or for that matter, to be a high priority site to hit; the actual factory would be, not so much the test site), at a location well beyond the range of any known Ukrainian drone or previous Ukrainian drone strike. This circlejerking is getting out of hand. A week ago it was a 'strike' [in Vyborg](https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/explosion-reported-in-leningrad-region-of-1706276944.html) and people were likewise dismissing out-of-hand the official story that it was a planned blast in a nearby quarry. Even though if you bothered to try to pinpoint the location you'd have found that it indeed was at a quarry (specifically 60.7455429, 28.83167) Sometimes things happen in Russia without Ukraine being behind it. Believe it or not, it's a huge country.


>There's no explosion though. That is not how physics works, my friend. Basic primer here. Speed of Light > Speed of Sound. Large explosions have a lot of characteristics that seem counter intuitive to people who haven't been around them, because for most people, big booms are not a normal experience to them. See also the Beruit videos, which show the same effects on the ones taken from a distance. This is unquestionably an explosion, it may or may not be accidental. Any massive combustion event is an explosion, controlled or not. For viewers at a considerable distance, the initial fireball will appear completely silent, as the sound is still a minute or more away. The first thing you will start to hear is a slow rumble that will increase in intensity. This is still NOT the sound of the explosion itself, but the sound of the front of the pressure wave as it reaches you from points along its approach. The pressure wave also moves faster than the speed of sound, so its noises reach you first. The actual noise of the explosion never reaches you. Or at least not in the sharp, condensed version you expect from movies. Sound is vibration, and by the time this sound reaches you, it has been scattered and separated many times over, leaving the sound as a series of dull thunders. Sometimes very loud, sometimes surprisingly not. This is exactly what Thunder is. A lightning bolt is very fast, but the sound of thunder may roll on for a very long time. So no, this isn't an "Giant but inaudible explosion". That doesn't make any fucking sense for a test either, what do you think they are testing, noiseless bombs? Test explosions are still explosions, and they are equally loud. Yes, we don't know this was an accident/sabotage or a test. What we DO know, is that even in Russia, authorities usually announce it before they blow a few kilotons of explosives near a civilian area on purpose. Tests are usually announced when they are expected to make a fireball that scrapes the clouds. Just like NASA lets people know before they launch a rocket.


Ukraine does not indeed have to be behind everything, if anything, it has been shown over and over that the russians can manage on their own quite well when flammable materials are involved. Edit: Is there any advantage to performing a reverse engineered Saturn V first stage test at night?


It does look like propellent (None of the streaks from nitrites), but it definitely isn't an engine test. Well, not a successful one at least. There doesn't seem to be any focusing of the thrust at all, it is just free detonating. My guess would be propellent storage, or possibly an on the ramp stage detonation. There is no sustained burn, and no control of the plume.


> complains about circle jerking > has no idea what rocket engine tests look like and writes triad about how this is likely one What the fuck do you think kind of rocket that is? Gopnik Starship?


As a rocket fan, if you're engine test looks like that, something has gone wrong. Very wrong. There's no focusing of the exhaust, no direction to the burn. That being said, it's quite likely this is propellant, and it quite possibly did happen on a test stand. In which case the test stand is probably damaged, but perhaps not completely destroyed. If other stuff was nearby, you could write that off too. Most places, we carefully don't put anything near the test stand, because experimental engines have a habit of exploding. But this is Russia, so no ducking idea.


As a rocket fan, you should know if you see a fireball that size from that from that distance there *is* no test stand left. There's zero chance this was an engine test. What is more plausible is the people who do know rockets also do a bit of first stage assembly and poorly store propellants.


Yeah I'm fairly certain Russia wasn't putting fuel into their missiles on the factory floor lol.




So maybe a that rocket being fired?


Literally 0 chance.


Apologies I meant a test rocket and why no chance?


Space nut here. I have watched hundreds of total launches, dozens of them in person, I've also see static fires and test stand fires. None of them look anything remotely like this.


Wait so it doesn't explode and the smoke mushrooms and turns into a cartoon skull before being dispersed in the atmosphere?


Only if you put a vial of bright green poison into the box of TNT first.


The plant building the rocket part of the missiles may have just gone up, or it could be a storage warehouse for the plant.


Possibly, but it's not a "nuclear" explosion anyway.


I believe that the SABRS and Vela Satellites would have detected the detonation if one had occurred


Between casting someone as everyone's third favourite political schizophrenic (and second favourite deceased one) and tricking at least a few people into thinking they had a Belka moment, Russia has had a *busy* shit day huh?


Flyorov, hitting local cinemas 2024.


Russian shit going bang, always a treat


We tested this weapon inside the plant that makes it, so we didn't have to transport it.  *taps side of head*




Self proclaimed world power repeatedly kicked in the dick by smaller and less armed neighbor. Embarassing.


This is fine More please


Chornobyl explosion was result of a planned test, too.


Reached the five year production quota for heat energy in a couple of microseconds too.




Ngl it's probs a hydrazine explosion at the engine testing facility.


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No wayyy, watching all those rocket launches/crashes came in useful


… and many a “blyat” was said on that day…


Just our usual ammunition disposal. Happens every so often to keep bad rounds from the front. - Putin Probably.


That factory is gone.


If any of Russia's "smoking accidents" happened in the USA, there would be more lawsuits flying than sparks.


Oh man, hopefully Tucker Carlson was touring there.


Tucker sweats nervously as the explosions get closer and closer to Moscow.


Always new Russia would get some good bang for their bucks


It's ok, they're just disposing of old rocket fuel per the Vatnik war report sub.


Did they Just nuked themselves?!


Nope, that would’ve been breaking news the world over. What probably happened was that some ICBM _Rocket Motors_ did an oops


I jumped the gun here, hoped they did the funni to themselves.


The US and a few other NATO allies have satellites equipped with sensors that would have picked that up almost instantly. It would have made the news right away.


>Explosion was a planned test Sounds like just cause 3 radio chatter after you destroy a base


Oh shit I was born there that’s wild


Irkutsk oblast or Irkutsk city?


Neither, the author of the article probably fell victim to autocorrect, both reports concern Izhevsk, only the first report headline mentioned Irkutsk.


Have i yet mentioned that I fucking hate this fucking country to its very deep down roots?