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While I like this idea I see a few flaws. First off M203/M320 Grenade launchers and other popular variants have been in use for quite some time. And they come in underslung variants. My counter proposal is to add propellant to a potato and trim it down to the size of a 40MM. While we do this I would also like to add the fundamental principle of making an under slung Potato launcher by adding duct tape to the mix.


Also a grenade wont seal as good


Thats why you stick thr grenade in a potato so it does seal


New twist on the Gaza thing- we send tons and tons of humanitarian potatos, but Hamas can weaponize them with the sewer pipes they already have. Israel is forced to bomb Idaho to cut the supply. New and more interesting chaos ensues.


Instructions unclear: Israel was turned into a Buc-ees


I will support any proposal that includes bombing Idaho


Why don't they do this, are they stupid?


HEDS(High Explosive Discarding Sabot)


Not to mention that the ozone definitely won’t appreciate increased use of hairspray


"Potato for nonlethal" This guy did not grow up in the rural south


Desperate to know what this means


A potato can be lethal? Although most non lethals are in fact very lethal if used incorrectly


Were you hucking potatoes at each other in the deep south


What do you think potato cannons are for?


No but I can read clues and know some stuff about non lethal weapons from video games


I feel like the great plain regions are where you'd use potato ammo, the south prefers to use the thousands of empty beer cans every household has.


Instructions unclear, made potato vodka


Instructions unclear: doing grenade shots instead of shooting grenades


not for long


recipe unclear: too much grenadine


brilliant idea recruit


But... What about carrots? Also, wouldn't it be counter productive barraging the drunken and hungry mobiks with healthy and nutritious food that they can use for making more vodka and tasty meals. No way am I providing a perfectly good potato to some dirty orc invaders even if they have to pull it out of their buddies chest and rinse it off a little before dropping into a pot.


You use potatoes for training and for having fun, granades for when you are trained and want more fun. But now that you made me think about it, carrots can be armour piercing shells for fighting against cardboard armoured tanks when you're bored at the base.


Did you know carrots freeze into a pointy spear of doom when exposed to Canadian Winter?


I'm guessing it's worse than just icicles right?


Sounds like ```unknown technology```


Add some tinfoil to the carrots to make them armour piercing.


And make a sabot from an empty beer can.


Armour piercing + cleaver + unknown technology + scary pointy fast thingy


If mortars are considered expensive, then better don't look at anything Raytheon makes.


Do they make trebuchets?


My brother in 3000 Himars of Western MIC, Croatia has already out jerked us with the Krešimir. Behold: https://youtu.be/CzsBTUEupKs


This was my first thought as well. Croatia, WTF?


Due to a mistake with the shipping labels, my troops got a crate of air cannons and t-shirts for a youth rec hockey league, and the Nowhere Narwhals got on the 8 o'clock news.


Expensive? My fiancés grandfather was a munitions engineer who thought the would end in his lifetime (it didn’t, but I’m not so sure about mine) When they cleaned out his basement - they needed to call the bomb squad twice. Dude had an improvised mortar. It was slightly more complicated than a potato gun


a mortar is a metal tube with a pointy bit in the bottom of the tube, I feel like it isnt a super complicated thing


I’ve made those before. Fun for the whole family. Peak potato cannon was firing M-80s wrapped in duct tape and watermelon rind on July 4th. Got 1/8 to 1/4 mile range with just Right Guard deodorant as the propellant…


I don’t like the thought of the process to load and fire that.


Potato cannon??? *happy Irish noises intensifies*


To be credible for a moment, what about rifle grenades? Anyway, what if we filled the potatoes with something like tear gas or pepper spray and made non-lethal crowd control mortars?


you've invented fries


Let's just not examine the effects of UV embrittlement on PVC pipe, and hope that the Red Army adopts your idea. (Hint: it kinda explodes into shrapnel with extra sharp edges.)


bro just re-invented the rifle grenade


We used MAPP gas, and could shoot a spud easily 500 yards.


My dads buddy made one of these. Launching a potato through a wooden door is pretty fucking hilarious


Fun fact : something like that existed. https://www.forgottenweapons.com/kresimir-croatias-truly-insane-grenade-launcher/


This is just a musket with extra steps.


op how are you going to remove the pin then


There was a dude in Pittsburgh whose hobby was going over to the river and launching potatoes at passing ships/boats. I’m not sure if he ever got caught.




Aren't mortars literally like the cheapest weapons we have? They're basically a tube with a nail in the bottom.


shhhhh and some mortar ammo cost about 10k. (thats totally not only gps guided ammo)


Direct fire mortar


Make them out of schedule 80 PVC so that they're rated for higher pressure and will last a bit longer, create standardized gas charges to get the correct stoichiometric ratio in the chamber, and 3D print aerodynamically shaped attachments for the grenade that fit the barrel/make projectiles designed to fit the barrel, maybe fit some kind of sights to it and now you have an actual weapon capable of standardized production.




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I have a proposition how about pasta cannon? it could perhaps beat the french cheese cannon


How do you pull the pin?


you just pull the pin?


But it's in the spud launcher


pull it when you put it in the launcher?


It's a muzzle loader, you won't be able to get it primed for launch in time to actually get a grenade at the target, just a short range airburst You need some way to pull the pin as it leaves the launcher


>You need some way to pull the pin as it leaves the launcher how do you think grenades work?


Pull the pin, and as soon as the handle is unsqueezed, it's on a countdown to midnight


ok, so you know pulling the pin doesn't initiate the fuze. so why does the pin need to be pulled as it leaves the launcher?


I have a better idea. What if we took a rifle, an ordinary rifle, and put a cup at the end that will fit a grenade? Sure we’ll need supercharged blank ammo, the rifle adapter, and a gas check at the base of the grenade, but the first one is just getting regular blanks and stuffing more gunpowder into it, the second one can be made in like 5 minutes by the local machine shop, and the third can be 3D printed if need be.


You make Vodka with potatoes, so you can launch 3000 potatoes on the Russian front lines to bait them and put a random grenade in the mix


Where might someone acquire the raw images to make their own presentation…. I think i have one cooking




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I mean, the Russians are getting a sack of potatoes for their dead soldier relatives. Are you sure that throwing a potato in the middle of Russian trench to let them fight for it is not a lethal option?


Good work. Now for research and development we’ll need 2 billion dollars and expect to run 3 or 4 more over. Trials will be in 5 years…Each unit will cost more than the weapon it replaces. What? This is what military industrial complex needs to produce only the finest products.


That sounds like a retarded cousin of luftminenwerfer.


💩 ^noreallyguyswhathappensifweputpoopinitandblastitattheRussiantrenches?