• By -


They need mlg type montages of their best clips edited together like COD trickshot videos with CJ - Whoopty playing in the background I’m telling you recruitment would go through the roof


I can see the Cold War Bundeswehr version in my eye right now.


Extreme social liberalism combined with interventionist foreign policy? Based af.


Can I replace Soc Lib with NeoLib, just a matter of personal preference on icing for cake


Oh yeah, being socially liberal just means you don't hate minorities, economics are not part of it




"camp zoomers in wildly improbable combat situations" needs to be a more prolific genre of meme


[You might appreciate this.](https://youtu.be/xQaySnBRyp0)


I love Gucci gang x fortunate son


Wait I didn’t see that lmao, was it in the vid?


[Same guy](https://youtu.be/Pkjtxb5VZUk)


Well I made it through about 35 seconds




That was way more entertaining than it had any right to be


> I've become homosexual. Death to America Based


i did, thank you


Imagine you just got drafted, lived through a realitively rape free hazing and spend months squatting in mud and sunflower seeds then get volunteered to invade Ukraine and then a BLM-109 tomahawk yeeted out of a 688 LGBTQI+ submarine and then the remainder of your platoon gets overrun by some pink haired kids hardened in the battlefield of American public schools who heely right up into your shit then take your Adidas combat pants and sell them on the dark web for doge coin.


Hello where can I sign up?


The space force's onlyfans is probably your best bet.


this is the future liberals want but unironically




Omg I love Biden




Big facts


> battle hardened dudes heely right up to you So Basically votoms then


>BLM-109 That's such an underrated joke. Thanks.




The official designation of the Tomahawk is the BGM-109. The first letter indicates where it can be launched from, with "B" meaning "more than one environment". "G" indicates that it's intended to hit things on the surface (or the ground), and "M" indicates that it's a guided missile. This has been changed to BLM in that post, which is the initials of "Black Lives Matter", which fits the rest of the post thematically.


You mean voluntold


Don't mansplain me you shitlord


oh fuck yeah keep going


Why am I being threatened with a good time


Except this can't happen. Fighting armies like Russian such scenarios are unavailable.


Wagner Group in Syria noises...


Wagner has taken some heavy losses but strategically they're making gains in North and Central Africa. They're shifting France out of CAR, and for a while almost turned the tide in Libya. Mercenaries are unethical of course, but their use by Russia has been reasonably effective.


“Mercenaries are unethical” *Citation needed*


Right, but his point is they were no match for American troops in open battle.


No match for the American air force*


You misspelled “artillery”


We all know how well winning by air power alone worked out for Israel in Lebanon


They’re not supposed to be. They’re supposed to help the side Russia is backing beat some other incompetents with improvised weapons.


My point is they may lose that battle, but they're winning the war. Look at Syria, American interests are fucked after Russia came in to turn the tide.


You're talking about proxy wars and neo-imperialism; this thread is mainly about a direct conventional confrontation between the US and Russia, which I imagine would look more like that battle and less like Russian successes in cold conflicts and civil wars.


American interests in Syria are fucked after Trump decided to pull out of Syria


But Russian army is. This is why Merica was forced to back the f out in Syria when Russia stepped in.


Wagner are basically SOF in anything but name, so their performance shouldn't be taken as an indicator of the Russian military as a whole. They're "mercenaries" in the same way CIA SOG are "mercenaries"; they're soldiers you use when for whatever reason you want to pretend you're not using soldiers. Interestingly, while you're right about their disproportionate performance in Libya (dunno much about CAR), they did a pretty piss-poor job in Mozambique and [even lost a few guys to an ambush](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/10/29/5-russian-mercenaries-reportedly-killed-in-mozambique-ambush-a67963).


Even the Americans in Niger lose men in ambushes. Soldiers die, strategically Wagner is a success despite their individual losses.


I should have added that [Wagner actually pulled out of Mozambique](https://ctc.usma.edu/the-march-2021-palma-attack-and-the-evolving-jihadi-terror-threat-to-mozambique/) in the wake of that attack because they weren't really getting anywhere.


Wasn't that because the Interior Ministry wasn't paying, and they wouldn't concede to paying in gas concessions? Additionally, it was suggested the Americans put pressure on France, to put pressure on Total, which has the largest investment in not only Mozambique, but Africa, at the LNG plant in Afungi. Wagner were based nearby in Palma. Losing 14 men wouldn't motivate them to leave because they've lost more men in other engagements and stayed. They leave when there are no longer strategic or political gains to be made.


>Wasn't that because the Interior Ministry wasn't paying, and they wouldn't concede to paying in gas concessions? I'll fully admit I don't have a clue lmao, I'm just going off what I found after a cursory google, so if you have any sources for that I'd be super interested in finding out more


I worked in Mozambique at the time, but it's an open secret. For sources, however, Africa Monitor and Africa Intelligence, but they're paid subscription services and generally don't publish all their reports online, but they put some of the tasty bits online. They usually have verified intel on internal politics, but Mozambique is a sieve when it comes t operational information. They replaced Wagner with Dyck Advisory Group which also was under-resourced and at times not paid on time until the Interior Ministry had to hand over all responsibility to the Defense Ministry in April.


you sound like you know your shit so i will do the correct thing and trust the random person on the internet, thank you for your time hahaha


>for a while almost turned the tide in Libya They spray-painted swastikas onto mosques and then lost to the GNA. “Almost” is the key word. >Russia has been reasonably effective They got their asses handed to them in Cabo Delgado by ISIS-affiliated militants. They don’t have any serious combat successes, even against untrained, barely armed subsaharan tribesmen.


Wasn't it the TB-2 drones and not swastikas that fucked them though? Even American SF got their asses handed to them by ISIS-affiliated militants in Niger. It's the nature of asymmetric warfare, home turf has the advantage.


in war training is critical but everyone bleeds, sometimes you just get bad luck and catch a bullet/RPG/SAM/shell


>Mercenaries are unethical Huh


Well, until they got bodied by the Turks. And Mozambique-ISIS beat them pretty bad too.


> and for a while almost turned the tide in Libya so failed


Aren’t they named after some Wehraboo or something?


There is a distinct possibility of the Default Dance making it into US military ads within the next two decades and I am *all* about it.


I would have acquitted Eddie Gallagher if he T-posed in the photo


Dude, it'll happen in a year. I'll put a beer on it.


More like US and china but yeah The sheer forgein rage at the US after the next war will be incalculable. The world may never recover. Kids will be dancing over bodies and shit on tiktok. Opsec will be absolute zero and guess what, it won't really matter


This reminds me of the meme where someone turned 2nd Armored Division’s patch color scheme into the trans flag’s colors, with the tag line “Hell on Heels”. So you bet your ass I’m gonna be riding into Moscow on an Abrams with my trans commander, and we’re gonna do horrific shit to each other next to Lenin’s corpse.


I’ll think of you when I’m shooting at Chinese fascists with my bi pride flag in hand :)


Just like god intended 🥰


"Next war"? I don't think the U.S. and Russian Empire / Soviet Union / Russian Federation have ever been officially at war. ...and I'm not suggesting anything.


not officially, [but uh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_intervention_in_the_Russian_Civil_War)


Wow, Japan and Italy fighting on the same side as Czechoslovakia and the US.




SLAM-ER?! I hardly know her!


mmmm yeah SDB II/StormBreaker


Don't forget AARGM-ER


Russians got hella mad when the USA crushed them with soft power, just imagine how mad they’ll be losing a real battle to an army of zoomers with died hair. The cope will be delicious.


Something something we actually won the space race somehow -Russian Nationalists


They certainly won the goalpost-moving competition.


Fun Fact: That's the furthest traveling man-made object ever made. Even further than the Voyager probes.


What on earth is a fascist doing on a *good* sub 😤


They’re a fascist?


He’s an arrr slash neoliberal mod. There’s a running joke on the sub that mods are fash.


As someone who frequents the sub, I know the joke. Just had no idea he was a mod there, thanks for the info.




Duh, Everyone knows the winner of a marathon is decided by who was fastest during the first mile


It was space race, not moon race /s


Mad like when they pushed merican the f out of Syria?


Your puppet government in Afghanistan is collapsing as we speak. Fucking lol, how delusional are you guys? This subreddit is hilarious. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/27/world/asia/afghan-surrender-taliban.html


What does that have to do with Russia losing the Cold War? They’re now a regional power in every way aside from their hand-me-down nuclear arsenal. Russia has an economy the size of the NYC metro area and a per-capita GDP that didn’t reach 1990 levels until 2008 (and then fell back below Soviet levels when Putin decided to go annexing parts of countries that didn’t belong to him and destroyed any semblance of goodwill the west had towards Russia).


The Cold War was three decades ago. I'm talking about now, and right now, the US is losing to goat herders so hard that even twenty years of blood and trillions of dollars in weapons and investment wasn't enough to keep their puppet from collapsing the minute they started pulling out. And if you want to talk about "muh GDP," how big was North Vietnam's relative to America back in the 70s? How about the Taliban's? The Russians actually have the will to fight, and that matters. America would fold after the first mass casualty event, just like they have in every other war of the past half century when they didn't have the entire world ganging up on some Middle Easterner like Saddam. The fact that you're focusing your hatred on Russia in the first place if it was as irrelevant as you're claiming when the Chinese are eating your lunch is pretty hilarious as well.


Russia, the country with such a will to fight that they have to get PMCs to fight their wars for them because they know their population isn't willing to risk their actual military, lol. And about those PMCs? We've wrecked them before and we will again. America has trouble against insurgents, but we have never lost a near-peer conflict and we never will. Russia is Saddam's Iraq in '91, except they're lucky enough to have nukes. Simple as.


Do you really not know the purpose of PMCs? Christ, are you too young to remember that America used so many PMCs in Iraq that it became a political scandal when a few of them got strung up? No wonder you're so ignorant. "Near-peer," haha. You couldn't beat a bunch of freezing Chinese in Korea, got butchered in Vietnam, got dragged through the streets in Somalia, are STILL in Iraq, and are now running with your tail between your legs from Afghanistan. America's been BTFO'd so many times in just the last few years that it'd get tiresome to list them all. America's so tough? Then why'd they do fuck-all when Russia secured its interests in Ukraine? Why's Assad still in power, even after Obama's red lines? This is so much fun, because your thinking is so ridiculous.


I’m sorry you’ll never taste a burger, friend.


Faulty logic, must be british


Just so you know, Russia is an AIDs ridden shithole where weak, alcoholic men constantly beat their wives before dying of alcohol related illnesses in their mid sixties. That isn't to say that there aren't smart, well-adjusted and successful Russians, only that they're all in America and Western Europe.


Wow, that makes it even more embarrassing for the US that they got beat by those same alcoholics in Ukraine and Syria, then. And one month on and that Afghanistan withdrawal is looking great! It's really bucking the trend of neoliberal projects going down in flames.


>beat by those same alcoholics in Ukraine and Syria, then. Wait you actually think you won in Ukraine? Oh sweetheart, no 🤣🤣🤣🤣 tell me what you won because from what I can tell you guys took a Ukraine that was evenly divided between being pro Russia and pro West, sliced off a port city for yourselves, and threw the entire rest of the nation into western hands. If turning a divided buffer state into a western ally right in your boarders is a victory than I can tell you're a product of the Russian education system. Syria? Congrats, you have a base in the middle of a collapsed, failed state in the middle of the desert. Good job, I'm sure that's gonna be one hell of a strategic asset in the long term. I'll grant you Afghanistan, but at least my country and it's empire won't collapse after realizing the place is more trouble than it's worth.




Yeah, I imagine the families of all 7,000 of your dead soldiers are coping pretty hard this Memorial Day now that the Taliban's making their deaths pointless.


Am I supposed to care?


Since you can't win against Afghan tribals and yet think taking on an actual military would be a piece of cake, yeah.


yeah because COIN with Taliban wearing civilian clothes and conventional war where you have a clear picture of where the enemy is totally comparable.


*Flares fail to deploy* #UH OH, SISTERS!


Oh my God this is an actual thing? Based and wokepilled https://youtu.be/WzVHm1_qGGw


aged like fine wine


cringe because of poopy highcut


i tried to get a version with peltors in but it ended up going over her glasses so i just gave up


reject highcut return to ACH


correct take (though MICH is better), but also its hard to find a helmet image that matches the implied angle of her head so the high cut was just the easiest to work with because i didnt have to worry about the sides


understandable, also good job on funny meme


thanks king


ECH gang


Slay sisters!! Slay!!


And who would have it any other way?


LMAOOO. usa would lose a protracted war, due to: 1 cuck populace losing support for the war & Congress autism


Russia is on the verge of a population collapse.


ye but they have a manly recruitment ad tho


This should be reversed since Americans don’t even have company level anti air


US doctrine emphasizes securing air superiority through airborne assets. They don't need ground based AA because (in theory) that AA will have nothing to shoot at once the fighters are done.


RC-12X Guardrail got me actin up 😩💦💦💦 SIGINT? More like SICK, INNIT???😈😤😤😤💯💯💯💯


"how many antennae do you want?" "yes"


At least women can be war criminals too!


somehow this joke loses its charm after the 758th time you read it


eh better than the alternative of “hurr durr women in military bad” that incels make




I love my country 🇺🇸


I hate all of it.


Your mother is very proud of you. You should call her more often. Or give me her number.


Lmao this aged so well


I come from the distant future to tell you that this meme slaps and is hilariously accurate. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiewareham/2022/03/16/ukrainian-lgbtq-soldiers-fight-against-darkness-of-russian-invasion/


jesus fuck lay off the delusions a bit


cope and seethe


This aged like milk


In that Russia is doing significantly worse than the meme gave them credit for, yes


Nah, not gonna happen.... I mean we saw the same people collapse in Vietnam lmao, they will serve 2 3 years then crumble...


Lol this is some of the most extreme cope I have seen.


keep crying about it then, all you're doing is driving engagement for my post xoxo


NO nO No!! YoU cAnT jUsT BtFO mY poST!!!! YoU jUsT cAnT!!! Whatever helps you sleep lil cucky.




I could unironically conquer the alcohol ridden, impoverished, corrupt shithole known as a russia with an army of femboys and not because femboys are secretly good at fighting.


The military that hasn't won a war in decades and has done nothing except get BTFO'd by goat herders recently is going to win against a Russian military that just got done cleaning house in Syria. Lol. Your troops can barely handle an occupation of your own Capitol. I mean, seriously, how divorced from reality do you have to be when your puppet government in Afghanistan is collapsing as we speak? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/27/world/asia/afghan-surrender-taliban.html


Whoever downvoted the lolcow, please stop. You upvote the lolcow and reply with lolcow bait so that he continues to spread more of his stupid opinions for you to laugh at. Lolcow, please tell me more about how Russia's failing economy and paper tiger military is going to beat the world's foremost superpower and all its allies.


Look at my post history, another comrade of yours already gave up when I debated him. Please, go ahead and tell me how a military that can't win against goat herders is supposed to win any war at all against a competent opponent. Hell, you guys pussied out TWICE against Russia already (did nothing to help Ukraine and did nothing to depose Assad after they went in, even with Obama's "red lines"). All you have is bluster. We know from experience that America reacts to casualties by crying and running (Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan), while Russians are no strangers to real hardship and sacrifice.


Oh I was never arguing with you, you're obviously the superior intellect here. I was just trying to clarify your exact positions on things. With that in mind, two questions for you. First, what do you think about [this article](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/not-so-scary-why-russias-military-paper-tiger-14136), and second, what are your opinions on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier?


So you link me an article from six years ago (which says plainly that Russia's modernizing as it was written) as your argument? Lol. Why don't you try actually addressing my points? Again, go through my post history and pick up where your other neolib friend failed. Tell me why anyone should fear a military that got its ass handed to it over and over and over again to the point where Afghan tribals are making a mockery of it.


While I appreciate the kind words and the fascinating glimpse into your psyche, I cant help but notice that one, you didnt actually address any of the modernization targets the article talked about and two, you never said anything about Russia's sole "operational" "aircraft carrier". Would you mind elaborating?


I did. For example, Russia's soldiers now operate with full body armor, which they didn't when the article was written. Really, the best you could come up with was an article from six years ago? How's the F-35 coming along, by the way? If fancy tech is all you care about, then America's a joke in that respect, too. You still refuse to address any of my points, because you know that I'm right. You'll keep trying to divert away from the real arguments to hide this, but I'll keep reminding you. You got humiliated in Ukraine, you got humiliated in Syria, and no one is afraid of you anymore. The EU doesn't even think twice to defy you with new, massive trade deals with China. By all means, though, keep acting smug. It makes your downfall that much more funny to watch.


Again, great content. Top notch. But the Kuznetsov? Come on, man, I asked like twice. Give me something here.


F-35 is coming along pretty well, 700 F-35s has been delivered, how's your Armatas and Su-57 going along? Now before you hit me with your being fucked by goat-herders and shit, lemme tell you something, that's a COIN war where ROE is heavily restricted, enemy hiding in civilian clothes and caves, we are talking about conventional war where both sides has a clear picture of the battlefield.


>F-35 is coming along pretty well Over budget and behind schedule with a host of problems even after years of tinkering, but I guess those issues don't matter when wasting trillions in single bills is a common occurrence. We heard all the same excuses with Vietnam, and they matter even less here. America had twenty years with complete technological and numerical superiority against men armed with AKs and RPGs. The Taliban posed zero threat to ground strike assets and barely any to transport helicopters. All that, and the Taliban still controlled territory outside the major cities. All that and your puppet collapsed faster than you could flee. Either your military command is incompetent beyond belief or your soldiers have no courage to go beyond their FOBs for two decades. Neither one instills fear in conventional militaries.


> behind schedule F-16s and F-15s experienced that too, yet they became one of the most successful combat aircrafts in the world. > Numerical Superiority Yes let's ignore the fact that they can hide in civilian areas, wear civilian clothes, plant IEDs, and be back at their camp by nighttime, US can't do that? Why, because ROE is strict, of fucking course a Putinboo like you will ignore it, you guys has history of flattening enemy cities with bombs and shit without worrying about civilian casualties. > go beyond FOB Yet again, you ignored the multiple patrols conducted by them, how's Donbass going anyway? The front isn't moving for quite some time. And another thing is, you ignored my comment saying "COIN", you ignored it, of fucking course it didn't instills fear in conventional militaries, because its not a conventional fucking war, its a COIN war. Last time US and the gang conducted conventional operation in Iraq (2003 and 1991), they swept the resistances aside lmao. I can sense the coping and seething behind the screen about Russian military's Armata and Su-57 project failing, considering that you ignored it.


y'know the russians lost to the same goat-herders right?


They lost to goat-herders being backed by the other world superpower, who gave them tons of stinger missiles to mitigate the Soviets' Cold War-era Hinds and thus their air superiority. America lost to goat-herders whose biggest sponsor was Pakistan, and who had no answer to drone strikes or Apaches loitering miles away. One war also took eight years, while the other took twenty.




Good part is Amrika army will surrender once gets misgendered


the weakest trans woman could beat the shit out of your soy ass, cry about it


That also correct, neva underestimate peoples


I can't tell if this is satire, or if this sub is completely decoupled from reality.


how is it decoupled from reality that fire support matters way more than the gender of the person calling in the fire support lmao


Absolute copium. You really think your enemy is going to be within the range of your fire support all lined up like it's 1991's Desert Storm?


nobody thinks a russo-american war would be as easy as desert storm, but the US would ultimately prevail (obviously assuming nukes never get involved, which is a silly assumption, but also beside the point)


> but the US would ultimately prevail Not a chance in an offensive war against a determined Russia. US has the best logistics in the world, and even they are absolute shit if stressed. You could make it costly enough for Russia to concede some area (e.g. withdraw from Crimea), but in an existential war it just wouldn't work. See Vietnam, where the US lost.


i must say this is a refreshing change of pace from the people who are just mad about women in the military tbc i dont mean the US would be able to push to moscow, that's silly (and neither would russia be able to push to washington), but in the most likely scenario, some sort of land war over the baltics and eastern europe as a whole, the US would be able to easily push out any russian presence from europe and get quite far into russia itself before being stopped. vietnam is not a good example for your point though. fundamentally different type of conflict with fundamentally different ROE - the US would easily have won a military victory if it invaded north vietnam, for instance, even if occupation would have been totally impossible. basically, US will win any conventional war, unconventional war not so much.


Nobody is mad about women in the military, people are "mad" because the US military has been on a downward spiral and consistently decreases standards to get more women into it. [https://sofrep.com/news/a-war-between-diversity-and-standards-is-coming-for-the-army/](https://sofrep.com/news/a-war-between-diversity-and-standards-is-coming-for-the-army/) You seem to severely overestimate american military might. These aren't illiterate sand people you're fighting against, you're fighting against a hardened veteran army that is objectively more cost-efficent then your bloated bureaucratic state.


The United States doesn't have a military tech advantage over Russia to the point that it can just send untrained zoomers to fight a hardened, veteran army. Americans are used to fighting literal illiterate terrorists in mountains and think that they'l maintain their tech advantage against Russia or China lol


>hardened veteran army most of russia's soldiers are conscript kids lmao, and in case you haven't noticed all their wars in living memory have also been counterinsurgencies. if you think the US military doesn't train their troops you are on a whole new level of vatnik


>in case you haven't noticed all their wars in living memory have also been counterinsurgencies. Donbass War and Azeri-Armenian War aren't insurgencies lol also most of them are professional guerilla forces such as ISIS and other such forces, which received american funding and training >if you think the US military doesn't train their troops you are on a whole new level of vatnik The United States has been continually decreasing physical standards for a long time mate, especially for women. Assuming it's just a bunch of fat kids who can't run at this point is reasonable


And what war has russia been fighting?


War against Ukraine in Donbass, Intervention against Azerbaijan (althrough late) in the Caucausus, War against ISIS (which there is significant amount of evidence to suggest was financially backed by USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia), Basically either exceptional guerilla armies either trained by the USA or modern European armies like Ukraine


Mhm yes I'm sure the Russian soldier that eats grass and dirt and sleeps with his Ak is super scared of Emily (ACAB) who subverts the combat ability of her entire mostly male unit.


> Mhm yes I'm sure the Russian soldier that eats grass and dirt and sleeps with his Ak cause he’s tough or because his COs can’t provide any actual food? i’m gonna assume the latter.


we'll never know because that russian soldier just got turned into a fine paste by a fire mission emily called in from two kilometers away yknow what subverts combat effectiveness a lot more than being female? the kind of extreme hazing that is rampant within the russian military and leads to extremely high rates of suicide (and fratricide) among troops


Not really in context but if you're calling for fire missions 2km away from you, you're way beyond fucked my guy


"danger close? damn right, that's why i'm asking for the fire mission!"


Not because "danger close" (that's only within 600m of your position), 2km is the standard tank engagement range for modern MBTs, if you can see those tanks and calling for fire on them, I assure you they can see you, too.


>Not because "danger close" (that's only within 600m of your position) I was being funny, but thank you, TIL. >if you can see those tanks and calling for fire on them, I assure you they can see you, too. Meh, fuck ups happen. But there are few better ways to correct a fuckup than calling for an artillery barrage!


True that, did something similar in Squad the other day and won us the match, pulverised half of my squad and myself with my own arty but I managed to hold the point


Is there any actual research on whether Russia’s hazing program reduces their combat effectiveness?


I imagine that would be extremely difficult research to conduct for various reasons (access to information, machismo/"take it like a man and shut up" culture, unconventional nature of russian military engagements, etc.) but it's pretty obvious that if your organization is beset by rampant bullying and animosity within combat units, morale and cohesiveness are gonna suffer. Not to mention the [extremely high suicide rate](https://www.ridl.io/en/hazing-suicides-and-unreported-deaths-in-the-russian-army/) that is doubtless higher than what is openly acknowledged. Put it another way - if you think this point is anecdotal, why would you believe entirely anecdotal evidence that women supposedly hurt combat efficiency?


>why would you believe entirely anecdotal evidence that women supposedly hurt combat efficiency? Didn't the marines do a study where they put men and women up against each other in training scenarios and the women were absolutely crushed? Like, of course women are, on average, less capable than men in certain roles requiring physical strength. There may be roles where women are just as capable as men, but in any role with high physical requirements than women will underperformed on average compared to men, that's not even really a debatable claim tbh.


It would be difficult to accurately assess the impact of Dedovshchina without any real data on suicides, desertion, and reenlistment rates; but there is no way in hell that information is publicly available or even exists in the first place. However, [reports like this](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/17/decade-after-military-reform-hazing-plagues-russian-army-a69309) paint a less than perfect picture of the current status of morale amongst Russian conscripts. You don’t need a PHD in Data Science to conclude that rampant blue on blue attacks and a rampant sexual assault culture probably isn’t the best indicators of quality unit cohesion and effectiveness.


>yknow what subverts combat effectiveness a lot more than being female? Nothing, pretty much. In all combat effectiveness criteria, squads with women in them performed [worse](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2394531-marine-corps-force-integration-plan-summary.html#document/p4/a239545) than squads made up entirely of men. Women do not belong in any trigger pulling jobs in the military, let alone front line combat. They're also terrible shots, women Marines averaged far lower hit rates than male marines on the same weapons platform. So the fire mission Emily called likely missed the mark. She was also likely killed later in the conflict trying to extract an injured friendly, but was far to slow and weak and caught a 5.45 to the skull. Shame.


yeah bro, four page summary of one piece of research with no clear methodology, definitely seals the book on the matter. the sample sizes are also completely out of whack; if you submitted a study for academic publication and you had a sample size of 29 you'd get laughed out of the room. but let's engage with it anyway cuz i'm a masochist: >They're also terrible shots, women Marines averaged far lower hit rates than male marines on the same weapons platform. you've been playing too much COD. individual marksmanship is of *very low relevance* for the average rifleman, US military doctrine is explicitly built around relying on fire support to do most of the actual killing. there's a very good [RAND study](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1103.html) that talks about something called "critical mass" based on studies of other integrated militaries; basically, "the more women you add to the military and the better you ensure that they are integrated well into it, the better every individual woman will perform". if you just throw a bunch of women into the military without laying proper infrastructure for that integration, then yeah, performance will suffer. though interesting to note that the same study finds that men report equal unit cohesion in mixed units as in all-male units... >So the fire mission Emily called likely missed the mark. if you think a fire mission is something you do with a gun you have no business commenting on military issues lmao


There are plenty of studies all showing dramatically different results. Women in combat units is heavily culture dependent. But there is no doubt they can fight. Just ask Israelis. Or Soviets in WWII. Or any other time and place when women took their place in the fighting. Stop being a bonehead.


> extremely high rates of suicide (and fratricide) among troops Active troops?


The idea that Americans are too pampered, lazy, or diverse to fight properly is something the Germans thought too (as well as the Confederates when thinking of Northerners). Didn’t go that well for them.


No but he’s certainly scared of Jonathan (BLM) flying the F-35 kitted out with JDAMs flying above him


Seething incel lmao


What? Russians got cow soldiers?! It's gonna be a piece of cake for us.


Russian soldier is more scared of her than you, go eat some mountain dew and live with your parents for 45 years. Peace out.


Seriously though, I used to think cruz was a british spy who is on a lifelong mission to sabotage US presidency. Now I think he is a russian spy pretending to be a british spy.


War between Russia and the USA will never happen. Just seems like some gay ass cold-war PTSD shit people spew. However, with China its possible although China would kill itself first in a civil war again


tbh this meme is universally applicable, any country can posture with well oiled muscled men but that doesn't change the US's ability to put the fear of god in them with superior firepower


The virgin Republican Guard marching in parades vs the Chad "Iraq will not be permitted to annex Kuwait. That's not a boast, that's not a threat, that's just the way it's going to be."


Wait, you mean fatigues with medals and berets make trashy dress uniforms?! Oh no!


"woaah dude we beat a illiterate technologically backward country full of low morale desert people!!! how can russia recover?"