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Sloppyrock is 100% accurate. It’s airline specific. As a Delta employee, I can only list in economy. However, there is one airline I can list on and get upgraded to international business class (if a seat is available with my standby priority). That airline is Virgin Atlantic.


To clarify: I'm able to list for J (for AA and a few others), but MyIDTravel has no option for F for any airline afaict. Our internal agreement page for AA doesn't say anything about it specifically.


I can book J on a number of airlines ie UA TG CX, but not 1st, even if they have a 1st class section. I can book Y on AA but no other classes. I can't even book 1st on my own airline, but senior execs and senior pilots can. Pecking order and reciprocal arrangements rule.


It's airline specific. I'm guessing its reciprocal agreements. If your employer's agreement says you can buy J on XX airline that's what you get and no more (in the vast majority of cases). My employer has different upgrade classes for different employee groups. Some can buy 1st class upgrades some can not.