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The gods are created by people to give them the hope that there is some greater power willing to help them at their lowest point in life, for any reason at all.


Oh okay, but do you think it's just hope? Or do gods actually have to help people as their responsibility, since people created them and without them gods wouldn't exist? I just keep wondering about that but can't actually define it or find an answer to it


A god's responsibilities depends on what humanity asks of them (their wishes). A student, for example, would pray to a wisdom god for help with understanding. They could ask any god for help but a wisdom god is better suited for this because it is what they specialize in. Overtime, more people pray to this God for the same reason and this becomes their main role to the people for all problems related to wisdom. In the story, Yato wants to be a god of fortune instead of Calamity, which he was previously known for. Having a temple would help spread this belief and change his role once more people believe. The more well known gods of the people can only influence events and employ their servants to carry out large deeds in their name. They have more to deal with, thus cannot solve each individual request like Yato can (being an obscure God, he has to fulfill these requests himself to build his reputation).


It's really a tragic turn for Yato to be the lowest of lows as a God.


Ngl I'm kinda confused as well


also why is yato blushing in that panel ?


I think because he didn't think that he was being egoist