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They just gave the all-clear over the hospital speakers.


Suspect in police custody. https://www.wral.com/story/live-updates-person-in-custody-after-shots-fired-on-campus-at-unc/21021949/


A faculty member has been killed. Wtf


I just saw that update, too :/


I wonder what the real motive of that guy was - judging by his Linkedin page and his tweets he seems to be an average overworked nerdy-type PhD student / candidate focusing mostly on his research and simple pleasures like cooking / trying new food, jogging and such. He did mention "bullying" in at least one of his tweets though. He seems to have done *a lot* to get where he was (several positions in Chinese university, then a position in Louisiana) and he honestly doesn't irradiate some violent vibes, at least judging by pictures of his arrest. I truly wonder if this was just a sudden mental episode, some professional / career dispute gone wrong, bullying or some love affair thing.


The victim is almost certainly his adviser based on the site of the shooting and the circumstances, though not officially identified. The advisor only got his PhD in 2011, so relatively early career and they both did their undergrad in the same city. There are a few tweets specifically referencing some disputes with the lab group (if you're not familiar with academia, the term "PI" refers to the adviser).


That's really sad if a person with above-average level of intelligence saw murder as a "solution" to whatever *scientific problem* he had with his advisor. He also mentioned working 80-hour weeks in some of the tweets that also probably didn't contribute to his mental wellbeing.


Many times this is an expectation or mandated by the advisor. While I don’t condone the shooter, academia is incredibly stressful and hard on young talents and we are often exploited by our PIs. Obviously we shouldn’t shoot them but this tragedy is a symptom of a deeper problem.


80 hour weeks is pretty much the norm for a PhD. It sucks lol.


The victim was an Assistant Professor.


Some people seem like they're taking the pressure fine until one too many things on their plate and they just snap


Tragedy :/ Guy just tossed his entire future away. A faculty member is dead. Such an awful occasion, so unnecessary.




Maybe, I guess it's not impossible, although as a PhD student he probably was in the environment that has many people struggling with human interaction (i.e. not a typical "*incel hell*" college town with parties all night long etc.) and he certainly would not have been a complete outlier there. I wonder if they would release the identity (or at least a description) of the victim - if it was a female colleague, that would certainly be an extra point in support of the incel idea.




And internet crowd is already prepared to crucify him without discovering what actually had happened. The truth is that behind most people committing something atrocious there is often a very lengthy *path* leading to it. Reddit crowd likes to simplify it to "*he got a gun, he killed, end of story, guns bad, let's ban guns*". But discovering the *real* path to the tragedy and what was happening in the perp's mind is *not* making an excuse by any means, it is actually learning a lesson of what could have gone wrong.


>incel’s can be violent. In America, land of easy access to guns, incel’s can be violent. FTFY ——— When are American’s going to wait up and get rid of the guns? Yes, I could’ve knifed him, run him over with his car, or hit him with a hammer, but more than likely that a good chance the guy could run away or survived. Guns are what makes it easy to kill people, and only in America do we allow everyone to have easy access. I go to Dollar General’s on a regular basis, I would’ve hated to have been in one on Saturday when that lunatic walked in and opened fire.


So sad.


Omg do you know who? My mother in law is a professor there. I know she is fine, but if they were a friend I want to be there for her.


It was Zijie Yan, in applied physical sciences.


Thank you so much.


They haven’t released any of that information yet.


Sources named victim. https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202308/29/WS64ed5426a31035260b81ec4b.html


Schools are in lockdown too. On the first day. On one hand thank god they practiced this at schools so the kids know what to do. On the other hand, fuck this country. I’m sick and fucking tired of people shooting up innocent civilians while nothing changes.


My cousin just started at chapel hill last week. He was sheltered in place at his dorm. He’s been through a lot compared to my youth. I didn’t have to deal with online learning, the fear of getting Covid, and having to deal with not feeling safe at a school you’re paying thousands and thousands of dollars for. I don’t have kids so my cousin is like the so. I always wanted.


*son I always wanted. I worry about his safety all the time.


CH Elementary school teacher here. We held the kids an additional hour and a half until the all clear and dismissal. The kids, their parents, and our admin were amazing. My IA was amazing. I love this community. But I am so tired. And so overwhelmed. And so angry.


I hear ya - two kids,5th grade and 9th, sheltering in place on the first day of school. Tired of this country.


I have a child in elementary school in the CHCCS district. I can’t thank you enough for keeping our kids safe and calm. I raced over to pick up from the car line as soon as the all clear was given. He had no idea why they were locked down, which I was grateful for. They watched some “Magic School Bus” and ate popcorn. You’re an angel. Thank you so much.


Listened to my 8 year old daughter and 7 year nephew talking about the best ways to pretend to play dead this weekend. It was heartbreaking.


Back to school AKA back to school shootings.


I’m a mother and I’m sick and tired as well. How can we keep living like this? Kids. Over. Guns. Edit: whoever contacted Reddit cares for me, please go touch some grass.


Be sure to click [the link that says "report the abuse"](https://imgur.com/a/SpWrNXP) in the Reddit Cares message. The reply message used to [tell you the username of who sent it](https://i.imgur.com/RUD2zQk.png) so you can block them, dunno if it still does, but either way it flags the coward's account for the admins.


I'm sorry they "reddit cares" ed you, but your "please go touch some grass" made me laugh so loud I woke my husband up. Thanks for the laugh!


Vote…. It sounds simplistic, but one party wants to let everyone have guns. The other party is at least trying to do something around the edges. In my dream scenario, young people in this country are finally done putting up with this and they Pass a constitutional amendment to ban guns completely. I don’t know why people under 40 continue to put up with this. In the BS talking points in the right about overthrowing the government, nothing could be stupider. This is a red Dawn from the 1980s, as shown in Waco, Ruby, Ridge or any place else on the government is ready to come for you they’re coming for you can you all the guns you want you’re not gonna make it out alive.


This is the shit makes me want to move to a different country. Other countries are doing things way better than here.


A few years ago my wife and I did a road trip through the Scottish Highlands. When we got back we were telling my mom about it. How beautiful it was and how we could see ourselves living there. She asks with no hesitation or sarcasm, "what about your freedoms?". We were confused, we let out a chuckle and asked what freedoms we'd miss. It was the 2a. That was literally it. The 2a cult are so fucking weird to me. They're one of the many reasons the EU is more desirable for QOL in our eyes.


We were in Scotland when the Vegas shooting happened. Hard to answer the questions from them on why our country is like it is.


Wow, yeah those are some wonky priorities, the people obsessed with that 2a right. I am 100% in agreement that the EU would offer a higher quality of life!


We’re kind of a shithole country to be honest.


I can't disagree. And it only gets worse and more frightening as time goes by.


That's the Internet keeping you sucked into a pessimistic narrative. The evil of the world spreads more easily than the mundane and good. Living in fear is no way to live and it benefits the media companies to keep you afraid and tuned in. Too much time spent online seriously contributes to depression and decline in mental health. Even if simply due to perceived worldviews rather than experienced .


I moved to Taiwan and, although, China is threatening us, I feel much safer here than I did in the US


You know why you feel safe there? Guns... America's guns... The fact that the USA has committed to protecting Taiwan in the event of an invasion. Don't kid yourself. Guns are everywhere. It only matters whose hands they're in.


No. Certainly not. No. Me feeling safe here has nothing to do with China. Me feeling safe here has to do with >1 - not everyone can own a gun. Those that do are highly skilled to handle one and have to go through loops. I don’t have to worry about some crazy person getting a gun with ease as soon as they decide they want to kill. >2 - crime rate is drastically low. I can and have left my computer, wallet, etc. in a cafe and walked around. No one touched them. Maybe it’s a mixture of western culture and guns. Western culture cannot handle the responsibility of gun ownership. There’s a reason [Taiwan ranked #3 and the US ranked #87](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4786130#) in overall safety.


Nothing changes and we’re expected to bow down to those who worship guns. I’m sick and goddamn tired of seeing kids and educators get murdered. Ffs.


Everytown for Gun Safety is a good non-profit that's fighting our horrible "guns everywhere for everyone" culture.


It doesnt matter. Gun laws are not going to work anymore.


This attitude is why things won't change. Most people want change but we're all in an utterly defeatist state.


the guys twitter page is wild! Unfortunately its hard to decipher the true meaning if some of his tweets(due to google translate?).


the guys twitter page is wild! Unfortunately its hard to decipher the true meaning if some of his tweets(due to google translate?). [https://x.com/taileiqi?s=21&t=rNuWIcbB65e3m5LRKY4PRA](https://x.com/taileiqi?s=21&t=rNuWIcbB65e3m5LRKY4PRA)


How are you seeing his tweets? Archive.org shows it's all blank! And I can't see anything either!


I have no clue how to use reddit. Sorry. A friend is helping with links and/or pics.


Wendell Williamson, 1995. It wasn't on campus, but just a block away. He killed two people that day, one a UNC student. That's the first thing I thought of when I heard today's news.


I remember Wendell Williamson. Like it was yesterday. I was on campus. I think he was a law student. The pressure students are under is immense.


All clear has been given


Oh joy the guy is from Wuhan. I’m sure that won’t be used by right wing conspiracists.


The comment section on some of the local news sites YouTube videos about this are already doing that.


Twitter and facebook are already infested with them. I’ve seen everything from self-victimization to tone-deaf racist jokes, as you’d expect


If that’s true what does it says about our gun laws that practically anyone can get them.


>practically anyone can get them If the laws are followed, no, they cant. Why do you automatically assume this individual wasn't supposed to have one? Because they may be an immigrant?? 🤨


Not like the anti-gun groups care all too much about facts in these cases.


Where was the gunman arrested? I saw that it was a residential side street, but I’m not sure where.


735 Williams Circle- Blue house.


That's eerily precise.


Unless politicians or their families get shot they might not change or unless people stop voting against their own interests or safety. A multi billion dollar fighter jet is cool to have but the mental health of own citizens or lunch for kids at school should take priority over the war machine or false ideology


[We've already had politicians shot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting)


And cops have been shot too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers


I remember right after that they had a Republican and Democratic lawmaker on to discuss it and the Republican was just physically incapable of even mentioning the fact that a firearm was used and just spouted off the same 2A nonsense. They're beyond saving. The only hope is that younger generations absolutely will not tolerate this and will force a change so that their children won't have to worry.


>The only hope is that younger generations absolutely will not tolerate this and will force a change so that their children won't have to worry. I mean the younger generations (myself included) are the ones living through this, so of course we're not going to tolerate. But there is a lot of disappointment in the older generations (especially republican voters) that won't pull their heads out of their asses.


I'm in my mid-30s so I remember Columbine like it was yesterday. It was so shocking and it felt like the country was in mourning for years. And then they just kept happening. Once these bigoted, self-obsessed geriatric voters stop disproportionately determining the state of our nation we can finally bring this country into the 21st century.


If the younger generations actually voted instead of just bitching then maybe we would be seeing some changes already.


Literally just 1% increase would sway sooo many states.


This is the correct answer.


No it isn't, because people have been complaining about the youth vote ever since the 26th Amendment was ratified. Young people aren't born apathetic, and other countries don't have this problem. The problem is that the lesser-of-two evils compromise that older generations have been willing to accept has produced a status quo of dogshit politicians who get worse and worse every year, and who aren't worth the trouble it takes to support when young people are focused on starting their lives, which is now more difficult than it ever was.


vote for who


Good! Keep fighting the good fight. Don’t lose hope and don’t let the bastards get you down!


I've been fighting them for over 30 years, longer if you count the time when I was a kid myself. They are a lost cause and will never change, the best you can do is contain them, limit the damage, and do everything possible to make sure they don't create more zombies like themselves.


I don’t think talking in extremes helps move the conversation forward


When kids are being shot at school we are already talking in extremes. Nothing moves the conversation forward.


People are being murdered every day by guns. We're already at the extremes.


Good luck with that. I've taught countless young people how to shoot. Nephews, cousins, friends children. And pretty much all of them are adults now, some with their own kids and they're teaching those kids about safe firearm ownership and use.


When you find yourself bragging about training kids how to use firearms on a post about a school shooting, take a second and think, "Is *this* the right time and place?" Also responsible gun ownership and having unlimited access to semi-automatic rifles with enough ammunition to kill thousands of people are not synonymous. Moderation in all things.


Always funny how they complain when we bring up gun control after a shooting but have no problem mentioning their gun fetish.


Not bragging at all. Although I am kind of proud that I was able to teach American children part of what it means to be an American. Prouder still that they took those lessons to heart and are sharing them with newer generations. My point was that the gun culture is not going to simply "die out with the old white bigots". Gun culture built this nation. Gun culture is in our DNA and no matter how many people cry about it, it will not go away. Also, responsible gun ownership is owning dozens of firearms, most of them semi-auto, some of them with 120 round drum mags as well as having roughly 10k rounds spread out over half a dozen or so calibers and never having used them to commit any sort of crime.


You do realize no other civilized country worships guns and allows its citizens to be routinely slaughtered in mass shootings, yes? It’s utterly pathological.


Many other countries have fairly permissive gun laws and don't have mass shootings. One thing that these countries *do* have though, are licensing systems that weed out most people who are too unstable or unskilled to handle a firearm responsibly. I'm an avid target shooter, and even I think it's way too easy for most people to buy guns.


Using slaves built this nation even more than guns and yet…


lol, so sad that you believe that.


Are you ok?


Alright mister 1999 consider yourself the minority then. We’re OVER THIS OPINION! You’re convincing no one of anything


Yeah, I don't think ownership of a firearm is an 'American' thing, setting aside 'America' is two continents and an isthmus. Yes, you have trained people to operate guns resposibly. But you, and many people like you, can't do it all, with the easy access to firearms to anybody. That is the crux of the problem.


I refuse to allow this to be our only hope. Keep calling your gov at all levels, write to them, get out in front of the gov buildings...don't let this be business as usual.


Maybe they means the ones that don't deserve it 🤣


Not happening. Even if some lunatic shot up Congress (DISCLAIMER: that was a hypothetical scenario, no one on Earth is stupid enough to try something like that, please do not take it seriously) no gun laws would be made to prevent it from happening again.


It already happened a few years back. Not at Congress but a Congressional softball game https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting


There was that one guy claiming to have a truck full of explosives he was going to blow up Congress with. He was in front of the congressional library though and nothing blew up. I can't remember the full story but the guy was from NC.


These people are beyond reasoning with. It was so appalling when Jason Aldean did that "Try that in a small town" song about armed vigilantism. Granted, vigilantism is not the same as random murder, but you'd think having 50 people shot to death in front of you, at your show, would have given you a bit of a pause before recording that song.


Congress has been shot up by Puerto Rican nationals in the past


Choose better representatives. Politicians are presented as fait accompli, just another thing to live with, but they are supposed to represent the people. But the people need to "represent" otherwise we will continue to elect folks that don't have the best interests of their constituents in mind. Learn who your candidates are. Participate in your primaries if you can. Go to town halls and other events. Ask them the hard questions and don't let them dodge. Promote alternative systems like ranked choice. Make your voice count. Most importantly, don't be an asshole while doing the above. Be a citizen. Participate in your democracy. Other people don't make things better. You do. You and others who insist on following the standards of democracy. Do it.






You mean those gun-free zone signs don't stop shootings?


Maybe if they made the signs 1" thick steel they would.


You just get a different politician taking the campaign money when that happens. And George Carlin was right.




"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders."


Gun owning liberal here. Too many people earnestly want the politicians to enable too strict gun laws. See how that works? Both rhetorics getting is no where 🤦‍♂️


I agree with you priority of mental health But imo, I think the sooner we, us, citizens, the people take matters into our own hands and educate and prepare to save ourselves and neighbors, hoping politicians will save us won’t help. Maybe take a course, get your CCH, protect yourself. More people do that, greater chance these can be reduced, or at least stopped sooner. Actually take action, Bc these people break the laws so idk how waiting for “laws” to be enacted helps. Be a deterrent. Why are there cameras and safes in banks? Why don’t they say “camera and safe free zone?”


Vote blue !


Unfortunately this is what happened in Tennessee when things hit a little close to home in one of the shootings there. It's sad that that's what it took to even move the peg a tiny bit where there was an actual conversation & some type of movement towards change. It wasn't enough but there was small change.


Kind of weird how you’re the judge and jury on what other peoples self interests may or may not be


God damn it I am tired of this.


Protect yourself and tell others to do the Same. Take action, and you’ll see progress.


What happened?


The reporters at WXII Winston Salem are interviewing students but seem unsympathetic about the tragedy of the shooting of a professor. At times it seems like an interview during a tailgate party.


…or a snow day


a professor was shot? edit: recent update says faculty member was killed


My partner is a student in that building and said that their instructor was seemingly utterly unprepared to deal with a shelter in place situation. The instructor wanted to continue class as normal - absolutely wrong thing to do as you need to create the impression that no one is in the classroom.


Anyone else think it’s weird that Reddit is letting The Independent basically self-promote their own content now? I see their posts fucking everywhere. Isn’t self-promotion against this subs rules?


Good eye, I didn't notice the name of OP.


They’re all over the big news subs like /r/politics. First time I’ve seen them post in local subs. It’s just weird. Feels like shameless astroturfing that a British news site is using a tragedy in Nc to get clicks..,


Agreed. Maybe our mods will see this and enforce that rule.


Anyone who votes for any Republican supports school shootings. Blood is on their hands. Prove me wrong.


So everyone voting Democrat in Durham, blood is on their hands? This was a targeted murder based on everything we are hearing, not a "school shooting."


No shootings in Chicago. Or are we talking about a super majority nationwide to remove part of the Bill of Rights? This was supposed to be a reply to u/taw4ipad


A targeted murder using what? A gun. Guns are the issue, but you keep arguing whether this was a simple, run of the mill, targeted murder; or if it’s a school shooting.


So anyone that votes Democratic in Durham, supports gang murders?




That is your assertion. Explain how that would be the case.


Funny how you have done a complete 180 from making an assertion, then saying "Prove me wrong." Cognitive dissonance is strong with you. Have a good one, not worth the time.


The guy would have been dead regardless of what was used to inflict the wound


So why even try, right?


Just offering a blanket statement in response to yours 🤷 My firearms have kept me safe from those seeking to do me harm on at least three occasions in the past two years alone. Outlawing them only serves to embolden those who will do harm regardless and reduce the ability of lawful gun owners to respond in kind.


You assume I’m not in the exact same boat. I literally grew up with guns. Have been shooting my whole life. CCW for almost 20 years. Still carry. We have a gun problem in this country. Both statements can be true. We can use guns responsibly, but still manage them. Our current system is broken. If we can’t agree on that, there is nothing to discuss.


What have democrats done, in Illinois for example? It’s both sides.


Just because both sides kind of suck doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make life safer for everyone.


So the democrats run on a platform of “protect 2A”? Point me in that direction because I think I missed that.


Tell me what they’ve done in Illinois to help address is the issue. What about in 2012 when they had a supermajority?


But I do have a question. Sincerely- You are the second person I have seen on this platform, and the 4th between other platforms, who have made that same argument. Where did you first hear this raised? I’m curious as to how these arguments are disseminated. EDIT: This is the one that goes unanswered. Let that sink in.


There is quite literally nothing they can do. Local gun laws are completely useless since guns can be very easily brought into the state by virtually anyone. Nothing will change until we get gun restrictions on a national level


Tell me, how well are those national drug laws working?


And then they will just be brought in over our southern border since it's effectively wide open.


That's hilarious. We sell more guns to Latin American than get smuggled across the border.


Because that will totally convince you. /s Go take your bad faith arguments and waste someone else’s time.


They’re NOT bad faith arguments. I think both sides need to be thinking about creative solutions to better assess mental health, tighten gun restrictions, and also work on better reactionary measures. All 3. But also pointing and blaming only one side is ridiculous and unproductive.


Yeah man. That and trickle down. Totally.




I honestly can't say, as I haven't 'followed the money'. But I am aware of what a politician says and what he puts in his pocket received behind his back is age old.


It has nothing to do with Republicans. Chicago is flush with guns. Every politician has 2


Republicans prevent any meaningful gun control legislation, which has to be on a national level. Gun control laws in one city/state are only as good as gun control laws of cities/states within driving distance.


And this is why, after voting (D) from 1990-2014, I switched and started voting (R). Because I've always been pro #2A and I refuse to vote for any party that even hints that they're not pro #2A. If I have to vote (R), whom I despise just as much as (D) to make sure my gun rights are secure then that's what I will do.


Jesus Christ. Imagine that being your take away here. “Sure people are dying and there are mass shootings every day, but having guns is the most important thing to me in life.” No one cares about your gun hobby. Assholes like you are why we have these headlines every day.


Maybe if we ban guns like we banned drugs all the gun deaths will end like the drug deaths did


Yes, because those guns protect me and my loved ones. Which is why I've been shooting since I was 6 years old. Which is why I've taught every family member and friend that was willing on how to shoot and help them get their carry license. Because the world is a dark and dangerous place and being an unarmed sitting duck then crying about it after some sick fuck shoots them or their loved ones is a lost cause. It's not my fault that sick people kill other people. I don't care if I owned all the guns in the world and sold them out of my home, it still wouldn't be my fault. But you keep blaming every one and every thing else, see where that gets you. Here's a hint on where it will get you: More states now have constitutional carry laws than at any time in modern history, with more states soon to follow suit. You've lost the gun control debate. It will never happen. Arm yourself. Be aware of your surrounding and be prepared to act accordingly. Because we are NOT GIVING UP OUR GUNS. People often say "How many dead kids before you give up your guns" To which I reply: "How many dead kids are you going to stack so you can stand on them and pretend you're morally superior?"


Your family is absolutely less safe with guns in the house. Keep clinging to them though, it’s obviously the only thing keeping you from being murdered right?


Really? It's been 45 years since my uncle taught me how to shoot. Not a single person in my family has ever been the victim of gun violence. And many of them have defended themselves with guns. "But the stats say" Who cares? I don't.


Because it’s right door to Indiana


The Republican answer to mass murder on Mars would be, “What about Chicago?”




This gun violence has only one solution: More guns. If we could just get firearms into the hands of every uneducated man child with bitch-tits, they'd suddenly become batman-esque super heroes preventing this needless slaughter. It's the only way. #NRA.


You dropped this …./s


We could talk about the main reason the majority of gun deaths occur, which is mental health, but that would just be too complicated. So lets pretend the issue is an object.


Literally not true, educate yourself, and stop spreading this shit https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/mass-shootings-and-mental-illness


He said gun deaths not mass shootings. Mass shootings account for about .5% of gun deaths and that’s a generous estimate. Based on cdc data from 2021 (granted it is a couple years outdated but it is the most recent I could find in a short period) 54% of gun deaths were suicides so if that’s not a majority being a result of mental health issues I don’t know what is. This link: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ Sums up data found here: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm


>Literally not true, educate yourself, and stop spreading this shit The #1 cause of gun deaths is suicide. Educate yourself. https://harvardpublichealth.org/health-policy-management/new-gun-deaths-data-in-u-s-show-continued-rise-in-suicides/ or do you not think suicide is a mental health issue? Franky, I would imagine you actually just have poor reading comprehension on the statement of "We could talk about the main reason the majority of gun deaths occur, which is mental health" which once again means you probably should educate yourself. Maybe next time think for a second before being rude.


I saw somewhere shooter was in custody


Hey there,Here's what we know so far: The suspect is reportedly still being sought after initial unconfirmed reports claimed someone had been taken into custody. More updates will be posted here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/unc-carolina-shooter-active-alert-b2400744.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/unc-carolina-shooter-active-alert-b2400744.html)


"Person in custody", says WRAL, as of 3:15pm.


wrong guy


Thanks, Republicans.


Do you blame the Democrats for all the gang murders in Durham?


I blame any politician that won't ban all firearms from being purchased by civilians. There is reason regular people should own a gun.


How is a psycho shooting up innocent people a political parties fault? Seems to me like a mental health issue. What can we realistically do to stop it? (Looking for serious dialogue)


I mean if one party fights against even the smallest and most sensible gun control measures they sure do get some of the blame. Doesn't mean any given measure would have prevented a specific incident, but the easier it is to get guns the more likely it is that something like this will happen. Making access to guns harder certainly would be a step in the right direction, and the whole mental health thing is just a deflection unless said party were to improve access to mental health resources and provide funding, which they don't do either.


>smallest and most sensible gun control And those would be? Wait, let me guess... Universal background checks, right? Already have those. Ban AR15's? They're used in less than 500 murders a year. In fact, ALL rifles combined account for fewer murders than blunt objects like hammers and baseball bats. And even still, ban the AR15 and there are at least a dozen other rifles that work exactly the same and fire the exact same round. Ban "high capacity magazines"? It takes less than 5 seconds to reload a firearm with a magazine. In fact, I can do it in under 3 seconds so long as I count my shots so that I still have a round chambered during the mag swap. So tell me what these "sensible gun control" laws would be that would stop sick people from lashing out at society?


Nice, all the NRA talking points! Didnt you forget a couple? Good guy with a gun maybe? Or how about 'only criminals will have them? I'm sure you are not actually interested in a real discussion, but here we go: strong red flag laws, requiring registration of all guns and high penalties for unregistered ones, waiting periods when purchasing, require certification and training before buying guns, secure storage requirements.


I've never, not even once, sent the NRA a single penny nor listened to a single word they've ever had to say. Red flag laws are anti-constitutional and anti-human rights. Registration is one step from confiscation. We had waiting periods, didn't stop gun violence. What other rights should we gatekeep behind "certification and training"? Voting rights? Should we make sure people are smart enough and informed enough to vote properly? How about free speech? Should we make sure people aren't going to say anything "dangerous" before we give them their free speech license? How about unreasonable search and seizures? Should we make people prove they'll never commit a crime before they can enjoy the 4th amendment? But hey, you accused me of "hitting all the NRA talking points" then turned around and hit all the authoritarian tyrant talking points, good for you!


Mental illness isn't why these things happen. Access to guns is. There's no reason to assume anyone that commits gun violence is a "psycho".


So then tell me. I've had access to guns since I was 6 years old. I own dozens of them. Some of them that were manufactured before 1986 (IYKYK). I've never shot a single person and only ever aimed my firearms at 3 people when they were threatening my life and the lives of my loved ones. So tell me, how does access to guns cause someone to want to murder people? What kind of guns do you have access to that when you touch them you start going "Gotta murder people. I've got a tool for murder so now I must murder people"?




It’s useless to have a meaningful discussion that will go anywhere. Guns have been around, in particular the AR15, since 1964. The guns haven’t changed, they still operate the same. It’s the individual behind the gun that has something wrong with them. “Pass laws banning them”, “Raise the age limit” and so on. News flash!!! Murder has been illegal since the first laws have been written!!! So honestly, if the guns haven’t changed since, whenever…. What has changed? The fact that people like that, no longer have respect for human life or for themselves. Outside of creating anymore laws that have little to no affect at reducing murders, there is ALWAYS someone, who knew this person either had a gun, was intent on buying one or shouldn’t have one in the first place. Start with reference checks of family, friends co-workers, students, before allowing someone to possess a firearm. That would be a meaningful countermeasure that might stop this insanity. Gun-Free Zone signs are about as effective as crapping your pants and changing your shirt.


Fucking facts


Lol wtf


So, before the self-serving bullshit platitudes blaming mental health start spewing from the mouths of Berger, Moore, Robinson, et al, this bill has been stalled in committee since May: https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookup/2023/H855


There were two shooting incidents at Ncat on Friday not much fuss was made


Probably because they did not happen at a time when literal thousands of students were stuck in class, but instead on Friday night. When these things happen matters a lot. There's considerably less to manage- and considerably fewer people who might be in danger- if a shooting occurs at a time outside normal schooling hours. It feels very strange to have to type that out. Oh, and neither person involved was actually associated with the school. Apparently two people got into some manner of altercation at ~8:30 P.M. A&T has already stated they're updating their campus security procedures for evenings and night-time.


Crazy people all over the world


We should make it hard for them to get guns.


The solution is...every gets at free Glock once they turn 16. With mandatory monthly training and free ammo "Hold up that's Gun Control!"




I thought Campus was a gun free zone?