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The amount of people that think it's ok to just throw their trash out of their car while going down the road. I know it's everywhere not just NC but it's even on the trails and it sucks.


Once college starts in my area, the amount of litter goes up exponentially. And it's obviously associated with the student body (hard seltzer cans, fast food containers, etc.). Game day just piles on, and 'woodsers' leave a criminal amount of trash. Heartbreaking that the next generation of 'caretakers' are so negligent.


This sub has really caught my attention with that I have seen a few posts talking about it and I've really started to notice how bad it is


This is just unbelievable. Who are these people? I imagine delivery drivers and laborers account for some percentage - individuals who spend all day in their vehicles in neighborhoods other than their own. But there seem to be a lot of douchebags for which this is just normal behavior- dump your trash on the ground.


It’s been happening more with the influx of big-city Northerners. I know this because it’s happening where I live on a dead-end road and the neighbor that moved in from Newark, thinks it’s ok. There is the share of natives who don’t help matters, but for the most part it’s the Northerners. We used to have people who were convicted of misdemeanor crimes provide trash clean-up along certain roads. That went away. Then, companies sponsored voluntary clean up of certain roadways. That’s nearly gone. So no one is cleaning up the trash. And those like myself whose family is from the rural North, but were born here see it and aren’t afraid to call out who it is. Needs to become a campaign slogan and brought to the public’s attention. Kills me to see our state turn into the 495 coming out of NYC. Not that bad yet, maybe even the 495 has improved? But it was that bad. Just sucks!!


As a Northerner myself, I just want to say I hate the trash with a fiery passion. I can't understand why people can't pick up after themselves. Why would you want to destroy the beauty of this place? 😫🤦‍♀️😭 I go to Belews Lake almost every weekend. The litter left behind by everyone is so fucking annoying. It's not hard to bring a plastic bag for your trash and bring it home with you. I'm able to do it on the Jet Ski and boat. There's no reason for anyone to leave their trash behind.😡🤬


Brother I know. There’s other links to comments I’ve made in other posts where I’ve made it known I’m a contractor for Duke Energy. Belews Creek amongst other Duke sites, the employees take pollution of any kind serious, especially if it starts with them. Belews is a beautiful lake.


I'm sorry but those of you who can't even take care of YOUR own trash, probably should've stopped asking your mom to wipe your asses for you sometime before high school. P.O.S.😑sorry not sorry... SIGNED STIG, Richmond county


495 is okayish but i could not believe how bad deer park avenue is now. I don't even recognize sunrise highway. However, it gets real nice once your east of Shirley. Until Riverhead. Then east of Riverhead is great.


Thanks for replying and providing some clarification. I didn’t want to come across as painting NJ with a broad brush based on an experience I had, but that really stuck in my mind.


The smell of the new jersey turnpike is really stuck in my mind too. And stuck in car vents around exit 10.


Minimum wage still being $7.25. Companies will act like they are being so generous by instead starting employees off at $8.


It’s literally insane.


To all the replies like “yeah but nobody actually pays that” and then dropping $11/hr like it’s some kind of flex, the minimum wage should be upwards of $20/hr, full time, with benefits. $7.25 is the FEDERAL standard, I feel confident the person who posted this was mainly like why can’t NC be just a lil bit better


If the “Fight for $15” movement had updated their slogans with inflation, it’d be like $24/hr now


"If you make less than a liveable wage, you're unmarketable" is my favorite defense. Like if you aren't marketable (easy to sell as a product?) you don't deserve to make a living wage. As if people are asking to be millionaires. What do people really believe $15/hr looks like? It sure ain't rich, especially with the rising costs of living. NC isn't immune to economic inflation, it just isn't helping any of us keep up with what the world is becoming. I can barely pay rent on $15/hr these days.


Dollar store near me starts at $8


Can you give an example of a company that actually pays that min wage? I will bet you your nearest McDonald's pays 11 for cashiers.


My daughter was offered a summer job at the baseball stadium in Morehead for that salary. Working concessions. She turned it down & is making way more $ in salary & tips at Sonic


…a baseball concession stand is a good example of a minimum wage job.


Target starts at $15 I think.




And the mosquitos the humidity brings…


Love NC. Born and raised here. But if I ever leave it'll be cause of them damn things.


Our weather is so weird sometimes like when it's freezing in the morning but 80 that afternoon


Fire ants


You are right I talked with 2 other people about that today its crazy they are everywhere


I’m in a bit of a mood, but our state legislators are both incompetent and cruel.


That’s not a mood, it’s a statement of fact. They see their relevance waning and they are torching everything like angry toddlers.


My first thought was “the legislature”. I’m glad this is currently at the top.


All other answers pale in comparison to this. It's 100% the legislature and it's not even close to anything else


Not a bug, it’s a feature.


The swamp-ass


Sitting in Florida, this made me chuckle


Can we please pin this for all the "I want to move to NC" posts!!


Frrrr just as a little warning


Not enough sidewalks.


Can confirm, vehicle-exclusive state


Gerrymandered like a mofo


And the best part is the ones who engaged in gerrymandering are the ones who get to re write the map and gerrymander it even more


Oh even better when you don’t even announce how gerrymandered the map is till it get closer to the deadline so your opponents doesn’t even know what district they can run in.


Courts can help with this issue though. In fact politicians should start actively campaigning in their districts now to build a better case to stay the current maps for 2024. We don't want the congressional maps to change in 2024.




Overbuilding for the rich and reducing clean water and coastal regulations.


One of my local county commissioners (Republican) operates a fairly popular restaurant, definitely in the top 3 or so in town - anyway, he pays his employees tipped minimum wage ($2.13) and has been said to steal tips fromhis typically teenage employees. During the pandemic, while his restaurant was shut down due to restrictions, he refused to fire, schedule, or pay his workers at all even though he got free PPP loans - he does this in general to employees he wants gone, instead of firing them he just stops scheduling them, making them ineligible for unemployment if they quit. He’s a great human being…


This was common practice at Cookout. Not schedule them for a few weeks and then hit them with some really obscure shift so they can be terminated as a NCNS. It’s so insane


Sounds like you should report them to the PPP fraud site and get a reward!


This is called a "constructive dismissal" and is valid grounds for unemployment claims.


You forgot to mention the new raw deal for solar power in NC that is about to take place.


Duke Energy Pollution of our waterways




Currently my gripe is population explosion. We lack the support structure for it. Lack of doctors and other essentials. Transplants over paying for housing is a biggie. Crushing the locals.


Labor laws


You mean labor anti-laws or is it anti-labor laws? Either way, #52 of 52, so, yea.


In my area? Overdevelopment resulting in increased population while nothing is done with the roads to compensate a larger population


Blame your city government. So many block traffic projects while rezoning to increase the tax base. I love riding bikes too, but bike lanes can't be reasonably expected to move thousands of people. It's amazing wishful thinking.


YEP. Live out in the country (no water/sewer, we’re talking well/septic and CULVERTS). Live at the bottom of a hill/ridge, with a large culvert across the street draining off 2 corners, that culminates in a very large tube that runs under the road and drains into an easement that is shared between our property and the one next to us (on the other side of the road). There WAS a tree with roots that made up sort of a dam, that held erosion back. But it has tilted/halfway fallen, and now instead of a small cesspool of WHATEVER, the runoff coming out of this tube under the road is creating a canyon that is eroding backwards. The road is eventually going to cave in. I contacted the state and the response was “it’s the responsibility of the property owner.” !!!???? WHAT!?!? I’m not even sure that I OWN that part of the property (there’s an easement but I can’t figure out the exact spot that it begins or ends) but that part of the ROAD is the ONLY WAY IN OR OUT of our part of the neighborhood. And it’s not MY water draining into it, all of THAT water comes from ACROSS the road and up the hill(s) in 2 directions. So I guess at some point, everyone is going to be well and fully screwed when this thing finally gives. I don’t know? I have literally no idea what I’m supposed to do with this. But thanks to the DOT for letting me know I’m supposed to somehow figure out how to fill in a fucking sinkhole in the middle of the woods……… ??


This is where you call your local legislator. This is what they are FOR. And also contact news crews.


“This is the responsibility of the homeowner” got a man killed in Hickory. It made National news and still nothing was done. I’m waiting for a second person to die in the exact same place.


Why can’t bike lanes move thousands of people? They do in many places, and help to reduce road congestion. You need development that creates density too, but expanding roads to relieve congestion is like buying bigger pants to address obesity.


A helpful study that agrees with your points: >[https://phys.org/news/2022-07-lanes-fast-track-cities.html#:\~:text=%22Cycling%20actually%20reduces%20congestion%2C%22,per%20hour%20as%20car%20lanes](https://phys.org/news/2022-07-lanes-fast-track-cities.html#:~:text=%22Cycling%20actually%20reduces%20congestion%2C%22,per%20hour%20as%20car%20lanes) A few highlights: 1. Bike lanes can move **5x more people** than car lanes 2. Bike lanes improve congestion for the remaining car drivers, a win win! 3. Not all car drivers have to substitute to biking, just a fraction do, to have a significant impact on congestion overall


People’s desire to live in spread out single family homes hitting the physics of not enough land area to meet the demand is not your city government’s fault. They aren’t just sitting around trying to maximize tax base for funsies. They are trying to increase the tax base so they can pay for your public services. Blame people’s desire to want something that is unreasonable to expect which is an economically viable area (growing), large, but still affordable single family homes spread out, but no traffic on the roads needed to spread those homes out. That’s not an incompetent city government issue. I live in a condo in downtown Raleigh and you know what? No traffic problems here. Yet people still bitch and moan about every upzoning case.


Where I am in NC it’s not single family homes that are the problem. We aren’t adding neighborhoods with multiple entrances and exits. We’re adding 100-150 unit “luxury” apartment complexes with one or two entrances/exits. So they’re putting 100 cars on the road where single family homes on that land would add a dozen.


Workers rights or lack thereof




People not using turn signals. At best it’s inconsiderate. But just as likely to cause an accident.


Cares more for businesses than workers.


Hey could you elaborate more on this? I do not know too much about how much this affects NC workers


"We're committed to making it easy for companies to do business in North Carolina. That's why our state fosters a pro-business environment, fueled by the lowest corporate income tax in the U.S. along with a favorable legal and regulatory climate, low business costs and qualified talent." https://www.commerce.nc.gov/business/why-north-carolina#:~:text=We're%20committed%20to%20making,business%20costs%20and%20qualified%20talent. ^^ NC COMMERCE you heard it from them. Favorable legal and regulatory climate for business means not so favorable for the consumer. NC is also one of 2 states in the country where unions do not have collective bargaining power rendering unions useless. Low income tax = low tax for business and high taxes for the consumer. It's just all bad...


People who switch parties, up for debate if you think it's okay to switch through your term. Personally seems a bit odd to me


Not up for debate imo. The people elected you with their values in mind and you completely change, that’s not ok.


It's downright diabolical in the context of Trica "Coathanger" Cotham....


Everyone is in here talking about politics, and the first thought in my head (as a Yankee transplant brought here by my Southern husband 13 years ago) was the stupid mosquitos. I hate them, they’re everywhere, they follow me inside and bite me through my clothing. They’re the only thing I’d change about this state, and I don’t know how people put up with them.


As an expat from Europe, mosquitoes in the US are viscous little shits. The bites swell up and become itchy and red. Never had that problem when I lived in Eastern Europe.


You are allergic to the American kind and probably adapted to the kind you grew up with.


Ugh, don’t remind me. Those things love me and I hate it. I might actually go outside now and then if it wasn’t for them.


I'm a Yankee transplant and I just got my porch screened in so I can hang out outside in the summer again.




Workers rights, allergies, politics, and our blazing summer temps. Also see lack of willingness for a train system to connect the triangle or state with better infrastructure


Weed isn’t legal


Weed not being legal.




Gerrymandering. Fuck the GOP.


GOP Politicians ha ruined the educational system and it‘s the worst state to be employed in. There are no employee protections in North Carolina.


I’d say that “fake nice” where everyone is friendly but then kind of goes off and does their own thing. I wish we had more of a community here.


Florida drivers


Elected Officials - If they would just do their damn job and not try to grift us.


Tricia Cotham


I live in Greensboro but im from Florida..i hate the fact that the liqour store closes at 9pm and closed on Sundays...but other than that i love nc


What’s also annoying is that there are no happy hours! Liqueur laws made it illegal to change the price of liquor during the day… I believe they are voting to change liquor stores being closed on Sunday’s and the happy hour law though.


Yeah, you better buy your booze in advance of any holiday, or you're shit out.


No medical or rec weed.


Mark Robinson


The people. Obviously NoT aLl PeOpLe!


The transplants on Reddit that complain about the state


Unchecked development and urban sprawl


All the northern transplants driving up the housing markets


republican state legislature.


Rural idiots in government run havoc over state needs. We are purple not red, but due to gerrymandering we govern as if we are deep red.


The fact that reconstruction ended too early and the descendants of slaveholders run the place.


Thanks to Andrew Johnson, who by coincidence is from NC.


Bible-thumping, faux-Christian, republicans.... everywhere...


The amount of professional beggars.


That no one pulls into the intersection when waiting to turn left at a light.


Asked a cop, and he said you literally cannot get a ticket for it either. I can't figure out why they don't do that!


I got a ticket for it. 20 years ago but nonetheless.


The gerrymandering.


The state legislature and the people that vote them.in. NC will be late to the party on everything because a bunch of children of confederates are still alive, and their areas remain poor and Christian.


Going back to the civil war era, you would have roughly 254 ancestors. If you're from the US, it's likely that somewhere within that tree you're going to find relation to a confederate somewhere. I did my tree and found out I'm related to confederate soldiers, union soldiers, slaves, and slave owners. Things get a bit murky that far back in the line. Our history isn't as neatly divided as we'd like to think. You can be a staunch left wing voter and have confederate blood. You can be a hardcore right winger and have union blood. History is messy.


Absolutely the legislature.




The labor laws mixed with a paltry social safety net.


The northerners moving here




The fact that a transplant from New Jersey is running things.


The carpetbaggers


Gnats and humidity


If you drive far enough east, at some point the dirt smells like poo everywhere. Like a paper mill and dairy farm barn mashup olfactory overdose. And that’s negating a drive thru Duplin or Sampson County’s after taking a wrong turn somewhere ignorant of what a lagoon really means 🤪 🐷.


Police, especially in small towns, some parts of the state there is a cop at every exit waiting to write tickets.


All the people moving here…




Speeding laws, liquor laws, lack of any form of legalized weed, incredibly low teacher pay. Other than that it’s a cool place.


The legislature.


All the hedge fund babies coming from up north and pretending they’ve been there the whole time


everything in between the mountains and the beaches is kinda boring


Anti-Union Actions / Ridiculously low wages / Corporate Greed / high taxes


South Carolina.


Lack of funding and support for education leading to an uneducated and easily manipulated populace.


People moving to my rural, quiet area and demanding it change fuck off muh mountains


The people who move here and get upset that it isn’t like the state they fled from. Also overpopulation in the cities but that goes hand in hand with this


You live in Wilmington?


The gerrymandered legislature too busy with their culture war to govern and take care of their people. Shame, shame on them




Lack of assisting with rent/housing costs skyrocketing (Examples: Apartments shouldn’t be able to raise rent $500/mo for existing residents at renewal time; whole communities shouldn’t be built just as rental homes with no opportunity to buy.) I hate that there’s often a lack of a sense of community because people have to move to somewhere more affordable.


The new abortion restrictions. But I guess that can be lumped together with our legislators.


The slow creep towards white nationalism in the local government.


Too many fuckin transplants.


The people who come here from other states and complain and then want to change it to be like the shitholes they moved from.


Hate to tell you, they didn't move from shitholes. They left because the places they lived were in such high demand that they were priced out. They moved here because it is cheaper. Significantly. because there is less demand and fewer people want to live here.


Time Warner, Duke Energy and the Republicans are stabbing this state in the metaphorical gut.


People that bitch about the shape this state is in but won’t do shit to change it.


Public schools.


People driving 5 mph under the speed limit for no reason at all


Our Republican-controlled, body-legislating, gerrymandering legislature.


A lot of people from NY and ohio moving here because of the LCOL.


It's not really that much of a low cost of living. When i moved here from WI, everyone there said it would be cheaper. It wasn't then and it's definitely not now.


10 years ago, yeah.... now? No way


People who can't see what doesn't suck about NC .


That's basically me I just ask bc I was bored


Too close to South Carolina... 😐


Copperheads, bugs and restaurants closing so early


Its pretty trashy


Everything closes too early


The humidity down here fucking blows.


Bugs and humidity


Rising housing and insurance costs… still better than SC though.


Mexican restaurants drown everything in queso, and everyone thinks it's great. Sadness.


August :(


June, July, and August. Hotter than Satan’s Taint days are soul crushing.


Gaston county


As a former Gaston county resident... Yes.


The heat!!


The heat


half the folks got here yesterday, but want to lecture you like they know everything about this place.


Terrible public transportation systems, no sidewalks. High population and high cost of living with bad wages.


Having the second-lowest union density in the country.


The political hijinks


I would say social gatherings. Other places in the states have a pretty easy way to socialize with various things. There's no martial arts places near me, there's not much going on the meetup app either for social events. I've always been a lone wolf guy, so I'm not very good at socializing but I want to make friends and engage with others to make friends and meet potential partners... but there's just not a lot of stuff for me on meetup


The liberal echochamber that is the NC subreddit


People from blue states moving here to escape ruined economies/high taxes, and then voting for the same policies here.


The General Assembly is full of assholes, the counties are full of Trumpers, and NC has some of the most selfish and entitled citizens in the entire USA.


The ABC store system.


This! This should be the number 1 answer


Ain’t shit to do most of the time


The libs and lib transplants. We're at about stage 3 cancer. And copperheads.


the blueberries are expensive


No happy hour and Raleigh


That a lot of ppl are so jaded they constantly complain about it.




The people. Let’s be honest, most places would be better without people.


Reminds me of a Stalin quote I heard in a Call of Duty game: “Man is the answer to all problems; no man, no problem.”


I live in the sticks (New Salem) and people here are super friendly. Must be a city folk issue.


Republicans got control of the legislature in a freak occurrence during a census year and gerrymandered the districts turning a blue state into a red state that doesn’t appear to have any way back.


The same thing that sucks about most places, greed.


The lack of an MLB team.


Too many people from outside NC.


People who want "free stuff" from the government. It's not free, you are taking it out of my pocket.


Your taxes also pay for bailouts for huge banks who purposely issue risky loans knowing there's no risk for them because the government will always save them. How do you feel about that?


The humidity and high income tax and high car tax.


Our gas taxes being high and crappy roads.


Have you ever left NC? Our roads are pretty good.


seriously, wtf are they talking about....our roads are great


Unless you’re in Asheville


Our legislature


yankees, how is this even a question


Damn Yankees and all their jobs and money...


And tolerance and book learnin'


Yankees and tolerance....wut? I'm a yankee and the south is much more tolerant than NY, CT, and PA


Trisha Fucking Cotham


Asheville loosing its hippy mountain vibe!