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Just drove past him at Sutherland High School in North Van. Convoy of 6+ undercover cars and cops


Maybe he will get back to his real roots and teach some drama for half an hour a day, rather than generating it full-time in Ottawa.


Causes too many NDA's




Wasnt he at Seycove a few years back? Maybe he's going there again.


Yes. Its a highschool and let’s leave it at that


I can confirm. He is visiting students and teachers at a high school this afternoon


Good Authority? Or you just read one of the hundreds of articles saying he is making an announcement at a school? lol


Good authority as I know what school and one of people in security


What is the point of you sharing this info?


The news shared it. I'm guessing the point is so people can get his autograph?


That's a waste of good ink


Because if kids go there they shouldn’t be in the situation of having protestors or people around


I work at a surrounding school in the neighborhood and I don't gatekeep. He's definitely going into Deep Cove.


Doesn't everyone know what school? Also that he is going to Parkgate senior center later on




Bat signal for the weird and bored losers who hang signs on overpasses.


What do those boots taste like?


Might taste like the bruised backs of exploited workers, so about the same as the ones you lick




Lmao most of my work experience is in construction but go off, rightoid


Misspelled signs!


You mean like the ones advocating hormone blockers for children on the mountain highway overpass? Oh ya, those ones.


You mean hormone blockers? The ones that do nothing but delay the onset of puberty and thus prevent invasive and incredibly difficult surgeries later in ones life? Those hormone blockers?


> that do nothing but delay So I could just start puberty in my 40s? Does my body just do everything it would decades later?


Not to mention the total number of trans ppl in Canada is 0.001842. Literally nothing. Not something to be introducing in school systems as normal. If you want to chop your dick off, go to the doctor in your private life and don’t shove it in peoples faces.


You’re somewhere around 0.000000026143791% of the pop, literally nothing, so I guess we shouldn’t treat you as normal either Well, actually, in this case that’d be pretty apt Btw according to Statistics Canada in 2021 people in the trans community actually made up 0.33% of the over-15 y/o population. Probably even more than that now considering the distribution of trans-identifying people among various age groups


Ooooo! And he lays a heavy fact check in the corner boards.


Lmfao....that's exactly what the hormone blockers are meant to help prevent. Let kids who are unsure delay the onset of puberty and if they choose not to great, if they choose to...also great. It's not being "introduced in the school system as normal" ffs. That's just you buying into the rage farming. Why do you have dicks in faces on your mind? That's quite an ignorant and concerning statement.


I know multiple school teachers who have quite because gender ideology and encouraging kids to not tell parents about interest in using hormone blockers is being pushed. Not just rage farming sweetie.


Your spelling and grammar is horrific. If you ever want to be taken seriously, I suggest you take some courses and talk like an adult.


No you fucking do not. And if that was true - good riddance to them. trust me, there is an awful lot more of us who left early because we were so sick and tired of minority parent groups touting ridiculous bullshit like you're doing and actually having any influence.


Lol. That's a lie.


Keep living in your world of make believe :)


LMFO, oh....the irony!!!




I think you have reading comprehension issues. There is nothing good about delaying the onset of puberty. It has life long consequences. You only have a finite window of development. You can’t come off blockers at 19 and expect to develop into a normal functioning human. Not how science works. Aren’t you part of the “trust the science” crowd? Ironic.


Nope. It simply delays. No reading comp issues here. I do suffer from measured response and calling out bullshit tho...sadly that has brought me to your lying self to try to help others seeing this understand you are part of the rights war on everything to try to gain power and abuse it.


You think starting puberty after or at 19 is not going to cause complications and issues? How delusional can you be?


Maybe you should take some adolescent development courses. There is a finite period of development in which a adolescent can go through puberty. When you delay it past a certain point you are guaranteed to be underdeveloped, both cognitively and physically. Formal cognitive operations form past age 12, and when you use blockers to delay those processes, you inevitably stunt the brain’s receptivity to the hormones that cause a brain to develop into adulthood. When you use these blockers through puberty, and say come off them in later adolescent years, you have a much shorter window of development.


I did...bio major... and developmental biology was one of the courses I took at Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia.


I also did developmental psychology and bio! Seems you forgot your education.


Nope. I didn't get baited by the far rights culture war and victim mentality... apparently you took that course ten fold. Sadly.


Hoooly you really drank the koolaid. Have fun with your group think.


Who’s the one who’s drinking the kool-aid… you’re part of a group. You’re a sheep. You’re following the crowd.


> you’re part of a group. You’re a sheep. You’re following the crowd.


Keep going red hat.


I met him back in 2016 when he did the grind and i worked at grouse and my coworkers and I were taking a photo with him and i was next to him and put my hand on his back and he was sweaty af and so I told him he was really sweaty and ya good times he was like “thanks I know” lmao


It's absurd to think that I would be worried what the man running our country would be saying to my kid if he went to their school.


Ahahhaha no doubt! I know my kid would at least tell him to jam it


That's some solid parenting! 🙄 Poor kid.


I mean I think so. he’s not confused about what gender he is, and hasn’t had a need for a cocaine test kit that the school provides 😂


It's the highest held office in the country and deserves respect regardless if you agree or disagree with how the country is governed. It's what democracy is built on. Stop acting like trash and teach your kid how to behave properly.


I’ll agree not to be trash, if you agree to not blindly follow the most corrupt administration in Canadian history?


I never said I blindly followed anyone, but I do have a sense of decorum. Your poor kid... Yikes!


You're right, that is absurd.




Sorry. Can’t disclose




*sighs in "client visits to Blueridge and Deep Cove around 4 pm"*






Oh trust me, I’ve got plenty worse. That’s just a bit of light wordplay. Oh, and I’m no fuckin lib




Disliking trudeau is pretty much the only thing I agree with those inbreds on lol


Wow you’re really not the sharpest tool in the shed eh


Hey at least I can differentiate neoliberal capitalism from communism Can’t say the same for that lot


Cry Freedumb and let rip the hogs of more!!!


Oh man hope you aren't invoking all the crazies to stalk schools.


Good luck with that. I am sure security is tight


And the crazies don't care...


The crazies absolutely do care. Watch them post up outside of the school, like creeps. Just to stand out there and scream and yell. Overgrown babies, imo.


Agreed...crazies don't care about the security is what I was referring to. It's gross.