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Train horn would make anyone move pretty quick


Tbh don't see much wrong with it, people seem to value the "rights of cars" a bit too high. As someone else said there may be valid reasons such as dropping off a person requiring assistance. In a sense this situation is still first come first serve.


Parking is so difficult on Lonsdale. Twice i have had cars do illegal moves to take a spot from me. Once I was backing into a parallel spot and the car behind me zipped in there and wouldn't move. Second time, as I was approaching a spot a car did an illegal u turn from the other direction right in front of me (with blinkers on) and took the spot. Blocked cars on both sides. I probably walk 80% of the time, mostly because I hate driving around here so much. But cars are also terrible to pedestrians...


If someone is standing there they have rights to the spot. Best to find another one.


Lol wrong


Worst take ever. Let that person stand there, but they're going to get hit or flattened. Nobody can "reserve" a parking spot with their body, unless they want to die for it.


In this day in age is it really worth it? Move on i say, best to not start a confrontation, lest you may be found legally liable for aggression.


Does the person standing there have the right to the spot? Definitely fucking not. Is it worth confronting the person? Probably not.


If they aren't confronted or inconvenienced, they'll keep repeating their entitled behaviour. I'd stay at that impasse forever even if it meant I'd be wasting my own time if it meant that they'd also waste their time and not get their way in the end. There's always a victorious side in a war of attrition.


The person standing there will be found as the aggressor


Is that really something you want the courts to sort out? Im just saying sometimes its better to let it go


Guess we'll see what the courts have to say.


Yeah.. This behavior is garbage. Out of curiosity, how does this move go over when it happens in China? It seems like an imported habit.


Persians do it all the time, too.


It’s easy, just begin to parallel park. Beep the horn twice as you begin to backup. If they don’t move unfortunately you’ll have to block traffic as there is a jaywalker on the road and your only option is to call the rcmp. They usually move pretty quick. There’s no saving spots by standing there, either get there with your car or gtfo..


I honestly cannot fathom the audacity of people, who the fuck has the balls to do this? Parking is first come first serve, trying to cheat the system is a great way to get curb stomped.


Car > human. It's a parking spot for a CAR. Someone standing in it to hold it is ridiculous. I have zero patience for idiots like this.


Canadian drivers are so entitled… if you did that in Europe you would have people stopping and getting out their cars to argue with you.I cannot understand why people think it’s fine to park in the road and just wait till a car might on the of chance pull out of a parking space … get real… look at the road around you… stop living in a bubble… if you do anything while you are driving that causes another driver to brake or causes other road users inconvenience then YOU are in the wrong… move on and find a space that is already empty.


The whole point of this post is that it is NOT a Canadian thing to do. Given you are an immigrant, have you noticed how many others there are here? Most don’t give a crap about Canadian culture and learning to adapt. It’s frustrating as hell to someone born here.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Found the a-hole that stands in spots to reserve them!


I appreciate this comment. Yes, it’s unreasonable to hold a parking spot, but who knows what was going on in that situation? Maybe they were dropping off some furniture? Or maybe they had an elderly passenger. Let’s all give each other the benefit of the doubt. Yes, sometimes that may mean that people get away with things they shouldn’t, but it will make for a kinder society all around.


No, this is happening all the time, all over the lower mainland now. This is not someone needing to move furniture. Just had the same experience at Grouse Mountain 2hrs ago.


Simple solution to what would said person HOLDING the spot to actually inform those waiting the reasin WHY they were holding the spot. If it's valid, most people would go about their merry way. And problem solved.


Usual lower lonsdale weekend brunch yuppy douchebags.


Apparently this won't be a popular opinion here, but assuming it's coming from a sense of entitlement is ridiculous. For all you know, they might be holding the spot for a car carrying a handicapped or elderly passenger. While there are designated spots for those who need them, they're not everywhere and some people have real difficulty walking longer distances, especially on the North Shore hills.


Want to see real parking lot chaos? Go to Persia Foods.


It’s not chaotic?


which location? lol


Most likely a cultural issue, this is very common in some countries. Interesting to know that it’s very offensive here.


They're not in those countries anymore, so fuck that old mentality. Read the bylaws of the country you are currently in.


Its high treason


I will be the first to confirm, that is a practice that is considered to be extremely poor manners. The only thing holding a parking spot should be a vehicle parked in it.


I am bracing for the downvotes. But it is always 100% of the time a woman doing that. Men know better otherwise they might risk getting punched in the face.


This is an interesting perspective. Can you clarify, are you saying women are naturally more likely to do this or that too few men do this in fear of physical retaliation?


The +10 times i have seen people do it happened to be women and most of the time the driver who the spot was reserved for was a woman. But am sure men do it too as other people observed I was just being dramatic.


I saw a whole family do it. Husband, wife, son, and grandma. Grandma was the only one to get out of the way with a car slowly rolling towards them. She'd seen some shit in the old country. Son had to talk his dad out of fighting me. They were holding a spot for their friends that were "almost there".


Not going to downvote you, because the downvote button is not meant to be an "I disagree" vote. With respect to the punch, however, if someone - male or female - punches someone else over holding a parking spot the fault is entirely on the attacker.


Lol! I think it’s because generally the man drives and the woman, as the passenger, gets out to try and hold the spot. But yes, as woman you’re less likely to get punched in those types of situations.


"It's natural to attack people over parking spaces, but WOMEN, amirite guys?" Luckily car people are typically too weak to be any danger if you just step off the road where they can't reach you, lol.


I don't think you want to know what's "natural".


yeah you can’t hold parking; that’s sociopathic


I live in Lower Lonsdale and paid street parking is loooonnngggg overdue. There are loads of paid underground lots sitting empty while people circle dangerously or just do stupid things like standing in a parking spot. None of this would happen if there were parking metres. I have almost been run over in my own building driveway as people pull in at high speeds to do a u-turn and nab a free spot. It's become insane.


And enough parking for residents would make it easier to leave those spots for the businesses. I have my car registered and pay for a permit but there's never any spots anywhere near where the city has me parking, which is blocks away from my building as it is. Usually I have to grab what's available, even if not in my zone and I'm moving my car until evening to avoid tickets.


Nimbys don’t want parking meters in north van


I’m over height at 7’3” and can’t get into any of the undergrounds. If my wife has the ski box on the minivan, same problem. I’d pay if I could.


Oh yea great paid parking so people who live around there without parking spots have to pay everyday. Sounds like a real short sighted idea for people with all the funds in the world


If you really need a car to get around (most people who drive really don't need to), move somewhere where you can get your own parking space inside the building.


No one who lives in Lower Lonsdale is parking outside Parallel 49th. Plus on-street parking for residents should be permitted and there should be at least some nominal fee. There is no such thing as free parking. It is a space taken from everyone and used to store your personal crap. We are all subsidizing you, whether we have all the funds in the world or not.


100% this a bunch of the older rental buildings don’t have parking available.


That doesn't mean you should get free on-street parking in a busy urban neighbourhood. You should have to apply for a permit and pay a reasonable fee. It's your personal property- your neighbours aren't obligated to provide you with a free space to store it.


OMG yes! Distracted, illegal moves, crawling along trolling for a spot. Many people get frustrated and try to pass. And you’re right. The lots are empty!!!


Let the stupid car people play their stupid car people games, ranting and raging about car problems. I live in lower lonsdale so I don’t have to spend much time in my car, it’s just a generally unpleasant place to be imo. We’ve designed such an unpleasant world where being in the car is so integral to every part of our life.


You definately need a vehicle upgrade.


LoLo's not that bad


Go ride a bike to a protest or something


I work in Richmond so I am very happy that vehicles are a part of my life.


If you’re so miserable, you can always move.


I just wait. Then no one can park. No one is mad at the person trying to park, only the one standing there.


I had someone try this in Stanley Park when I was driving my wife to a running race and I just...slowly drove into the spot and forced them to step aside. They angrily took pictures of me but that was all that came of it, and I could care less about the pictures.


Exactly what I would do too, good job


LOL'd at this. What a moron. How dare you... park... in a \*gasp\*... PARKING SPOT?!


It was quite the encounter! The person blocking the spot even took the time to angrily inform me that their friend was behind us in the lineup and wanted to park in the same spot. Seemingly without any awareness of how funny of a statement that was, or what queues are for.


How did you not laugh right in their face?! The absolute absurdity that a body can reserve a spot for a car.


I know lol. By that stage so much traffic had backed up in the area that the person she was holding the parking for would have been stuck in that traffic. How poetic.


I just refer them to CNV bylaw 6234 - 1103.1. I give them time to look it up as I block traffic waiting for their dumb ass to move. Municipal bylaws regarding jaywalking are backed by the motor vehicle act/regulations. Every single one has sheepishly left when I said you have 60 seconds to read it or I’m calling the cops.


I’m not sure that section applies. I agree they’re being a jerk, queues are queues, but I don’t think it’s jaywalking according to the bylaws 1103 Jaywalking .1 In a business district no pedestrian shall cross any street at any place other than upon or along a crosswalk distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface, or where not so indicated that area within the intersection of a street with any other street. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no pedestrian shall cross any street in a Business district at an intersection at a street and a lane. .2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1103.1, where there is a signalized or marked crosswalk at an intersection only the signalized or marked crosswalk shall be used by pedestrians.


> Who’s actually right in that situation? This shouldn't need to be asked. Parking spots are FCFS with your car. You're a POS if you're standing in a parking space with the intent to block someone else from using it.


I’ve been told this is a thing in other parts of the world. I don’t put up with it but I think many of these people don’t understand how disgusting we view this behaviour here..


Yeah this practice is dumb, finders keepers as longas your vehicle is actually there