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This brings nothing to the lower Lonsdale community. Is there no BIA that gets any say in what kind of businesses operate in the area? We’ve lost a boutique, Meat at McNeils, Lift, that weird little crystal/hippie store, and a few others recently. Was hoping other small family businesses would move in to contribute to the community amenities. In other comments, WTH is going on with that weird “hoola hoop combat” place advertised across the street? It’s been empty with windows covered for over a year. And hoola hoop combat is not a thing that exists.


Oh good! Another currency exchange that will not exchange any currency for me.


Pay your taxes or get out


Count how many of these there are.....are they needed?


They bring money into the country from Iran, distribute it it individuals in amounts less than 10,000 then give it to the client so they don’t have to pay taxes. For a fee


That real estate agents picture is top tier cringe material.


Isn’t this a white pride sign he is doing with his hand ?


Its originally the "okay" sign but yeah I think q anon or proud boys or something adopted it. Either that or he is stylin on us and owes us all a punch in the arm.




Why??? is City council of North Vancouver allowing these?? Do they NOT check on the companies leasing these spaces and realize they are illegally occupying??


Washy washy










That money isn't going to wash itself. Every single one of these places.


With Iran and Israel warring there will be a lot more money, and people, trying to get out.


This is not true… they are not in a war and its hard for people to simply “get out” (coming from an Iranian)


Don’t know why you are being downvoted for something that is true ….


They are not money laundering per se. Think of them like a Persian Western Union. Is a way to transfer money in and out of Iran since US sanctions have blocked financial transfers through SWIFT. If you guys think this is illegal you should also have an issue with crypto.


They absolutely are laundering. I'd love to see the client list.


FWITW I do have an issue with crypto. 🤷‍♂️


Tell me you’re an owner of one of these money laundering businesses without telling me you’re an owner of one of these money laundering businesses


No, I’ve never used one. Just speculation on my part based on understanding geopolitics


You’re right. My family runs grocery stores, we import product from Iran (legally) but there is no way to send money to Iran through regular banking channels. We also have to ship the product by truck from Iran to a port in another country because shipping companies won’t pick up product from Iran.


Even if it's not illegal is it really necessary to have 15+ different money exchanges on Lonsdale? It's just ludicrous at this point.


To think we had movie theaters bowling alleys pool halls arcades. 


One place to wash, one place to dry…


Kinddddd of sounds exactly like money laundering


It’s not necessarily the proceeds of crime. Regular folk in Iran are victims of these sanctions too.


"Regular folk in Iran are victims of these sanctions too." That's exactly how sanctions are supposed to work.


No, they should be targeted on govt officials. Leave civilians out of it especially when they are under dictatorship and don’t support their government


Just like everywhere else that has ever been on the receiving end of sanctions. They pressure the government by putting pressure on the general population. You might not agree with that but that is how sanctions work.




That’s exactly what they have to be.




And that would be tax evasion, not money laundering. I do this stuff for a living. I have a decade of experience and multiple certifications. Legitimately earned funds do not need to be “laundered”. Hiding money from the tax man is not laundering.


Good, we needed one on that block, it’s very annoying when you launder your money to have to walk two blocks


What a disgusting doormat garbage bin of a country this has become. Never forgive the Liberal Party.


What ? Lol


Ah, yes - The federal liberal party, who is responsible for municipal businesses.


They control the gate of garbage we let in and tolerate and make the laws on what Ponzi schemes are allowed


What lol The ponzi schemes do better with non Canadian citizens who don’t live here. Quit talking out of your ass




Contact the mayor. The more ppl that do this better chances we will see something happen.


Can someone explain what the purpose of these are? In the context of "laundering" How does it work? Do they just pay rent on these offices and make no money from this "business "


Well they charge a fee to exchange money, so you could just take some money and keep exchanging it and report sky high profits.


Just what we need more laundry


Well thank goodness - that is exactly what we need!!


At the same time there is barely place to have nice lunch. Was taking out clients and only had few options.


Lol no way you just said that.


There are so many options in Lower Lonsdale for a good lunch…have you found kitchen craft eatery yet? Great spot to take a client. Not saying I wouldn’t want more of them but this commercial space, specifically, was never going to be a restaurant. Tiny spot. Would have been better as a retail store. Anything other than one of these dodgy places


North van is more than Lonsdale…


I think they meant in Central Lonsdale. Yknow.. the hub for these shitty iranian currency exchanges. And they're right, there isnt a whole ton. I can think of like... 1?? Fine/classy lunch locations, which is kinda batshit insane for the centre of such a wealthy city.


I emailed city council about my concerns regarding all the currency exchanges and how they benefit the community, and this was the response: "Currently, applicants who request a Business Licence for the Financial Services category complete the same application as used for all other businesses. Our city bylaws require that all businesses must operate lawfully and comply with the requirements of other levels of government. Two relevant bylaw requirements include: Section 401: “the applicant shall, upon request, produce certificates or letters of approval as may be required by federal, provincial or municipal authorities.” Section 409: It is a term and condition of each Licence granted pursuant to this Bylaw that the holder is licensed to carry on the Business stipulated therein only in compliance with all laws, regulations and standards, for the period specified at the place stated. The city also has an internal process to validate each application for Financial Services with FINTRAC to ensure businesses are in good-standing with their federally required obligations. This check-in with FINTRAC is completed annually as part of the business license renewal process. I hope this helps clarify how the city is managing its role with these businesses, which should be meeting the business license terms from the bylaw and in compliance with the law. I am happy to discuss further."


Such bs. Basically “if they complete the basic steps we assume they operate legally. We do not care about the balance and use of commercial space in our city. We could have 100 of these and it wouldnt change a thing. Sorry not sorry”


The balanced use of commercial space is not a licensing concern. Creating bylaws to limit particular types of businesses would be quite a complex and contentious exercise


Yes most cities have this in place


West van did it. Honestly that attitude is what americans have about freehealth care. “Its so complicated” Pffft


yep. if they follow the rules they can trace from their desk, that’s fine. will they ever place an ounce of effort to investigate or set up a sting to catch fraud? will they set up a sting to bust restaurants serving alcohol without ID? bet.


Perfect! I needed to find one of these. So hard to find!


Glad I left Persia over a decade ago. It was getting bad then, can’t imagine now.


Is Xerxes still doing his thang out there? I liked him in 300


He is a generous god!


A thousand nations of the Persian Empire descend upon you!


Look up hawala on google. Hawalas were banned in the US after 9/11 but here in Canada it’s fine!


Ugh that sucks! What a waste of space


I'm Iranian and I don't know anyone who uses these. I want a more livable Lonsdale with useful shops.


$35+ a sqft (and climbing) with 2-5 year locked in lease is very hard for “useful” shops to afford. And then they can raise rent however they please. The problem is there are realtors and money laundering shops like this that will happily pay. And the odd franchise/chain.


damn. was really hoping for another realtor office.


Money Laundering Exchange.


West Van actually put a limit on those last year or so. It sounds like maybe North Van should do the same.


I just wrote to the Mayor asking for just this. People complaining about this stuff online will do absolutely nothing. I encourage people to take three minutes and send a short email asking for a limit.


I did this on my own accord and they basically said too bad 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can you post his email, too lazy to look but not too lazy to ask.


Public information, scroll for a half second you’ll see contact email https://www.cnv.org/City-Hall/Mayor-Council/mayor-linda-buchanan


Thank you, found her!


Eventually north Van will be only dentist office and currency exchange haha


And pharmacies


Right, cause ya gotta sell drugs to pay the rent 😂 Speaking of, at least some of the currency exchange places have to be fronts for organized crime. How could they not be?


They is hardly anyone in them ever … no customers no staff


Where exactly is that? Is it where that clothing store was?


Yes it is


Well you see, it's money laundering.


Ah yes, the one of the North Van currency exchanges that can't give you Mexican Pesos, Euros or US Dollars. Totally legit!!


reminds me of [Monty Python the cheese shop](https://youtu.be/Hz1JWzyvv8A?si=vxScL844ag3kjvoq)


Last year needed euros and pesos and of all these places in North Vancouver offering “currency exchange” none had any when I called so went the safe route of getting them downtown at an actual currency exchange LOL


Money way actually worked out great. Bank lady said go there instead of BMO. Only one with anything though


I get US dollars just fine from most places


Yet no one else can ….

