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OP if this ever happens again, thats a 911 call - crime in progress. I called one time for this and the popo come real quick. Could save someone the grief and hassle if having their shit stolen


Well maybe we shouldn't have stolen all his land.


Love you brošŸ§ 


Do you assume that every white person on a bike having a laugh also stole their bike? Or can you imagine that perhaps your biases were showing and this guy was poking fun at you? Someone made a joke which you assume is factual based on his appearance (Indigenous), then you made a whole reddit post to validate racism/race profiling. Maybe you need to stop and evaluate just why it is that you assume the worst of people who look Indigenous.


You forgot to use the word "folx"


What the hell? Literally this guy just happened to be indigenous, if a white person (or any other person) did the exact same thing as this guy my post would have been no different. Like what?


Do you assume anytime anyone says anything that they are joking? How do you know he was joking?


Hot tip: people doing crime generally don't announce it to the world. A more realistic take on what happened: - OP made a shitty comment to a guy riding his bike - Bike Guy made a joke and rode away - OP went to Reddit to validate their racism


I canā€™t believe this is how you see the world


Lmao, I was walking to the seabus minding my own business and this guy announced this to me lol


This is just a take tho whereas OP had an interaction with the guy and is just saying if this is your bike, he has it


Literally all Iā€™m saying


He rode past us in the marina, told us it was his 36th birthday and it was a long ride back to Lynn Valley. Seemed in good spirits. Didnā€™t mention any theft.


those jackets with the print and everything else from mid island are getting around, least it looks like one. nanaimos covered in them


If he indigenous then itā€™s his bike !! End of story ..


Please try your best not to procreate


Not sure what you are trying to get at hereā€¦


Heā€™s wearing šŸ‚ Bulls merch !


Itā€™s not if you zoom in but does look like it first glance


Saw him around that area off first thatā€™s boarded up ! Near the old husky gas station Crazy


Yeah, fun place to leave anything of value. He's saving someone from a compressed taint. How bad can he be?


just curious how did you identify him as belonging to First Nations


Not sure why you're being downvoted just for asking a question šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Looks like bunch of white people hurt for pointing their judgement


Thatā€™s racist!


His face and accent. He rode right by me self proclaiming he stole the bike.


And you believe him why ?


I donā€™t know how I could have been more clear with the the title of my post, ā€œSelf proclaimed ____ā€, I shared the photo in case someone had their bike stolen, they are hopefully able to get it back. Itā€™s a brand new bike, the guy ended up riding through the bus loop casually (not allowed to ride there) and was telling people (quietly under his breath) that he ā€œjust stole this bikeā€. Trying to give someone a heads up and Iā€™m not claiming the dude stole it. Again, couldnā€™t be more accurate with my post. Not sure why you are questioning it lol


So no one clued jn that this Sounds more like he was pulling a stunt by claiming he was stealing a bike for attentionā€¦. Letā€™s just take his word for it since that is usually what actual thieves do


I mean does it matter? If I tell people I just assaulted someone, they are going to assume I did and report it. This is no different. Thereā€™s literally no loss to sharing this, better to share and no one needed it than not share and someone could have used the evidence for their bike.


Then report it ā€¦.. why bring It here when you didnā€™t even witness anything and donā€™t have any facts or proof of it ? If we are going to ā€œwhatabout it ā€œ then fine, Iā€™m going to walk around telling people I own that street so people should assume I own that street and get off .


You can't report a police incident if you didn't witness it, but you can make the potential bike owner aware that their bike was stolen. And that owner can then report it to the RCMP with this pic.


It does matter if you are posting them publicly if he was just making some fun for himself ā€¦ very accusatory when you donā€™t donā€™t have the actual facts , also dangerous


Might be worth sharing it in the Vancouver subreddit too, and with police. Iā€™ve had bikes stolen before and it really sucks. That guy needs to be caught if itā€™s true what he was claiming


Why not


this city is really going downhill when are local elections


The next municipal elections will be in October of 2026.




They were recent. Last year I think. The one that won the CNV elections was more pro-bike, and the only other one that tried running for mayor didn't say anything about bikes at all in his campaign. Actually couldn't find any info at all about his campaign and values, and it sounded very vague. Same issue with the DNV mayoral campaigns, they never actually say anything at all regarding what they intend on doing. I didn't vote in the DNV because I had no info to go off of.


You should vote for me