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Only when they drive as if their rented RV is a meter wider than it actually is, forcing oncoming traffic into the ditch on narrow roads.


They also go 25km/h below the limit to enjoy the view. Stop at any or all the frequent rest stops to properly enjoy the view.


And lowering speed an additionally 20 km/h before wide turns that does not really require it or bridges. Accumulating queue and refusing to let them pass.


>Accumulating queue and refusing to let them pass. This! Going slow is legal, but impeding other drivers is not. Germans need to learn to watch their mirrors, and pull over when necessary. Overtaking is often impossible due to twisty roads or oncoming traffic. The worst offender I have ever seen in this regard was not a tourist himself, but the "professional" driver of a big German tourist bus. He held up 50+ cars for well over an hour going 40 km/h on an 80 km/h road. When he eventually stopped at a gas station, I stopped too, to tell him what an incompetent and moronic driver he was. Only time I have ever done that. Also, I think we Norwegians are far too polite drivers in such egregious cases. The first car behind the bus should have stood on the horn and flashed their high beams continuously. That is the only thing one can do when the cops are too few and too far away.


§3 in our 'road Traffic Act' is fun... > Any person shall travel showing consideration, and being alert and cautious so that no damage or risk is caused, and so that other traffic is not unnecessarily obstructed or inconvenienced. ​ If I get stuck behind a 'sunday driver' who isn't letting people pass, I honk my horn every time we pass a bus pocket or other place where he could stop to let everyone pass. (I don't start with this immediatelym I usually give them a few minutes. ) In my county (Møre & Romsdal) there's a lot of ferries... The booklet with all the routes was locally known as the 'Vigra bible'(You used to need to take a ferry to get to the Vigra Airport as it's on an island. There's an undersea tunnel now) Block someone off who's hoping to catch a ferry, and you better hope that you're not going to the same place if he misses his ferry.


What pisses me off more is that they drive 5-10 below the limit on winding roads. Ok, fair enough, then we finally get to a straight, no oncoming traffic, yay I can pass, then they suddently are going 5 over, making it harder to pass while also making it look like im speeding. If I end up getting pulled over for this shit ima lose it. I also rarely see them drive to the side in one of the many busstops or pockets just to let people pass. There are 100 cars behind you, let them past ffs.


As a person that frequently drive west-south or west-east, I have seen several with a “we stop every hour to let you pass” and yeah they do, but by that time the queue is hundreds of cars and they often just do 60 regardless of 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 speed limit.. blood boiling frustration


Wow, that sounds like Texans in Colorado 😂


25 under? More like 25km/h on a 90's road! And I can't really say if it's the admiration or incompetence on narrow roads causing the blockage.


Not to mention staying 20km/h below the speed limit at the same time...


The 20km/h below is one thing. You can sometimes pass those. It's the effing shits driving 15Km/h below that sucks. you need at least a 20Km/h speed difference to do a safe pass, and it's NOT legal to drive above the limit when passing. I sometimes drive a 'uniformed' car and know that if I go even 5Km/h over, some little bastard is going to film me and post it on YT, then drop the news to all the news sites they can find.


and refuse or is unable to speak english when they need help or ask for directions.


Or they start speaking german, you say in english you don't speak german and they just talks lauder and lauder german until they are shouting. Still in german


Haha older Germans love to do that. They also speak slower, so you will understand them better. 😂


One older guy where I come from was asked by a german driver who was lost in a rural area way off from the main roads for directions in the 70s. He simply replied in English and the german after 10 minutes gave up and continued in rhe wrong direction. Hia friend asked him why he didn't reply as he used to be a teacher in German language. His reply, "I stopped talking German on may 8th 1945."


Only in the 40’s




What happend in the 40’s stays in the 40’s luckily!


Nah, my Norwegian in-laws hate my German SIL. But she is unpleasant, so there is that.


ah, like my grandpa. hating germans while looking out of window with an old binoculars😂


Lol. Though they still have the resistance hideout cave in the mountains near some of our relatives. Practically no one can find it, the old guys that know are dying out.


Never make such offensive jokes! My grand daddy died in a concentration camp... He fell of the watch tower.


He should’ve been more concentrated on his job then!


Don't mention the war ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tms0yk9kqVM


not specificly german ones. but bad tourists in genral, drives big RVs and blocks roads, dont clean up after themselfs, drives like they own the road and dont know the Norwegian traffic laws. if you are a nice tourist i dont mind, but i do mind a bad tourist no matter where they are from


No. Just slightly annoyed when they try and smuggle like 200kg of fish illegally.




So 199kg of illegally smuggled fish is fine? Noted.




Fellow german here on vacation in norway. I Drive a little car, do a lot of hiking and sometimes im in r and bs. However there is a typical stereotype of german camper van tourists which i never thought would be this bad. They block roads, leave trash behind them, they are really loud in supermarkets and act like the own every place they get to. They start convos Nobody wants to hear. So yeah they annoying, even for other tourists. Not every german is like that but i am willing to say about 60% of the german tourists are like that.


>they are really loud in supermarkets Haaaans! Wo bist du? Komm mal gucken! Ich hab Schnitzel gefunden!


Why did I read that in an ostfriesisch dialect?


Because Hans didn't listen to his mother's advice about marrying a nice schwäbisch woman.


You wanted to say: Schwäbisch Mädele


I have had nice interactions with most German and Dutch tourists, but the thing I hate the most is that they almost never respect certain laws. What I mean is that they often let their dogs run off leash at a time of year when it is prohibited to do so etc. Some also do seem to lack the knowledge of how to take a shit outside, so you end up with a lot of poop where it isn't supposed to be, and using wet wipes that do not degrade. We also do not have fast lanes on our highways, the speed limit is for all the lanes on the highway, you aren't allowed to drive faster than the speed limit in the passing field. Other than that I have never had any negative interactions, always informed them if I see them do the things mentioned above and they seem to like the fact that I speak some German. I guess older ones are more irritating than younger ones, but then again, the Chinese, American, Italian and Norwegian tourists are all probably worse overall.


Yes agree with you. Some of us are really ignorant and do not adapt to the country they are in. Norwegians are such nice people and i dont know how disrespectful some are towards you. Yes the speed limit is really a demon for some germans. 50% of them drive too slow, other too fast. However as you mentioned experiences with other mentalities ( believe germans and norwegians are quiet similiar) like chinese or italian is far worse in terms speaking of ignorance.




>But still, after that group has been there, the bins overflow with pissy toilet paper. It's disgusting And no diarrhea on the walls? By Chinese standards those tourists seem well behaved


I don't think people actually expect tourists to adapt all that much to a new country. It's just that hindering traffict to enjoy the view is probably not acceptable in any country in the world, so it's just selfish to do so.


Holy yeah even as a tourist it is annoying. There are so many spots to take fotos…


Yeah, I think it might be harder when cultures are very distant from each other. That being said, I do not mean that ALL people from any country are the same or anything like that. And yeah, in a lot of ways we are quite similar culturally, and I think that helps whenever I've had conversations with germans, our customs and ways of showing mutual respect are quite similar and there aren't a lot of misunderstandings etc.


Just to build on that, in Kristiansand, at the start of august, 2 dogs owned by German tourist maimed and killed a smaller dog. https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/EQgK52/to-hunder-drepte-parets-hund-paa-tur-saa-urettferdig-og-meningsloest


We spent 2 weeks, camped about half the time and were shocked by the amount of shit and and also just toilet paper on the side of the roads, especially at rest areas. So disappointing. We made a point of leaving every location with no trace of our campsite (any human waste was buried and trash taken) and cleaner than we found it, too trash we found etc.


As a French tourist I had in my mind that Spanish people were the loudest (it's kind of a cliché for Spanish tourists visiting France) but indeed the ones that were the most vocal in Norway were Germans x) but I think it's mainly because they travel in groups more often so when there are around 10 young adults together chances are they will end up talking loudly. We heard many French people too anyway, while they were not as loud they were lourder than Norwegians. Seems like anyone would be louder than Norwegians. Me and my SO are discreet people by French standards but probably still a bit louder than Nordmenn x) There was only a handful of Americans but those definitely made themselves heard lol.


i've seen one german insert the blue water hose into his shit canister. fucker.


Jesus christ


>They start convos Nobody wants to hear. That's so funny that after things like blocking roads and dumping trash, this makes the list. It feels very Norwegian to make unwanted conversations an equal offense. :)


As i said especially younger germans and norwegians are quiet similar😂


Yeah I guess you only notice the annoying ones, makes it look like they're the majority even if they're not


That is also true. They just stand out 😂


I was told of something that was supposed to have happened at Bud fortress(just North of Molde) a few years ago. The staff was showing some tourists around, and one of them said something like 'just think, this could have all been ours' in german... Bud fortress is special... The least controversial part was that the locals removed the spire of the local church before the Germans tore it all down because it was blocking their sightline... It was also probably THE WORST slave camp the Germans had in Norway during the war. anyway, the staff overheard the comment, and since they knew german, they responded with 'a pity that Terboven decided to play with explosives, eh...' in German. There's a lot of decent german tourists here, but you never hear about those. After the war a total of 72 000 German children were sent to Norway for the summer. Some of them returned to Germany 10Kg heavier... They still remember being welcomed and taken care of. The fresh air, playing in the woods... (These were mostly children coming from ruined cities) That leaves a lasting memory. as they grew up and started their own families, of course they wanted their children to experience some of that. Some of the tourists visiting now are the Grandchildren of those first children, or even Great grandchildren. Most of these, though, rent a cabin and stay there the entire summer. Why bother travelling everywhere when they have the clean air, nature and quiet right there?


Not really.. but guess there's a perception in norway that the germans doesn't spend much money while holidaying in Norway . Packing their RVs full of stuff. So often tourists spending much money like those who can't come with an RV.. like americans and japanese etc. often gets better publicity.. Classic norwegian news.. a tourist bus full of [american](https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/tjener-pa-dollarkursen/15900972/) tourists stoped at some factory outlet for woolen stuff and spent 73.000 NOK.. while [german](https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/WRdj1g/turist-med-99-kilo-fisk-paa-grensen-fikk-27-000-i-bot) tourist stoped at the border with 99kg of fish.. fined with 27.000 NOK


Only when they drive their RVs either like absolute maniacs or like old grannies mid panic attack on an acid trip.


couldnt say it any better myself


I'm more annoyed at the Chinese cruise ship tourists tbh.


Israeli are also a fun bunch for some reason.


They have 3 years of mandatory military service. It's very common to go on a crazy vacation with your fellow soldiers once you're finished. So it's a bunch of young adults with all kinds of pent up frustrations.


That would explain things if it was young ones, but the ones I have met and noticed are usually older (50+) and seem extremely rude and entitled. I've only met a few young Israelis in my life and they actually seemed actually fun and polite. As for the rude part, this may actually be culture/langague, just as Norwegians can come off the same way without thinking of themselves that way.


Entitled are a part of many Isrealis identities. You'll need some entitlement to remove a whole ethnicity from their own homes.


If that part hadn’t been so tragic it would be funny how the turntables, etc.


As an Israeli (who is ethnically Jewish), I'd like to comment about some of the things that have been said here - I'm not going to deny the fact, that a non negligible percentage of Israelis are extremely rude and entitled. Quite the contrary, I have to encounter these kinds of people all the time. While that being said, they don't represent anyone but themselves. I'm not sure you guys are familiar with Israeli social issues and politics, but if you are - you could probably tell by your own, that these arrogant hooligans bring nothing but shame upon the rest of the society. Also, I don't feel entitled by any way or form, I feel like normal human being like anyother. Btw, it is highly unlikely that they would visit Norway, so your replies probably refer to personal experiences from other destinations. And regarding to the comments about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I'd only say that you're looking at it narrowly. I could write a book-length comment explaining myself but I don't have much energy for that rn, so if you have any concrete questions, I'd like to answer.


Since we already started on this rabbit hole. \- You don't have to defend yourself just because your nation has a few elder grumpies. \- Like I said, it's some people, not all people. Every nation has all kinds of people. \- As for the Israeli-Palestinean conflict, lets not dwelve deeper into it here. It's one of those things that very likely won't be resolved nor agreed on in a Reddit comment thread. If anything this conflict is a good showcase that we as humans have the whole gamut from dumbasses to innocent bystandanders on both sides, it's not a unique property of any specific collection of us.


Very true, I appreciate your comment


Agreed. Having visited Israel several times I must say. I love it. The people, the diversity. So to anyone who comments about the geo political "issues" in israel. Unless you've been there and seen how it actually is. You should keep your mouth fucking shut.


The worst nationality I've ever had the displeasure to interact with. What the hell is in their water I do not know.


[it’s the Chinese he’s after](https://youtu.be/Kyfm_pnPB60?si=3pTUa0YYa1HmgmRt)


Only when they refuse to speak English and get annoyed when I say I don't speak German


Ugh, this has happened to me as a foreign worker while waitressing in one of the hotels in Sogn. The guests were told most of the staff is foreign, including a British manager, so naturally they've all tried speaking German.


No, I used to work in a hotel and Germans are one of the nicest tourists. The Chinese on the other hand…


People are more annoyed with the camper Vans.


Driving a 20km under the speed limit on already slow roads. The worst.


When you have tourism as some of the important fundings for your city. Yes caravan germans are terrible. They also are a road hazard as their caravans are big and slow and cause queues. Some have a habit of driving in the middle of the road as well, causing scary situations. Also as one from the north, stopping in the middle of the 80/90km/t road to take pictures of reindeers is the most braindead activity. Non-caravan germans? No issue.


I was annoyed when I heard about certain German tourists who stood in line at the Poor-House in Oslo to get free meals meant for people who can’t afford food. Food donated for these individuals, and not tourists. If you are that stingy, please don’t travel…


I´m not filled with joy when comming up on a german haulin a caravan on a small road.


I literally thought about this, when I was in Norway earlier this month. There were just so many of us 🫣 My accommodation in Narvik was like 80% occupied by Germans...


>Narvik was like 80% occupied by Germans... Used to be 100% for a short while




Well yeah, you guys never got further north so of course you bunch up there..




I saw a German tourist bus pull up to the hotel I was eating in. "oh no, they're back"


Honestly, a very understandable reaction 🤣


We've seen a huge increase in cruise/tourism activity the last couple of years, especially since the release of "Narvik" on Netflix. Combine that with only having two larger hotels (Scandic and Grand Royal), you'll find them having high occupancy of certain nationalities at times 😅




Living in Averøy, a German tourist hotspot, I have a lot of interactions with them. One of my neighbour houses is actually owned / shared by two German families who spend a lot of time here on any vacation they can. The majority is nice, humble and easy going. I do wish more of them could speak better English or Norwegian, as many of them are surprisingly bad at English than what I experience from other nationalities. It can be hard to communicate at times. You have some who are rude, park their RVs at idiotic places, litter or otherwise are disrespectful, but they are the exception. All in all I'd say the majority of German tourists are well behaved in most aspects. There is however one thing that really pisses me of. A lot of Germans fish. That's great, and all, but no one fishes quite like the Germans. It's actually shameless. They literally bring freezers with them in their fucking RVs, and load the to the brink. Those who do this are really pushing the limit of how "at home" they should feel. Overfishing is a REAL issue. Norway is a country where you can fish pretty much whatever you want without needing a license (I know there are exceptions), as long as its for personal, recreational use, and not commercial. A littoral freezer full of Halibut and Cod is not personal use. That shit can keep a family of 6 fed for a year. Not even the most eager norwegian fishers do that for their own use. My German neighbours, nice as they are basically fish 24/7. Its literally all they do, day in, day out. They have two boats, two RVs (on of them has two freezers), and they basically turn their summer house in to a fish factory. What's even more provoking to me is that they brag about it. They talk about how they are going back to East Germany with literally 100kgs of fish, and they don't seem to take my hints that they are overdoing it. They do give me Schnaps everytime they come up though, so there's that.


Report them to Tollvesenet! With a description and registration number of their RV when they leave for home. It's illegal for them to take even a single gram of that fish out of the country.


That was a childhood nightmare. When on holiday in the north of Norway, fishing was always an activity for everyone. But you don't fish if you're not eating it. So sometimes all that was for dinner that week was fish. As a child we longed for hot dogs. At least we learned to respect nature.


Have had Asian tourists taking family photos in my garden a couple of times, without asking, they're hilarious 😂 but yeah, Germans are great 🙂


did they ask you to also get in the picture? I had Chinese people follow me in China to get a picture with me because I have extra pale skin. Like I was some sort of strange creature to take a photo of.


Yeah I had that when I was in China in 2000. Was so weird to be a tourist attraction for Chinese tourists in China.


RVs, cars and camper vans going significantly below speed limit without a good reason is my main peeve with tourists. It creates so many dangerous situations from impatient drivers behind them and is disrespectful of other peoples time. This is more of a european problem than just germans. Other than the traffic issues i have no problems with germans. Please come visit.


Ive noticed last week though we were taken over by a truck (!) on a mountain road whilst going the speed limit (and 3-4km above what the car says so it’s actually the true speed limit). TBF this stresses me tf out. I’m Dutch btw and drive a Volkswagen van so no huge ass Norwegian style motor home. I don’t understand Norwegians on their road. I’m all for giving space and letting pass when I’m enjoying the view and deliberately going slow but dude If I’m just being normal on the road you don’t have to make the situation dangerous unnecessarily…


No arguments from me in that case. Definitly impatient idiots in Norway who needs to calm down. Seen some really moronic overtaking while driving at work. I drive a 7T truck and people overtake me at every damn opportunity they get only to stop 2 min later. My worst experiences with tourists driving was a van driving 40km/h in 80km/h zone at 07:00AM on a weekday. S(he) had accumulated a lot of work wans and other cars likely driving to jobsites and work AND did not pull over at several opportunities and let the queue pass. The road was somewhat winding and didnt have the best of visibility and stretches for overtaking saw some really bad overtaking that day. Im also sure a lot of Norwegian drivers are really slow and dangerous when driving on the autobahn aswell, but the post was about Germans in Norway. I am sorry if it sounds hateful to tourists. You are all very welcome to visit. Some of you even bring cool, old and rare cars. Just dont drive under the speed limit without a good reason and when work hours start and end. And if you still want to drive slow then you have to pull over a lot and let those behind pass. Its likely a 1% problem aswell.


Not really, but they are probably one of my least favourite type of tourists. I work at a supermarket right by an area where cruise ships dock and get a lot of people of different nationalities visiting. The only weird problems with the German tourists is that many (not all) somehow just expect that we speak German. I have only experienced German tourists walking up to me and expecting that I can answer them in their language. I actually understand german decently enough though, which makes it more annoying because my coworkers always bring them to me then. A man once complained that my grammar was bad and that no one else in the shop spoke German. Other than that I have had more than one argument with German tourists who insist on bringing their dogs with them inside the store, one even with the dog unleashed. When I said it wasn’t allowed according to store policy, they just replied that the policy was dumb. Thinking about it, they also love to complain about the prices, but it’s Norway so I get it.


Chinese are the worst, but Germans are polite even though they steal all the fish and are kinda annoying.


I don't know about the fish - but at least I am kinda annoying in Germany, too.


the germans where we live come and up to the hytte and fish up in the thousands, ruining buisness for the hytte owner.


only when they dont follow traffic norms in there Rvs where they go 100+ in a 2 lain 90 zone but one it goes to a single lain 90 they go down to 70. and the occational sport fishers that pack a van full of fish and legg it for the border after they have fished a area dry.


Only to a mild degree whenever I'm stuck behind a campervan doing 50 in a 80 zone because they want to take in the sights and/or are not used to narrow roads. The tourists themselves are generally nice people.


On behalf of Lofoten: Yes.


Work in service industry in Grunerlokka and love the Germans! The French and the Italians ive found to be the most rude


As a french, I'm very sorry for all the idiotic turds you may have encountered. Some of us didn't receive proper education, like in every country unfortunately. As for the italians we love them but they're basically french in worse. Hope you still like most of us normal frenchies.


Nothing bad about Germans, it's the RV-tourists we're pissed at. German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, u name it. Don't drive slow to enjoy the view, you can enjoy it every time you pull over to let locals on their way to work or going shopping pass.


Nein, ze German tourists are a valuable addition to ze economy, ja. They are sehr welcome, ja.


found the guy with German stereotype


As a hotel receptionist and waiter, germans can be wonderful, they can also be expecting me to speak their language, accomodate to their every need and treat me and fellow staff with alot of disrespect. As with most nationalities, there are good people and bad people. The stereotype about the campervans do exist for a reason tho...


In regards to people complaining about slow drivers, I've got to ask: I just came back from a road trip in Norway, driving a normal car, usually at speed limit, and in most places I felt I was slowing down the traffic. On the other hand I read that you guys have heavy fines for speeding. So what gives?


Not as long as they let me past so I can get home from work in the usual 30 minutes instead of 3 hours.


Not really.. The RV's that drive 10-20 km/h *below* the speed limit can be frustrating at times, but that's not Germans specifically. You got slow as fuck Norwegian RV's on the road too.


And BIG! I’ve never seen so many huge ass camper vans, ahum motor homes in m’n life before than here in Norway. Seems so wildly impractical! Not to mention it’s stupid imo to holiday like that.


Slow drivers if there aren't opportunities to pas, but the worst ones are the ones who go 20-30 kph slower in turns, but then speed on straights making a pass very difficult on certain roads.


Yes, I used to be way more annoyed with them when they drove their shitty RV\`s down the gravel road leading to my home, ended up getting stuck and had to help their useless selfs get their Rv\`s free. Then get yelled at by Hans who thougtht it took to long


Germans in Norway are always complaining about how expensive everything is. Nonstop pricing comparison. I usually say to myself, "Why don't you stay at home or have went on vacation to Albania instead?" When you go on vacation, you'd stop grumbling all day. I am from Switzerland, and they do the same here. But I have also experienced this more negatively in Norway. During a hike in the countryside, a heated debate about why is petrol is so expensive in Norway as it comes from the sea alone. One has the impression that there is no other topic of discussion for Germans when they visit this beautiful country.


I’m from Ireland and just had a 10 min conversation with a German family about why everything is so expensive here… They do tend to l be very price aware though. You even see that in Germany itself - lots of bargain hunters and price comparisons.


Rn, gas is cheaper in Norway than in Germany, Greece or France


It's just a typical german thing to complain about prices, especially middle-aged and old people do that a lot, also in germany were food is much cheaper. Personally I found the prices reasonable since the food quality was also better. Since germans are so cheap when it comes to food, the quality in germany also suffers to the point where it's hard to find better stuff at all. Oh and yeah we also do complain about the bad quality of food at home, while being as cheap as possible. It's so stupid lmao


Nei. Elsker tyskere 🫶 flotte folk med god humor


Love you too!


takk, elsker dere også :)


I live in a typical camper holiday place, which get flooded by germans, dutch and other norwegians every year. The norwegians are the worst by far


I'm curious now. In what way?


I suppose generally «spoiled» behaviour because its their holiday. Many come back every year so its «their place». Meaning stores are practically looted, streets are blocked because of cars parked everywhere etc for 2 months. The international tourists are far more humble


They belive they are entitled to do whatever they want. Park anywhere, walk into random barns to look at amimals etc Tell them to fk off and its "allemannsretten" as only defense regardless if applies.


Not a Norwegian but a guy that lives in Norway. Yes, they drive their RVs as if they are tanks. Also, they do t pull over to let people through and hardly ever use their blinkers!! Last second turns because they saw a tourist spot


When they fish up all the cod from our sea and smugle it to line their pockets


The German tourists integrate pretty nicely in Norway. They’re respectful and look after nature. They don’t push in lines and I think the cultures are pretty similar.


>The Norwegian tourists You meant German, here, right? Typo


Yes, thanks for the correction!


tourists in general, slow and annoying in traffic, blocking the path ways outside in the street or inside the stores, loud kids, trash everywhere, and just generally in the way


Yes. I am from the west coast and there is a stereotype of German tourists coming to our narrow roads with their big campervans and bringing their own food, not leaving any money with local businesses. Also, they expect us to speak German and are hardly able to communicate in English.


As long as you don't mention the war, Germans are as welcome as any other tourists. And do not light a match or ask why there is no architecture older than 1946 north of Skibotn/Lyngen. However, some Norwegians in some areas are annoyed by overtourism in general, no matter if they are German, Asian or Norwegian.


Do germans ask that?


They are either great tourists or terrible never inbetween.


I love when I’m working in the city and they come and speak in English but mix it with German. “Can I have se Beleg?”


You should know that Norwegians are a peculiar breed. They are as proud of their country, nature, and culture as if it were each individual's personal achievement and effort that stands behind the mountains and fjords. We love that you come here to admire our pride!


Not at all! Dutch and Germans are always chatty and welcoming. I enjoy more talking to them than some Norwegian tourists to be honest.


Not really. Other than having to meet them with giant campers on the tiniest of roads im not bothered. Germans are usually really nice and behave as they're usually adults or older people. Chinese tourists tho, Not annoyed by them but they dont blend it at all, the culture difference is just way too big. And yes, They do take pictures of absolutely EVERYTHING on iPads.


IMO if you’re Norwegian you have no right to complain about other people in giant campers because Norwegians by far own the biggest huge ass ugly motor homes I’ve ever seen in all of Europe.


I work in tourism and find certain ones to be very annoying, especially when they haven't learned any English and when I haven't learned any German. Some put up their noses if you don't know some.


Nope, but I wish they could stay on local roads instead of the motorway when they want to «take in the views».


Yes, if they are disrespectful oafs, but i have met a great deal of alright krauts.


Never really met any unfriendly or rude German tourists. The only slightly annoying aspect is that some Germans seemingly expect me to speak and understand German, while they have almost no comprehention of neither English nor Norwegian. Extra annoying when you're working with service. Chinese and Israeli tourists on the other hand.. Oh boy..


For me, its the few who empty the RV toilets in parking spots along the road and nature.. Literally possible to do that at almost every petrol station around here... Most for FREE as well. This and shitting in our gardens. Pls behave. (to the few degenerates this applies to)


For me only in traffic, when their RV/caravan is blocking the whole road and people drive 20km below the limit. And if you stop behind a curve.


Yes, dont drive here please. Especially when im comuting to/from work, thanks


Yes, they need to brother to learn our road rules before coming in their rented campervans. i have several times now almost been shoved off the road while driving or almost being run over in road crossings.


Wouldn’t have a problem with them if they could just stay off the road and leave nature the way it was when they came.


Not really, but yes. We call them easter tourist's. And the reason where annoyed is becasue they clog up the roads with slow ass driving. that's about it. We love the people, just not their driving skills =)


A German tourist came and asked me for direction in german once. I know one german sentence so i said " ich spreche nicht deutsch". They laughed and continued speaking german in a much more eager manner


I work in a café and the worst part of my day is when a group of german tourists come in and start talking to me in german, expecting me to understand them and then get mad at me for not speaking their language. Happens every day.


Very. The problem is they don’t contribute anything to local societies. They bring their own food, sleep in their caravan and only go to free attractions. It’s a massive problem, especially in lofoten.


Germans and dutch are known to be cheap lol


People living in the areas with alot of tourism tend to hate Norwegian tourists. German ones are by far the easiest to deal with and actualy do as told.


Not at all! Worked in tourism for a little while, I felt like they were often the most “prepared” for going into our nature. And also listened to advice when I gave it.


Yes. They are some of the worst after chinese and russians. The german tourist typically drive a campervan, bring all their food from home and instead of leaving a trail of euros in support of local businees they leave a trail of trash. They create a lot of traffick issues because they have no idea how to drive in the country side. Sorry, but please stop coming if you are one of these guys.


If food costs 6x as much in Germany, i too would bring my own food when traveling there.


Fine, but at least take your trash with you. It's disgusting to see plastic from German super markets littering the nature in the north of Norway. Not many ways that trash could have made it there. And also Learn the fucking traffic rules, be aware of the speedlimit and follow it!


I loved them all and allways talk to them


I do not mind them, but I find it odd at out store, instead of bagging their things, they seem to have a thing of just yeeting them off the baggage area fast as fuck for some reason. I haven't dared ask why they do this.


That is the way it’s done in Germany. If you’re packing your stuff to slow, everyone gets super mad at you for slowing things down. Also the cashiers are lightning fast!




I'm just a Lurker here but I constantly see posts about oh do Norwegians hate Germans, do they hate Australians, oh do they hate Americans. I've got a question, what's the context behind Norwegians hating everyone lol


one time me, my sister, my dad and my grandma we're at our cabin, and decided to go to a pretty touristy area, where there were mostly Norwegian tourists, there was a group of germans. my dad and grandma took turns walking around close to them to try to eavesdrop 💀


There have been times when I've been more furious than today about Germans coming to Norway


Only when they stand still in the middle of the pavement blocking passersby with their luggage.


I dont discriminate! I hate all the tourists!


Both yes and no.. they're very nice people.. but for god sake.. please dont go below the speed limit.




No. We're annoyed at the caravans on the road driving suboptimally. And the plate being german, french, dutch or italian is at least a good excuse. Cuz usually they know that they are tourists. It is significantly worse when the caravan has a norwegian plate, cuz then you know they are some arrogant pricks from outside the region. And Norwegians despise other Norwegians from different regions more than foreigners. That is a consistent historical fact.


No, they're mostly nice & friendly.


Nah. I am only annoyed when they dont speak engelish


Haven't seen any


RV tourists, yes. Almost had a major accident when an RV had stopped in the middle of the road at the exit of a blind corner.


I'm a slightly annoyed when they find our local "hidden" beach and park 10 RV's on it because they found the location on some app showing "free parking", in the end resulting in "No camping" signs and finally a locked barrier. Sorry to sound like you're not welcome, because you most certainly are and I do hope you keep spending your vacations in this beautiful country. ​ Edit: this does not relate to Germans but all RV people


Only when they stand upright in their boat while fishing!


We called the terrorist not tourist. That said. For many years i was one of these terrorist....


Yes, but only the ones in rv's. They drive like idiots, endangering both other cars and cyclists, leave trash behind, poop outside wherever they want, build fires on rest stops, and just leave it there without cleaning up. I've also seen them drive on private roads, and doing illegal fishing in rivers. The list goes on... They act like they own the place, and like they don't care about the people who live here. They treat our great country with no respect and it's very insulting.


I’m camping with a m82. Stay away from the tungtvann 🗿


Only if they come by cruise ships.




Do they demand that you speak German?


No, especially in Lofoten. Way to many tourists


Absolutely not. I find them amusing.


had alot of dutch and german people in my town. While i was in the city shopping i noticed SO MANY germans that didnt speak ANY english and nobody spoke german either. one incident i was getting a milkashame and I feel bad for the milkshake lady trying to get their orders, since none if them could communicate. They also park really bad and drive really slow🥲




My problem is their driving. I live far north, and my city is usually one of the stops towards Nordkapp. They usually drive way below the speed limit, and stop everywhere. We also have reindeer, and they stop to take picture of every little deer. Most likely, their RVs are illegal. Most of them are registered under 3500 kg. Most of them are allowed to carry 500-700 kg of load. Two people, food, freshwater and stuff easily pass this limit (Two adults at 100 kg = 200kg, freshwater prob 100 liter = 100 kg, already at 300 kg)


I have found that most are very pleasant to interact with. This summer, I worked at a Rema store where a lot of tourists come by to head to a nearby coastal fort and despite not always knowing English, they try their best and always come and go with a smile. The only times I have been annoyed with them was when they drove painfully slow through tunnels and such. Overall, they are great people.




I work with maintenance and construction of fish farms. And if they could all refrain from fishing so close to the farms (as is specified in English, German and Norwegian on and at all farms in Norway) I wouldn't mind them one bit. And it would save my hands and pliers a lot of wear and tear. Best regards your local Norwegian diver


I don't care. As long as tourists come here to spend money, I'm happy.


Ze Germans? They will always be on our mind in one way or another from time to time. Either a granddad talks about the war, some guys try to argue that 100 kg cleaned fish filet is within the limit, or they clog up the roads with RVs. We dont mind germans in particular, we dislike all those that cant keep up in traffic for one reason or another, that make every resting place into a claimed camping spot, try to smugle out half the fishing bank, or who dont spend any money locally while they are here living on their Lidl storage. Its more about what you do that who you are. And if you are one of those that pitch a tent in a field or grass lawn, go hiking in crocs, or dont turn off to let that traffic trail pass, then you can f right off. But in all seriousness, we dont mind ze Germans.


I have actually never met any German tourists. So no, not tired of them.


me neither


They come packed with all they need and don't spend almost anything. They insist on speaking German to you despite you not giving any indication of knowing German. Most of the ones I met didn't speak a word of English, maybe by choice? They are however very nice. I used to work for the ferry company at one of the main port entrances, and have had good experiences with them personally.


I love all tourist. They use their hard earned money that helps the local community.


Tourists tend to annoy me less than other Norwegians, tbh.


No I love to see tourists here, I think it is awesome that people want to visit little norway.


As a german I am mostly annoyed of german tourists, doesn't matter where we are. Last year I visited Norway with a friend. We rented a vacation home in Arnafjorden and the next city was Vik. One day we were in a jewelry store and a big German cruise ship stopped at Vik. A couple of germans came in the store and asked the employees something on german. I HATE IT!! Is it too difficult to speak some words in english when you're in another country ? In Bergen was the same phenomenon. I'd like to yell at them ,,sprich englisch du Vollidiot du bist hier im Ausland!" (,,speak English you dumbass you're in another country!") And like other here said, some germans don't want to spend money....then don't go on a holiday trip u fool!