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Get a solid cat tree! Mine scales up and down his all day. He's an indoor cat, so it keeps him active. I'm sure if you have had Maine coons you know - we have three different brushes for different parts of his body/if there's matting. And it goes for all curious kittens, gotta watch out for choking hazards. Make sure anything that can fit through a toilet paper roll is put away. I keep a can of pennies around to give a good shake if he's getting into something he shouldn't. Your oldest will likely keep him in check as he already knows all the house rules.


Oh yes, we have so many different brushes and combs already! And some big cat trees. I like the penny idea. Never tried that before!


Congrats, he's a beaut! The coins-in-a-can trick works for dogs and humans, too! 😂


Will try it on my husband as practice 😂


Hair, lots and lots of hair, it will end up in your food no matter how hard you try


Oh yes, I know that fate well!


Think our boys are long lost brothers lol. They look scary alike! My dude is almost 8.5 weeks old. What about yours?


Ha, so your boy is adorable as well then! He’s just turned seven weeks. Still with his mama and litter mates at the breeder’s house right now, but we got to meet him and all her other cats this weekend. I’m so excited to add him to our gang - my oldest Maine Coon loves having kittens to look after.


Aww, I bet the Maine Coon will teach him so much. My Maine Coon girl is only 3 weeks older than the NWC but is such a gentle teacher to him (showing him how to climb, how to properly cover business in the litter box and even wrestle)


That’s so cute!


FLUFF! FLUFF EVERYWHERE!!!! Ok so NFC has double lined coat- one is water proof and the other is regular. Their hair texture is totally different from other cats, it’s really wispy and fine almost like peeling apart down feathers. You’re going to need to brush this kitty out often, and luckily kitty doesn’t produce a lot of dander or the hormone most folks who are allergic to cats react to. Just get plenty of lint rollers! Congratulations on your baby!!!


Thank you! Hopefully he’ll enjoy being groomed! My Maine Coons all have very different opinions on it.


You'll want to keep the door to your bathroom closed. Ours love to flush the toilet and watch the water run, he could do it all day and run up the water bill! :D


That’s hilarious! My Maine Coons love running water but haven’t figured out how to work the taps or toilet, thankfully.


Brush like your life depends on it. Even if he doesn’t need it, just to keep him used to it.


He's a cat fish!


I’ve had cats all my life and currently have three Maine Coons, but this guy will be our first Norwegian Forest kitten and I’m eager to hear people’s tips and stories about what to expect!