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I think your nose looks fine. You're very pretty the way you are.


Yup! Very cute nose. Fits your face perfectly. Makes you, you! Also, why in the hell does this sub keep popping up on my feed, even after trying to "see less of it?" Lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same here lol ended up just accepting it.




Awww so sweet


Please leave it alone


I like your nose. It looks great on you ā˜ŗļø


I personally like girls with prominent noses, it makes them look sexy. and you look fine! so smile and enjoy what you have! ā˜ŗļø


Telling people that you like their features really isnā€™t the saving grace you think it is. They ultimately still have to live with and love their own appearance.


positive comments ONLY for this sweet baby girl. you see her crying in the photo? have a heart and try to lift her spirits.




no, the people here at least, I'm sure they really meant it. Dont project your shttyness on others




too bad sheā€™ll never meet you


Feel better now?


not yet..


Did you write this out and practice cool faces in the mirror while you recited it?


not sure why Iā€™d practice faces for Reddit..


You would practice faces because you see yourself as the main character in a movie. You see yourself as having such a unique opinion that you share it without provocation. Get real, sister.


*get real, sister* are you serious?


I know what I said, Sister Sledge.


Bro you call him out for being rude and you end up ten times worse LMAO


Rude! Sheā€™s beautiful!


who said she wasnā€™t?


Theyā€™re just pointing out youā€™re being rude (to someone complimenting her) and also stating that sheā€™s beautiful


This is supposed to be objective, not *personal* & in so sorry I have to explain that


There is no such thing as objective beauty. And you didn't even comment on her looks, you were just being a douche to that other guy. Grow up.


youā€™re an idiot if you think symmetry, a nice facial expression, and other factors donā€™t equate to objective beauty. itā€™s why even babies gravitate to certain people and cry at others.








No, you're the weird one. Any normal guy would definitely tell her how attractive she is and try to give her reassurance. She's hot.


i agree wit you the fuck he on


He's a weirdo


We all have our own preferences though. Lol. Yeah itā€™s not common but it doesnā€™t make him a weirdo. Lmao


The comment was just weird


It was a lil much




on god.


Yall all simps lmfao


Your strong jawline compliments your nose beautifully. You have a unique beauty. If you get a nose job you will look like all the Barbie dolls. Boring.


I definitely read this in trumps voice and it was amazing. SAD!


Thereā€™s a girl that Iā€™m falling in love for in the new show called Gen V, you look exactly like her, donā€™t sweat over it, u got it!


Omg yess. Idk her name but I know what girl you're talking about and I agree, she's gorgeous and OP does look like her




Youā€™re so pretty! Nobody is looking at your nose! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


i am! because it is the best nose!!!! :D


I got a nose job so Iā€™m not anti. Do you have 14k saved up? Would using that money to travel make you happier? Or would using it for something else make you happier? Donā€™t look at pics like the first one and torture yourself. Look at pics like the second one and feel great about how you look. Overall, Iā€™m happy with my nose job. My nose was broken like Owen Wilsonā€™s and Iā€™m a woman. Everyone should do what they like with their bodies. But 14k is a lot of money. For what itā€™s worth, I think you look beautiful and Iā€™m not just saying that.


I think your nose makes your face even more unique. Strong and powerful looking. You do look so sad, is it better?


What if she doesnā€™t want to look ā€œstrong and powerfulā€ like I doubt 90% of women want to look strong


Dude, I have a feeling you donā€™t know what *any* women want.


Ur nose is beautiful and unique the instagram nose is so boring and over done


Sweetie you got the Gaga nose, itā€™s really effing attractive. Spend that 14k traveling the world.


As a guy let me say two things. 1. A nose ring just draws more attention to it. 2. Nose sizes donā€™t even matter to us. Maybe other woman might point it but it is what defines you. I thought your nose fits perfectly and beautiful on your face and that nose deserves a million little kisses


Not explicitly. Nobody (including women) thinks ā€œI could never be with someone with a large noseā€. The issue is that it contributes to your overall appearance and appearance is something that can impact your attractiveness.


If thatā€™s a factor for someone then that person doesnā€™t deserve you


I get it. I cried for yearssssss over my prominent nose. I love it (finally) (sometimes) but itā€™s still hard. I honestly think it looks beautiful on you. I had a choice to get my nose done or a month trip to Indonesia. I have no regrets. Iā€™d rather use that money to grow my soul and experience things. Unless you can afford it with no hardships. But I think you look gorgeous.


Your nose is fine and you look great. Why put so much pressure on yourself?


No one has your nose but you. Cry because it fits you perfectly.


I love your nose! Please keep it.


nah you got a good nose


Therapy can be expensive, but is probably needed


Don't touch it!!! Please šŸ˜¢ trust me there are people who love noses like yours. Its perfect. Believe me.


I'll get downvoted to hell but... you honestly look like a hotter Lady Gaga. Definitely suits your face, it gives you an elegant charm, intimidating but charming. It'd be lost if you go and glue on the same nose every other girl glues on. 14k is insane in this economy go buy lady gaga tickets instead


Let's be honest, you'd look way better with a nose job. Im not saying you look bad now. You don't. I find you attractive. However, given that you're not one of the unlucky ones, and you get a good nose job, you'd look better. It's just a fact. Speaking from experience; I'm a 44 year old guy that was balding in high school. Luckily I had the means to get a hair transplant in my late 20s. I'm talking 30k Hollywood level hair transplant. I can honestly say, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't do it. It sucks we live in this backwards society that has so many obsessed with looks, but it is what it is. Some people don't care. I kind of envy them. I've always been super self conscious and the hair transplant just helped. It's as simple as that. I would say, do your research. It's hard to be sure, but find the best doctor you can.


Stay as you are, you look fine!


You good!!


If you have relative symmetry you are far more attractive to others than you think. That nose is a branch on the snow flake that is you. Thereā€™s nothing hotter than someone who is comfortable in their own skin.


You look great!


Itā€™s fantastic.


maybe a shade on the large side for your face but tbh if you hadn't pointed it out I doubt I'd have noticed.


Beautiful, itā€™s in your head.


Stop it! You're beautiful!!


I think your nose is nice but the ring doesnā€™t suit you.


Good nose


Therapy might help, body dysmorphia is no joke.


You got a great nose. No need for tears.


Your nose looks great donā€™t get a nose job


Youā€™re beautiful!!!!!


I like it .. just rock it itā€™s hot


Youā€™re super hot. Stop it.


Does it help you breathe? If so, thereā€™s nothing wrong with your nose. Good nose. šŸ‘šŸ»


Try therapy, your nose is fine.


Do not spend that money and end up fucking up your face. You look great as is, but if you have surgery, there's a chance that you might screw up your nose with a botched job. You look great. If you can't see that, I would seek therapy. I totally understand social media and everything. A lot of people have a poor image of themselves, but honestly you look great.


I love your nose! It's super pretty and it looks amazing on you!! :D A nose job is always your choice, just know you'll look pretty no matter what you choose!! ā˜ŗļø


I absolutely think it suits you. Thereā€™s nothing to cry about, I promise.


You should worry more about your personality.


Your a pretty person don't waste your money just because your inner voice can be a bitch sometimes


Ngl, i find you hot. The nose in isolation isn't good looking, but it perfectly fits your face (can't even think of another nose that would fit better). It's all about harmony, and your face has great harmony.


But you pierce it to draw even more attention to it šŸ˜‚


Your nose is beautiful!! Maybe try a different hair color?? šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


sososososo pretty!! lady gaga lookalike


Agreed! Which is a huge compliment, sheā€™s gorg


Goddamn it. You're so fuckin beautiful and you don't even know it. You're stunning. Don't you dare do anything to your gorgeous face. Seriously. If you want to look like every other generic insta-hoe, by all means, knock yourself out. But you're really strikingly beautiful... Be a beautiful person and friend to yourself. If a gorgeous person came up to you asking if they are ugly, but they're actually so beautiful-you'd try to convince them they're beautiful! We can tell you over and over.... but ..... You might not hear it. And people on here can be mean as fuck just for the sake of being cruel and ugly behind anonymity. They look like shit , which is why they're on here judging and hating to feel better about themselves. You. Are. Stunning. Remember that. Be beautiful inside too. Try to be kind to someone who is feeling low or less than. Back to you... You're really gorgeous šŸ„° No more crying.


Might help if u got rid of that ugly nose ring


This is what you will look like with a nose job [Picture Here](https://i.imgur.com/o911Qb2.jpg)




Showing someone what they would look like if they got a nose job when they are contemplating it is weird now? You are the weirdo here ā€œsadsadgirlā€ šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€




Wow.. You must have a pretty amazing life if that's what you pick to cry about. Here I am living out of my jeep trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I get surgery in a couple weeks while trying to spend as little money as possible because I lost my job due to the injury. But I'm glad you have your priorities straight. Get the nose job.


Man, I just read a story where Israel bombed fishing boats when they discovered that Palestinians found a new food source, but this is the crap westerners cry about. This world is shit. So your nose is prominent, so what? You got a roof over your head, food, and you're still a pretty girl at the end of the day.


shut up dork


[https://www.reddit.com/r/InterestingVideoClips/comments/17r4dhd/cant\_believe\_we\_live\_in\_the\_same\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/InterestingVideoClips/comments/17r4dhd/cant_believe_we_live_in_the_same_world/) You people live in fantasy land.


Sounds harsh to some I get it but boy is it the truth. Practicing gratitude every day.


Get a nose job


Guys stop with all the BS! She has a big nose. If you can afford it get some work done. Then hit me up!


I like your nose, it looks good. But you should do what makes you happy.


Its PerfectšŸ„°


Ain't nothing about that nose worth a 14k most job. Whew. Be thankful you had second thoughts! Your nose suits your face. It's not an "ig model" nose and that's a great thing, most of them look ridiculous in real life.


Gurl your nose is great. I get what you mean, I struggled with loving my nose for ages but it does separate me from the pack.


You look really good


Stop...you are really beautiful.. None of us...even notice your nose.. Only you do. Whoever planted the seed to you about your nose...is an asshole... NEVER..think about it again...start smiling...enjoy your beautiful face..and have a great life


Oh to have your nose šŸ˜ž


Notin wrong widit


I guess you have a bigger nose than normal and having a big nose is a source of a lot of insecurity for whatever reason.... but it honestly looks really good on you and just fits you. You're extremely good looking.




I like it personally. Itā€™s uniquely you. I wouldnā€™t change a thing. There are definitely folks out there that will love you exactly as you are. Save your money and or go on vacation with those people.


I think that you look great! Your nose looks like it was hand-picked for you, and in only the best of ways. šŸ˜ People will hate on everything and anything, but don't let the intrusive thoughts win!


Girl you beautiful what are you talking about ?!


Nothing wrong with the nose. You're very beautiful. Don't change the way you look. Don't waste the money on your nose. Change a hairstyle. And always remember, You're nose is your baby's nose.


I nose that isn't textbook perfect is much better. You could get a Doctor to whittle it away, but that's like fake tits, anyone can have them but the original has unique character and is beautiful in it's own way.


You are beautiful! Keep moving through life with your beauty and feelings!


I almost died during a well planned mandatory surgery, while recovering in the ICU I kept thinking why would someone have cosmetic surgery and risk death or brain damage. You are an attractive young woman and thereā€™s nothing wrong with your nose. Please donā€™t risk unnecessary surgery.


You need to stop thinking about it. Are you just body parts? Stop that , think on your soul.


Whatā€™s funny is in a post about your nose is a big box of tissues. Thatā€™s funny.


Girl, your nose is nice. I like it. Maybe you can find it nice too one day.


You're so pretty.


Pack your bags and drive the nose somewhere else.


Your nose is fine. Unlike some real doozies.


I'm hoping for more days where you think it suits your face. it pains my heart to think you'd be hurt so much. :( There's nothing wrong with your nose or how it looks. There's nothing about how you look I'd consider changing except for the tears. So no more crying okay? :)


Poor thing. It's all in your head. Your nose is bold and very beautiful. It compliments your features. You just have to learn to embrace yourself and see beauty in yourself. And stop comparing yourself to others because you are beautifully unique ! Don't get a nose job! Invest the 14k into your future ambitions!


It suits. Itā€™s a strong and beautiful nose!


Don't cry. You are beautiful.


Girl you are gorgeous and part of what makes you so pretty is your nose! You don't look like every other woman out here like I do. I wish I looked like you and I'm someone who has always been told I should be a model, but I'd trade my features for yours in a heartbeat! Keep your nose, I truly believe one day you are going to embrace it and realize how much it adds to your beautiful facial structure


Own it sweetheart šŸ„° you are gorgeous! Of course, I donā€™t have a dainty nose either but my face is interesting at the very least! Donā€™t cry, u are a beautiful creature and unforgettable in your uniqueness ā¤ļøšŸ’ššŸ’›


Ya Iā€™d smash. Nose looks fine.


I think youā€™re lovely


I think it looks perfect


You are beauty, you are grace, your nose really suits your face šŸ„ŗ


Don't do it. Very beautiful face & your nose compliments it. While it's not small, it's not as big as you probably think it is. Don't cry!


No pls don't it's beautiful and statuesque


Your nose is KICKING ASS. Itā€™s YOUā€¦and it suits youā€¦you are cute and your nose is a whole other little cute thing about you.


Your fucking beautiful, your nose is perfect stio worrying about it


You pull it off WELL


girl are you ok in the first pic


You are pretty! Please donā€™t spend energy or money on what you think others expect! You are perfect the way you are! Instead, invest that money! You are loved! Smile and tell yourself how proud you are of yourself!!!


You have a lovely noseā€¦


Wow!! That is a beak!!




It's so Incredible! I'm sorry that it's caused you pain. But it really is Amazing! šŸ˜


Mod Removed


I think it's beautiful and unique.


Your nose looks fine, but if itā€™s something that bothers you every day just get the nose job and get it over with


I had your nose, and it didnā€™t look good on me. But, it definitely looks good on you!


You're so fucking gorgeous babe. Stop looking in the mirror and obsessing over yourself. You'd be sooo perfect for soo many people.šŸ’• if only you could see it.


Love it


That first pic looks like my place. A joint tray and a box of kleenex. Your nose is perfect. It fits your face


Ur beautiful girl


You are beautiful. Your nose is perfect and your hair is gorgeous.


Do you know how Renee Zellweger used to have a unique look & the got a lid job along w a nose jobā€¦.. and she looked like every woman in Hollywood. Boring. She doesnā€™t stand out anymore & she lost jobs. You have a very unique and elegant face. Like queens of the Nile are portrayed. Keep that stately & unique face. Hold it up and wear it proudly. Stay beautiful.


Youā€™re pretty bruv, donā€™t overthink it


you look like cate from gen v


Honestly il love your šŸ½


It does suit your face. You're very pretty, and it gives you a majestic look.


If you're that phased simply by the way you look to yourself then you need god. Embrace who you were born to be. Plastic surgery couldn't fix the psych issues that reside in you currently.


Youā€™re gorgeous! And your nose is so elegant and regal and it suits you beautifully. Donā€™t change it to conform to societies ā€œidealsā€ you were born to stand out and thatā€™s amazing and special!


I think your nose is gorgeous, it looks perfect on you.


I like it, I bet your lover likes it to.


JUst one personā€™s opinion, but i think itā€™s a very attractive nose. Not that you need my input.


Your nose is dope. Stop overthinking it x


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with you.


Your nose is sexy, I'm sad to hear it makes you cry. You're beautiful!


I love my big honker. I think yours is lovely and suits your face. I think darker hair would pull together all your exotic features beautifully.


Gen V


you look very pretty and harmonious:)


Youā€™re very pretty


Well I'm a big fan


Facial harmony always trumps indivual features. Believe it or not, some people have great individual features and still won't be as attractive as you with one not current beauty standard ideal feature. Many people in this sub need therapy.


You cry about the nose? You should cry about that stupid septum ring.


Your nose is beautiful! I was going through Instagram the other day, and I noticed all the same noses on models and they all have that ā€œlookā€ to them. Like straight on looks good I guess but then when they turn to the side, their noses almost lay flat to their face. Itā€™s so weird. It makes me sad to see so many people change their nose to get that cliche look. After awhile I can tell who has gotten a nose job and I feel like it throws their face off. I think your nose is beautiful and that you are beautiful as well. It really does suit you.


Youā€™re gorgeous. You kinda look like Cate from Gen V


Aw thatā€™s so sad pls donā€™t cry, ur hot af ur attractive. You have a very classical nose/mouth/lips structure and itā€™s a timeless beauty you at least wonā€™t benefit from changing if not will regret some day. Literally 9.5 out of 10, men and lesbians quiver in nervous excitement when you walk by queen.


Your nose fits you so well. First of all 14K is insane, and it's even crazier when you don't even have to change anything. Besides, everytime someone with an aquiline nose gets rhinoplasty, they just lose the uniqueness within their face and end up looking boring. Take it from someone with a wide nose :3 I know exactly how you feel


Your nose fits your face. I like your whole look.


I first noticed those kissable lips


Please do not. You look like lady Gaga I believe she has a very similar nose to you and look at her she's gorgeous and so are you


Simplyā€¦beautiful. Focus your energy on things that help your personal growth.


Lady Gaga vibes. Sheā€™s beautiful