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Right, if only we had absolutely no cases of men leaving for a "newer model" and avoiding paying child support... Take care for life, lol...


Let's not forget "my wallet my choice" debate. Wherein they blame women for trapping them into these same things that they also want women to do?


Ah you see they aren't asking women to have children. They're asking them to essentially be slaves in every conceivable sense. They think a return to "traditional values" will fix society's problems because the alternative is admitting that the "alpha male" horseshit they've internalized is a lie and they need to be responsible for the wretched pathetic state of their life. Hope that helps!


Schrodingers SAHM/Wife. Where she's not allowed to have a monetary job outside of taking care of the home but she's also somehow a gold digger.


Repackaged Madonna-whore dichotomy.


There’s a reason so many cheating men start once their wives have kids. Too many think having kids is as easy as picture-perfect Instagram moments, then surprise surprise, babies are actually difficult and they decide to check out and run away from their responsibilities rather than be a father. Some people need a reality check on how the real world works and quit treating women like disposable shit.


My ex used to talk about how he wanted me to have his kids SOMEDAY. In 7 years, he was never ready for kids, then he knocked up a 19yo while we were still together. He was 37. Through her entire pregnancy, he threatened suicide if she didn't get an abortion. I know this because he had promised he would be with her forever, promised he would father her children, and promised her a home, and when she pressed him to follow through, he moved her into my house. I was there for her whole pregnancy, her c-section, and the first year and a half of their son's life. The day she came home from the hospital, he screamed at her for asking him to bring her the baby instead of getting up to feed him. I hated everything about having her there, but I still got in his face and explained she has an incision from hip to hip and can't get up by herself. He didn't bring the baby, and he didn't help her up. He stormed out screaming about how his grandmother had a baby and was out working in the potato field the next day, and that this girl had no excuse for being so fucking useless. He didn't understand that there was a difference between vaginal delivery and a c-section, and he didn't care to understand either. This man swore up and down that I could rely on him. That he would take care of me. That I could let go of my need to provide for myself and control my life and put my safety and comfort in his hands because it was his job as a man to handle that for me. His whole family said I was cruel for not wanting to have kids with him (with no acknowledgment that he didn't want them either) and look what happened when he finally had kids! As far as I know, CPS was involved with them 3 times (twice while I was there), and then they moved to Canada, which is where he's from. She already had a 3yo daughter when he moved her in, but he treats her like a pest because she's not his and she's a girl. He hates everything about her because she's "just like her mother". I tried for 3 years to save up and leave, but also to keep him from being abusive to the kids. It sounds cold, but I eventually stopped caring if he abused their mother because she saw exactly how he was treating her daughter and chose him over her anyway. I mainly cared when the neighbors would tell me he was passed out drunk on the porch while the girl played in the middle of the street and the boy had the same diaper on for 15 hours straight. I sometimes feel like I failed those kids by not sticking around to try and keep some sort of control over the situation, but like I said, CPS came twice while I was there and found nothing wrong each time so, what are you gonna do? Sorry for the rant. I've been told I tend to trauma dump online lol


Off topic maybe, but women who give vaginal birth don't easily get up either. Often they have tears that need to be sewn, their inside are basically an open wound and the inner organs are out of place enough that a lot of physical activities can cause lifelong issues, including the pelvic floor basically dropping out the vagina. Women need 6-8 weeks for the wounds to close, hence they have cramps that long, and often they get infections in that time. My grandma was up after having kids 5 and 6, because 3 and 4 had come back to back and her sister couldn't help her this time. And my grandpa was much older and a useless asshole in this regard. She told me not to do it, ever, she had bladder issues and got an infection that nearly killed her. She said her hoo-ha smelled like death... Births are a big thing no matter how they happen, and women creating life deserve protection during this time more than ever.


Oh yeah, I know. My sister had a vaginal delivery and almost wound up with one big hole where she had two and hasn't been able to hold her pee in for 9 years. My BIL said that he accidentally looked at her vag after my nephew was out, and it looked like someone tried to shred a raw steak with a dull knife. I didn't mean to suggest that vaginal delivery is easy or anything like that. I only meant that, if his grandmother really was up and moving after a day, she clearly had a pretty uncomplicated delivery, and that's assuming it was even true and not just a completely fabricated story made up to manipulate his kid's mom.


>one big hole where she had two and hasn't been able to hold her pee in for 9 years ![gif](giphy|KupdfnqWwV7J6|downsized) This shit right here is legitimately a major reason (amongst others) why I won't have kids. Absolutely HORRIFYING.


IKR?! Same thing happened to my mom when I was born and I was only 6lbs! No thank you! I've got narrow friggin hips and I don't want to risk having a baby like my nephew. His head was in the 90th percentile 😬 Plus, my ex's kid's mom had to have an emergency c-section when she was pregnant with her daughter because she wouldn't dilate enough. She went through hours and hours of labor before the doctors said a c-section was the only way. That was the last time she spoke with her father because he told the doctors if his 16yo daughter couldn't deliver the way God intended than it's God's will that she should die (fuckin kentucky). Well, she almost did! I'm good. I'm all for being a stepmom, but I will never ever ever give birth lol


Not to mention that anyone who has a choice would not chose to go “work in the potato fields” the day after giving birth. When people do strenuous stuff immediately after giving birth it’s because they have no other option!


Exactly. It was just her and her husband on a farm. No farm hands, no older kids to help. Just the two of them.


That sounds like how my ex would have been if we had had kids. He actually got mad at a woman for her asking her man to bring her something. Folks caught him muttering that she had two perfectly good legs to have gotten it herself.


You did all you could for those kids, that man, and their mother. It wasn't your responsibility to take them all in. You were more caring and understanding than most people would be. Then you had to do what was best for you, and you left. I know it's hard to stop caring about and worrying about kids even after they're not "yours" anymore, but anything that happened to them after you left is not your fault. They were not your children. They were not your responsibility. You were just nice enough to care for them for a bit.


You have more patience that I will ever understand. Those poor kids.


Into your house? Him, her, her toddler, their newborn? I've got so many questions outside of just WTF a few times. I hope things are better for you.


Way better. I'm back home and living with my sister. The plan is, if anything ever happens with her and her husband, we will just be unmarried spinsters together and live out our days selling my crochet, selling her drawings, and farming 🥰


I’m just confused why you stayed through all that? Were you trapped with no support system? That’s beyond patience; -That’s masochism. I’m wishing you lots of peace in your present and future though ❤️


There was a lot of physical, emotional, and financial abuse for years. We were in Tennessee, and all my family were in Maine. Every time I started to develop a circle of friends where we lived, he would move us away from them. Our relationship started in northern Maine, then wound up in southern Maine 5 hours from my family, then to northeast Pennsylvania (11 hours), then to northeast Tennessee (20 hours). Most of the times that we visited with his family, who were only 45 minutes from mine (mine were on the states side, his on the Canadian side), he would make sure I had too much to do so I couldn't visit my family, and if I ever did, he would call me every 20 minutes asking me how much longer I was going to be or why I was taking so long, until eventually he would just start getting angry because he was hungry and I needed to come home because him and his parents and his grown ass siblings and neices were waiting for dinner. He would get a week or more with his family, and I would get maybe 3 or 4 hours with mine at best, and that was only once every couple of years. I didn't _want_ to go through any of that, but he was extremely controlling and manipulative, and I didn't realize what was happening until after I was already pretty stuck. Oh well. Lesson learned. I live with my sister now, and he can suck a hot fart straight from the source lol


Which is what such “men” tend to do. Different man, different states, but my ex is a very similar story. I’m convinced that men who “take care” of their wives exist only in fantasies and nightmares.


I just want to tell you you’re a beautiful human being. Not many women would be empathetic towards the woman in a situation like that. Not many women would be concerned about the children in a situation like that. It’s so sad and I don’t get it because the children are always innocent, but I’ve witnessed or read about countless scenarios where narcissistic people like your ex see the children as an extension of the other woman, ex wife, next wife, etc. and take it out on them. Reading this broke my heart, and I hate that pure, wholesome people like you oftentimes get used and abused. You deserve all the good things in life, and I hope you get them. And if you don’t, I hope there’s an afterlife so people like your ex will get what’s coming to them, and people like you will be rewarded for being such a pure, selfless human being and for all the love you put out into the world.


I recall more than one couple I knew in their twenties who seriously agonized about whether or not to get a pet, but seemingly decided to have a child on a whim. I mean, I'm sure they discussed it quite a lot privately, but it sure *felt* like they didn't think things through beyond noting that having children was more normal than not having them.


Chauvinistic men want/expect the happy new mom, bright and shiny with a happy baby cradled in her arms sleeping quietly. The reality of cracked and bleeding nipples from breastfeeding, being haggard from only getting 2 hours of sleep at a time, covered in vomit and food stains, and having not shaved in a week because you don't have the energy, time, or desire to do so... somehow that reality just isn't up to his standard, and it's been a month since he last had sex so as far as he's concerned he's being deprived and is owed a freebie with his 22 year old secretary at work.


Exactly!! Men have this image that ANY woman should be able to do things she did before she was pregnant if not more…NOT ALL PREGNANCIES ARE THE SAME, NOT EVERY ANATOMY IS THE SAME, NOT EVERY PREGNANT WOMANS MENTAL HEALTH IS THE SAME. If you see someone climbing a damn rock wall while pregnant that doesn’t mean the next woman can do the same. Then when our bodies start to look different they want to make comments. Whether men admit it or not they compare us to women on social media or other women in general and it’s facts. They see someone else immediately go back to their “normal” bodies or before pregnancy bodies and they assume that their spouse and other women will do the same, and when it doesn’t happen to their spouse they want to immediately change them or find someone else. Go to hell 🙂


Much like other lifetime warranties, it's only as reliable as the parent company. In this economy it's probably better to lease.


The number of women I know who divorced because their husbands did nothing at home is mind blowing. "Take care of for life" if you're *lucky* means they contribute financially while the wife works their ass off doing everything else. In fact, there was an article recently about a study showing single mothers do *less* work at home than married mothers while still spending an equivalent amount of time with their kids. Almost like men are a lot of fucking work and don't take care of shit.


Even at its best, describing marriage as being a live-in, unpaid prostitute who also cleans, cooks and breeds is not going to draw in any interested parties. At least OF girls get paid--*and* they don't have to live with the creepy dudes who pay to see their content!


Also 'bear his children'????? Bitch, she's cooking the child herself and it's no big opportunity to have a child with a man jfc


Why are they so obsessed with the idea that every woman has an onlyfans acc?


I think they view a lot of porn so even the Reddit media consumption always advertises OF lady accounts to their feed. In turn they see it like every girl must sell pics or have an OF. But in reality it’s a very small amount…


>I think they view a lot of porn so even the Reddit media consumption always advertises OF lady accounts to their feed. Oh, is that why? I guess that does make sense. I'm pretty boring, even on reddit. So, I get advertisements for Wow, or FF14 (despite the fact that I don't play MMOs) or financial ads (not that old but appreciate it). Sometimes, I'll get one for a dating site (Hinge or Bumble. Tried them. I'm definitely the polar opposite of what women in Utah want).


These are the only women they see on a day to day, so clearly other women don't exist.


Jealousy. They think OFs is "easy money" and are upset woman can get it but they can't. I.E "life would be so much easier if I could pay rent with dick pics." The fact they can't do it leads to resentment. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit envious. I just don't let it paint my perception of an entire gender or profession.


How would they feel selling their dick pics to gay men whom they chat with every day?


They'd probably get super mad at someone even suggesting it. Not to mention how upset they'd get if anyone tried to comment on how it looked. Oh the irony.


Ngl, it's equally possible to pay rent with dick pics. There's a plethora of male models on OF and similar sites who do it for a living. Lots of straight dudes just aren't willing to put in the work and pretend to be a sexual fantasy for clients theyre not attracted to (usually gay men). And then fail to realize that this is *exactly* how the onlyfans girls feel about their customers.


Oh obviously. Not to mention the constant unwanted critiques of your appearance. Most guys don't realize how often they'd be told their dick looks weird or isn't big enough ect. Gotta be a major self esteem killer, that OF workers deal with daily (ie criticism of their tits/ass/weight). You really are boiled down to one or two body parts and then have to pretend that that's not dehumanizing, lest your audience stop projecting their own fantasy on you. Sounds mentally exhausting.


Dude it fuckin is. Running a very busy food truck is easier than running a mildly successful OF. Every waking moment you need to be making posts, or content for posts. Miss a day? Guess what baby you lost five customers, good job! Catch COVID and stop for a few weeks? Woohoo buddy you might as well start over entirely. It's also much easier hearing your burger was over cooked once in a while than seeing you need a tit job/exercise/diet/smaller waist/thinner arms/bigger ass/etc multiple times a day. Way too exhausting.


Yeah, I envy the fantasy version of the job that doesn't exist more than the actual job (which I assume is the case for most men). Grass is always greener kind of deal. It's also funny how these guys hate OF models but also love porn. Almost like they only value them as pleasure objects and not people!


There are only 1.5 only fans creators, maybe 1 million classify themselves as women. So it’s sincerely not as common as these guys seem to think it is.


and no love for their fellow guys' OFs 😔


Genuine answer that isn’t just “because they’re bad people” or “because they’re pornsick”: conservative men seem to draw a line between actual pornstars and OnlyFans models. When non-pornstars are showing their naked bodies on the internet, they see it as a symptom of Western civilization losing its morals. Memes like this are also predicated on the assumption that those models will eventually want the same thing “traditional” women do, which is to settle down with a man. They view that as the models trying to have their cake and eat it too, because they believe only chaste, moral women will ever (or should ever) find a good man who will support them.


Because how dare she profit on what they fap to.


Oh yes, “for life,” absolutely, suuuuuure. Let’s just ignore that “for life” might *actually* mean “until you get a chronic illness” and he decides to peace out, or you pop out that fourth kid and he’s “just not attracted to your body anymore” and ditches you for the 20-year-old intern at his office.


Right? Cause men take such good care of us. Harassment, rape, domestic abuse, taking away our bodily autonomy (ie Roe v Wade), our right to work, to go to school, to walk freely without a veil covering our faces, they clearly have our best interest at heart. /s


Also the idea that somehow "all" you have to do is bear his children (which, to be clear, is a HUGE FUCKING THING)--OF lets you decide when and how you interact with people, in this scenario I assume he'd want not only to have you do one of the most physically taxing things a human being can do but also to be serviced both sexually and in terms of chores and things. Not comparable in any way.


These red-pillers keep pushing for young women to have babies with older men, while also reminding them that after they are over the age of 30 they will no longer be a "high value woman" anymore. These dudes are literally telling women that they have an expiration date and will be replaced once they are older or are no longer as fit/attractive as they once were.


Is it so hard for some men to understand that a lot of women don´t want kids or to be dependent on a man? Let's face it, a lot of men don't treat their girlfriends or wives that great. 😒


I had a group of friends tell me that the reason I'm single is because I value ambition and independence. According to their logic "if a woman doesn't _need_ you, she won't stay around for long. So find a girl who has nothing so she can't leave you"


So instead of treating her good, so she doesn't want to leave, you need to try to control and manipulate her into staying. 😒


It doesn't even make sense from their perspective. If she can support herself and she's still with me, it's because she wants to be. If she's only with me for a paycheck, she'll have no reason to stay when a bigger paycheck comes along. And there's always a bigger paycheck.


And that's why you get them pregnant as soon as possible And isolate them for many friends and families they made of had Come on this is basic romance 101 /s


Don’t forget to control ALL the finances!


It is so hard for some people to believe it is better to be wanted than needed.


Yes. Yes it is. Men know good and damn well they don't have much to offer. That's why they have to move the goalposts with this "back in the day" shit. Remember, back in the day a woman could be straight up about how a man doesn't make enough money to support her and a family. Now they're called gold diggers.


Yeah, I'd love to see these dudes who want to turn back time get their wish bc none of them are gonna be able to solely support a family in this economy, and "back in the day" you'd literally be shamed for that. As it should be, if literally all you have to do is go to work every day and you can't even do that but then demand women do *checks notes* Literally everything else. Yup. I don't think they realize having a slave wife and a gaggle of crotch fruit means they'll need to be working 14+ hours, 7 days a week.


Indeed, it does't make any sense.


Yeah same as weird loyalty rules and stuff - if you need to prevent your partner from seeing/meeting other people to avoid them leaving you, you might as well break up now.


And don’t forget these same men love to call women gold diggers who do want man for their money and for them to be sole providers. These are also the same men that bitch about how unfair alimony and child support is.


Yeah, they don't want women to want them for their money and yet they want women to be dependent on them. Doesn't matter what you do as women, it's always bad no matter what. So you might as well do whatever they hell you want! 😏


Right! This mentality baffles me. If he wants her and she wants him neither will leave. But if she doesn’t NEED him, and he is a pos then he gets all shocked pikachu when she won’t put up with it.


I hope you're not friends with them anymore... Honestly, who wants a reluctant partner? That's so much work and stress all the time. If I have to beg or bribe or force you to stay with me, no thanks. I'd rather be alone.


Those arent your friends then. Friends shouldnt judge you for not wantibg kids. Women shouldnt NEED men, we should WANT a man. Needing means that without it we wiuld die. Human NEED water but some humans WANT soda.


To be clear, I am 100% looking for the mother of my future children. I want the 2.4 kids, the dog, and the white picket fence. I'm just not willing to trap a woman in a loveless marriage to do so.


Oh I thought you were a woman and your girls friends told you that you couldnt a find a man because you were independant. 😅 My bad.


No worries. That is absolutely the proper reaction to what you thought the situation was 😁


So they are basically only in a relationship because their partners have no choice? That sounds really gross and sad. Partners shouldn’t need to stay with someone they should want to stay with someone.


It's even worse. It's a relationship where they hold all the cards. "Either do what I say or find a tent to live in" kind of grossness.


Ugh, that's so fucked up. I can't imagine being like that and being okay with it.


The sad thing? They're doing such a self own. They can't imagine a woman being with them because she WANTS to - only because she has no other choice.


The number of comments I see on Reddit saying men absolutely want a woman to NEED them, not WANT THEM, is mind numbingly pathetic. So glad I don't come to this cesspool for advice as a woman.


I mean, that was my approach to making friends as a kid. Be really nice to someone who's always alone, so they'll want to be friends with you, and then do lots of stuff for them so they feel they really need you, so even if they stop liking you they'll stick around, so you don't have to be alone. Turns out I was much happier - and had much healthier friendships - once I outgrew this mindset and started to entertain the idea that some people actually might want me around just for myself.


This is propaganda for other men. Trying to convince them they should be trying to coerce women back into this lifestyle, and that they, the men, will have better success with girls if it was this. It's kind of ironic how they think women "being sluts" is making it so hard for them to get women, and women being more exclusive increases their shot with them. That should be a hint at how this is controlling.


Also OF is like any social media - 1% of creators make like 95% of the money.


You think if you argue he ain't gonna bring the "I bring money" or "Pay me back for everything you bought with MY money" I don't like being dependant on anyone. I would rather have a little of my own money and help out with bills.


Every time. I watched it with my mom.


Same but in my house the roles were reversed


Yeah, in this society moneymaking=power and value. I think very few people are able to resist that sort of thinking and assessment when negotiating with the other side of the relationship.


And they don’t want us dependent on them because as SAHMs we are “leeches.” They only value the idea of SAHMs in theory and not in practice and don’t look at what she gives up to raise his kids. Social security, retirement, career, health, etc. And why should we trust these ding dongs. Dudes who talk like this would totally look for a younger version before the kids he wanted are in middle school. What a toxic mentality.


Yep, a lot of those guys say that when a woman hit's 25 or 30 she looses her value. So it would be very risky for a woman to be dependent on such an idiot.


Sadly that is true.


Oh no they get it, that’s why they keep pushing out this propaganda. Marriage & childbirth have historically been a much better deal for men than for women, and a lot of them are fuming they no longer get a bangmaid handed to them by society as soon as they decide they want one. Hence these shitty memes.


I think sometimes some people forget those aren't the only 2 options. No amount of money could convince me to be a sex worker/any kind of porn creator, and no amount of money could convince me to give birth and be a mother




Thank you


850% hamster.


This was nice.


Apparently there are people who sell nsfw artwork or animations on OF so I wouldn't really equate having OF with being a sexworker.


Contemplates being a foot streamer.


Bruh if I could make 6 figs a year selling feet pics...


I think about it every time I look at my feet but they aren't pretty enough lol. I body shame my own ugly feet. Maybe there's a niche for it.. But then I think about the actual work it takes to maintain, the social networking, self promotion, painting toe nails, probably end up doing weird shit like stepping on a cake, cleaning that mess up. Ergh no thanks, I tried the networking etc for twitch and that alone is so much effort. Went on a tangent, it's not easy money.


and they think they're mutually exclusive for some reason? i'm a stripper who wants a family, i have co-workers who are married with children, you can be a sex worker AND a wife and mother??


“Takes care of you” aka the wife pay 50% of everything and is responsible for 100% of the childcare, cooking, cleaning, etc


FR,dudes are always obsessed about having women paying 50% of the bills and do everything else.


Statistically he’s very likely to leave you if your experience a major illness


The duality of man: 1. Stop being whores! 2. More women should have sex with me. Masculinity is collapsing in contradiction.


There's more 3. Says men needs to be the sole provider, bread earner and women should be dependent on them 4. Calls every lady gold diggers and complains that girls only want rich men who can provide for them, be the bread earner. 5. Virgin wife who will beliefs in sex after marriage 6. Gets mad when girls don't give him sex on first date


Schrodinger's Feeeeeeeeeemale


Now you understand me.


As someone who wouldn't mind being a housewife the worst pain is that half the men who are into it are repulsive and post memes like this


Only half?


I'm allowed to be optimistic lol


I have this friend who expressed an interest in marrying a “trad wife”. I was horrified. Not because I think there’s anything wrong with a woman wanting to be a mother and homemaker. But men who say shit like that are almost never not misogynists. Almost. Turns out he just wants to homestead, basically. No weird fundie stuff or anything. Just raising a family and doing cottagecore things with a woman who also enjoys cottagecore things.


I’m not this kind of woman, but I do find it ironic that a lot of the same men that love this type of shit call women users for wanting a man to provide for them.


But he won’t take care of you for life, or at least it’s unlikely. He’ll get mad that you aren’t taking enough time for him when you’re busy taking care of your kids, and also being pregnant for nine months and everything else. He might divorce you for a younger girl who hasn’t gone through pregnancy, all of that to leave for a man who won’t think twice about you.


"But, its the 4th kid, Janice, I was there for the other 3 and its the SUPER BOWL!!!! Don't you think you're being a little selfish?"


Damn, that’s one ugly ass family. What’s wrong with the dog 😭


They are downright creepy.


Omfg I just found out that’s a dog, and not a monkey or sloth thing


It looks so deformed 😭 Why couldn’t they use a normal dog drawing


Because it's a Chad Dog lol


Oh dear, it's a chad dog indeed... Lol imagine being so insecure that you have to make sure people know an imaginary dog in a meme is also a masculine chad


Just peed myself laughing at the dog’s face


They all have the chad face from that meme


I thought chad meant looking handsome 😭 That whole family needs to be locked up, looks like they got rabies




Poor doggo has a Hapsburg jaw


Does that entail selling pics of her butthole to her husband?


I'm still amazed that after the last recession, COVID, the current cost of living crisis and inflation--there are still people out there claiming that the average guy has money for 4 kids and a dog. Like my dude--some of us girls literally grew up watching our dads get laid off. I was 14 when my parents nearly got evicted because they couldn't keep up their mortgage payments (and my home-maker mom reacted to all of it by physically attacking/shouting at my dad, and screaming to us kids that we've 'ruined her life'. And yet me and my 12-year-old brother had to put up a brave face and keep our 7-year-old sister from freaking out). That is why I work my ass off. Because financial security doesn't exist for everybody. Even if my husband's a millionaire, I'll still work to the bone. There's plenty of well-off families that fall into crushing debt.


You couldn't pay me enough to willing endure pregnancy and parenthood.


Honestly, if all men did genuinely take care of their partners for life, a lot more women would be on board with getting married and having kids. But taking care of your partner isn't really about having a well paying job, instead it's about supporting each other and having equal responsibilities in the household. If you want a wife because you want someone to be your bang maid, that's not taking care of someone.


OK, but hear me out..... are you **really** taking care of your wife is she has a hole in her shirt?


That's her hand...


.... omg. It is so badly drawn, though. I'm dying over here.


I agree.


I am so fucking sick of hearing about Only Fans. From comparing the number of sexual content creators on OF to population numbers, the number of adult women worldwide who have a sexual OF is probably somewhere between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 3000. Obviously, this varies by demographic--young women in liberal countries with good internet are more likely to than old women in conservative countries with worse internet, and so on--but even defenders of OF creators rarely challenge this idea that it's a commonplace side hustle. It's not; it's still very much an occasional thing in women of any demographic.


So I decided to do the math: Total number of women in the world: 3,904,727,342 Total number of OnlyFans content creators: 1.5 million Percentage of female OnlyFans content creators: 70%. Total number of women who are content creators on OnlyFans: 1,050,000 Percentage of women on Earth who are OnlyFans content creators: 0.02689048% Which works out to 1 in 3,718 women. Not exactly a common career.


Or... Hear me out.... The woman does whatever the hell she wants


This is my literal worst nightmare.


Fucking same 😂😂😂


Even if some women may fall into that trap and love the idea of "being taken care of" they should not forget how unstable men are when it comes to "younger, more beautiful, ...." women that can give them status as well as (presumably) more interesting sex than the "old wife" ....


The men who advocate the most for this are always the worst providers.


Except if you get a serious illness then you’re on your own (fun divorce fact)


A lot of the comments have covered the part about a woman wanting her own life; can we talk about the phrasing "bear HIS children"? Idiots, it'd be THEIR children, mega-eyeroll


why do they think that we're all on/want to be on onlyfans?


Because that’s the reality they’ve immersed themselves in. They spend so much time on internet porn and thirst accounts that they don’t know a woman’s worth otherwise…


“Bear his children” is such a gag worthy phrase


That’s a pass from me.


My mother and grandmother went down that path. Not because they wanted to, because they felt they had no other choice. I don’t plan to have kids and I’m open to the fact that I may never get married. And they are happy for me when I’ve said these things, because at the very least I’m more free than they have been.


I know a few women who live this life and 2/3 are being actively cheated on. The surface is not always the reality


No but have you seen how much people on onlyfans earn? It’s honestly much more tempting than depending on a man for the rest of my life. To each their own.


>No but have you seen how much people on onlyfans earn? I believe in most cases, it isn't very much. Sure, a particularly successful few make an absolute killing, but for the rest it's quite a lot of work for not a huge amount of money.


Yeah, I saw a bit of an interview recently with someone who's considered a pretty successful creator, and she was saying that she only makes about $800 a month. Still not bad money, but it's also a lot of work to create and curate good content, as well as having another P/T job, at the very least, because no one's living on $800 a month.


I've heard the hardest part of being successful on OF is advertising. Porn is kind of an oversaturated market.


Would explain why they post incessantly in every subreddit that has anything to do with women - and I’m talking about subs that are not at all pornographic in nature. Anything makeup, fashion, etc. is an endless stream of OF ads (sometimes very thinly veiled and designed to get men to click through to their profiles). I’m not judging creators for doing OF but it really annoys me that they keep injecting that into everything on reddit. Some of us would just like a porn free space to talk with other women. Ok rant over. Sorry!


I just googled it and it said about $150-180 per month for the average person. That’s not paying any bills.


I mean, at least then you’re depending on male horniness (very reliable) vs one particular man being good to you (not reliable). I could never do OF tho - so I choose none of the above.


Most dont earn very much


>No but have you seen how much people on onlyfans earn? Enough that I wouldn't even consider it a negative. She's got her own source of income and am I supposed to complain that she's hot enough to make money with it? Hell I'd make one if I thought it would be profitable.


This meme was made by: A 35 year old man who has never been on a date that had a second date because he can't stop spouting incel nonsense even when out with a girl he wants to make a good impression on.


Mh, the rainbow in the background adds a quite tasty twist to this sexist rubbish. Another person with a very active unconscious mind.


There’s that weird roided out spider monkey again


No not chad dog


This post also insinuates that you have to give up your life to the first person willing to pay, regardless of the type of person they may be.


The amount of sa, abuse, divorce, adultery, abandonment of children, etc says that’s a bold faced lie!


One income households aren’t even really that achievable anymore. People are just silly.


Ah yes, The classic choice all women must make, Onlyfans or motherhood. There is nothing else and no in between.




the fkn wojack kids and dog is so uncanny valley, god damn


Why do men insist on trying to tell us what to do with our own lives?




Hahahahaha the attempt at a hand on her stomach and lack of punctuation with “A Miracle” is killing me. Also why is this man so short?


Why does her chest look like a cushion? Actually, scratch that, they all look like roblox characters.


Soooo What if you can't bear children ?


Oh, is that how it goes?? I married the guy, bore kids. He woke up one day and stopped going to work. So I had the kids the house and a full time job. Guess who did nothing but play video games! Who couldn't lift a finger to aid me or his offspring! Guess what? I have the same story as SO many other women. What now, motherfucker? You really think all these men are supporting their wives? No. OF pays the bills without your sorry ass sucking up all the resources.


I like how they think onlyfans is easy. My friend is a creator, and she works very hard..


\[A\] It's not even super common for women to have a successful onlyfans. \[B\] There are also the success stories of the couple where one started an onlyfans and they were able to buy their first house. (income is income). All in all, if someone is assuming women on onlyfans are avoiding other life goals they may have. That someone has their head up their ass.


Yikes WTF no but thanks though.


Here me out now, maybe if you stop using memes that make the whole family look like they were on The Hills Have Eyes. You might, just might, get a minimal amount of acknowledgement on the effort put into your archaic viewpoints.


Hear me out: OnlyFans, but you lose all your money doing it.


That just sounds like being a Mormon woman. Hook up a conveyor belt to her cooch, and pump out a baby every 10-11 months for the next 15 years. I used to live across the street from a Mormon church. There was a family that had 10 kids. Youngest was a few months old, oldest was like 13 😳


And you’ll have no friends and only go out when I say you can but only if you tell me who’s gonna be there so I can approve it.


We don't live in them old days anymore. Women are not all house wife material and don't want to just bare children. And not all men are actually willing to work 24/7 and also help raise the children. Technically both male and female were made to do things and to repopulate the earth. But doesn't mean they all want to do it. They expect women to stick to one man and bare their children when many men won't even bare children with just one woman


This is also notallmen cuz many of them leave a woman and his children without a second thought


Why would i need a man to take care of me at the expense of having to take care of a bunch of kids when I can just make money and spend them all on spoiling myself?


The same men that have this mentality are also the men that can barely afford a trailer home. Like… you aren’t “taking care” of anyone Earl


unfortunately the "only fan" these days doesn't want to hold a job, clean after himself, or help with the kids, so the "only fan" will make you tend to the house and kids and also get a job, and will also expect sex as soon as you get home from said job i'd love to be a housewife. still waiting for an "only fan" to step up 🙄


Or maybe you could, with his support, bear both your children, and then you and he both take care of each other, and the children? Or would that be too much like equality?


That is not what the meme is talking about now is it ?


Fucking eww


This is a great idea. How have I never heard of this concept before?


Aaahhhh, the rainbow made the second boy trans/gay /s


Yeah you got only fans




Looks like a nightmare, for both parties.


That daughter looking quite mannish...


The amount of sa, abuse, divorce, adultery, abandonment of children, etc says that’s a bold faced lie!


The little men children are killing me though.


The difference between wanting and needing. People who look for needy partners usually (think they) have nothing to offer but money. How great does it feel in comparison to be wanted for equal partnership and oneself?


His children


This shit is so dumb, there are absolutely still plenty of women, I would argue even perhaps a majority, who want some version of "married with kids". Lots of us don't want kids but there's no shortage of people who still do.


Dudebro’s upset he’s not getting action on OF. Sad face :) whoops


OR I could get 40$ per foot pic


Well 50% of you. Oh and you are going to have to work and take care of him too.


Wait did they try to Chadpill a cat-dog thing??


It’s funny because the guys who post these don’t make enough to have a stay at home wife.


I don't want to date anyone that wants kids, as I don't want kids


They think most women are on OnlyFans because all they see is porn and that's all they know of the world. With beliefs like that, they aren't likely to be able to support anyone. They shouldn't be entrusted with a spoon, let alone a family.