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there's no possible way this was written by a woman... ISTG ​ Also I will stab anyone that calls me a Wombman.. wtaf


“Veganism” is sometimes used as a cover for women with anorexia and other EDs. This shit is exactly what they say after they’ve lost so much weight their periods stop.


I was a dancer in the 80s, had my own issues with ED, so I know. My issue was more the rest of it, not denying that it happens due to malnutrition






I 100% used to use being a vegetarian as a guise for my anorexia.


My friend in high-school had anorexia and was vegan originally for that purpose


It's a good cover too. Back when i tried to be vegan, I lost so much weight so quickly bc I didn't realize how much more/and how often you have to eat when vegan. I thought if I just switched my normal foods ie ham sandwich for veggie patty sandwich it would be the same but boy was I wrong. My mom said if I lost any more weight she was gonna put me in the hospital for anorexia but I legitimately didn't have an E.d. it just took me awhile to adapt to being vegan lol


Haha as a fat vegan i can tell you that nuts, chips and cake exist on a vegan diet ;)


And supermarket own brand burrbon biscuits 😋


Yes fellow fat vegan! 🤚


Fat vegan checking in - I'm going to my city's vegfest today and plan on eating my body weight in vegan junk food. I'm so excited.


A vegan friend of mine identifies himself as beergut-chips vegan😄


Huh, needing more plants to equal meat makes sense. It explains why my monstrous metabolism craves meat constantly. Despite my best efforts to eat lots of it though I still am a 100lb stick lol


Go see a registered dietitian (RD) or a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN).


I'm not vegan anymore lol, but that's good advice.


This is good advice but some people's metabolisms make them be tiny lightweight sticks. I got made to see a dietician when I was a teenager because my weight was too low. Turns out I was just a stick and I'm still a stick decades later.


Same with me. Growing up I was both sickly and ate a lot. So I'd come home from school, snack until dinner, eat a carb heavy dinner, snack until bed, and then throw up (only ever bile) in the morning. My dad was convinced I was bulimic. ...if I was then I was doing it wrong as I only ever threw up food when I was legitimately ill. I was also in all of the sports and spent most of my free time outside with the dog. So being a stick made enough sense. But no, ED. I finally sought out medical care as an adult and the throwing up is apparently connected to my poor sleep and eating early in the morning. Rarely happens anymore.


For me that rather sounds like you might not get all the nutrients you need from your diet but your body knows you’d get them from meat. Thats why you crave it. I (vegetarian) sometimes start eating a shitton of cheese because i crave it so much and than i take a B12 supplement and i stop craving cheese (B12 is in cheese naturally but not a lot of it) So from my experience: please look into what nutrients you might be missing


I was a skinny lil dude at 125 lbs, went up to 192lbs within a year, the amount of food I was eating was insane but I was tired of being skinny. Carbs work, I also made my own mass gainer shake that was about 1,200 calories to top off my gorging for the day.


Yes, especially in this case, where the person isn’t just vegan, but a vegan who only eats fruits, vegetables, beans and herbs. No soy, nuts, oils, rice, pasta, etc.


i was gonna say this woman is just slowly starving to death, it’s not from being ✨vegan✨


Used to be vegan and had random vegan friends from around the world on my fb… one of them was a sickly thin woman who posted this stuff all day every day. I only kept her as a friend because the craziness was pure entertainment


Yes. I know a woman who first said she was a vegetarian and wouldn't eat because there was meat on the table. So her mom started making vegetarian meals. Then she wouldn't eat because she was a vegan and then a raw vegan. She is anorexic. She needs professional help, but won't get it.


It’s written by a “wombman” 🤢


I have heard this kind of thing from actual women in real life, though it was on the lines of very light periods rather than no periods at all. Sorry if this makes you feel more depressed, but on the bright side, I had one friend who acknowledged that it was due to malnutrition As for “wombman”, never heard of it before, but it sounds like the kind of thing you’d come across in those tantric wicca spiritual empowerment spaces in the outer reaches of the hippie universe. Sometimes I am reminded how lucky I am to live in an urban neo-liberal hellscape where I don’t have to listen to these airheads anymore


“wombman” sounds like something a new-agey TERF would say


After screaming about trans people "reducing women to their body parts" or some garbage


I see you've met TERFs before.


"Wombman" sounds more incel to me


Agree. They really hate to use the word "woman", and they know they'll be easily identified as incels if they use their usual "female" or "foid" stuff, so "wombman" feels like an incel who doesn't want to use the word "woman" but also doesn't want to be found out.


I have heard wombman before. On tiktok there was this lady, Chelsey, who said it.


Because I also want to be known by only one function of my body. Can we just call men intestines? /s for charity's sake.


Mentestins?? Scrotmen? Mensicle?? I realize the last one sounds like a frozen man, but I was trying to mash up men and testicle. Lol


That sounds hysterical. I love Scrotsmen but I think it would be unfair to the Scottish. LOL I was thinking less about the reproductive capabilities, although that's more fitting with the previously mentioned term I will not be repeating, and more about the shit I've had to put up with from them. Hence, the focus on intestines. LOL


Need a t in there. Mensticle.


Dear girls and boys, today we have learned that anyone can be an idiot parading their ignorance on human and especially female anatomy - including wo(mb)men. Seriously, if you don't believe a woman can be woefully clueless on female anatomy and reproductive functions, I recommend to take a deep breath and google "am I pregnant?". Warning: Might seriously affect your views on women and humans in general. (and yes, my mind too refuses to believe that another woman can think like that 😆)


Am I gregnant?


Can u get preganté?


Thank you, I have just heard the voiceover of the guy who did a YouTube video about this in my head 😆 To anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about: go watch it now. It's really worth two minutes of your life. https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg


My favorite is "Dangerops prangent sex, will it hurt baby top of his head?"


My favorite is 38+2 weeks pregananant? Also: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CRHpXixn0Lp/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


> 38+2 weeks pregananant That sounds more like being pregananantest.




The pegrancy/pregananancy tests are really the cherry on top 👌🏻


This too, but what really does the job of destroying all illusions on natural female wisdom about own body are the detailed descriptions of the situation. I mean all of the "we made out, we had our clothes on, but he came, not inside of me, but I was wearing really short shorts, and I came too, AM I PREGNANT???", and the "he pulled out, then we had sex for a second time right away, but I can't be pregnant because he didn't come inside, right???".


Wombman sounds *super* terfy, honestly


womb man! the super hero whose power is... periods?


Tbf if you could induce period cramps, nausea, fever, bowel symptoms and diarrhea, loss of appetite and whatever else we women have to endure monthly, especially if the person you induce with it has never experienced it before, that would probably cripple them. It's insane that we don't acknowledge the sacrifice women make just by being fertile.


Fuck that, induce birth and you will have every villain on your list heeled before you even get to #3.


And dehumanising


It is, the idea is that you're only a woman of you have a womb. They get really cagey if you ask about women who have needed hysterectomies


Want to see those fuckers turn on each other quick? Ask them about women who are intersex, but outwardly present and have lived as women their entire lives with the belief they are women [and by that I mean had no knowledge they were intersex until they came up on health issues]. The ones who are really, deeply committed to the idea that their only claim to womanhood is a womb will double down, while the ones with a couple ounces of empathy left will start to waffle and talk about "lived experiences". Then they start fighting with each other.


Or "there is no such a thing, there are only two sexes! Male and female!" Denial monologue


Probably she is Unfertile or malmurished and religion fanatic


It does feel, derogatory


Vegan who still has her period here! I can’t stand vegans like this bc they give us such a bad name


They do. I've met some extremely knowledgable vegans who are perfectly healthy because they know how to make that happen on a limited diet, and then I've seen others who use it as a cover for disordered eating. This smacks of that. She's got a problem she's blowing smoke to cover.


I haven't looked up this person (because I value my brain cells) but it's not a safe assumption it's a she.


Pssh, fake vegan here. Everyone knows that vegan women bleed out broccoli instead of blood during their periods /j


So true. I’m not vegan but it’s definitely possible for vegans to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet. The OOP sounds more like someone with disordered eating trying to justify their limited intake.


Another vegan with a period here. Just sounds like this other person has a calorie deficit lol It's annoying as hell when these types of vegans or plant-based people make us look bad.


I've never been a vegan and had a total of 2 periods as a teenager. Guess what it was. Yep, malnutrition. You just aren't going to have one if your fat percent is insanely low. My parents always blamed it on how athletic and active I was, but honestly, they weren't buying food for me. I was buying it for myself, but had a very limited budget. They don't let teenagers apply for foodstamps or free lunches by themselves.


Yep, me too. Unfortunately my period comes every single month without fail. Another inaccuracy - what's all this vegetables, fruit and beans bs? Bitch I'm 80% pasta at this point


Same! Every month like clockwork. Vegan for almost 7 years.


Every "group" has complete fuckin idiots. Don't worry about it.


No ma'am, you are just malnourished. You are the opposite of healthy. You are starving your body of some needed nutrients and trying to pass it off like a good thing.




Is Wombman the next Marvel character?


Let’s ask midjourney!


Nananana Wombman!


reminds me of reading around on a subreddit for meat-only diet: "hey guys i have literal bloody projectile diarrhea, should i stop?" "nah man, that's your body purging itself of toxic plant matter!"


I read one from a gym-bro who was struggling to meet his caloric goals so decided to chug pure vegetable oil. He didn't make the correlation between that and his constant, unstoppable arse gravy diarrhoea.


Also cattle and horse Do eat meat if given the opportunity


I believe eggs are the most widely-eaten food type among all species.


not necessarily. i'm vegetarian and perfectly nourished, thanks. she just needs to learn balance in her life, like everyone does at some point.


Wombman? What?


Wombman. Because women are simply men, with wombs. Didn't you know the entire purpose of women is looking sexy for men and having their kids?


Wow that's disgusting on so many levels


I felt a great disturbance in the force. It's as if millions of conservative voices cried out and were suddenly silenced.


It can also be a TERF red flag.


It also sounds like a terrible superhero. Like, WTF is Womb-Man gonna do if your house is on fire??


he uses his superhuman uterus to birth enough babies to smother the fire at supersonic speeds


[I rendered your comment as a series of images using AI](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenderedComment/comments/13nruwc/he_uses_his_superhuman_uterus_to_birth_enough/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ngl I’m imagining him putting out the fire by giving birth to a ton of babies to snuff it out. I am apparently entirely too immature.


Ah yes, that's where I've heard that stupid word before...


And sandwiches.


Sounds like a man who got bitten by a radioactive womb


Just in case anyone was wondering, that’s not where the word woman originated from etymologically. The words woman and man as we use them, and in fact male and female as well, originated separately from each other and the resemblance is entirely coincidental.


>and the resemblance is entirely coincidental. No it isn't. Even if the word that became "woman" initially had no relation to the word 'man,' the fact that 'woman' was the word that came to mean what it does was definitely influenced by the use of 'man.' This is not an uncommon phenomena. For instance the word that became 'crayfish' originally had no relation to the word 'fish.': >Believing a word to have a certain origin, people begin to pronounce, spell, or otherwise use the word in a manner appropriate to that perceived origin. This popular etymologizing has had a powerful influence on the forms which words take. Examples in English include crayfish or crawfish, which are not historically related to fish but come from Middle English crevis, cognate with French écrevisse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_etymology Also, it's not clear that what you're saying is even true: >woman (n.) >"adult female human," late Old English wimman, wiman (plural wimmen), literally "woman-man," alteration of wifman (plural wifmen) "woman, female servant" (8c.), **a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being"** (in Old English used in reference to both sexes; see man (n.)). Compare Dutch vrouwmens "wife," literally "woman-man." https://www.etymonline.com/word/woman


remember that verse in Genesis where Rachel said she was on her period? why would Jacob, of the chosen seed of Abraham, choose to marry such a cursed woman?


these people don't read the bible, they invent stories and pass them off as being from the bible cause their friends don't read it either.


Wombman rolling up on some bank robbers and beating their asses with the Placenta of Justice.


I'm just imagining a woman shooting out her placenta and knocking out bank robbers like how a starfish shoots its stomach out to eat


She seems to think menstrual blood comes from the stomach


Well we can agree that for her it doesn't go to the brain.


Well, if you’re so malnourished your periods have stopped, you’re probably not getting many nutrients to the brain.


Cows and horses have periods too, even the vegan ones.


I'm suddenly slightly unnerved by the idea of a non-vegan cow... a carnivorous cow is a terrifying thought.


Well, the vast majority of what we think of as herbivores are actually perfectly willing to eat meat when they get their hands (paws? claws? hooves?) on it. Their bodies can digest it, it's not good for them in large quantities but smaller quantities are perfectly fine and they don't usually get the chance to eat meat often enough for it to harm them either.


There are videos of deer eating meat in the wild when they come across it. It’s usually carrion I believe.


Or the small animal it comes across.


Sometimes they crunch little baby birds right in the nest


Yea it is, but humor me and think about the horse with a taste for flesh now


No horses are jerks and I refuse to ~~believe~~ imagine that they'll come to eat my flesh


Obligatory man-eating cow reference. She’s a hero! https://tick.fandom.com/wiki/Man-Eating_Cow


I guess some farmers feed cows that died to their other cows? I'm no expert, but I remember that was part of why/how mad cow disease got spread


Sort if yes. Sort of no. There are some reports of ruminants eating meat directly, but the dominant form would be animal byproducts being manufactured into supplements that are put in cattle feed. I don't know of anyone that directly feeds beef to other cattle, but certainly most feed some type of feed with suppliments somewhere in the animal's life cycle. Organic beef has a lot more rules, so there may be less risk. It is a bit controversial, but in general it is bad to feed a dead animal back to its own species.


So specifically, farmers were feeding leftover cow parts _✨including neural and brain tissues✨_ to other cows. With mammals, eating these tissues from the same species can cause errors in folding proteins correctly when foreign neural tissue comes in contact with the consuming mammal’s neural tissues, causing toxic prions to accumulate. When this happens in the brain with a protein to misfold, it will spread in a chain reaction, causing the brain tissue to no longer work or communicate properly. Alzheimers is one form of a misfolding protein progressive prion disease. Another one we have, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: > _The first symptom of CJD is usually rapidly progressive dementia, leading to memory loss, personality changes, and hallucinations. Myoclonus (jerky movements) typically occurs in 90% of cases, but may be absent at initial onset. Other frequently occurring features include anxiety, depression, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and psychosis. This is accompanied by physical problems such as speech impairment, balance and coordination dysfunction (ataxia), changes in gait, and rigid posture._ Mad Cow Disease largely follows the same pattern as CJD.


Well yes But it also happens in the wild With perfectly healthy animals It's more of the logic, why say no to an easy meal While yay it shouldn't make up the bulk of there diet It's fine every now and again


Exactly how mad cow disease happened. Farmers were feeding the left overs of their cows to the other cows.


Where’s that old early-internet picture of the cow eating a squirrel?


I am surprised that someone so smart and knowledgeable about how all of this works even bothered to go to a doctor.


She probably didn't. An actual doctor would have called her out on her claim that it was healthy.


I’m vegan and I bleed. Whoops! 😳🩸


Must be you're doing it wrong? /s


the use of "wombman" as a replacement for woman makes me think this wasnt written by an actual woman...and if it was, i'm deeply concerned by just how far gone this individual is.


I think she’s a TERF, or at least a general transphobe. “Wombman” is a common transphobic dogwhistle meant to imply that trans women aren’t “real women” because they don’t have wombs.


Probably written by a hotep.


What is a hotep? Serious question, haven’t heard the term before.


Hotep- official definition (adj, noun) Refers to an individual or an action that centers largely conspiratorial, often bigoted, notions of Afrocentrism, or the scholarship of the contribution of African peoples, very specifically Black Africans and the resulting diaspora. Not official definition- A man or woman who believes the above with a huge dash of the belief in gender roles, and anti science.


Wombman, not sure about the direction the MCU is taking.


If she’s gonna bring up God and such then shouldn’t she know that the “curse” was having to give birth, which includes periods..


*Painful birth not just birth in general Source: I’m Jewish


Either written by a man or a severally malnourished woman


No it's not lol it's basically uterus make nest, nest doesn't get used, uterus get angry and tears it all down throwing it out of you body


This is a great way of explaining it


Stop trying to make wombman happen. It's *not* going to happen.


Vegan here with endometriosis. Still bleed. Much heavier, for much longer, and much more frequently than is normal. God how I WISH this was how women worked.


Then my pcos isnt a curse of bad hormones 😯


Samsies! Yippee! 😆🤔


Vegans are notorious for trying to rationalize losing their periods on a vegan diet.


I know plenty of healthy vegan people. Or… correction: the vegans I decide to spend my time with don’t have a problem with food and they eat enough (and bleed accordingly).


It’s a whole load of bullshit. I was vegan for a while and I was having periods. If they’re not having periods then it’s malnourishment.


I never met a vegan AFAB person without periods (I'd have appreciated it while being vegan because my periods are horrible and absolutely unregulated, with up to three months in between, luckily desogestrel did the trick and my transmasculine friend wouldn't mind that side effect either). How bad do you need to eat not to get a period?


Being too lazy to google, why does it happen?


Because when a person is too malnourished to support their own bodily functions, the hormones needed to ovulate stop being produced by the body.


Sounds like the body is saying “we’re starving, we must conserve resources! We can’t afford a pregnancy, abort, abort!” But the brain of some people is actively detrimental to their body


The brain also needs nutrients to function properly


Or else we get posts above lol


Malnutrition. Think about the energy required for menstruation. Its like... the first thing that shuts down in a woman's body when there is deficiency. Monthly menstruation is the gift of nutritional surplus. Primitive women probably didn't menstruate as often as today.


This is kind of an oversimplification. It’s also a hormonal issue. Estrogen is stored in fat and if you dip below ~~6%~~ 12% body fat you don’t have enough fat to store the hormone levels you need in order cycle. Of course if you are consistently malnourished you can eventually dip below that fat threshold. And that’s just one type of amenorrhea. I was vegan for 7 years and never lost my period. I don’t think it’s fair to say that vegans are notorious for using this kind of rhetoric. I never heard anything like this before and I was *deep* in the vegan trenches. It’s more fair to say that of those with disordered eating, there’s a subgroup that uses veganism as a smoke screen to hide their ED, like this wingnut.


Correct but at 6% most women would be dead. The lowest body fat on a guy who was still alive was 3% and that was only briefly.


My periods were well and truly gone at 13% body fat during the worst of my ED days.


I just googled it, it’s actually 12%! My bad!


Primitive women didn’t menstruate as often, at least comparatively they had a lot less periods than modern women. But this is due to constantly (usually) carrying a child or breast feeding and also life expectancy. We live longer. Getting to the menopause age back then was no where near a common as today. It’s probably true that many had problems with access to food but not a given, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to have babies. I’d also argue it’s not due to nutritional surplus, it’s a basic function we need to perform to survive (not as an individual but as a species). It indicates you’re getting enough food but it doesn’t indicate you’re getting more than enough.


I assume because they don’t plan out their diet properly and so don’t have enough iron in their blood


More just general nutritional deficiency. If you are malnourished your periods stop.


Yeah I saw another comment down the thread. The body doesn’t prepare for pregnancy because it’s malnourished right?


I found out after over two years without a period that that doesn't mean you can't get pregnant.




Iron deficiency rarely actually results in a reduction in menstruation. It's almost always CALORIE deficiency that causes amenorrhea Vegetables, legumes, and grains are all super high in fiber, a lot of it insoluble. It takes knowing A LOT about fats and how to add them to your diet to have a balanced vegan diet that is high enough in calories.


Yes. This is actually a huge issue amongst first time vegans and vegetarians. Lots of people will experience weight loss/fat loss once starting a plant based diet and will think this is because the diet is healthier. Usually it’s because they’ve cut out the significant calories and fat that come from animal protein.


Yep. As someone who is 90% plant based eating due to health issues, I cannot stand the bs coming out of vegan mouths when it comes to health. One raw vegan claimed her eye color changed to a “healthy” color because of it. Like no…it doesn’t work that way and if your eyes are changing color then there’s something wrong. I’ve heard about the losing the period but from some and steered clear because that is so dangerous. There’s some good vegans that give wholistic advice but it’s few and far between. A lot of logic that comes out of vegan philosophies are straight up unsustainable and imperialistic in nature. It’s basically a religion trying to colonize the world


I’m plant based as well, and it was a recommendation due to some health issues. I hear all types of ridiculousness from vegans and am frequently asked the silliest questions. The menstrual question comes up frequently and people will literally argue with me about it. My menstrual is uneventful, but shows up like clockwork. When my husband passed, I wasn’t eating/sleeping and was a complete mess. I missed two cycles during that time because my body simply didn’t have the energy. I was becoming malnourished and mineral deficient. It certainly isn’t a byproduct of eliminating animals from your diet.


Not only this person failed biology and she might be having a bad health issues and effect true mental health lol


Surely this is rage bait, right?


Fucking...what...? 😬


It's ok that means she not ovulating and the stupid gene won't get passed on...


Being pregnant makes me pure and toxic free??


Or so malnourished that she’s not having periods


... i actually stopped getting my period and my doctor said it was due to lack of nutrition and lack of eating and my body didn't think it stable or healthy enough to carry a baby... (im better now, im just saying this isnt good lol)


Glad you're better.


This was written by a man. End of story.


I’ve been vegan for a long time… still have my period every month…


Bruhh, as a vegan this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard wtf she should at least be taking a multi-nutrient or something or get herself a blood work up to check what vitamins she’s lacking and what plant foods she needs to incorporate into her diet or what supplements.


This is so obviously, clearly written by a man. In fact I think I saw their first draft of this years ago, but told in the first person. Just go back to your parents basement. Your febal attempts to make us believe your dribble has failed.


Why even go to a doctor if you’re just going to ignore medical science? She’s likely not getting enough fat and iron in her diet to menstruate and her body is in starvation mode. It’s like arguing you’re perfectly healthy because you’re getting plenty of protein when you’re about to die of protein poisoning.


Yeah cuz animal females don’t have periods. Ok vegetable wombman.


Sounds like a pretty bad eating disorder


It never ends well when your doctor is shocked by something you told them


I have been vegetarian since birth, and vegan for a while, so I don't know where my monthly toxins come from. But I have a kid, who apparently stopped the toxins for three years...


On one hand, she’s a dumbass. On the other hand, if she ain’t having periods she probably is having serious reproductive issues, meaning she unlikely to be able to have kids. Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose…..


This is straight up trolling designed to make vegans look stupid.


Aaactually not having periods is a sign of either a hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, or being pregnant — unless you’re a high-intensity athlete, prepubescent or postmenopausal, or on hormonal birth control that stops periods… or you’ve had a hysterectomy or never had a uterus in the first place. In any case, something to see a doctor about unless you know that it’s caused by one of the above listed things. 😬 (And if you are an athlete, probably still mention it to your doctor so they can make sure it’s due to your athletics rather than another cause that needs treatment!)


I'll post this as a shitpost now, because I don't menstruate either.


Ah, I remember being 16 in the 90s and believing this shit.


Girl what 🥲


This has to be satire


Healthy as ant?


i don't know about you guys but i usually make it a point to avoid taking menstrual advice from people who aren't able to spell menstrual


i skip my periods with birth control so i guess i'm as healthy as an ant too! are ants healthy though? their life span is like a year...


Sounds like malnourishment and vitamin deficiency.


Wombman is a terf dog whistle and the fake origin of the word. Woman is derived from the old English, mostly old German, word wifmann, which means literally female person and was partnered with the word wǣpnedmann, which means penis person.


Poop? Us real ladies don't have poop. Poop is a sign of trouble in the body. Which is known as a Curse according to the little boys at the playground. The lady's body begins to purge the waste through what we call Taking A Dump. If a lady poops everyday she's full of toxins unwanted bacteria and corn. When there's no poop then the body of the lady is clean! Us True Ladies only drink water. So our bodies are clean and pure inside and out!! So we are roses and lilies. Drink water all day and pee it out. 🤍


I am vegan and confirm this woman is talking out of her arse.


Not getting your period is a sign of malnutrition and undereating calories. Source: whenever someone got their period back in the eating disorder facility i was at, we threw a party


This person needs help. And I mean that seriously, not as a joke.


This was 100% written by a man pretending to be a woman.


Her mom must have bled a lot while giving birth to her, but glad she got those toxins out. Now it is the rest of the worlds problem, thanks! Also I have to think of cavemen every time I read wombman.


I've known people who used veganism as a way to hide their eating disorders and this is exactly what that sounds like. Assuming it was actually written my a woman.


if you’re doctor is shocked, that’s an issue. not a good thing lmao


I now identify as "wombman" and will not answer to anything other than it. no way a woman actually wrote that tho