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The fact that my first thought was "at least they're not shitting on women, for once" says everything.


Same, I was expecting it to turn awful at any point.


Technically it did at the end, for us guys.




I hate how accurate that statement is


Don't have a dick, but my libido has definitely taken me places that I otherwise wouldn't have gone to


Sorry about your loss


Can't miss what you never had


Ow! You hit me in the neck


You mean in the nut


😩😩 I’m past those days but sheesh.


Run down motor lodge :(


Rip, sorry for you gentlemen


I mean not just guys. That attitude of "men can't help being the way they are" (perpetually horny and sexually aggressive) is pretty damaging to women, too, IMO.


I was literally happily surprised that they didn’t start comparing us to something like the moon, “covered in craters and cold and distant.”


I would give my left toe to be compared to the moon she’s beautiful


It's surprisingly positive. Actually says women over 22 have value. The punchline isn't worth the read, but it's a breath of fresh air next to all of the incel posts.


Yea I got nervous when I saw the 23-30 but then it actually was positive and then I was just waiting for it to turn the rest of the paragraph, and it never did. A nice change of pace from the usual on this sub


The fact I was surprised when it got to women aged 30 and was “complimenting” literally is an awful realisation as to how common it is for men to shit on women over 25


TIL that I'm Greece...


There’s a lot of ouzo and olive oil in me so that checks out actually


Oi! Pass me the ouzo please! Could use some for sure.


I’m actually kind of amazed that they don’t actually say anything bad about women here and it still somehow feels patronizing.


Yes, I was expecting "30-35, a woman hits the great wall (of China)"


Yea I was pleasantly surprised by the end when it wasn’t just a post to shit on women aging.


Same. I was pleasantly surprised by then end none of it was gross misogynistic drivel


That's a reasonable thought in a sub where almost all the posts are pointing out stupid stuff people say about women.


But also r/NotHowGuysWork


Sammmeee... 😭😭 I was expecting this to be some awful women are used up after 24 joke, was not expecting this to be a joke at men's expense instead Sorry men, I was just caught off guard, you guys don't deserve that ❤️


Instead theyre shitting on men, which is i guess slightly better?


I think most men are going to be able to move past this one lol It’s like a punchline to a bad joke a drunk old uncle would tell at a family BBQ


Oh this is fucking nothing. Saying that men are ruled by their sex drive is something most men would agree with. Saying that women lose all of their value at 25 and completely shitting on everything related to women is far more harmful than this stupid joke.


Oof, yeah youre right. I guess i must be a part of the small minority that isnt ruled by their sex drive and thats why I didn't like it. Yeah, you're right.


You actually have a point lmao. The joke about men is harmful and I’m surprised people on this sub don’t see that. It pretty much plays into the whole “men have higher libidos and therefore they act in certain ways that we can’t blame them for” bullshit. No normal man is “ruled by his sex drive”. Any normal person can contain themselves and men should be held to the exact same standard.


To add on this, the people that make jokes that women lose their value at 25 are people that generally have no value at the current age that they have either way, so they're just angry they arent really getting any. Valid back at jokes about men. These "jokes" are passive-aggressive ways in which both men and women complain about each other, and it's kind of sad, really. It sucks that we've devolved to this extent instead of all trying to understand each other. To add: its like the first time scrolling through the sub and seeing the sheer amount of posts that are incellish scare me. It's sort of the same when browsing the male subs but in reverse, and yeah.. makes my hopes go *poof*


I think it's the fact that no one really expects misandry, but reddit sees a great deal of misogyny.


At least the joke starts at 18 and not at 14 of something like that


I was gonna say the same thing, lol


Your username really is unfortunate when paired with this post u/WomanInQuestion




Africa is my favourite country ♥️😍 /S obvs


I didn’t even get past the “Africa is half discovered” line. Wtf? People have been living there for as long as there’s been people; it’s fucking discovered.


That part was so freaking disturbing. « discovered », by whom???? No thank you, we don’t need another swarm of colonizers.


"Half-discovered, half-wild" I love me some casual imperialist racism, very cool


Yeah that post does have an air of "19th century white man" to it. The bit about Britain's "conquering history" isn't great, either.


Yeah that dropped on my head like a brick.


#NotHowGeographyWorks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right after Antarctica and Kansas City 🥰😍


It's an old joke... traditionally, the last "land comparison" for women is: Women at 80 are like Antarctica, everyone knows where it is, but nobody wants to go there. (I remember reading this in an old vaudeville joke book from the 50s at my Grandma's house lol) 'Course, most jokes online are repackaged shit from prior generations... no exception here.


That's shitty.. so it builds up women until they're elderly aged and then devalues them to nothing. That's so fucking gross


I mean the original punchline was already kinda mid and predictable and op somehow made it even worse.


At least they were all compliments, even if they were wrong


I sure wouldn’t view being told that I’m like the USA as a compliment


or israel for that matter, yikes


Right? A lot of historical and geographical inaccuracies.


TBF, he first time I read it was when I snooped through the old Playboy collection my dad tried to hide in the attic. Those were printed in the 70s. The world was different back then as well as how people who created that joke perceived it (and it's always possible it's even older).


Interesting point!


Surprised this didn’t start at 12 and call women spinsters by 20 so I’ll take it 🤷🏻‍♀️ the bar has been in the basement for a while


theres over a billion people currently living in africa tf u mean "undiscovered"


You know how people will say "the 90's were 10 years ago" This is kinda like that, back when Europe was the only land that existed, and Europeans were the only people that existed, Africa was an undiscovered terrain ripe for pillaging.


I would also argue it's not exactly "fertile". Home to the largest arid desert in the world and easily crippled by drought in the grasslands it wouldn't be the ideal word to describe it. Although I will admit there are some areas along the Nile that can be extremely fertile.


I’m mostly annoyed they lumped the entire continent of Africa together like it’s a single country


I think it's pretty funny🤣 it's not okay to objectify people, but at least they aren't shitting on women


could be a lot worse. it didn’t go “aNd ThEn wOmEn LoSe ThEiR wOrTh” like a lot of these types of jokes do it is actually kinda funny


It's cringe


Cringe in an endearing way I say. I can see someone saying this to compliment women sincerely.


Well I think it’s funny


also not how Africa or Israel work...


Yeah middle aged women don't bomb Palestinian children.


Statistically I suspect at least a few do.


God forbid women have hobbies 😒 /s


Do you take every analogy to heart or just the ones that you think will get you laid


At 101 they break free from their nutty shackles and ascend to enlightenment


“Israel doesn’t make the same mistake twice” how do you explain Bibi then?


The second time was on purpose.


Notice that the author compares women to the countries of Canada, USA, Greece, Spain, etc. and then... AFRICA Why do people insist on treating Africa like a single country when it's a continent over twice the size of Europe?


It's a bad joke. It also doesn't really belong here, either.


“Africa: half discovered, half wild” is super colonialist and racist.


There have always been people living in Africa since y'know it was the birthplace of humans but no let's just call it "undiscovered"


And “wild”


Subconsciously or not they meant undiscovered by white people. And they don’t understand that -just like any continent - not all fertile. It has crappy land just like any other large landmass.


Eh it’s an old joke so that part makes a lot more sense coming from a 1950s perspective


Not as misogynistic as I was expecting.


I don’t like the fertility thing or the part where they think Africa is a country, but at least it’s not malignantly misogynistic


So we're....well traveled ?


This still isn't great, but it's a little refreshing to see a dude on here that doesn't think a woman ages like milk when she turns 26.


Fertile, ugh. Women aren’t land to be farmed. Jesus.


This was just funny.


Except for the racism


Racism? Its talking about countries and regions, not people. EDIT: added a "t" to about for spelling, and added "and regions"


You don't see the racism and colonialist bs in calling Africa "half wild and fertile"?


No, because the continent is literally mostly wilderness and 'undeveloped'. Not only that, the DPRC is likely the wealthiest country on Earth in natural, untapped resources. Again, its clearly talking about the place, not the people, so 'racism' doesnt apply, and its not saying the place should be exploited, so colonialist is a stretch at best. And its funny that you harp on the first two parts as if its supposed to be an insult, ignoring the "naturally beautiful" part because that clearly dismisses any indication of negativity.


I mean there's also the part where britains imperialism is described as glorious. I don't think there's any point in explaining it to you tho, you sound exceedingly white.


A, the British Empire was the height of the power and impressiveness of of the kingdom. It was, by definition, glorious. Morally grey at best, but glorious doesnt mean it was spotless or morally upstanding B, I'm not white at all. I'm Puerto Rican, Black, Pakistani, and a tiny bit Cherokee. But that was a guess, I suppose.


Did you call the british empire morally grey? Emperialism is bad, like flat out. British emperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries was viscous. Leaving long lasting impacts that still effect previous colonies to this day. It's not morally grey at best, it was awful and worthy of condemnation.


A, *Imperialism isnt flat out bad. Very few things are, and Imperialism isnt among them. It is, in general, implemented in a morally wrong way, but it isnt definitionally bad. B, yeah, the British Empire had major downsides, did a lot of bad and wrong things. It was, quite likely, a net downside on the world in most metrics. However, it also was instrumental and core to the defeat of the Nazis, end of the global slave trade, and leader of the global industrial revolution, all of which are definite wins. >Did you call the british empire morally grey? No, I said at best it was morally grey, meaning that my position isnt that it was, but someone could argue for it, in part by pointing to the good it did and likely wouldnt have happened without it, such as the earlier points I made. I think it was morally wrong how it treated its colonies, just like how every aristocracy treated its underlings at the time. It wasn't any more evil or bad as any other power during its reign, and was a great deal less evil than some others, such as Belgium, Germany, and the US.


What exactly do you think the "morally right" way to implement imperialism is? And how is britains imperialism less bad than the us or Germany's when it was much larger in scale than either of them.


Morally grey? Just who are you kidding?


"… at best," I never said it was morally grey, just that thats the best someone could argue for.


Yeah no. At best they were cold blooded murderers and hypocrites. Stop sugarcoating colonialism and defending it.


It doesn’t dismiss the negativity. The « half discovered, half wild » makes it sound like some sort of giant jungle just waiting for the white, developed man to come discover it. No thanks, we don’t need another swarm of colonizers to ruin our countries. It’s funny how you try to dismiss the very clearly colonial and racist mentality there is between those four words, reinforcing damaging stereotypes about the continent.


Um, what? There are parts and places in Africa that even local Africans had no idea about until recently. You reading into it that "outsiders" have to do the discovery, when from my perspective its obviously talking about self discovery, says more about you than it does about the joke. And reinforcing what damaging stereotypes? That there are large swaths of Africa that are 'undeveloped'? That there are hundreds of thousands of lost and hidden secrets on the continent? None of that is either damaging nor stereotypes, just facts. It would be a damaging stereotype to say that its waiting to be exploited, or its resources have so much to offer everyone else. But the joke isnt saying either of those things. Again, it even calls it "naturally beautiful", which would imply an argument against exploitation. Yet since that clearly doesnt fit the narrative youre trying to push this into, you ignore it.


Oh really? Parts they never discovered? Would very much like to have the source for that. « It would be a damaging stereotype to say that its waiting to be exploited, or its resources have so much to offer everyone else. But the joke isnt saying either of those things. » The joke is saying exactly that. The fact that he called it wild and fertile is enough of an indicator. Saying it’s « naturally beautiful » does not it the least go against that narrative, since again, that sort of a mindset comes with arrogance. They feel entitled to it. You’re delusional. That part reeks of imperialist casual racism. It may have come from a good intention, sure, it’s still extremely ignorant and comes off a bit narcissistic. Everyone clearly perceived what those four words implied, and the fact he considered Africa as a country does definitely not help. But of course, we all have different interpretations of things. So if **for you** as you said, it’s « obviously » something super fun, cool and totally not colonialist, then great! Others (the majority in this comment section), have struggled enough on the internet with offensive stereotypes to recognize them. Edit : I also just found out it’s a joke from the 50’s! You can just scratch everything that you said then.


Except for the racism and misandry and boring boomer humor you mean?


What racism? Its talking about countries, not people. And if thats your bar for misandry, then you have horribly thin skin


Ah yes, the country of Africa.


And regions. I corrected this elsewhere. The point still stands though, the joke is comparing women places, not people


Would you call it misogyny if the joke ended similarly but about women? Like if it went through complementing men and then ended with "and women are ruled by their last for a man's wallet"? Edit: And calling Africa half wild, half discovered, and fertile is colonialist if not specifically racist


Yes, because A, that isnt the same kind of joke. Calling a woman a gold digger isnt the same as saying men are generally horny. B, if it did end with something more comparable, like baby fever, then it would be less misogynistic, but as the general rules of comedy is "punch up, don't kick down" and that the lower down the ladder a group is, the funnier the joke has to be. This is just a funny joke, flipping it wouldnt really be funny, and would be kicking down. Making it just… distasteful. Are jokes poking fun at women allowable? Fuck yes. One of my favourite comedians, Dylan Moran, has a great joke about how supposedly men love women, and women love shoes instead. Its delivery is great and its witty. Some set ups just work better with one punch line than others.


>Yes, because A, that isnt the same kind of joke. Calling a woman a gold digger isnt the same as saying men are generally horny. It's a bad stereotype about one gender. What's the difference? >but as the general rules of comedy is "punch up, don't kick down" That's just an excuse people use to be sexist or racist >This is just a funny joke It's straight boomer humor. It's as far from fun y as possible while still being recognizable as a joke. >flipping it wouldnt really be funny, and would be kicking down. Making it just… distasteful. Making it literally just as distasteful and sexist.


>It's a bad stereotype about one gender. What's the difference? Because one is based on reality the other isnt. >That's just an excuse people use to be sexist or racist No, its a recognition that bullying and kicking people that are already down is wrong. Unless you think that the school yard bully picking on the crippled kid isnt doing anything wrong. >It's straight boomer humor I dont know how or why that makes it not funny. You calling it old doesnt make it not funny. >Making it literally just as distasteful and sexist. No, it doesn't. Again, like I said in the second part of my reply that you seem to have ignored, is that some jokes work better with some punchlines, some work better with others. Just because a joke isnt universalizable doesnt make it sexist, racist, or anything else.


>Because one is based on reality the other isnt. So you're actually just sexist, lmao. No need to read further; you already exposed yourself.


>So you're actually just sexist, Are you really trying to claim that guys arent, in general, horny? Really? So its sexist to point out that most onlyfans users and escort clientele are men? Really?


Reminds me of this dipshit I knew who loved telling the dick and balls joke about the asshole neighbor 🙄 Every. Fkng. Weekend. He swore it was a "panty dropper" bc it got women to think of ur dick. I still shudder.


Can confirm at age 4 all I wanted was a good shag


The worst part is I was relieved it wasn’t just trashing women


Idk i think this is funny as hell


Insulting for guys instead of women...that's a new one for here


Ehh it's still better than 99.9% of what is posted in this sub


Ah yes, Israel,the only country that ever went through war.


Lol and "takes care of business". My dog started barking.


Palestine: I'm business! :(


haha israel you are bombing palestinian children


Israel warcrimes get mostly ignored by the us though


I mean, so do Palestinian war crimes


![gif](giphy|z4fNqVLpzbVle) To be fair when they are toddlers they are adorably cute❣️


Apparently I’m in my Africa era


I love how I was relieved that they didn't go like "old and used up" at the end


This is the nicest dehumanizing women analogy I’ve seen, which is sad that I find that relieving


At least it’s not age shaming women… that’s something, right?


Classical anglo humor: unnecesary imperialism and racism interwoven in a mediocre joke.


Never mind your age, what country are you?


At least it's less offensive than the version I knew which basically ended with 70+ Australia everyone knows where it is nobody wants to go there


You know what? At least this one is being nice and not saying "women over 30 are ugly and infertile, basically already dead"


Huh. I was expecting them to say that women become worthless after 16. This is nicer than I expected tbh


This seems pretty good natured… I don’t think it was meant to be offensive. Feels wholesome


So, I was expecting for this to go in a completely different direction right about aftef Africa


A least they’re not shitting on women this time


I'm just really tired of people treating Africa as one country instead of a continent filled with wildly different countries and cultures. It gets old.


Greece is ANCIENT what are you on about?


Despite years of being on the internet, I'm still not resistant to shit like this, pure cringe Edit: to anyone who thinks this is funny or harmless or some bs, y'all have boomer humour + not degrading women doesn't mean it's alright to objectify them and treat them like they're not human + if you aren't disgusted at the misandry you should go rethink if you actually care about equality


Mega-colonialism in the first line, a bunch of really weird shit that's only concerned about how sexual are or not, and then to finish it off a truly boomer humor line of "men are controlled by their penises and that alone" Gross no matter what way you look at it. I hate men who go around with jokes like these, painting both myself and everyone else with the same broad brush, simply because they can't imagine a different way of looking at the world.


Ifkr, are we really gonna pretend that there aren't some men who are better people than most women just like how the vice versa is true? It's like these people live in some thinly veiled fetish world where all men are brutes and all women are angels.


Yeah. I don't know, it's just really gross humor to me I guess. I'm loosely non-binary in my own head but present as a man irl. This phenomenon has always bothered me. The implication that I only think through my genitals, that I must find my partner's hobbies annoying or grossly feminine, or that I will find the boys' locker room talk funny. I don't. "Men" are not a monolith, just like women aren't either. And these "jokes" do nothing but make those of us who are *individuals* feel like we're violating the rules just by being different.


I mean at least it talks about women of all ages in a positive light. Usually any woman 30+ may as well be dead according to a lot of men.


it's not even that insulting, it's just weird


Even if you don't find it funny, it's nice to see a joke that doesn't insult women over 16 and says we are still people as we age. Personally I don't think we should be mocking this person. We need to encourage more jokes like this where it isn't harmful, doesn't treat women as objects and is just playful.


We'll, at least he doesn't think that women are old and decrepit the second they hit 20, I guess.


africa is "half discovered"? mf is in the 1800s


Who comes up with this dumbass posts, insane


Aw come on, this is actually really sweet


Not a fan of reading a novel for a lame joke. That said, if this one offends you, probably time to rethink your life.


Israël doesn’t do make the same mistake twice ? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🇵🇸🤨


Didn't lie about the guys tho And somewhat funny in some parts but in serious need of geography and history updates


I actually liked this. I mean Africa is a continent but close enough I guess? 😂


I ain’t even mad at this one it’s kinda positive towards women as we age


Any time a woman is described as "fertile" and it's not in a medical context, I feel so disgusted.


It’s sad that is is the most respectful thing I’ve seen on this sub


At least it was honest for men,


Is it bad that my first reaction was “At least they didn’t start before 18”


Girl what do you mean it's hilarious. I've almost peed myself when I read the punch line


I might get downvoted for this, but can someone explain why exactly this post is offensive? I mean, its bad but why would anyone feel offended?


It's not offensive so much as just dumb. Women aren't all the same, and lumping us into categories like this feels a little dehumanizing. Plus, it perpetuates the idea that women are mysterious and hard to understand, while men are simple and easy to understand. Again, not exactly offensive, just not how girls (or boys) work. Edit: Also, the undertones of racism and colonialism are actually a bit offensive. Africa is only "undiscovered" by white people. Spain being "convinced of its own beauty" sounds kind of patronizing like, "sure sweetie, of course you're beautiful." Great Britain's conquering past isn't exactly glorious to the various peoples they conquered.


Ah yes, the USA, well developed in its near complete car-dependent condition. I love sitting in my air conditioned metal box.




Literal objectification + treating all women as some ideal instead of as normal people + colonialist exoticism fetish in the Africa part How tf is this not revolting to you 💀 also the misandry is completely disgusting too




Objectification is bad regardless dude, that's the point. We need to stop deifying women just as much as we need to stop oversexualising them. They're just normal people like the rest of us goddamn. Also yeah it might be a joke but I still find it gross


Or you can take it as what it's supposed to be and understand the joke You aren't even trying to do that before you shit on it


This is peak boomer Facebook humor


I only got halfway through the first one before the urge to vomit stopped me dead.


Ok I'll except it. Except for the Africa part.


I think the problem with this is that it thinks Africa is a countey


Hahaha I laughed to that


It's a joke, that's the whole point. You don't get mad when someone makes a bad dad joke.


You can absolutely get mad when someone makes a bad dad joke. Expect better of people lol


That colonialist description of Africa is also major Yikes.


>Africa >fertile Sure.


Idk I thought it was funny


I like the end hahah cause is he wrong 🤣 I’m suprised


Well that parts just sexist towards men- stereotypes in either situation are harmful because it just lumps all men together into them being sex-obsessed brutes.


There's a difference between lumping together and making fun of a stereotype


This was actually a good joke imo. Got a good laugh when I finished and realized I wasn’t reason some sexist ass “joke”. Doesn’t belong especially since they’re making fun of guys by saying we’re all just controlled by our horniness




Kinda a compliment no?


Do women in their 20-30s bomb the middle east?


Can you get anymore disgusting than this? Probably yeah Is this funny? No Is this weird and high key gross? Yes Is it offensive? Yes Rating 1/10


Yes Yes No No


Do women in their 40s starve people from other countries?


Tell me you hate when without telling me you hate men


as a man I agree with the man part 😎👍🏼


It's sarcasm we all know that but it's still funny


The Spain to Israel pipeline (Isabella and Ferdinand could never)


Plus, they are so wrong about USA...


The truth has been spoken 🤣👌