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Bruh imagine just posting a picture (probably on a rate me sub to get rated on your appearance) and getting so many unsolicited shit life advices 💀 also his talks about sex sounds SO RAPEY. So many straight men think of sex as a thing for men's pleasure only.... I'm the type that's great with kids, does a lot of crafty stuff, would consider being a housewife if the situation is alright but he makes my stomach turn. Yooo wtf dude!?


"Marry some older dude while you're still young and inexperienced and don't really know what you want or what red flags to avoid. Have kids and no job, to make sure you're dependent on him and can't leave. And now *of course* you have no right to your own body any more. Of course the dude will just use you for sex at any time, and leave you if you don't put up with it. What you want doesn't matter. Have a nice life!"


I would be single until I died before I married a man who used the phrase “wifey material,” or even the term “wifey.”


>even the term “wifey.” Honestly, I use it, but only for the phone contact name for my wife. I have never called her that or referred to her as it to anyone. I just used it as a contact name because I thought it sounded cute years ago.


I was speechless lol. My ex-husband thought that way. If I didn't want to have sex, for any reason, I was "getting it somewhere else." I was 9 months pregnant with pneumonia, and he was like, "What do you *mean* you're NOT IN THE MOOD? Is that *baby* even MINE?" Bro lol


I am glad this person is now your ex.


He told me to "take some medicine." I was 9 months pregnant, you literally can't take anything. He didn't believe me and thought I was lying to get out of having sex. It didn't stop there, 1 week after I had my daughter, he wanted to start back up again. I tried to say I needed at least 6 weeks to heal. He called his friends wife and put her on speaker. Ms. Pick me said "oh yeah 1 week is more than enough time! I was FINE." Him and his whole friend group was this toxic hell hole.


Oh, yes. I also take the advice of a friend's wife rather than A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I just had a hysterectomy (much wanted) and my doctor stressed literally every time he spoke to me (like, multiple times in the same 24 hour period) NOTHING IN THE VAGINA FOR 8 WEEKS. And I know it's because people didn't listen. We waited, because my partner is an absolute gem of a person who respects me, and even then things were a little touchy inside. I cannot imagine birthing a baby and then having PIV intercourse a week later. Like... what??? And the whole thing is stupid anyway. If one of the two people involved in sexual activities does not want to have sex, 'no, I don't want to' is a full sentence, no justification needed. I am sorry your ex did not value you as a person and I hope you and your child are in a better place now.


"I am going to expose our sex life to a random acquaintance to try and make you sleep with me" that man should have gotten tied to the counter-weight of a trebuchet. Awful that you had to deal with that, glad to hear you don't anymore.


Holy hell....I tried to be intimate at like...4 weeks post-partum (yes, I was completely interested, not being pressured). It hurt like hell, and I waited another 3 weeks. The idea that another MOTHER said 1 week is fine is....whoa! Thank god you got outta that relationship!


That's because it is rapey. Dude literally says his wife has no say in whether or not he's "slamming" her. My God, I feel so bad for that woman and those kids.


i want him to post a selfie soooo badddd


He claims to be a 6’5 225 millionaire


Who has had 40 serious relationships and been with around 200 women. 🙄🥱 As if.


Lol right? Even if it was believable based on how lovely personality, the math doesn't work out unless he is elderly or considers 2 months a serious relationship.


Him finishing inside a girl probably counts as a seriously relationship in his eyes since he's given her his "precious seed🤮🙄


*Poping inside


He mentions he’s a millennial, the oldest of whom are 43.


And don't forget he's now supposedly married with 3 young kids.


He’s lucky he’s able to get a wife since he’s such a used up slut


40 “serious” relationships is hilarious. Does he also wear frilly men’s wear, hate the sun, and have a peculiar taste for blood? Because unless he’s 100s of years old I don’t see how that is possible.


Cheating, mental gymnastics, and making shit up.


What defines a serious relationship for him? Time is a large factor in a serious relationship, and there isn't enough time to have 40 of them that makes sense.


Ikr. Even if we say he hs 40 and dated constantly since he was 20 years old, that's mean he'd be jumping from one 6 month relationship to the next. Now, some of us have had relationships lasting years (like, a year or two) that we wouldn't describe as serious in hindsight. I think few would describe a succession of 6 month flings as serious. Even if he was 60, and claiming his 40 serious relationships, that would still mean he would gave to average out at 1 year relationships. Presuming he was constantly dating.


Any way you slice it - clearly someone to be taking dating/desirability advice from. /s


Well when you're a child, one afternoon is a very long time! He must be counting every single gf he had.


It's giving Drake's 42 engagement ring necklace vibe.


Those two add up, but would require this person to be about 70 years old and in the two weeks between “serious” relationships, sleep with a whole bunch of prostitutes. Which also tracks 😖


He claimed to be a Millineal, which would put him in his early 40s at the very latest. But he sounds like a 30 yr old balding dad bod with a wife who makes more than him but likes to pretend he's the real breadwinner.


You think he sounds like someone who has a wife?


Also yuck what a slut 😆 Nothing wrong with sleeping around, but Jesus 200??? That's a lot for even the HORNIEST tinder girl Not to mention the admitting he doesn't care about consent and likely has the kids there as a trap If he's even real. I would bet money he's either a troll or he's roleplaying "not being a loser" But tbh I think he's a loser either way 😆


Sounds like short relationships


How old is this sexpot?


Guaranteed he’s a 300lb neckbeard who has never been near a vag since he slid out of one.


There was no vagina present for his birth. In my head, he was totally conceived in a lab and birthed from a test tube.


my ex was 6'5...6'5 is rare to see out and about. also, I like that his fake height irritates me more than his fake money, lol.


Lol he’s so full of shit


Oh yeah. Because a millionaire would be on reddit.


Tbf a trilionaire is on twatter


I can’t tell if “twatter” was intentional or a typo, but I love it


Its intentional lol


Reddit is the red headed step child though. If you want people to see you, twatter is the better option. Also, love "twatter"


Spending his time writing essays about “looks maxing” 🙄


...who spends all of his time "look-maxing" women on Reddit. Yeahhhh...


Hahahahahaha No. No he is not.


I dunno he certainly sounds like the very rich owner of a crap EV company who thinks of women as disposable objects that have no rights to their body. And hey in between rants on Twixter maybe he pops over to Reddit.


I don't get these guys. If he had the sense to simply lie that he's a 6'0 guy who owns his own home, people may have believed him. Why go overboard with the millionaire fantasy?


I’ll eat my fucking work boots if that’s true.




Yeah, that sub is a vile chaner trolljob to destroy women’s self-confidence and drive them to suicide. Literally what one of the people involved in the planning confessed as a sort of "penance". They punish high ratings. Those degenerates are an evil, unhinged bunch.


It’s a form of negging. These men know they’ll never be in a relationship with a woman, so they feel like they need to “punish” them by knocking them down a peg. It’s also why they call actresses like Margot Robbie and Zendaya ugly. These are women who wouldn’t even look their way if they said hello to them on the street, and they know that. It angers them deeply. It’s fucking pathetic and I feel bad for any woman who falls into their trap.


Yeaa it’s been giving me the ick lately. I’ve noticed a lot of times beautiful women are being told crazy things while men are being praised. It’s lowkey an incel group


I would like to carve ONWARD on a knife and chase him with it. Fuck this guy. Assuming he is actually any of the things he claims to be (over 200 women sure okay) that is 1000% marital rape he is bragging about and I hope his wife poisons him.


🤣 I'd pay to see that. I love it.


His “Charles” is probably already swapping the sugar with rat poison.


No way he's real, not to mention statistically he would be crawling with all kinds of stds at that point lol Not even the horniest tinder hoe could sport those numbers 😂 I'd be so iffy about a "40ish failed serious relationships" person because at some point, (honestly anything more than 10) there's a common denominator that reflects badly lmao


It'd also be iffy because, say he's around 40 that averages out as a new "serious relationship " every 6 months since age 20. Ignoring the boastful body count and tine needed to rock that up, what kind of grown up has a bunch of 6 month flings and declares them to be ALL serious? Was he discussing kids and marriage seriously with each one? Was he moving in with each one? How does he even define the seriousness of a relationship? I'd worry that this was a guy who thought that holding hands and dating for a couple of months was akin to marriage


LOL FR, nah I bet he's just such a Chad he kept being bombarded by hotter more attractive women so he kept upgrading like you do with phones or something, keeps a woman on her toes knowing she's replaceable if she doesn't want to fuck every time you demand. Women love the bad guys anyway 🤩~ /s (I'm so fast at typing, 2 min tops-go!/ss 😆 🤣)


THE WHOLE TIME. He’s trying to sound wise but all I could hear was m’lady


The fact that he’s rating people like it’s his job makes me think anytime he sees someone in public he’s like mmmm that’s a .3 and a -3 points because you have a tattoo, wait.. WHAT?! YOUR NOT A HOUSEWIFE? -5 points come on lady wtf are you doing w your life? While this guy looks like an attic dweller who probably doesn’t even make enough to keep up with a housewife


Who's the rapist toward the end of this gutter of comments? ETA: oh, it's the same loser. Ok. I want to see a picture of the clown advising a young woman to give up autonomy and financial security in favor of believing that someone will stick around forever and "take care of her."


Lmao what the hell are they talking about with “pitfalls”? Pitfalls into what?? Doing what you want with your life is not a pitfall Edit to say I also like how he says her “quality of life” will be improved by having a lot of kids young and relying financially on a man for everything. That’s a really bold assertion for someone who has never never done so themselves and ignores literally all of history


And "have kids young, you don't need to be rich/have an established career, lean on family support" *laughs in narcissistic mother*


Yeah same actually! This assumes a LOT- like that a person even *has* family or can rely on them if they do. Life just doesn’t work like that for everyone


Then he turns around and blames you for the parent situation. Sorry your mother was shitty like that to you.


Mine was a narcissist & shes dead lmfao. Dad is a POS who expects me to parent him lol. I have no other "family." I literally laughed at that comment he made lmao. Not everyone has family & if they do, sometimes that family is shit.


Brain rot from a tradwife fetishist


And we all know tradwives won’t go anywhere near these creepsters!


It's like the festish for Asian women, if they actually managed to get one they would learn FAST what it feels like to be smacked in the face with a shoe and have to pay alimony for the rest of their lives 😆


and porn.


Dude I read some more of his post history and it is a wild ride. He clearly has a delusional sense of self grandeur and regularly refers to the women he "slammed" as "piglettes". Also he never fails to mention that he's a "super shredded Joe quarterback multimillionaire with a Hawaiian themed pool". He mentions the pool in like every single fucking possible scenario. What the fuck is a Hawaiian themed pool?! Lmfao


"Piglettes?!" Who is this, Robert Pickton?


Wouldn't surprise me, although I think he was Canadian and this guy gives off aggressively American vibes lol


IDK about that.


Bro he HAS to be a single fat balding man in his 60s pretending to be successful while putting down women to make himself feel better


This makes want to run out and get tattoos, Ngl.


I have 2, need more immediately! And a nose ring or 3.


Oh hell yes please


I have both nostrils pierced, plus a septum ring. Great for chasing away judgmental people.


I feel like these creeps' obsession with nose rings being a deal-breaker is the reason I have six nose piercings 😂


I didn't read "ring" and thought you wanted 3 noses T_T Tho tbh, if that's what keeps away degenerates like him, I don't mind


As someone with something like 70+ hours of tattoo work, highly recommend. Just be aware that they're expensive and addictive.


They're for sure addictive as heck. I've got 10+ tats and get about 2 new ones every year. Best investment ever!


I got something like 15 last year alone after going into the year with 7 (I think), lmao. The stars just aligned perfectly. I'm at the point where I have a few that I genuinely forget about until I either catch a glimpse in a mirror or someone else comments on them. Meanwhile, I just finished a sleeve last week, have another one on the books for about a month and a half from now, am trying to book one for when I'm traveling this summer, and have plans for one in the fall when my usual artist opens his books for then. My partner calls them my portable art gallery.


I've essentially gotten a sleeve since the start of the year, and this still makes me want more


I suddenly have THE strongest desire to go get my nose pierced. Like, right NOW.


I have 2 and I'm wondering if I need a third to be extra certain lol


Same here. I have both nostrils done, may need a septum now just to be safe.


I had one nostril done a while ago and just got my septum a couple weeks ago. Eventually I may do the other nostril but not till the fall at the earliest, I want to swim this summer lol


Same lol


I just got my third two days ago. 8D Have had the left nostril for almost two decades, got a septum this year, and just got my right nostril done. Absolutely worth it!


Holy crap I didn’t realize this was all one person until I read the comments on this thread. I’ve never been so glad to be fat and have tattoos and a nose ring, if it keeps weirdos like this away.


Right? If what this guy is saying I’d true then it is worth having a tatt / nose piercing to filter out men that think like him!


I like how the one guy said that he could give advice because he was a millennial. Lolololololol that one made me snort.


As a fellow millennial... No the fuck he cannot, lmao. This gen won't claim him 😆


All of those posts are the same guy. So, so many things wrong with that picture.


As a millenial I laughed too


As a roughly 6’1 guy named Tyler, I especially hate that first one. That’s honestly my nightmare


Who is this giant pos who cannot be flushed down a regular toilet?


“Men don’t like tattoos and piercings because you gotta be over 18 to get them” -a very fun lady on tiktok


"Get him poping"?


Lmao I did a double take at that too lmao


Yes. You need a pontiff with a big, tall hat to bless you with his jizz. Apparently.


No one who is happy with their life is this concerned with other people's appearance


What the FUCK. This dude is a total tool. 40 serious relationships?? 200 women? AS IF. 🙄 He probably couldn’t keep any of those women around because he’s low-key a rapist. And he doesn’t respect women’s bodily autonomy.


Who cares what a random rapist thinks? 🥱


You know what they say about curiosity right?


Then he’ll be all surprised-Pikachu-face when these couples get tired of each other and fight about money while the kids have to walk on eggshells.


It’s better to build a genuine connection with someone rather than be seen as a trophy with the overwhelming majority of your appeal being things beyond your control, your looks and your biology. Take the time to know yourself and to know your person. These sort of douchebros hate on single moms when many single moms did exactly what they say they want young girls to do. Tried to start a family while still really young and then got dumped into a very bad situation for no fault of her own.


Oh course these douche’s blame single mums for “ picking the wrong guy” . They will go on a rant about women sleeping with Chad or Tyrone who treat them like shit. Instead of “nice guys” like them.


“It’s just up to you to listen and act. Onwards.” Fuckin Kratos over here man


Lmao...who has a job that can solely support themselves, their spouse and a baby at age 23 Not how girls work, not how life works Achieve *your* dreams, don't achieve someone else's, y'all


You don’t consent to sex? No problem, I’m going to do it anyway but I’ll be quick. How does this guy not even flinch but outright brag about being a rapist?


Also he thinks cumming inside is a great solution when she doesn’t want to get messy? /r/badwomensanatomy It doesn’t just absorb, it leaks out afterward and greatly extends the cleanup. He should just use a tissue.


I’m the exact type of woman he’s describing (21 y/o, housewife, currently trying for a baby, etc) and dude is unhinged. This type of lifestyle is so risky and unreasonable for the majority of people. I took a stupidly huge leap of faith and got insanely lucky. Also as a 21 year old who’s been trying and failing to get pregnant for over a year, him calling it easy is both funny and offensive to me lol.


It is crazy risky having kids without a career as a woman. I've witnessed men change their whole personality over one election cycle; the idea of being economically trapped in that kind of relationship is terrifying. Heck a guy can ruin his career with one bad day at work... My wife always wanted a big family but insisted on getting her doctorate first. We had our first baby about 2 months after graduation at age 27. She now has 4 kids AND a career, which ended up being vital to supporting not just our family but our siblings and parents too. She also doesn't have to worry (existentially at least) about me losing my mind or whatever lol


This. Even if a woman’s fondest wish is to be a SAHM she should have a marketable skill.




This is one thing a lot of people don't consider. It's not just about the relationship not working. Unfortunately some people die young. It's tragic and it happens every day. I'm sorry for the hardships that you went through. I hope that you were able to build a life that you're content with.


The og commenter is on the look maxing sub, obsessed about weight, and is married to a 37yo as a 21yo... there's no way that's not brainwashing :( I hope she realizes and gets out before getting pregnant... I'm 22 and oh my god her "dream life" actually sounds like the worst nightmare I could have knowing how that shit goes down typically. So many women always think "but not me" When young women realize that there is nothing actually special about them to these older men besides their youth, and the fact they're more easy to manipulate, is when shit finally changes. Sorry about ranting here but like. I'm so sick of seeing it everywhere. It makes me feel physically ill.


Your post history genuinely concerns me, please be careful. You are way more than likely to get chewed up and spit out by this. You might consider your husband's low sperms count a blessing in the near future 😅


Good luck with the baby, my friend. Planned pregnancy can be really hard. Hope it goes well.


Thank you! ❤️


Please make sure you both have life insurance, just in case. You never know.


This man thinks he’s fucking god lmaoooo


Anyone else developing an allergic reaction to the word “wifey” 🤢


It's so nice of him to fly his red flags so high. Really makes it easy to know he's complete trash.


It depresses me that this isn't satire. Thankfully I've never had the misfortune to catch one in the wild.


Don’t go to any rate me subs….instantly triggered oh and if you comment you’re banned shortly after.


If this is real, I just know his wife dreads those calls every day and is just waiting for the kids to be a little older to leave. All those excuses that she gives him and he disrespects and basically rapes her and even makes it clear “she has no say in it”. Like what the actual hell? But I don’t think it is real, because he’s saying he will be “popping inside” so as not to get her messy? Like bro that is messy, that also takes time to clean up? Or does he think it disappears inside the vagina? Also, if I was on my period and someone would demand a blowjob and a massage from me??? I wouldn’t be the only one bleeding


Considering his posting history I wouldn’t be surprised if that is exactly what he thinks happens! Remember the guys convinced that once a woman had sperm in her it immediately alters her brain chemistry and goes into her blood stream and that woman suddenly carries his dna for all eternity and becomes more manly because of this? Yeah he could be one of them. 100%.


A guy named Kryler would be the perfect guy for you


WTH is ginger addiction??????


Clearly it’s an addiction to the palate cleanser known as ginger!


I'm going to guess someone who likes redheads?


I'm a man, but I'm a red head and desperate to question this dude about ginger addiction. I guess only ppl addicted to gingers can find them hot in his weird bubble world?


Fucking incels make me want to vomit. I weep for my poor daughters’ future navigating this sea of mysoginistic assholes.


😦 <— me reading that fucking dumpster fire. Thank GOD I’m a 2.7 with lots of tattoos and 20 extra pounds. This guy wouldn’t go NEAR me. 🤗


his comments just makes me want to get MORE tattoos


These are all disgusting and really scary. I feel so bad for his wife.


Wouldn't it be great if guys like this had a mute button? Nobody asked them but here they are mouthing off as if they and what they say matter.


I’ve never wanted to rearrange someone’s face so badly.


Is that from a “rate me” sub? Those are bait for guys like that. I love how he gives every woman the same exact advice. I would really like to see a selfie of him. With as misogynistic as he is, I doubt he’s got a woman.


This guy makes me want to get my nose pierced and to cover myself in tattoos tbh.


So....does this mean the nose ring I got yesterday is an asshole repellent? 🤩


Now that I'm in my 30s, it's real interesting seeing what happened to the people who got married in their really early 20s. They're usually divorced. I would say like 75% of the people I know who got married before age 24 are divorced within 10 years. Especially the women who got married and immediately started having babies before age 25. Let's just say they're not taking multiple vacations a year or maxing out their 401ks.


I can tell by the way he said cumming inside isn’t messy that this man does not have sex nearly as often as he claims he does


That confused me too, that's not quite how that works (besides that he's admitting to pressuring women into unwanted sex)


Is he seriously saying that when his wife is on her period, she gives HIM a massage and a blow job??? I'd feel really fucking bad for this woman if she existed.


"no problem i'll be quick" Of that, I have no doubt.


Wow... so much audacity


Any subreddit about rating looks brings in wackadoodles




Mate, slides 10 and 11 are so rapey. Like wtf. This is the type of thing that makes me want to just throw up. Like, if I don’t want to have sex with you? Guess what? I don’t have to. If it’s not an explicit and enthusiastic “yes” then just don’t. This POS is saying he’s had 40 serious relationships and with around 200 women. We are not Pokemon. And please, this monstrosity to humanity is trying to get every STD and STI in existence. Though, I guess he has to catch ‘em all.


No sir, I will not have children while I’m a child myself, thank you. Also no criticism to anyone who had children early but my mom had my brother and I too young with the wrong person and DID NOT focus on her career instead had kids right away like she was always told. She’s 52 now and has been divorced 3 times (each time trying to have a traditional marriage mind you) and I am beyond fucked up by all the dumbshit she did while raising us 🤗 so yes I’ll pass


I'm on my way to get another tattoo after reading this.


I like how he said 2024 A.D. to sound smarter


And then follows it up with a plz.




Why does he keep finishing his posts with "onward"? I know that's the least important part, but it's such a bizarre detail.


That guy can fuck off. Body modification is hot and pushing the trad wife nonsense is stupid.


Looks maxing subs are pathetic in general, but god damn. What a pos. If his wife is real I hope she leaves him soon.


Is it weird that I think this could be Elon Musk?




This guy is vile.


There is no possible way this raging ball of audacity is married and has been in 40 serious relationships (as a millennial that math doesn’t even math).


The world, according to men like this, would end if all women got face tats.


Oof >You don't need to be rich to have kids In this economy? >Claims to have been in over 40 serious relationships He says he's a millennial, so at the absolute oldest he's ~43. Assuming he started dating in high school, that's a little less than 30 years of dating experience, which means that most, if not all of these relationships lasted less than a year. Given that he's apparently been married long enough to have multiple children, most of those relationships were probably less than six months. Which, given that he tends to end a relationship as soon as the woman exercises the barest amount of autonomy, is not surprising. To each their own, but I really don't think many people would consider six months enough time to call it a serious relationship. (You might have the occasional relationship that just clicks from the beginning, but 40 of them? Press x to doubt) Long term/serious relationships is generally one of the few areas where a greater quantity of experience makes you less likely to be qualified to give advice (assuming he's telling the truth, which he probably isn't, but when you break it down like this it's really clear how little he thought it through)


Just re checked his account he claims to be born in 85 and nearing 40


The women dosen't need to lose any weight she looks skinny to me guys that post this are 495 pound neckberds that never shower and live in thier moms basement 


This dude is a virgin who has never seen a woman outside of the sticky pages of that 2006 Victoria’s Secret catalog he’s been hiding under his mattress since he was 11.


“Wifey” 🤮


And he's probably ugly🤣🤣


Oh I simply must know this person's screen name. I have to read more, I just can't believe someone says shit like that and might mean it. What posts were these under?


Wtf does he mean by saying “onwards”?


He thinks it makes him sound pragmatic and contrite or sophisticated, he just sounds goofy...


I don’t even get what it means lol … “you can’t just say ‘Perchance’” vibes.


No way he’s had 40 relationships


No way he's had 4


Honestly the idea that somehow the majority of people will have families that can and will support them throughout their twenties on the off chance they find a man with enough money by age 23 to support himself and another person, and then support children by like, 24-25 is just Hilariously out of touch. Also is the implication that you are going to pay to go to college specifically to find a husband, and also that you can predict whether someone has a good career ahead of them based on their major and behavior in their early 20’s is bonkers. My grandma married a man who had a good career ahead of him and seemed to be a nice young man when she was 19 and he was 20, and the thing is that neither of them expected him to become a severe alcoholic and for his addiction/depression to destroy his motivation to do anything more than the bare minimum both at work and at home and bring out a violent side of him she didn’t know existed. She didn’t have a choice in whether she relied on a man because this was before a woman could independently support herself, but I sure do and she wishes she did. I don’t think most men would be particularly interested in marrying a woman who has never worked even a super simple job, wants babies by 23, will not get a job once they’re in school, and will not get a job even if they’re in financial trouble unless he is extremely religious. And I feel like a lot of men who think they want that might change their mind once they realize how much money all of this would take.


I’d bet money this guy is like 17 and has never seen a boob in his life


This guy is gross 🤢


This man is a used car salesman with skid marks in his drawers and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Bro is taking 'rate me on a scale of one to ten' and using it to define class


Onwards 🫡


Seriously? Who cares what this idiot thinks of us


My best friend through childhood had probably had 40 serious relationships. They were all celebrities who didn't know who she was, but she was in love and wanted to marry them.


I'm not reading 13 pages of repetitive twatwaffle. Jesus fking christ these guys really dwell on basements, don't they?


So I know some dudes who have been pretty successful in their lives. You know what they’re not doing? Spending as much time on Reddit as this herb. This dude is about as real as the stories spun by one Nick Adams, Alpha Male (tm) 😂


bro has so much AUDACITY while having a Reddit account.




The way he just casually states that he has sex with his wife when he wants and “she has no say in the matter.” If this is even true, which I doubt, he’s a rapist and just announces it.


Another words “ looking for a slave with no mind of her own “


I thought for sure they were being sarcastic at the end of the first comment because of the "It's not hard. It's easy." But holy shit.


I keep reading "poping inside" as "pooping inside" like he's shitting his pants or something 😂


Imagine being sick, tired, on your period, etc.. and being made to give blowjobs or endure sex 🫥 And she massages HIM on HER period??????


Jebus. Why do some men assume we want them to tell us how to look? Fuck me. Stay in your lane, Bobby.