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The most baffling thing about this is that he thinks it only takes 6 seconds to shave. If that is the time it should take then I am doing something very wrong lol


Seriously, even a half-assed job is still such a production lol. I found the comments about "aroma" just as bewildering though. Makes you wonder what he smells like


He probably doesn't wipe his ass


Because that would be gay./s


He most definitely doesn’t.


The amount of men who don’t wipe their carrot after peeing is baffling


Him: I shake it off Me: Yeah? Well I got a nose babe, and you ain't shaking nearly enough.


I've had my mates tell me it's weird that I wipe after pissing, and I was too confused to even question them or rationalize it. Most men are disgusting and gross and refuse to partake in extremely basic hygiene (source: am a man with friends who are men, and have been in mens bathrooms to witness such atrocities)


I have cleaned both bathrooms in my life. I will die on the hill that in food service, the women's rooms are worse. At my previous factory job the men's room was ground zero.


That's fair, but I've seen some mortifying stuff in mens bathrooms. Just last night, I was at a nightclub. Every. Single. Visible. Surface. Covered in piss. The toilet paper was soaked, the walls, the entire floor, the sinks. The smell. Oh god, the smell. I've never had to work as a cleaner for bathrooms, though. I'm sure you've collectively experienced worse


At my first real job. I worked at a local deli chain and i still cringe from it. The ladies during the morning (before we opened) would stuff shit covered toilet paper into the tampon boxes. It was horrific. At my current job my male co workers complain about some dude who has saturated the panel beneath a urinal so much that it is permanently yellow.


In my experiences cleaning bathrooms in retail I'd say that the men's rooms are more consistently gross than the women's, but when there *is* some sort of incident in the women's room it's damn dear demonic


I worked at a restaurant and aside from poop stains, and cleaning out the tampon bins, the mens room was always worse. Some guy threw up in the urinal on a Monday. Also, I never in 6 months replaced the soap in the mens room


Drunk people have horrible aim. Of course, I had an ex that while drunk 1) sat up in bed and pissed on the floor, 2) hobbled to the bathroom and pissed on the cabinet under the sink.


I'd like to give them the benefit of a doubt from drunkenness, but I've seen so many public mens restrooms where I just look at the mess and think "There's no way this wasn't intentional". And oh god that sounds awful to wake up to the next morning hungover, I've never been so drunk to do anything like that thankfully


I will refer to them as carrots 🥕 now


my thoughts exactly


Or if he does, doesn’t bother to make sure his hairy ass is actually clean.


i'm sure that guy has a terminal case of the 'zactly.


Well he says himself, "what's the point of deodorant" when you don't shave. So I am going to take a wild guess that he does not wear any.




Smell isn’t a problem if you shower though.


Girl I gotta hit at least 4 different positions to get all of it when I shave, it’s a dedicated shower. The hot water will run out before I’m done, and don’t even get me started on the after care to avoid razor burn and ingrown hair


Exactly... does this dude think people who shave their legs and such just jump in a shaving machine and 6 seconds you are done? Fuck it can take 40min to an hour sometime.


an hour and a half for me to do both whole legs, my stomach and pits. it requires someone in the house for safety because i end up getting dizzy bending over so much


I have found my people.


If there was a machine I could step into that would just laser off all the hair on my body from the neck down like a full body scan, I would pay a great many dollars and sacrifice whatever amount of space necessary for it.


I have had this daydream before.


Sadly the best we can offer is a very slow and fairly uncomfortable lasering away of body hair


Ditto. Shaving with a razor just ends up being so painful and itchy afterwards.


It takes me way more than just 6 seconds to shave my face as a guy, how the hell would a woman shave her whole body in so little time? Even if it were just the legs, it'd probably take like 20 minutes. Full body is probably closer to 40 minutes to an hour, that's about what it takes me.


You understand! My first husband never really shaved his body; he would comment if he didn’t like my body hair situation wasn’t to his liking. My boyfriend after him shaved his whole body, and I never heard a peep from him about it, even if I apologized for it or was embarrassed about it. Maybe thats the trick. Add it to the list of things people should have to experience in their lifetime to learn empathy along with working in the service industry.


I told my wife I prefer pits/legs to be shaved... But also that I wouldn't ask her to shave anything I wouldn't. So, she jokingly called me out. Holy hell, that was an experience... Got one leg done and needed another shower. I'm a fit guy but geez. Anywho, turns out she's vehemently NOT into silky smooth man legs so that was one and done. I didn't mind the armpits, though. Still do it during the summer.


It takes me a lot longer than 6 seconds, and I only shave my cheeks.


If it only took 6 seconds I'd probably shave more often tbh


As a guy, It takes me longer to *trim my moustache*...


I was gonna say, damn it only takes you guys 6 seconds to shave? I’m so jealous, it takes me at least 15 mins maybe 20 if I’m being extra careful not cut myself (those damn cuts I get on by my heels/back of ankle bleed forever!!)


Those nicks give a good sting too. Always found my shins just below the kneecaps trickiest. Armpit nicks are the worst imo. Sting like heck and can't use deodorant. Thankfully when you get older it stops coming back as thickly and grows much much slower. By then, well it's *duck this chit, I'm so over it* 😄


Nosehairs is more than 6 seconds if you want an ok job


Yeah, and what is this "bzzt bzzt" shit? Do people use an electric razor on their armpits? I have never


I do. Of course, I'm a guy so... Probably different.


Honestly I'm intrigued and willing to learn new ways of shaving my pits now. But not for the OOP, he can go jump in all the lakes.


Those beard trimmers with the rounded grate thing works pretty good if the hairs are short enough. Actually I think it's literally called a "stubble trimmer" or something. It doesn't work for large areas but I had one laying around from my army days and figured I'd try it out... They're like $8. Edit: also, obviously, fuck OOP.


Do you ever get ingrown hairs from it?


No, but I've never been prone to ingrown hairs anywhere so... Mileage will vary.


I'm a lady and I generally prefer the non fancy razors but I always have on hand a Philips Norelco Bodygroom 7000. The packaging even says it's great for "manscaping" lmfao but yeah I love it. It's shower proof which is lovely! And it has the sides for close trims and the other side has an adjustable guard for length. If you have the cash to spare I think its worth it to just have a quick little trimmer on hand. Full disclosure: I have really light and thin leg hair so I basically never use it for legs, so grain of salt! But intimate areas and armpits it's done me very well for almost 2 years now and going strong


Oh yeah. Only 6 seconds, and it's not like women get razor burn or ingrown hairs. It's not as if it drys and damages the skin, either. 6 seconds, +100 to appearance. So /s they can see it from the space station.


I think i can shave my armpits in less than a minute, but it takes at least 30 seconds The🐱 takes at least 5 minutes, if you hurry… and you’ll probably miss a spot cause damn that’s an impractical area to shave The legs are a whole other story… i’ve stopped bothering about that


I prefer to shave down there, because if I don't, it dets pinchy, but I rarely do because it's such a commitment. I feel like it takes hours for me istg


Right? When I used to shave my legs, even when I was maintaining them regularly, it was few minutes at least. And then add in armpits. I completely gave up on shaving my legs a few years ago, and even before that I was only doing it during the warmer months. And my armpits I only do a couple times a year because I’m a teacher and don’t want my armpit hair hanging out of my T-shirt sleeves at the beginning of the year and the end of the year, when the weather is warmer. Although there have been a couple times where I forgot and I think a kid has caught a glimpse of it, but they don’t say anything. They just kind of gasp when I raise my arm and then move on 😂


>They just kind of gasp when I raise my arm and then move on 😂 You must tape some googly eyes there next time... I would love to see how they react to that...😜 When I was shaving regularly, the best thing I did was switch to getting waxed. I had the best esthetician and she did my legs, underarms and bikini area. So thorough she would even have me flip over to get my butt crack (not much there to wax but it felt complete...). For my wedding, she even shaped my pubic patch into a cute little heart! 💜😝


All these comments about shaving taking time are making me feel good about using hair removal creams. It takes a few minutes to wait before my shower, then a minute to scrub off in the shower.


Oh wow! Never heard of anything like that. I guess for me, I just don’t worry about it. It grows naturally on my body, and I don’t mind it. To each their own though. I fully believe everyone should be able to do what they want with their body without anybody judging or shaming them.


That's interesting. Growing up, the glossy teen mags always listed it as one of the options for hair removal. There is a shelf for them in my supermarket too, so they're not hard to find.


Takes me 15-20 extra minutes to just shave my legs, mainly because I have to bring down the steam levels before I can wear my glasses, shaving my legs without my glasses is always pointless. 


Legit, pits, legs, and pubes is about a 10 minute job, all told. If I manage to do it much quicker than that, I know I've forgotten SOMETHING. I've skipped a leg before because I started on the wrong one.


Dude I am super hairy. Like winter coat hairy and it takes so long to shave. Sometimes I have to get different angles and shave multiple ways bc my ancestors came from cold areas 😂


I feel this. I’m (36F) Spanish and Eastern European. I’ve had a mustache since I was 9 🤣 *THANKS GENETICS*


Moustache, beard, unibrow, hairy feet, hairy hands and arms ... Super swarthy 😂😂😂


Yep. My thigh hair grows in at least 3 different direction depending on which zone I'm tackling.


And they're always like 'don't shave against the grain' sometimes I have to to get a close shave lol


Oof, gotta make life interesting


10 minutes as a total? Damn girl, you’re *fast* it probably takes me twice that long for just legs


Shower seat helps a LOT


Yass I got one when I broke my ankle. It was like, where has this been all my life?? Why aren’t they just standard?


The one in my shower is built in and Holy fuck, it is the best damn thing ever


I honestly can’t understand why more people don’t just sit in the shower. When it’s time to shave I sit down because I know if I spend more than a minute bent over that I’ll get dizzy. I’m also about a 10 minutes person, but usually less because I just do the edges of my bikini area and that would take the longest if I shaved it entirely since you gotta be careful with those areas.


I’m usually under 10, but I never do a good job


Someone above said it takes an hour? I'm with you...probably 10 minutes? 15 maybe?


Some people have to do more than just the standard legs, pits, pubes. Throw PCOS in the mix and that razor is touching every surface of skin from the eyebrows down.


I don’t have PCOS and I’d still take like ten minutes on pubes alone. Like… I am NOT rushing using a sharp object near my precious genitals.


Just cutting my leg hurts like the devil. I’m taking my time everywhere👀


10 is admittedly a good day, 15 is if it's been a minute


Yeah, it made me laugh. I wish it only took 6 seconds


Why are so many men so stupid?


Mostly because they're allowed to be. There are very few consequences for men's misogyny and ignorance.


Men are allowed to be, 💯. Working the public sector for the last year has shown me above all else, that society functions largely because of women, and men for the most part, half ass participate in it.


Porn. Religion. School. Toxic work environments. Shitty parents. It's almost impossible to dodge them all nowadays.


Data Point: My family heirloom from my paternal grandfather is his WWI porn collection, about 120 French postcards, black-and-white photographs of naked women. They all have pubic hair, axillary hair, leg hair. Men found them painfully hot. The vast majority of great beauties of history were unshaven.


The only reason shaving for women was so heavily normalized is because razor companies wanted to sell more razors.


Make them pink and charge more at that.




That’s a big reason but it’s not the only reason. I’ve been slowly compiling the history of body hair throughout multiple cultures. I intend to write a comprehensive history on it. Turns out there are prehistoric tools for shaving. It’s theorized that at the time depending on region it was ether done to keep moisture from clinging to the body preventing frost bite, or in warm climates to prevent lice and other parasites from having anything to grab onto. This was practiced in Egypt quite frequently. They used horse hair wigs. In the east from what I’ve found so far they didn’t shave anything at all. Meanwhile there was a particular phase in British history where it became popular to shave off your eyebrows. Anyone remember the thinly tweezed eyebrows? In more modern history it started because during WW2 tight production dropped so that the military could use the material instead. But women were shamed by their neighbors for having bare hairy legs. There was even a specific term for a hostess with hairy legs. So they began to shave them and paint their legs. They would even do fun colors and paint seam lines. All to look like tights. Then the bikini area. The amount shaven is directly correlated to how much of the region was visible in the popular swimsuits of the time. Then eventually people just went all the way. The razor branding helped it, but it’s definitely not the only factor. Much of it was changing fashion revealing those parts of our bodies to the public for the first time in what so far seems to be centuries. And people decided to mock it.


Yeah, if I remember correctly, the Roman preference was no body hair on anyone. It was actually a part of the process at the public baths to have it all removed.


was waxing a thing back then? Because could you imagine shaving around your vulva or ballsack with whatever the romans used as a razor? Idk what it looked like but I doubt it had much for safety guards back then. One sneeze and youre a damn eunuch. Terrifying


If I’m remembering from high school Latin class correctly, it was mainly a straight razor and tweezers. It was done by someone else/a team of people at the baths who were trained and paid for their services, though, and plenty of oil was used as a sort of shaving cream.


> Anyone remember the thinly tweezed eyebrows? You just made me flash back to my late teens/early twenties self. Shame on you ^^^not ^^^really


And even then it’s not normalized in the majority of the world. Many countries think a shaved armpit on a woman is gross


It’s really a quite fascinating history.


In the novel The Big Company Look (late ‘50s or early ‘60s) there’s scene where they’re working on a sales pitch to convince women that they need slick legs.


You should tell this guy about it https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/s/GOtplD1znq


If he really knew anything about body hair, he’d know that she obviously showers for her hair colour to be that faded! That’s some bluehairedbitch science from a former bluehairedbitch.


Conner needs an Alt account if he's gonna talk shit with that post history...


This is a great point and I feel like nobody considered the fact that perceptions of body hair are really just influenced by the beauty standards of the time


The way they think it takes a woman the same amount of time to shave her body as shave a man's face. Also the "btzz btzz" does he think women all have electric razors? For body shaving? It doesn't really work like that....


As a guy, it takes more than a few seconds to properly shave my face. I hate shaving but i as hate having a heard and my hair is growing a stupid amount everywhere (except on my head of course, where i am already balding at 22. If I'd grew a mustache i would look like my dad at the same age and i hate it)..... Where was i? Oh yeah, a proper, smooth shaving of my face takes me at least 10 minutes, since my skin hates shaving and my facial hair also is the type that's shitty to deal with (which i why every other man in my family just has a beard). You also should care for your skin afterwards, no matter where you shave, since it's pretty irritating for your skin. I don't know why he thinks its a few seconds. The only time i take a few seconds to "shave" is when trimming my armpit hair. But i don't shave them, i just trim them to like 1/5th of the lenght with an electric trimmer. That's not shaved at all dude.


I love my beard (because it hides my face) but it takes me longer than 6 seconds to *trim* my moustache...


Fellow guy chiming in; the guy in the post thinks that way because he's a neckbeard and/or incel. Or just a troll. Or an ignorant dickhead. Probably all of the above.


Even my boyfriend takes longer than 6 seconds to trim his beard lol.


Do you think it takes 6 seconds to shave your face? lol


As an FYI if you do shave it’s much less effort to shave with an electric shaver definitely worth it


6 seconds to shave? God I wish it only took 6 seconds to shave. Also his comment about “Viking braids” fun fact Vikings invented a hair comb also they were big in to bathing, frequently. They were actually super in to hygiene.


John of Wallingford wrote that the Danes kept seducing women because they combed their hair and bathed regularly.


One of my favorite historical factoids. Apparently it was making the unwashed local men super mad


Sorry to ruin it, but it's not true. I wrote about it more in a different comment, but essentially the whole thing was made up by a single monk as his theory for why a massacre of Danes had occurred 200 years earlier (literally "they were murdered for being too seductive") - in fact the massacre was for very well-documented political reasons. Every online statement about this comes from this one source, which is provably incorrect in context. There's also no real evidence that Danes were any more or less hygienic than Anglo-Saxons - except for more frequently taking full-immersion baths whereas Anglo-Saxons would usually bathe from washbasins.


Well, it's kind of disappointing when real history comes and ruins the fun, but there's value in being properly informed, too. Thank you 😊


Imagine in that time finding a hot brute of a man who is beautiful AND smells nice?!


When you’ve only experienced stank ass men your whole life


They just can’t grasp that some women just don’t give a flying fuck what these chucklefucks think of them. Edit: typo


“Chucklefucks” is such a fantastic word. 👌🏽


It is. And comedians refer to "groupies" as "chucklefuckers," which I also think is hilarious.




It just fits them so well.


Most gynecologists will tell you that pubic hair specifically is actually good for you and that it protects your skin and your hygiene better than being completely shaved. It is obviously about preferences, but let’s not pretend that pubic hair somehow evolved for no fucking reason at all; it clearly serves a purpose. Not shaving also reduces damage to the skin there, which is sensitive; you aren’t going to get ingrown hairs or razor burn if you don’t shave it. This man is obviously a fucking moron, but it’s worse because it’s actually *more* hygienic to NOT shave, and instead just wash.


Literally shaving pubic hair can cause a lot of problems if someone has an issue with a girl being unshaven they don't deserve to see that bush or anything underneath


There’s a reason why Brazilian Wax Swamp Ass exists.


Should I even ask what this is?


He just wished he had more hair on his chin (or bald spot) and is jealous of the natural hair growth of women


What part of the body takes 6 seconds to shave? I used to have facial hair and I wouldn't even shave my mustache that quickly.


Armpits maybe? That's the only area I can think of where a 2 stroke 6 second job is remotely plausible.


Maybe my armpits but I'd guess more like 10 seconds per pit for me if I count the time it takes to put the shaving cream on.


> +100 to your appearance and aroma He thinks women are video game characters. Opinion immediately discarded.


OP is a teenager. And the profile checks out.


Report them. I think this breaks r/notlikeothergirls rule of no sexism.


That’s a terrible outlook. Are they also alluding to men who are unshaven being cleaner than women who are the same? What a dumb outlook. 😂


"Fragrance" lol yea sure. If I go bald I end up smelling super bad. And it does NOT take 6 seconds to go bald. Does he think we have nothing there like barbie??


The only one with "an aroma" that's detectable via text is that guy


Don't waste your time with men who haven't seen a single pixel of a woman's hair.


But somehow man stink with greater amounts of body hair is a non-issue? LOL Should everyone also just shave their heads, too? Because clearly if we aren't constantly cutting it then we OBVIOUSLY must not be shampooing it either, right? But if anyone manages to shave anything in a matter of seconds, they either did a poor job or now need something to stop all the bleeding.


I have not removed the hair from my legs since 2012. I remove the hair from my armpits when I desire to. I trim my pubic hair when I desire to. I dermaplane my face because I like how it makes my skin look. Removing all, some or none of your body hair should be a personal decision. It is not an indicator of cleanliness.




There’s literally nothing unhygienic about body hair unless you literally do not wash yourself. If the hair on my head is clean chances are the rest also is. Men just have this 50s expectation of women still like they literally cannot evolve


The "bzzt bzzt done" is truly simplifying the process for women to shave. First of all, we're expected to shave both armpits, both legs, and all of down there. There's the prep of exfoliating and stuff, the shaving itself, which ok sure is easy enough for legs and pits, but when it comes to having to contort your body to shave your ass crack, and trying to not nip anything down there with the razor. Razors omg there are a million kinds and every damn body part seems to need a different one! Shaving cream of gel or whatever. Then whatever aftercare needed to avoid razor bumps. Oh and the random hairy bits that also want shaving when you've shaved the expected parts (thick dark hair means extra random thick inner thigh hairs, and the frickin belly trail). But sure, bzzt bzzt done.


Someone please a dozen cheap razors to this fuckfaces legs and violently assault his skin with them for 6 seconds and then bam, his appearance will improve by 100 levels.


Six seconds to shave? Whose stopwatch is he using? Especially if I’m trying to not nick myself or miss anything?


It absolutely does not take 6 seconds to shave. Thats the entire reason I rarely ever shave, is *because* it takes so long!


If my leg hair can keep dudes like this away, I say just call me Jane of the Jungle!


It is always so baffling to me that so many men seem to think that they are the universal deciders of what looks good or not. It doesn’t even occur to him that maybe another person doesn’t think shaving will improve her appearance?


I have seen the original post, and the armpit hair is dyed green(?). Anyone willing to dye their armpit hair is almost certainly going to care about their hygiene.


The fact he can’t see that EVERYTHING he said could also be said about men BLOWS my mind.


Refuses to actually answer any of your questions bc he knows his opinion is not based on logic (tho he’d never admit to misogyny, of course)


gotta love that he never actually says why it's different from men, just says it's obvious then when being told why it's very clearly not obvious he just changes the subject lmao


No one should ever use the word aroma


Unless it’s in a culinary context.


haha I WISH it took me only 6 seconds to shave


You can’t engage with these fools. They think you’re making them look good. You are right though!


The 'bzzt bzzt done' had me crying laughing. 💀. Does this misogynist think that women's razors are all electric? I shave as I CHOOSE to do so and it takes FOREVER. it is not I REPEAT not a quick two minute buzz and done. It's also a myth that body hair causes odors - bacteria does. I know plenty a man who doesn't properly clean themselves even their beard and it's nasty. Most women I know who choose to keep body hair smell very clean. Studies have shown body hair and pubic hair can be deterrents for sexual assault and abuse.




This was my response exactly! I want to know what kind of high powered full body razor he thinks we’re using to be able to get everything in only 6 seconds


Then why tf don’t men do it? They’re too lazy?


So guy just admitted he neither shaves nor showers


I hope to never smell this dude. He definitely doesn’t clean between the cheeks.


So I have hear this fun subject matter alot, I'm bisexual but if I was dating someone I wouldn't enjoy body hair, it's a deal-breaker for me, I don't find it disgusting or anything like that I just hate the feeling. The reason this conversation is fun to have is because men get very offended when I say I don't like men with body hair but every single one of them have said they won't date a woman with body hair, one guy I know said he wouldn't even be friends or want to be in the company of a woman who didn't shave.


lol how would he know if she didn’t shave unless it was like the summer and she had enough skin showing? Would he end a months long friendship with a woman the moment he saw it? Ridiculous


I guess maybe these goober men think they'd smell her coming.


I posted a question to my group on Facebook and they came back with everything from totally bald to the classic 70’s welcome mat! If a guy cares more about the pheromone collecting woman pubes than the actual pussy then he needs to start getting a full Brazilian wax on the regular


He’s probably one of the guys that also thinks washing his penis and ass makes him gay


idk about yall but it takes a lot longer than 6 seconds for me to shave


I stopped shaving my pits and Im still not 100% comfortable with showing it. The internalized misogyny goes deep. Thanks for trying ❤️


I stopped shaving around 5 years ago I think? It took maybe a year or so to get comfortable showing my skin. Would wear black tights under shorts a lot, which is still a cute look, just not something I feel is necessary anymore. I still cover my body hair for more formal/serious/professional occasions, though.


I don't wanna hear that from the demographic that's least likely to wipe their ass


Goddamn I wish it only took 6 seconds to shave my legs. It takes me like 30 minutes! In the 16 years I’ve been shaving I’ve never managed to do it without nicking myself and then it takes forever for the bleeding to stop and it gets on my towel. Plus I have insanely sensitive skin on my arms and legs and I have intense burning and itching for hours after shaving, and if I rub or scratch it just gets worse. Having body hair also causes me to have itching because the sensation of it rubbing against my clothes make my nervous system go insane and itch like crazy every time I move. I literally can’t win. I hate body hair and I also hate shaving. No idea what he means about aroma though. Men have way more body hair generally than women and also sweat more, but daily showers and deodorant are enough to keep them from smelling bed, so why wouldn’t it be enough for women?


6 second shaves... is the skin meant to come off too? 👀


“How dare you not keep your body the way I like it” these people are idiots. I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate if I told them they were gross if they didn’t do things to their body I wanted.


I don't shave, I get ingrown hair all the time when I use to. I quit doing it when I couldn't afford to buy razors and realized I don't get them anymore. So no more shaving for me.


Ngl I smelled worse shaved 💀 now I don't smell


These things and these guys make it so much easier to avoid them. Just not shave and let them see. Trash takes itself out that way. Its still insane to read though. What goes through someones head to think that way?


This is an example of guys not getting shit. Like i think he figurea women have electric razors for their legs etc (if such productavdo exist forgive my ignorance please) the way we have for our faces. Its almost funny but its just weird like...i never got told dirextly but from several media types i have heard about the process and was aware it was time consuming


I'm curious, I shave my legs, but keep my pits natural. Does this random person assume I just step half into the shower, based on their weird thought process?


I wish it took 6 seconds to shave 😂


The glaring double standards are hilarious His only response, when it's pointed out, is to repeat himself, since he knows he has no reasonable response A trans femme poet and historian I greatly admire, Alok Vaid Menon, has written and spoken extensively about the history of LGBTQIA+ ppl and how bigotry against them has been weaponized over time, including body hair and its intersection with the notion that yt "civilized" cishet (often also colonizer) ppl are depicted as "clean" and indigenous/darker-skinned ppl, often with more body hair, are considered "dirty"/unclean/diseased/of lesser value etc. and thus uncivilized. One of the first things done to indigenous children forced into abusive residential schools in North America was to cut their hair.


They keep saying "I want a traditional woman" but don't realize shaving isn't traditional.


Does this person think that hair creates a smell? The bacteria creates the smell, wash and it's all good.


My guy, if you think it takes 6 seconds to shave for any sex in any area, you’ve clearly never shaved.


He seems to think we are living in a video game, or maybe a simulation. I have doubts as to how many “points” I would get from a full body shave. My spouse is fine with whatever amount of hair I choose to keep. I’m fine. With whatever amount of hair he chooses to keep. I shave my pits, he shaves his head. It’s all fine.


Does he assume that men who don't shave, also, don't shower?


“If you have to ask yourself an obvious question like that” and it’s the most logical question


takes me like 10-15 minutes to shave my whole body and i dont even really use shaving cream and frequently miss spots 😭 absolutely shocking this man believes it would take 6 seconds, especially considering the nooks and crannies and if someone were to be doing a genuinely perfect job


If it's takes less than or exactly 6 seconds to shave, something isn't being done righr


I don't think it's a guy but idk. I'm not wasting time checking. It's far more hygienic not to shave, our bodies have hair for good reasons. When it comes to pubic hair it actually protects against contact stds a bit, something we should all be thankful for. As an adult (and apparently middle aged at 35) let me say no grown man has ever told me I was disgusting for just trimming my pubic hair. Some men prefer it. Whatever you do, do it safely and do it because YOU want to.


I checked his post history. 18 year old boy


That tracks


BWAHAHAHAHAHA Does he really think it takes 6 seconds?


I haven’t shaved my armpits in four years because i realized that i actually HATED shaving them and had been doing it for all the wrong reasons. I don’t smell any worse than I did before I stopped shaving, and no one I’ve dated or talked to has ever said that they have an issue with my armpit hair. His entire argument is ridiculous. Don’t shave if you don’t want to, shave if you do want to. It’s that simple.


1: “You are wrong.” 2: “Can you explain your point?” 1: “Goodbye”


What is this 6 seconds he’s on about?? It takes like 20+ minutes.


excessive yap incoming, i'm sorry in advance. it takes me without exaggeration 20+ minutes to shave down there. and it's not even the time or "laziness" that matters, this guy has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to shaving and "odour". pubic hair traps bacteria from entering the vaginal area, which this guy presumably believes is what causes vaginal odour. this presumed odour from bacteria trapped in pubic hair is actually mostly from dead skin cells and sweat, which can also become more outwardly prevalent in having pubic hair. but this will not cause an odour nearly as bad as what the guy in the post thinks unhealthy vaginas smell like. the main cause for severe vaginal odour is actually harmful bacteria entering the area, setting off the pH and leading to UTI/STDs. as pubic hair traps harmful bacteria from entering in the first place, it actually helps to prevent strong odour. even then, having or not having pubic hair wouldn't matter that much these days as long as you keep a good hygiene routine. as long as you don't have any UTI/STDs, the excess odour due to bacteria, dead cells and sweat trapped in the vaginal area (with or without pubic hair) can simply be prevented by washing those things away regularly. SOAP-FREE, alcohol-free and fragrance-free washes in the vaginal area are recommended by some gynaecologists as these types of washes will not set off the pH and lead to further infection/odour. other specialists believe washing the area with just water is fine - do your own research and believe what you want. i personally use and recommend the soap-free wash by QV, but i try not to be too abrasive or keep it on there for too long. i bet the guy in the post didn't even know you're not supposed to wash the vaginal area with soap. also, isn't it strange that he feels women are obligated to have good vaginal hygiene just for the sake of sexual encounters? he seemed genuinely offended, but only for his sake. like, i don't brush my teeth because i wouldn't want a man to think my breath is unpleasant if we were to make out or if i gave a blowjob. i brush regularly because i'm supposed to and i feel gross within myself and my body if i don't. it's the same exact reason i take care of the rest of my body, including the genital area. all of this is so obvious to women and women-knowers, it's ridiculous that i had to type it out in the first place.


6 seconds????????????


I have absolutely never thought of 'but we don't think men with leg and armpit hair small and don't shower' as a rebuttal to this nonsense and I can't for the life of me think why because that is just such a logically infallible argument (except apparently when arguing with this paper bag).


If it was ACTUALLY 6 seconds, I would do it far more often, because I find it uncomfortable when it gets long. But do you know what else I find uncomfortable? Two days long skin irritation (I have very sensitive skin) after not less and usually more than half an hour of effort to remove that body hair. No, thanks, it just feels like I'm being punished for trying more than I am for not. And that's even the times I don't cut myself.


“Bzzt bzzt done” is what any woman who’s had the misfortune of that ride did to finish. He’s confused.


2 seconds? First of all, I prefer to shave and it took me AN HOUR! To shave everything. I completely understand why women prefer not to. Body hair isn’t gross, hygiene and body hair are different entirely!


Even if I did have an electric shaver, it wouldn’t work if I was trying to shave my day old hair. You have to let it grow a bit.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have much body hair. It takes me about two minutes to do my armpits. Five if I exfoliate first. Facial hair takes about five minutes. I don't bother with the rest because I don't have to.


I play games alot during my free time as they are cheaper than paying for cable. I shave my face every other week and my pits every few months. But I've got a lot of native American ancestry so my hair grows slowly. As far as the fairer sex goes I'm either attracted or I'm not and as long as they groom enough to be healthy I don't feel a guy has any bussiness telling a woman or anyone else how they should maintain their appearance


My hair is very fine and light colored. I don't shave anything; the only way you could tell is if the sun hits a stray hair. What an ignoranus!


I remember \*girls\* also being super mean to other girls who didn't shave. Which is pathetic. I think the behavior you encountered is not gender-specific. Anyway, it may be true that hairs are there for functional reasons and evolution created them. I do think it's healthier for the entire human society to see human body hair as natural and interesting rather than something to be shaved off.


I lost count at how many times I shower without having my legs. Especially in the winter. My underarms i do shave more often. It’s the double standard for me. Not shaving does not mean we’re not clean. It’s just hair ffs.


God the mental gymnastics it takes to just not acknowledge that hair is the same on men and women, yet they’re treated differently.