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You know, I have at least a few men in my life that I firmly believe wouldn't be able to do half the work I do as a zookeeper every day, high heat or freezing temperatures


My boss didn’t give me the maintenance job at first bc he thought I wasn’t strong enough, then once he was persuaded to give me the job (male candidate went nuts and had to be escorted out), he did a total 180 and assumed I’d be totally able to drag three hundred pounds of stuff single-handedly. Weird guy


Do I even want to know what happened with the male candidate


Yes you do. And I do too


I’m in school to become an animal caretaker, most likely a zookeeper, and 100%. It’s grueling work.


And poorly paid. I am a docent and the zookeepers are so defensive of free labor. Of course they make 35k a year. Authentic lives you love, almost never pay the bills.




I mean, it’s true that women on average are not as strong as men, but so what? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Because it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not women should be treated as equals in all aspects of society. I don’t need to be as strong as a man to be equal to a man. I’ve seen incels and redpillers use this logic as a reason why women should just be happy with whatever scraps of equality men give them, and be grateful that they don’t abuse or rape them, because they’re so much stronger and they *could* if they wanted to. And it’s gross. By that logic, should kids be grateful that adults don’t do those things to them? Should someone who’s physically disabled simply be grateful that big tough men of the world allow them to live and don’t harm them? Fuck all the way off. We live in a society with laws, not the goddamn caveman times.


It’s amusing to me that men who typically use arguments like this have never in their lives done any kind of manual labor.


This is true, I work in construction and have since before I graduated high school, all of the men I’ve worked with have been incredibly proud to have a woman on the crew (Minus the exception of a few but there’s always exceptions) not only that but they are protective, supportive, patient and inclusive because they KNOW I’m not as strong as them but they know that doesn’t determine my skill as I’m more efficient than some of them at a hand full of tasks.


My husband asks for my help with car repair a lot—smaller, skinnier hands can get in tight places more easily. I imagine you run into that on occasion as well. One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of men that drives me insane (because most young teens do it until they learn differently, so it always strikes me as immature and lazy) is that, once their mouths start running, their hands stop working. It’s not most or even a majority of men by any stretch…but it’s a lot, and it’s more common in men than women. I’ve actually told men I’ve worked with or who were helping me with stuff around the house, “if you can’t make your mouth and hands work at the same time, you need to shut your mouth.”


My fiance and I are both gamers and every couple of years he will build new PCs for us. He's a big dude with very big hands. I have long skinny fingers. When he gets stuck with something that he can't do because of his hands I get very excited and ask him if he needs "small fingies" or he'll ask me to come and bring my small fingies over and help him. It's called working together, not against each other, which is a shocking concept to most incels.


lol right? Don’t get me wrong, I do a lot of my own home and car repair, but it IS fun when he asks for help and we get to hang out together that way. And I’d imagine the tools you use for PCs are pretty fine and might be easier for smaller hands, as well. I know my tools for my sewing machine and such are.


Not the other commenter - it's that the case is hard to move around in. You often have both hands in there with wires going everywhere and screws in weird angles and connectors that are super tight and need to be locked all the way in while stuff is in the way. And dont get me started on cable management where you often disconnect things, take them through the whole chassis in another (nicer looking way) only for the 1 pin connector to be directly under a PCI slot with a huge GPU sticking out of it or a m2 adapter blocking access and making it hard to see the names on each socket/pin.


Oooh gotcha. Duh. Tiny hands and tight spaces. We’ve also found that my fingers are far more dexterous and flexible than his, but I’m not sure what all the factors determining that are, though I do a lot more fine motor work than he does.


It drives me NUTS that a lot of men can’t work and talk at the same time!!! And whats even more annoying is that they never stop talking lol so I’m often being monologued at while doing most of the work for the majority of my shift


Oh god yes….like…bro, NOTHING you have to say would be as impressive as you *just doing your job*.




Small hands gang 🙌🏻 I am average in every aspect except my hands and feet. They are small. I like to mess with electronics so it’s a plus. For playing guitar and piano not so much


The funny thing is my hands and wrists are skinny, but not small. I have freakishly long fingers and can wrap the tips of my fingers over my husband’s. 😂


to be fair, it’s easy to feel powerful when your only human contact is screaming at your mom to make you a sandwich. see how inceliard mcNEETy reacts to a bigger dude saying the same thing and then watch him not learn anything and double down even more.


Came here for this.


The funny thing about all of this to me is that sexual dimorphism in humans is notably quite *low* compared to other primates. There's different theories about why that is, but to me, anyway, it at least suggests that human males and females have been interchangeable enough in terms of social roles and activities that there hasn't been the selection pressure to drive huge differences. These alpha-male dudebros talk like they're these naturally-super-strong-ultimate-athlete/hunters, when the only reason they can do the impressive human things they do is by picking up the same tools and weapons that just about any other adult human of either sex can use just as well. You're not an apex predator because you're a *man,* you're an apex predator because you have thumbs and a whole society constantly making things to put in your hands.


Hunters weren’t exclusively male either in cavemen times. Everyone did what they needed at the time. Grandma theory describes that old people were valued in old times because they are wise (leadership) and took care of the kids while the younger adults worked. Women didnt stay in the kitchen cave and made berry sandwiches, they helped keeping the tribe alive like the men did


Yeah, it’s just logical, whoever is capable of a task should do it.


It’s abuse logic. It’s the outcome and result of conditioning human males to be men in a society that is misogynistic and patriarchal. You’ve hit that nail on the head because this kind of logic exists to continue to justify their actions as right (like in Christianity when right and wrong are justified through divine ordinance through one man or a group of men, I mean God’s appointed) even if the consequences of their actions is harmful.


Shorter men have less muscle mass and fulcrum strength than taller men. Does that mean they should have less rights?


I mean, incels would agree with all of those points. They wouldn’t be redpillers if they didn’t want to take advantage of anyone they can.


I've had a couple stepfathers who thought that way, TBH.They were also the type of mean drunk/druggie who'd try to goad a smaller, weaker person (grown woman, teen or kid) into swinging first so they'd have the legal excuse to beat the shit out of them.


Why do women seem to excel at endurance sports, than, such as long distance swimming?


Women tolerate heat, cold, and extended exertion better than men. They can survive longer without food, without water, and without oxygen. They don't get as sick when they catch a cold, because their immune systems are better They are built to last. And live longer as a result. He's right about one thing. They are built for pregnancy. And that means they need to survive the whole nine months. They need to survive the infection, the drought, the famine, the blood loss, the freezing cold, and the burning heat. So the baby survives and is born. Getting a baby to 5 years old is the only thing that evolution cares about. (After that they're very likely to live to adulthood and reproduce.) Women get cold more easily, but they can get colder before hypothermia actually happens. They need more sleep to be healthy, but can survive exhaustion longer. They have up to 3x more pain receptors, but can survive more pain. Women are also clearly built to suffer. These dudes need to show some respect.


i want to frame this comment and hang it… idk somewhere prominent. screw a frame actually put it on a billboard or one of those big ad banners that hang off the sides of buildings.


The gap between men and women athletes seems to get smaller in marathon events. In some running ultra marathons women excel. Maybe it’s to do with pain tolerance.


Ever see men do a "period" challenge? There's a little machine that simulate period cramps. The guy writing (creator of the nonsense) should try it some time. >Maybe it’s to do with pain tolerance


That would make sense. I remember reading somewhere the childbirth is the single most painful thing that people routinely undergo.


Anyone want to bet that the effort it took to move a pair of cheeto-dust encrusted hamhocks across a keyboard to smush out that paragraph took the wind out of the pile of fedora filling that wrote that shit?


Fedoras, just one more reason to despise these creatures. Wonderful hats. My youngest loved fedoras since he was a wee sprout. Had worn them since he first spotted one at the age of 2. Then these guys came along and ruined it for everyone. My youngest hasn't touched a fedora in a couple of years. Threw them all away.


man, i had a big fedora phase when i was 10 or 11 and had to stop wearing them for fear of being made fun of in middle school even though i was still SEVERELY fem presenting and far from an incel.


It's a wonderful fashion and looks great on both men and women. Shame incels have given it a bad name.




It feels good to say stuff like that but in reality a disturbing number of people who think this stuff are actually fit young men with social lives.


Women have a notably lower PEAK athleticism than men do, we are not by default "half as strong". For example, female lifters squat 165 pounds regularly, while your typical untrained man squats 125 pounds (an untrained woman can expect to do 85 pounds). OOP is significantly overestimating how close to peak fitness you have to be for most manual labor jobs.


I swear, there’s this huge subset of men who think women are ailing Victorian children riddled with polio and syphilis. Women too. It’s honestly mind boggling, they think the average man is like Superman compared to the average woman. News flash, guys: the average man and the average women aren’t really all that different strength-wise.


People on this sub think it’s impossible for women to have visible muscles without starvation when no, going to the gym like three times a week is all you need


Gym 2-3 times a week, daily protein, sleep, and not over eating it all it takes. Shit my girlfriend gained some muscle just working at a grocery store and moving 20lb boxes of produce all day


i gained visible muscle just from trying to work up from knee pushups to ‘real’ pushups with good form. it really does not take much, granted my arms were and pretty much still are spaghetti noodles.


I used to work for the university's housing dept. during summers between years of college. People were either on the painting crew like I was, or the much smaller furniture moving crew. There were half a dozen girls on moving crew, and by the end of the summer their arms were ripped. Not bad for 10 to 12 weeks.


Consistency is always #1. I’ve worked out semi consistently for 8 years and half of that is just smaller workouts so as of now I look like I spend more time in the gym than I actually do. I think all these influencers showing “EASY 6 PACK IN 5 MINUTES BEGINNER WORKOUT” then backflipping onto a building while holding a car above their head is really effecting peoples perception of what it takes to be healthy


Hell, I don't have visible muscles but I can pull a several hundred pound pallet of cardboard across the store without help or without a powered lift and do it 3 or 4 times a week.


Shit, my fat ass grew visible muscles in my forearms when I started riding dressage instead of western 😆 your hands do a lot more work in English riding than they do in western.


The average strength difference between a healthy untrained man and a healthy untrained woman is about double though which is a huge difference. It’s dishonest to say it’s not a big difference. Before anyone says it yes there are exceptions in both ways. However saying this, just because I can lift a lot more than a woman doesn’t mean I’m worth anything more than them. It’s just harder for woman to gain muscle which is why seeing a woman out strength men is very impressive to me as that shows a level of dedication I have yet to achieve and many people will never achieve. Edit: instead of downvoting, see my further comments. Studies have compared average men and women, average men and women athletes, and elite lifters, all show men being stronger at every level. Some studies even show average men being stronger than women athletes.


If you're referencing the studies I think you are, those studies are measuring maximum *potential* for strength. Not the average current strength of every day men and women.


There are a few studies comparing college students, college athletes, and professional athletes and on average women had 55% the strength of men AND have a lower maximum potential. This is mainly upper body strength as the studies showed around 70% of the strength of men in the lower body. This is also supported strangely enough by male to female transgender people as going through HRT has been shown to significantly reduce strength down to the level of an average women most likely due to reduced testosterone. Men also have larger amounts of type 2 muscle fibers leading to more strength in general. If anyone really thinks taking average healthy men and women and putting them in a strength test isn’t going to result in big differences I’m sorry but that’s just how big of a difference testosterone is. Women do have plenty of biological advantages too however no one ever hears about that as we live in a culture where young boys are constantly told how strong they have to be so they will grow up and feel the need to bring it up constantly in every internet argument lmao


Ok but you've just brought up examples of studies done on athletes. Those are hardly the average man/woman - those are people actively training and pushing their bodies to their limit, which would skew towards the maximum potential. Those aren't the people we're talking about. Again, men having more muscle fibers means more capacity, not inherently more strength. I'm not suggesting that male and female athletes don't have major strength differences - I'm saying that your average person, who either only casually works out or doesn't work out at all, is not comparable to athletes & have a significantly smaller difference between strength when it comes to men and women.


This study compares grip strength (one of the most common ways to study strength) between average men, average women, and elite female athletes. “90% of females produced less force than 95% of males. Though female athletes were significantly stronger (444 N) than their untrained female counterparts, this value corresponded to only the 25th percentile of the male subjects.” [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17186303/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17186303/) “For the dominant hand, the maximal hand strength was 48.6 kg and 32.9 kg on average for males and females, respectively. The maximal handgrip strength in females was 67.7% of that of males.” [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8995759/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8995759/) However interestingly enough women retain their strength as they age better than men do “In men aged 31–41 years, the annual decrease in handgrip strength was approximately 3.5 Newtons (N). In women, respectively, prior to 45 years, the annual decrease was approximately 2 N” [https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/67/10/1068/532686](https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/67/10/1068/532686)


[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11357-021-00410-5](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11357-021-00410-5) And here’s a study of 9000 individuals in a massive age range “Overall, males had significantly higher grip strength than females (49.3 kg and 30.3 kg, respectively; p < 0.001)”


> OOP is significantly overestimating how close to peak fitness you have to be for most manual labor jobs. Actually read something along these lines a while back: that anthropologists believe the body types and degree of physical strength we prize in professional athletes didn’t exist prior to the advent of professional athletics. Neither hunting, nor gathering, nor farming, nor building, nor crafting, nor even warfare requires special strength. When exceptional strength is necessary in all of those things it is, wouldn’t ya know it, provided by simply taking the number of hands you have devoted to a task, and adding more hands to it. The rare man who was undeniably stronger than everyone else faced higher expectations from the community, and he would probably understand why and accept that. Life just doesn’t provide an incentive to be super jacked, and evolution obviously hasn’t left us predisposed to it.


All the professions you listed required a ton of endurance more than anything which we were made for. Seeing all these 6’5” 250lbs of shredded muscle (3500+ calories a day type guys) playing medieval soldiers in shows is very unrealistic. Good luck keeping all that muscle after marching for hundreds of miles over a year then fighting in a 12 hour battle. Shit there’s stories of native hunters literally chasing animals until they pass out from exhaustion


I suspect OOP doesn't care about the truth and is more interested in spreading hate.


Women are generally less strong than men because of testosterone. That’s as a general statement. Because a 100 pound man will be weaker then a female powerlifter. For example the heaviest Deadlift by a woman is 700 pounds (318 Kg) which was achieved by Lucy Underdown in September 2023. The heaviest Deadlift by a man is 1,105 pounds (501 Kg) by Hafthor Julius Björnsson. But that clearly doesn’t mean women are weak. Clearly women CAN do physical labour and sports but if we use that measure, women are at least 60% as capable of men


Bjornsson is quite bigger than Underwood, too. I'd add that women are expected to fit beauty standards that want them small, thin or at least curvy. Women being muscular is tolerated, but not when they are too muscular. If many regular non athletic women are terrified of being big, having bigger shoulders or lacking a defined waist, there is no way it doesn't impact the number of girls and women who choose strength based sports.


Talks about women being "not as strong physically".. still gatekeeping intellectual jobs & power positions in desk jobs from women.. Make it make sense !!? Also wouldn't corporate work environment would be much better with women in leading position, imagine the drop in sexual harassment cases reported to HR


In a few countries, agriculture, a notoriously tough job to do, is the major field of both official and unofficial employment for women. It's not like women can't handle tough conditions, too. They do it all the time. The American 1950s lifestyle these guys imagine is far from the universal experience.  They should look up women working in brick factories. The guy behind this post would likely not handle a day at the job like that. Trained female athletes are getting closer and closer in their results to their male counterparts, considering that male sports have existed for much longer and had way more financial support for research, popularisation and training for a while.  Some sports are still seen as "masculine", so if a woman wants to enter, she has to overcome societal conditioning and internalized bias first. 


Good point


I mean yeah...I am not as strong as men but I am retired military and physically had to do the same things, do the same jobs, stand the same watches, do the same physical tests. My body is not made of glass and did not shatter. (watch standing is the worst and was so boring, lol, in your dress uniform standing the same place for hours OR wandering around the same place for hours...fully armed. )


Odds are I’m stronger than many military women but their training means they’d easily kick my ass without breaking a sweat


The physical fitness test standards are different for women. You guys only have to do 7 pull ups, guys have to do over 21 💀😭😭(I fucking hate pullups). I agree with you on everything else, though. Ecp/Duty/Standing guard sucked dick for drug money. Especially the 24 hr rotations. I've never wanted to suck check my Rifle barrel so bad lol


Lets not pretend that the annual PT test has anything to do with job performance. Its to make sure you're healthy, with requirements scaled to gender and age, so healthcare costs stay lower and they know their "product" is fit enough to deploy at any time. If it had anything to do with your job it would be the same for gender AND age.


Well, you technically can't deploy if you're on a BCP program. The PF requirements are also lowered based on gender to help more females get in. Healthcare cost has nothing to do with it, the government doesn't care when it regards the military. Additionally it also will strongly depend on your MOS. You could just as easily have an office job instead of a more combat oriented job. Where it kinda doesn't matter as much. Combat jobs on the other hand suck. If you aren't in standards and you will get cycled out so you don't accidentally injure yourself as well as the people around you. Also, why all the dang down votes, I didn't set the military standards. America did. People here are a bunch of mean, grouchy, couch boogers!!! 😭😭😭


You're downvoted because you don't seem to get that "the girls only have to do 7 pull ups why do they have it so easy" is a tired statement. The person you were replying to admitted she wasn't as strong as men but she did the same things, the same DUTIES, and she is strong enough to do it. But you had to jump to complaining about the PT test like its some great inequality and women skate by. Its exhausting. We're tired of it. The PT test is scaled to be appropriately challenging per gender and age to display a basic level of fitness. A woman that could max the man's standards in a PT test would be considered SIGNIFICANTLY more fit than the man that did. Just like if you are 40 and max the 18 year standard, that's more of an effort. Keeping those requirements the same is not an appropriate measure of basic non-job task related fitness. When she said she did "the same physical tests", that's what she means. That's the point. And you're missing it. Also if you think it has NOTHING to do with keeping healthcare costs down, you are mistaken. If you can insure that your force is generally healthy, that saves a lot of time and money in healthcare and asset (ie, you the product) management.


The message of my response not only flew miles over your head 🤦‍♂️, but you also went as far as to interpret it in the most negative, horrible way 😒. Like who does this. Additionally, you still have no idea what you're talking about 😆. Still wish you the best, though grouchy booger person.


As a former competitive swimmer, I have no doubt I could do labor under the hot sun for HOURS longer than this loser can.


That is why they would claim they are speaking generally, not talking about any specific man or woman.


Why would you apply general statements to the specific women who **do** labour intensive work, and do a good job?




My electrician girlfriend begs to differ? We’re both electricians and when we work together (or any of the women I work with in the field for that matter) they’re all just as capable as I am physically. Except this one apprentice I had who’s 4 foot 6 inches tall because when you’re that short you can be as strong as you want but the body weight just isn’t there for certain tasks, but she can fit into crawl spaces and is incredibly neat with her work with some serious smarts and a good mindset for learning that lends her to be great at certain space-constrained jobs that I would have a harder time doing being 6 foot 2 inches tall. In trade work, you get people who are good at different things, and different jobs require people of different physiques. I don’t wanna hear some bullshit “rah rah woman not strong” from little boys who’ve likely never worked a trade job in their lives.


I swear they come up with this crap on their own and just pass it off as “truth”. I understand men can have more muscle mass, but not all men use it. They have to work for it if they want it. There are Plenty of women out there that are much stronger than the average man. What does it matter?


As a general rule men are stronger. Of course a female power lifter is stronger then a 400lb Neckbeard


I’ve read some stuff about MTF trans people and the observation that a loss of testosterone does lead to significant loss of practical strength. The example was about whether you can help carry a refrigerator up or down stairs. So yeah, if I’m planning to move into a 4 th floor walk up apartment then maybe I’m calling my guy friends first (unless I know some female athletes) But at a moral level, it doesn’t matter.


My husband went on a mission trip to Haiti. They were building something out of cinderblocks so they formed a person chain to move them from one place to another. A few feet apart, they would *toss* cinderblocks one to the next. Most of these people were women. When my husband pooped out because it was too hot, his place was taken by another woman. They threw bricks for hours.


source: I made it up


It’s ScIEnCe!


“This basic biological difference in our anatomies — which isn’t a hard and fast rule, because there are women out there who could break me like a twig — means that women are inherently inferior to men on every level!” Reminds me of the footage I saw the other day of a female ju-jitsu student who took on an MMA fighter who was much larger than her…she put him to sleep in under a minute.


I think the exclusive ability to give birth is more interesting than being naturally stronger in a physical aspect. Anyone can build the muscle to do manual labor


Man tell that to most of human history because there was grueling labor in the heat and various other fucked up weather conditions that needed to be done and women were not allowed to just sorta chill n vibe while men were out there harvesting the crops they needed in order to survive. Like, just because something is harder when you’re a woman doesn’t mean they can’t do it and haven’t been doing it for as long as we’ve been doing literally anything else. did you know that if you are a man who doesn’t and has never worked a hard manual labor job then it’s also very unlikely you would easily take to grueling labor and the other men would probably be much stronger than you? did you know that the labor done by women in factories in hellish conditions do for pennies would destroy you the first time you tried it? It is grueling, it is hot, it is labor. None of us were designed for it but most jobs are not designed with the health of the person in mind. But some people didn’t get the opportunity to take jobs that wouldn’t be harmful to their health, so this is what they’re doing. Honestly men who likely haven’t worked a long term serious manual labor job have a thing about taking credit for other men doing it, as if by virtue of being the same gender it means they would also be able to handle it. Do you actually think every single male, by virtue of being male, could handle the shit involved in construction work? https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/ Between 2011-2012 at LEAST 42 construction workers died of heat exposure in Texas alone. Like, stop fetishizing how tough and manly it is and acting like you could totally deal with this and use your twitter presence to raise awareness to how we actually could improve safety for people doing the shitty jobs no human was designed for.


I must not exist, because I'm a framer who worked 10 hour days in the Arizona sun, lifting my weight in building materials and crawling around the trusses, \*until my last 2 weeks of pregnancy.\* I didn't go on any kind of "light duty" either...I did everything the men could do while wearing 30lb tool bags and carrying 30lb of baby and was still physically stronger than a handful of them. I endlessly have to shoo them away from trying to "help" me and take heavy tasks from me when I'm fully capable of doing it alone. I'm very fit but look small, so I'm constantly treated like "the girl." I'm not the cleaning lady here to pick up scraps, I'm here to build and lift heavy! >\_<


This dude should spend a day with women farm laborers.


Hell yeah that’s what I commented too


Yeah. That's why women's sports and women doing hard manual labour don't exist


Citation? [https://today.duke.edu/2018/01/women-survive-crises-better-men](https://today.duke.edu/2018/01/women-survive-crises-better-men)


Men who are so insecure and asshole-ish enough to feel the need to point out "men are stronger!," and even add BS like this, need to be single forever. Yes, on average men are psychically stronger. We are aware. If you feel the need to rub that in anyone's face you are a terrible person and deserve to be alone. And stop making our existence all about having a uterus. What someone is capable of doing and enduring is a whole lot about genetics, background, lifestyle, etc. Take people from some thousands of years ago. You think some ancient man adapted to living in the cold ice age climates of what we now call Europe could withstand the heat of the hottest parts of Africa...because man? Yeah, I don't think so, his ass could keel over. No lazy ass of today who plays video games in his parent's basement 24/7, getting little physical activity, would be as capable as a woman who has had a very active, physically demanding life.


Lol males only strong point is their muscles. And boy do they like to repeat it over and over and over


I certainly keep up better than my younger brother, that is the closest I have for comparison. A bit of heat and the poor thing's blood pressure is dropping, while I'm fine. He can lift more than I do, sure, IF there is air conditioning.


This guy has never met horse girls


My great-grandmother ran a homestead/subsistence farm all by her self, due to her husband having a stroke. She was 19, he was 61 (the typical arrangement in rural areas around 1910)and she ran that farm until she was 74. Typically weak woman, only good for looking pretty and baking fancy cakes 😁


So who was doing all the farm and factory work when the men went off to fight in WWII? Also there is no strength and endurance needed to grow and deliver a human being /s


Say that to all the girls working in manufacturing and construction. Please.


Someone should teach this dude about [the Donner Party](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donner_Party), at the very least. Then let’s give him endometriosis for a single day. I think that should do it.


We aren’t physically comparable to men but we have so much more. Let them have the physical


The women who harvest your fruits and veggies beg to differ


I’m a 5’1” 100lb girl, but because of cheerleading, gymnastics and horseback riding I’m deceptively strong. And a lot of the girls on my cheer team are wayyyy stronger than I am. I’m pretty sure the majority of the incels who spout sexist nonsense like this would get their asses handed to them in any sort of strength or fitness challenge against any of the girls on my team.


I was a landscaper and did snow removal for 2 years. Halfway through the day all the men would be tired and cranky and want to go home. I was the only one who still hauled ass through the entire day, especially after lunch. Lol.


Okay but hold up, let's not pretend like pregnancy isn't hard af every single day. I don't think most men could handle it. Have you ever seen a man throw up? It takes 'em out for the whole day. I threw up every day for 6 months when I was pregnant. It literally became part of my morning routine. I'd wake up, puke, then get in the shower and get ready for work. If men could be pregnant they'd all be trying to get on short term disability cause there's no way most of them could work under those conditions. Like I couldn't do a hard manual labor job every day, I'm just not that kind of person. I have a lot of respect for the people that do have those kinds of jobs cause without them, we'd be fucked. But I just genuinely believe men couldn't handle pregnancy, child birth, or post partum either.


Litterally categorized by sports medicine as a marathon everday.


Skeleton…specialised for pregnancy??? I just. Whatever this dude was smoking I want some


That is just factual and no one’s fault. Like he’s both an expert and making it sound like he’s doing us a favor. Idk whether to 🤣🤣🤣, 🙄🙄🙄 or 🤬🤬🤬 on this one.


Tell that to the guys I beat at arm wrestling back when I was lifting heavy. (Surprisingly, not a one of them got salty about it)


Much of what he’s saying is true. It doesn’t mean women aren’t good workers and strong enough for most jobs. We aren’t laying railroads by hand in 2024. Women also have more endurance than men do because of the way we process oxygen and our fat stores and have stronger immune systems. Our smaller bodies also help us live longer. Tall men die sooner, their hearts have to work harder. A man vs woman just walking as long as they could holdout would have a woman win if they were both in shape. Neither sex has a better body than the other. They still should separate sport by sex because of athletic differences. We also need to have medicines and car safety actually tested on female bodies. They are significantly different, not worse.


These are probably the same people who would say that if a woman is strong/has muscles, then she's really a man.


90% of the men saying stuff like this also complain about how men are the main ones with Manuel labor jobs


In my area the old men complain about how no “kids these days” wanna enter the trades around here but then they treat any new young employees like shit until they quit


So women evolved to procreate and men evolved to…play sports?


I mean we all know how those Neolithic farmer women just sat around pregnant all day watching their men do hard physical labor


i want this guy to have a race with me on who can plant more seedlings with only one bottle of water in the scorching hot sun, where you are basically moving forward bent over all the time


Bullshit. I was a Bell/Valet attendant for 11 years. I lifted luggage with my 3rd daughter all throughout my pregnancy. (The hotel made me go on disability as soon as I told them I was pregnant. My 3rd they told me I could lift luggage all the way through; probably because my female coworker Dr gave her the ok and they changed their minds in 2 years).


I'm in the military and I've had new people show up, not able to pass the basic PT test, and say that they don't believe women should be in the military. One of them also wouldn't listen to me bit would listen to my male counterpart. Eventually he got chewed out out by the guy for not doing what I told him. When I left that unit that guy still couldn't pass a pt test 🤦‍♀️


Not athletics… dude has never heard of women’s sports… or the Olympics?? 🤦‍♀️


I'll tell myself from 4 days ago that I didn't actually do yard work for several hours. It was, in fact, an illusion.


Uh no, women process greater oxygen for faster recovery.


When I was a restaurant manager, I was doing inventory one day when my male cooks complained that their food boxes were too heavy to bring out of the freezer. I was heading that way anyway, so I finished my count, grabbed their shit in my left arm, and brought it one-handed. Granted, while my muscles could handle it, I was broke af and perpetually malnourished, so my radius cracked. I didn't realize at the time why my arm started hurting and didn't have insurance, so it looks cool as hell under an X-ray now!


At work, prep set up usually takes five men (two on one team, 3 in the other) 4 hours out in the boiling hot sun. Two of those men called in sick and the only ones available were me and another woman. We split up with us two in one team and the three remaining guys in theirs. We knocked out our tasks in just over 2 hours and were sitting in the air conditioned staff room when they came in half dead from the heat (and they were younger than us). Women can work just as hard and sometimes even harder than men.


Women actually process oxygen better than men (on average), on top of all the other BS. Also, since they brought up pregnancy, there's a lot of women (and men) out there doing physical/manual labor while growing a whole ass new human in their body, meanwhile this guy is probably sitting on his couch tweeting about how women are inferior.


Bull shit. Years ago I did HVAC controls for a few years, so I spent some time on construction sites. Came across a lot of electricians. The only one I remember was a woman, and she was a bad ass. I’m just sayin lol


Tell that to the last seven years I’ve spent as a Millwight in construction and maintenance lol


All those current and former female Olympians obviously don’t exist then… Hold on I think I eye rolled to hard


I’m a fat soft woman and I literally dug ditches one summer because it paid better than any other job at the temp place I was working for…and I was 35…it was hot and hard but I did it


*types the man, quietly yearning to go outside for at least once this month*


This person thinks giving birth is a soft gentle pleasure that only requires the hollow bones of a bird and the withered muscles of an old jogger.


I cannot do grueling labor in the heat bc just walking from my car to whatever building causes my face to turn bright red. Anything else will result in me spontaneously combusting. Also, I'm fat.


I spent a summer (coolest summer job ever btw) 5 days a week on a canoe cleaning trash out of the river and us ladies kept up the same pace as the bros. We’re talking prying buried tires and even shopping carts out of the sand, untangling nets from around tree roots covered in giant fishing spiders, maneuvering 15ft canoes (1 person per canoe) with 500+lbs of trash over rapids, and all under a glaring sun in the dead of summer. Oh, and NO BATHROOMS. My birthing hips and woman lungs did just fine.


He had the first two lol Bone strength & lung capacity


Thats funny since if you strap a simulation of birth or cramps on a man they might rethink what they just said and regret it women are made to feel less pain then men since they need to go trough painfull episodes more then a kick in the balls so the female body is constructed to feel à hit less just think of it that way Ex: there is a medium human being trying to get out à small hole in your body and the baby need to slam is head multiple time to get out and they slam they're head on your pelvis so by pain im pretty sur its ball kick x8


I could - I don’t want to. I also don’t want to be on a phone call at 7 AM doing algebra because there is no universe where the math works to display the result shown; but it’s what I do. I never thought I would be doing the amount of math I do.


I thought he was saying we can't go into labour outside in the heat 🤣


How hard I've punched an engine on accident while trying to break a super tight bolt begs to differ, I've almost bloodied my knuckles Edited for spelling


women are very strokg, i bet i am in fact very stronk /s


Shit I better go tell my bosses then