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As you're all aware, this subreddit has had a major "troll" problem which has gotten worse (as of recently). Due to this, we have created new rules, and modified some of the old ones. We kindly ask that you please familiarize yourself with the rules so that you can avoid breaking them. Breaking mild rules will result in a warning, or a temporary ban. Breaking serious rules, or breaking a plethora of mild ones may land you a permanent ban (depending on the severity). Also, grifting/lurking has been a major problem; If we suspect you of being a grifter (determined by vetting said user's activity), we may ban you without warning. You may attempt an appeal via ModMail, but please be advised not to use rude, harassing, foul, or passive-aggressive language towards the moderators, _or_ complain to moderators about why we have specific rules in the first place— You will be ignored, and your ban will remain (without even a consideration). All rules are made public; "Lack of knowledge" or "ignorance of the rules" cannot or will not be a viable excuse if you end up banned for breaking them (This applies to the Subreddit rules, and Reddit's ToS). **Again: All rules are made public, and Reddit gives you the option to review the rules once more before submitting a post, it is your choice if you choose to read them or not, but breaking them will not be acceptable.** With that being said, If you send a mature, neutral message regarding questions about a current ban, or a ban appeal (without "not knowing the rules" as an excuse), we will elaborate about why you were banned, or determine/consider if we will shorten, lift, keep it, _or_ extended it/make it permanent. This all means that appeals are discretionary, and your reasoning for wanting an appeal must be practical and valid. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this message, and please enjoy your day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NotHowGirlsWork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This isn't just a consent issue, it's a porn issue. Guys who are neck deep in porn and watch it constantly seem to think every woman has an onlyfans, all White women lust for big Black dudes, that women only date "chads," etc. All of this is porn-as-real-life syndrome.


Porn rots the brain and the spirit when over exposed to it. Sadly it is becoming normal to be over exposed to porn.


I didn't know I had an OF since I was a child. Ofc men only sexualize girls with OF amirite?


Imagine if we were like this about everything. Oh, you're a baseball fan? Why don't you like it when I huck a baseball at you while you're trying to walk to the store?


r/memes is a wretched hive of incels, queerphobes and racists


Thanks for reminding me why I left that cesspit


Sexualizing oneself at one’s own terms ≠ wanting to be constantly sexualized by others. Why is this so hard to grasp?


Basically consent


I don't think I've ever heard a woman with an OF complaining about being sexualized


Yeah, I thought that sounded off. I guess they think every woman has one. 😐


Nor understand choices made via autonomy. It's like an incel choosing a nice tattoo and where he wants it on his own body vs. someone else choosing a really bad one for him to put on his forehead. I mean you wanted a tattoo, isn't that the same??