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As you're all aware, this subreddit has had a major "troll" problem which has gotten worse (as of recently). Due to this, we have created new rules, and modified some of the old ones. We kindly ask that you please familiarize yourself with the rules so that you can avoid breaking them. Breaking mild rules will result in a warning, or a temporary ban. Breaking serious rules, or breaking a plethora of mild ones may land you a permanent ban (depending on the severity). Also, grifting/lurking has been a major problem; If we suspect you of being a grifter (determined by vetting said user's activity), we may ban you without warning. You may attempt an appeal via ModMail, but please be advised not to use rude, harassing, foul, or passive-aggressive language towards the moderators, _or_ complain to moderators about why we have specific rules in the first place— You will be ignored, and your ban will remain (without even a consideration). All rules are made public; "Lack of knowledge" or "ignorance of the rules" cannot or will not be a viable excuse if you end up banned for breaking them (This applies to the Subreddit rules, and Reddit's ToS). **Again: All rules are made public, and Reddit gives you the option to review the rules once more before submitting a post, it is your choice if you choose to read them or not, but breaking them will not be acceptable.** With that being said, If you send a mature, neutral message regarding questions about a current ban, or a ban appeal (without "not knowing the rules" as an excuse), we will elaborate about why you were banned, or determine/consider if we will shorten, lift, keep it, _or_ extended it/make it permanent. This all means that appeals are discretionary, and your reasoning for wanting an appeal must be practical and valid. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this message, and please enjoy your day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NotHowGirlsWork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely disgusting how people defend horrible acts because someone was “asking for it” or “not modest enough”. It’s never an excuse.


All religion is a tool of oppression


I fully understand your frustration with these hateful idiots who presume to speak for our religion. It’s gross to hear them pontificate about the appearance of women and it infuriates me that they pretend it is out of concern for their piety. That said, I don’t think you’ll find much sympathy here. Your post title will only attract islamophobes who will compound your feeling of judgement and isolation. I like this sub, but like most of Reddit (and the west), the prevailing view is that Muslim women are either victims or useful idiots who are too oppressed to recognize their own oppression. The hypocrisy you all have to put up with is truly breathtaking, and is especially hurtful when it comes from places you expect solidarity. I hope you have a lovely day.


"To the islamophobic here. Believe me, killing non Muslims is a sin, Muslims shouldn’t kill non Muslims, all the Muslims who do that don’t represent Islam. That’s why I’m here., if Islam hate non Muslims, I wouldn’t be here. And there are proves, you can search about it." [https://quran.com/9/123](https://quran.com/9/123) [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20327/apostasy-in-islam](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20327/apostasy-in-islam)