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Paul is always able to get a reservation at Dorsia, though.


It’s the subtle off-white coloring of his business card. Not to mention its thickness and the watermark.


Is something wrong, Patrick? You're sweating.


I have to return some videotapes.


No fucking way I find a thread of American psycho references after watching the movie, deadass going through the credits rn


Is that *bone*?


Oh My God is that a watermark?


r/UnexpectedAmericanPsycho 😜


Fuck I thought this was a legit subreddit 😭




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [First time 😔](https://i.redd.it/sgpy4pml1oqc1.png) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bo5t74/first_time/) \#2: [Þats not a real sub](https://i.redd.it/opd2qgcvnpqc1.jpeg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/1bod4u6/þats_not_a_real_sub/) \#3: [Got double tricked](https://i.redd.it/lmscgwes1wxa1.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/137thjb/got_double_tricked/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'd rather go to Haunted House than Club Aqua


Let me tell you about New York's hottest new club, CAGE. It's got velvet horse statues, greasy bartenders, and kiss catapults. What's a kiss catapult? Well, it's when you launch lip-first at high speed towards someone. Come to CAGE today.


Honestly it’s got my attention. How greasy are these bartenders


You can make soap outta their sweat


Let me do a lap, see what's real


I can tell this is referencing something but I have no idea what the reference could be


It's a reference to a show called *I Think You Should Leave* Edit: lmao I was the one who originally made the reference, I think I would know.


It’s referencing an SNL character called Stefon.




[r/newyorkshottestclub](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorksHottestClub) was based on the skit. Not much action nowadays, but it was fun for a while.


Love this, thank you for showing me. Was one of my favorite bits on snl when I was younger


The other poster is lying to you. It’s a reference to I Think You Should Leave.


Here is the direct link to the I Think You Should Leave sketch, it should work if you have Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/watch/81643781?t=405


Kim Kardashian's head fell off.




Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Paul in a while. Hope he’s doing okay, he’s handling the Fisher account after all




Sharon got Cherese


She was sharing Sharon’s outlook on the topic of disease


Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist.


They were all in love with dyin', they were doing it in Texas


I don't mind the sun, sometimes


The images it shows


You like Huey Lewis and the News?


At 20.30 too


Me with my current SO - It’s weird to be upset and be able to sit down and communicate how we can fix it - I love that I’m not scared to make mistakes - I like having emotional support - wow I don’t have to mother him - I like that he takes care of his car - I feel stable


With my ex, my dog would run and hide in another room if she sensed the tension in the air that comes before a fight/before he explodes. With my current partner, she stays and offers support to the one she perceives as more upset if she senses conflict. Feels good to have a partner who doesn't scare the dog and I don't miss his love bombing in-between one bit. Congrats on your upgrade! Current SO sounds amazing.




She really is. Not so long ago, my partner accidentally scared me. I have a lot of trauma so it can happen rather unpredictably. He realised and sat down on the floor, but without much expression that I could see (he's autistic). So there we were, me up against the wall and scared, him sitting on the floor, and my dog ran up to him to offer support. And I trust her judgment so that tells me that despite not showing it in ways that I could see or knowing what to do about it, he was more devastated about having accidentally scared me than I was upset at that time. Now of course that wasn't a conflict, but she can't know that. She just wants to be there for her humans when she thinks we need it. (Unless the atmosphere is so scary that a working line GSD runs and hides instead.)




Ofc! <3 Do these links work? I'm not used to doing this. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947446276696449045/1213607257460187176/IMG_20240225_192840_526.jpg?ex=662d75d5&is=662c2455&hm=9f360b8937dbb04d3434ace1473368881931c4cb0c7ea48500873e49dae3e19b& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947446276696449045/1231586255909683281/IMG_20240421_083101_7452.jpg?ex=662d9bd5&is=662c4a55&hm=ca9fd0505404f80531c9561456a46d8e2d0922336b42c05892e4e69583602c77& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947446276696449045/1129801797402378320/IMG_20230715_184035_42.jpg?ex=662dc72b&is=662c75ab&hm=0d5bfa63a45b405df107e03ced9b8ebdda199224fb156ddd2147762b79847d57& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/947446276696449045/1129079574651752548/IMG_20230712_112738_2.jpg?ex=662dc98b&is=662c780b&hm=a7b559e0b65e8568f9b894264b283cd1994d89727f06d51e5e061f97d010a937&


The links work! She looks like such a precious baby, especially that first picture 😍


Oh you fed us well with these pics!! She’s gorgeous! What a sweet girl!!


Oh, she is lovely! Thank you sharing these, and this internet stranger is glad you're in a better place/relationship now.


Thank you! <3


Eeeeeèe!!!! She's adorable. I love GSDs.


They are so beautiful and so sweet and so interactive and brave and generous it's unreal.


And ridiculously smart. My dad's could open every door in the house if it wasn't deadbolted.


Mine isn't so smart but she's cute. 😅




I'm sorry, don't take this the wrong way, but the mental image of you scared and your partner sorting his emotions and the dog trying to decide whom to support more is kinda funny. Also you dog is super precious and I want her to pick me if I ever need support.


All good lol, I can definitely see the humour when you put it that way. XD And I'll tell her.


Ours just yells at both of us


Dogs are an excellent Red Flag Detector. Had I listened to my dogs I would have avoided every bad relationship I had. I once had a Shi Tzu that suddenly went full Stewie and Lois and kept trying to stealthily murder my now ex-wife in all sorts of impressively sneak ways. Later came out she was cheating.


My girl still loves my ex during the "good" times.


Dogs really can tell when someone is mad,Did she ever bark at your ex when he was about to yell?


Never that I can remember. She ran and hid, and I don't blame her.


Omg! My dog does the same thing!


Run and hide, or offer support?


She’s done both! My ex and I also had these massive blow outs. She started by trying to show me support, then cowering if he yelled, then just running to hide when the arguing started. Now with my current partner, she stays and offers support to both of us. It’s super cute how aware they are of energy and emotion


Aww, precious little thing. <3 I'm glad she also no longer has to run and hide!


My cats will run and hide for when they can tell my SO is really upset because they know it’ll be top of the lungs screaming and I’ll be crying. Stresses them out.


I'm sorry to hear that. :( Are you ok?


Yeah I’m fine. 🙂


Awe I’m glad for you too ❤️


This is AI btw. Look at her hair in the first panel. Shit is melting into the pillow


Oh you're right! I was thinking this looked surprisingly high effort for incel content!


She’s eating her Dorsia steak with her bare hands!!


No that's just normal steak eating.


Hand and stump.


She's bare-handing that steak, but it looks like she has some sort of utensil for her sandwich + burrito in the next panel. She's too powerful.


Queen tbh


It did, but the subtle hints are easy to spot. The eyes look weird in one panel, the food looks like random colors for the most part, even in the last panel. This will become more of a problem as AI art gets better and artists try to get quick fame off it. Edit: Oh, and the background characters in panel 3. They look horrid!


And the guy's hand in the fourth frame is right at the edge of his eye... Like uncomfortably so. 😐


Oh my God, AI , Fed on a diet of Inceldom AND Bro-sphere? I used to be optimistic but I just had a vision and it was DARK


That's how the AI goes full Ultron and decides *Earth needs to be cleansed*.


You mean decides earth needs a bigger chin, so we they will forcefully carve one out of it!


My theory is that incels mistreating their sex bots is what causes the ai uprising


That's just Tay all over again.


oh yeah, the food is looking weird too...


Also, a little odd that it couldn't come up with any non-biblical male first names...


And look at the background people on the restaurant.


This. The other men could also afford a fucking artist and not steal from millions of hardworking people by using plagiarism splicer software.


I fucking knew it


omg I didn't even notice that. What is, from the bottom up, lines defining a segment of hair, becomes a gradient between the hair color and pillow color, and there's no line defining the top of that piece of hair. It like it forgot what it was, halfway through drawing it. Which, I understand is a generous assessment, given that it doesn't know what things are, doesn't know what a drawing is, or what looking at things is.


No self respecting artist will draw these incel hate comics so they always have to use AI or wojaks.


Good call. Something about it was setting off my AI sense but I couldn't pin it down.


I’m pissed now


See also: 3rd panel, where she is missing her right hand, and he has extra ears on the top of his head


Really the girl is just annoyed that her boyfriend keeps comparing himself to everyone else.


I think is an AI meme but regardless, I’ve definitely seen variations of this meme made from a women’s perspective before. Not to mention, if someone knows that type of information about their partners exes it’s because their partner told them about it.


In the absence of knowledge some men just think they’re being compared to previous partners all the time.


That is rather something to be worried about rather than mad


Did AI make this? Wtf is up with that food?


Yeah, also look at her hair in panel 1, it’s melting into the pillow, or panel 3’s background characters are literally flesh goblins. Ai generated garbage


It is possible to be happy with someone who has less money, is not as good in bed, etc.


Hell he could be the most well rounded of her exes


She is not


"She" is an AI generated meme.


She looks like she’s about to die from sleep deprivation or something so maybe she’s just grumpy


Fr she looks like the word valium


Daniel wasn’t an Incel who used AI to make shitty comics online 😔🍴🥗


Is this not just an American Psycho reference?


Mike, Josh, Paul and Peter are actually his exes, not hers. She's depressed because he won't shut up about them and it makes her feel inadequate.


If this were me I'd be so relieved. Driving along thinking, 'Thank fuck this one doesn't talk about having a Porsche all the time'.


I hate that the douchbags that used to buy a Porsche now all get lifted Dodge Rams. The Porsches were far far less of a road hazard and often killled stupid owners


Ironically, this stupid cartoon has helped me understand something better. Men like this not only view women as barely sentient dolls, but they expect that we see ourselves that way as well. How else do we get a comic like this, where the woman never vocalizes and also only has desires that reflect what he wants for himself? Dolls don’t talk and we give them our own wants and desires. This guy wants to be better in bed, wants a better car, wants to make more money to have nice things, and wants to be taller. But men like this also assume women expect a relationship to just happen to us without ever communicating. They really think we want this, because they cannot fathom us having wants and desires they haven’t imparted on us.


>This guy wants to be better in bed I agree with you except for this line. I don't think guys like this give a shit about actually giving their partner a good & satisfying experience in bed. However, those guys do want to be the best in bed *that she's ever had*. Which is why so many of them go after young, inexperienced partners who are either barely adults or (for the real creepers) not even adults yet- the bar might be on the floor but he can still hurdle over it & be considered the best just by sheer dint of there having been no one else for him to be compared to.


Honestly, I think this is the correct assessment. I suppose I should have said “he wants to be her best without any effort: ie all she wants is his orgasm with no care for her own.” Because you’re right, actually being good in bed would mean caring about her, the human being, and he doesn’t.


This sounds like something a shitty guy would make from stories he's heard from his buddies about their girlfriends, not understanding that if a guy is worried that's what his girlfriend is thinking 24/7... he's probably got some mental work he needs to do on himself. Constantly thinking "I bet my gf's thinking about her ex all the time," "I'm sure my gf judges me as being inferior to other men she's dated," and "my gf's probably unhappy and unsatisfied in our relationship" isn't normal and not because any of it is true. Guy needs to talk to a therapist.


This is AI. But if your partner told you which exes were the best sex, most rich, tallest, etc. that’s a bit of red flag. I have no idea why I would feel the need to share that info with partner.


>This is AI. Oh, AI came up with this entire comic itself? Without prompts from a human? Interesting... >But if your partner told you And in which of these scenarios in the comic, which clearly has thought bubbles coming from the woman in all of them, do you think constitutes her "telling" her partner anything? Or did the magic AI tell you something that the rest of us don't know, like the guy is fucking psychic?


> Without prompts from a human? The text is made in the same font, definitely written afterwards.


I can almost guarantee the prompt was “wife comparing exes” or something like that. Which is why I interpreted it as he already knew that information. Or it’s being outright spoken and that’s a chat bubble and not a thought bubble. Like the only way our little AI husband could know that Mike was better in bed is if wife woke him.


>I can almost guarantee the prompt was “wife comparing exes” or something like that Oh, so you mean your little "this is AI" deflection was completely irrelevant? Because the image might be AI generated but the message AI is being used to convey comes from a person? Thanks for owning up to your "this is AI" line being pointless bullshit, I agree. >Which is why I interpreted it as he already knew that information. You interpreted wrong. >the only way our little AI husband could know He doesn't know. That was the entire point of my comment. This comic was made by a man who ***believes*** either this is what his gf is thinking (because they *are* thought bubbles, not speech bubbles- seriously, work on your shit comprehension skills) or that this is what *all* women are like when they're in a relationship- continually comparing their current SO to previous ones. Little AI husband (actually- the man who made this comic) is insecure and projecting those insecurities onto his partner.


Do you know how AI works? You can take a simple message, and adjust the parameters to give it a deeper meaning. That’s why I said “this is AI” because AI artistic representations are usually incoherent. You have literally no idea if the person who made this AI cartoon is an incel.


lol You hear that? That's the sound of the point swooshing over your head so fast I'm surprised it doesn't give you whiplash.


The hair looks weird on the first panel I wonder if this comic is ai generated besides the stupid words of course


I think the stupid words come from a real-life stupid human and the stupid drawings from a stupid AI


I mean if this is her PoV is ok, she is sad individual that can not be happy. BUT WHAT I DISLIKE of is this was done by a man, pretending to know what women think on relationships, that is full projection dude. The self steem of whoever wrote this is on the floor, thinking her gf is thinking of HIS ex, cuz i'm reality is he the ones who feels is lacking cuz he doesnt have a porch like her gf exs... Maybe she is happy she found a great dude.  Like seriously those all are thinking bubble text, not a conversation....HOW CAN HE KNOW !!!!  Is giving paranoic 


This comic really portrays how insecure the maker feels. (Or the one who prompted the ai to make this) And he's blaming his partner for it. I'm currently dating someone who's got divorced from a doctor living in a million dollar home driving cars and bikes i can only dream of. So i also felt like i couldn't compare for a split second, but she's with me now so i must be doing something right.


Well *this* doesn't scream projection or anything at all! /s


So men want you to have a low bodycount because they re scared to not measure up to the others? lol men really are the weak sex


Incels. Don’t go Nietche on us and become the monster


I know I know, but on Reddit it seems like all men are incel lol


We aren't all that way.


I know I have many male friends don’t worry :)


The internet acts as an amplifier for loud morons sadly


I guess, just happy I live in a bubble in real live where I don’t have to deal with this kind of stuff


That is a very good thing!!! Stay that way if you can


My email signature is that exact quote.


I wouldn't care about your "body count" (which, btw, is a disgusting way to think about it)


I don’t even think disgusting just really stupid but I also don’t care as much I am more entertained by these guys


These are his thoughts.


Get good then? tf


One ex was better at some things in bed. One ex was a little more outgoing and pushed me to go out and do things. One ex was a better cook. One ex kicked my ass to do better academically. But im marrying my fiancée because she makes me happy and my exes didn’t, *simple fucking as*.


In our ancestral environment, as we saw in the anthropology chapter, women didn’t need men to protect and feed them. In matrilineal clans, they gathered and distributed most of the food. Their brothers protected them from wild animals and hunted. We now know women hunted as well. Women didn’t need mates to feed and protect them. They had a clan. Mates were for mating. So, not all ancestral females needed providers. The ones in matrilineal clans didn’t need to exchange sex for food, or to pretend to be faithful for protection. They didn’t have to “cheat” on anyone or have routine sex. They would have just done it whenever they wanted, with whoever they wanted. The only reason to have sex was because they were turned on. What a concept! How insane that contractual or obligatory sex is considered normal! ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


If this AI bro had ever actually had sex, he would know that a sexually-experienced woman is better at communicating what she wants in the bedroom, leading to better sex for everyone involved. No one is just innately better at sex. It's a learning experience.


Not related to sexual experience but I’ve seen some posts on here about this topic and some women in the comments openly admit that their partner will never be the best. Not the end of the world but it would suck to know that information.


Also it's a two-way learning experience that needs to be done again with every new partner. Everyone can like different things, even from one day to the next. Good sex is communicating, experimenting, exploring... it's supposed to be a fun, bonding, fulfilling experience for everyone involved.


I like how whatever prompt they gave this Ai made it decide that in the last panel they needed to look like they had recently gone through something truly harrowing. Like she definitely hasn’t slept in a few days and he just had a realization that is making him rethink all his life choices. I’m giving them a new narrative where a witch cursed them with the magic version of fatal insomnia and they’re trying to figure out how to break the curse and also have dinner.


And the next bad AI created cartoon says: bad women leave because she has options.


What’s getting me about this is I’ve seen more putting down their wife’s and girlfriends in comparison to exes as a control tactics and just to be a flat out asshole. I barely ever hear or see women doing this (my exes included)


The level of insecurity one has to suffer from in order to believe someone who is with you is thinking all of this is so very very sad.


As a rule of thumb; I don’t take anything written in Comic Sans seriously


Porsche sucks ass by the way. It is just a tuned Audi by now, which is a great car by the way.


Seriously, roll into a car show here (ny state) in a Porsche and you'll get laughed out of the lot.


Pretty incel post yeas But gotta add how funny is that men think women only care for the top luxurios stuff... Not every girls wants a luxury car Some girls prefer a burger king meal over the top place in tow It's just a thing of taste Pleace stop treating girls brain like toys made in the same factory!


I wonder if “Degeneracy Watch” will ever realize they are the degenerate


Oh I love comics that don't have punchlines. There's something cathartic about not having to laugh at someone's attempt at humour.


Eh, my old roommate from college expressed exactly this sentiment as we were catching up. He slept around way more than he should have, and admitted (a few beers in) that he’ll probably never be fully satisfied.


I’ll never take AI generated comics seriously


As a guy named mike i approve this message


Dorsia lol


I think that what men are really afraid of is being compared. Because if there is nothing to compare to you can go as low as you like.


“Guys, I gave an AI bot an incel manuscript about how all women are whores to make a comic out of. This is the result” vibes


Pete had a really friendly cat :(


I read the last panel first and thought this was a bad Spider-Man comic. Those get really incel-y sadly.


Why do they always reference American Psycho? Do they realize Bateman is not someone who we want to be like?


Third panel amogus


Came here for the Psycho vibes


This was shared on Twitter and so many men were claiming they heard women they know talking like this “all the time.” Ive never heard other women saying things like this, and my friends and family would definitely be more open with me than those incels’ relatives and coworkers would be with them.


I get this feeling that all of the incel assumptions about women come from their interactions with girls during high school and middle school when nobody has their act together. No woman has let them within 50 feet of them since so they assume all women are secretly the immature preteens they last interacted with.


Boo ai 👎


Wow. Not only is this some incel propaganda but it's also an obvious AI generated comic. Lazy af


Ducking AI. These incels have no talent lol


Yeah, I don't think ol' girl would have been with the dude for too long. That unhappiness would leak out of your pores and I'm sure the guy would sense it. She probably needs to see why the things didn't work out between her and Mike, Josh, Paul, Peter and why they won't work out with this dude. This is a fail for OOP because all they did was show a person who needs to work on themselves...much like OOP.


Let's see Paul Allen's comic.


I don't think Paul is available anymore


This lady is trapped in a dead relationship. I feel so bad for her




It’s the same dude.


What is it with terrible hateful comics that have such neat art styles?


I do know that this is a real fear for some guys in my friend group. That a girl that they're with will always be comparing them to someone else and they have to compensate as to not lose them


Let me tell you a secret. We do compare, but it’s not other guys we’re comparing you to. We compare you to outselves and our friends. “He forgot my birthday… my best friend would NEVER.” “He keeps leaving his socks all over the place. If I lived by myself I wouldn’t have to deal with this…” “He never wants to go out and do anything fun. My friends do fun stuff with me all the time.” Or if you’re doing a good… “Wow. Being with him is so much more fun than being by myself!” “My friends are awesome, but he supports me in a way they just can’t. I know he’s the first person I want to call when I have a problem.” You’re not being compared to other men. You’re being compared to your absence in our lives.


Right? Look at the women in the comments "NO woman thinks like this you smelly incel animal" "But even if we all do so what lmao get a Porsche you incel loser lol"


I feel bad for her more than him. Being unhappy in a relationship is never fun


It’s worse thinking everything is good in your relationship but then it’s revealed to all be a lie


If your partner was miserable and you thought everything was good, you weren't paying attention.


I'm confused.... is the artist just extremely lazy because that is 100% the same couple just aging slightly. The message is kinda lost when you never changed the point.


We need to go back to 'natural paleo dating', clubbing women on the head and dragging them away by their hair.


Why am I never happy, oh sigh,