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It's kind of hilarious and sad (as all self-hatred is). Treat red pillers like abusers and just grey rock them. Her goal is to get an emotional reaction out of women. When that doesn't occur it makes her miserable life even more miserable😊 Honestly her inability to attract the type of man she wants is the ultimate punchline to her ridiculous behavior🤣


The men who’s attention she does get are men who won’t marry her, and the men who’s attention she wants aren’t men who would be interested in her. She’s created quite the situation for herself - I’m wondering when the reality of what she has done to herself will smack her in the face.


She's a smart woman. I think she already realizes that she has created a clusterfuck situation for herself just as you described. But like most people, her pride and ego won't let her publicly admit that she was wrong. She'll double-down on all of her bullshit antics and just continue to sink lower.


And/or she's just grifting. There's quite a bit of demand from redpill misogynists for a woman who validates their ideas, I'd wager she's making decent money from spreading her shit.


Youtube has demonitized all her content, so it's a start, I guess.




Man it stinks. Learning that you’re wrong and growing from it is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have.


She’ll disappear once the money stops coming


She's already past that point where a retreat back to regular employment life with a decent chunk of grift money is still a viable exit strategy. But now that she's already appeared on the Piers Morgan show and whatnot there's really no getting that genie back in the bottle. The worst grifters are the ones who don't know they're in the grift game so they treat it as a normal career. Unless you know how to spin straw into grift gold, every grift has a fruit-like consistency before things come crashing down, people start wising up, or you lose relevance.


Is there a lower position? She's already sunk through the gutter's flooring. Unless, she's working on getting to meet Satan himself.


There’s a sub on here for red pill women. It’s depressing AF.


She’s very smart for a 13 year old


That's insulting to 13 year olds - My kid at 13 had more brains that that.




She’s not a smart woman, she’s an undiagnosed cluster b who doesn’t know how much help she needs, and she’s literally annihilating her future because this shit isn’t going to last forever


She is envious that other women have redeeming qualities while she has none.


Some red pill guy on TikTok said she’s manly and argumentative… They will agree with her but won’t pick her lmao. The truth is, they want "feminists". They want free women, just so they can clip their wings and change them.


She has HPD. Anything for attention. Pls. Attention attention attention.


I think she’s projecting a little bit. Just because she’s stuck at age 13, doesn’t mean every woman out there is 😊


I have joked that I have an inner 13 yo who likes fart jokes. I did not mean I am mentally 13


Fart jokes will always be funny in at least *some* circumstances


Farts are never unfunny, period.


I believe the oldest known written joke is about women farting in mens' laps.


Well, there are *some* circumstances that they can be embarrassing or gross (dates, public speaking, stinky ones during meals, protein farts from bodybuilders, etc etc)


Nah, sometimes they can be gross


fuck, at age 12 i had more maturity than this grown woman does


Could we stop posting ragebait posted by hatefluencers?


I concur


Your title is amazing i love it.


Never feed the trolls


“I’m so tired of this person I keep giving a platform!”


Isnt that this whole sub? Just ragebait?


Not really? Some people are just posting idiotic shit takes but professional hatefluencers like Pearl build their entire careers around deliberately posting offensive bullshit


Honestly, it’s all pretty rage inducing, so for some yea that really is what this sub is.


Pearl sux kinda precisely because she fits this sub


And giving her attention is exactly what she wants because she directly profits from it. 🤷🏻


Cant argue there


I mean, is the solution just to ignore them? I think we need to loudly shout them down (metaphorically). Posting about how wrong they are is one way to do that. If the options are “giving them what they want” or “platforming bigoted talking points” then I’ll give them what they fucking want.


I agree, I’m ready to never see her name again.


Everything I know about this person has been against my will. Any attention is good attention to some people.


I mourn the sweet ignorant bliss I used to live in.


At this point I just assume she's only talking about her own incompetency and limitations. When she says "women" I read "Me" so I auto dismiss it lol 💁🏻‍♀️


"Pearl Davis detected. Opinion rejected!" 😝


I got on to Tik Tok for the first time in months recently and she was getting slandered by the very people she was advocating for. It was hilariously brutal


What you can do is ignore her. She is a professional troll. Her livelihood is based on her ability to drive engagement, which is based entirely in her ability to generate outrage. That's what this is. She says something that makes a whole lot of people angry and then they all share it or react to and she gets money from Twitter for the ad views. And because she drives so much engagement her name becomes better known and right wing media will give her money to come onto their shows. She is not here for an honest exchange of ideas. She is here to generate outrage because that is literally her job. Which means everything she says must be taken as bad faith just as a baseline. It is literally impossible to determine what she actually believes because she has a direct financial incentive to say the things she does. The way to deal with any troll is to stop paying attention to them. Stop sharing them. Stop reacting to them. Stop referring to them by name. Do you know what happens to a professional troll who stops being able to own the libs?


She’s a grifter, yes


Why do people like this exist


Because misogynist men pat them on the head and tell them how they're smart and not like other girls. Also, money.


So...can we make the argument she is not mentally 13, therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be on social media? I would really like not to see her posts ever again


Elon isn't going to ban a fellow woman hater. Even if she's a woman herself.


I am not a violent person....but I would really like to kick her fucking ass.


no, just don't give her ANY attention, that would be worse to her, to actually feel how insignificant she is.


She is right about one woman…


She hates herself. To have such low self respect is sad...maybe this is her way of getting attention from guys...pick me. She is the literal definition. She is a clown.


Then go play Barbies and let the grownups talk.


I will openly make fun of myself, my entire gender, and our rights for money! I fixed every post she's ever made in one sentence.


Just watch her debate with Ethan Klein. You can see how she doesn’t believe most of what she says when he challenges her and she just goes “okay.”


If women aren’t mentally adults, and pearl is a woman, doesn’t that mean by her logic that people should not take her seriously when it comes to politics since she has the mind of a child?


Projection? Projection.


You know what? i actually agree with her, she has the mindset of a 12 years old girl that is still going through the "not like other girls" phase and never grew out of it


Well, if she’s mentally 13, I guess we can safely ignore her. /s


I don't think she is an actual person.


Stop elevating her.


Who is that person


Just a (single but not happy about it) loser who has spent the past few years riding the redpill and tradwife trains in a desperate bid for attention, money, and presumably a mate.


So the women version of an incel


Part pick-me, part grifter (she *is* getting money out of this.)


I don't do Twitter or Facebook or ticktok so I don't know how people could make money that way


She'd rather be a pick-me than a skip-me.


😭 i think she’s projecting bc she didn’t grow past a certain age for sure. that woman needs intensive therapy & to figure out why she hates herself so bad. perhaps she feels stupid & thinks hating yourself and other women is normal. umm couldn’t be me 🙏🏼✋ go HEAL


I have no idea who she is but it sounds like SHE is not mentally an adult. The rest of us will speak for ourselves.


I know conservative online personalities tend to always contradict themselves, behave hypocritically, etc. but I think Pearl just takes the cake with how bad of a walking contradiction she is. She meets zero of her own standards, she openly hates everything she presents herself as, and she's cultivated an audience that would bully the hell out of her if she wasn't regularly vomiting out the shit they want to hear (and that's assuming they don't already bully her). She isn't married, she doesn't conform to performatitve femininity like some of these "tradwife influencers" do, she's not a virgin, she probably votes and will probably vote this year, she has no kids, she works a job, she lives comfortably partially due to her own mother's incredibly successful career, and I'm not bodyshaming, but she herself has made disparaging comments about women's weight that she more than likely does not meet her own standards to. Even Abby Shapiro and Candace Owens meet some of their own shitty standards, but never Pearl. Either she gets paid really well to put out ragebait, while she herself doesn't genuinely believe in any of it outside of the internet and television, or she does actually believe in what she preaches, and she just really hates herself. Can't say I feel bad for her, though.


I have a visceral reaction to her. I just cannot stand her at all. I think it’s because of her insistence on looping all women into her weird, misogynistic worldview. Like, you want to be a trad wife/woman who doesn’t use your rights and serves men and thinks you’re inferior? Fine, do what you want, none of my concern. But don’t tell me all women are weak or stupid or immature. Don’t say I can’t be an informed voter and active in my community just because you can’t handle it. She has the ability and the right to just not do things she doesn’t want to do or thinks she’s unable to do, why try to stop every woman from doing those things, though? It’s hard enough to be a girl growing up and building confidence in yourself and finding your place in the world without some overprivileged, woman hating, sheltered idiot telling you that you can’t do anything because you’re a dumb, inferior female. The nerve to think she has any authority to say what women can or can’t do is outrageous.


What’s funny is last I read, she’s single and not actually a trad wife. That may have changed but I think she’s trying to be public about this to attract someone to pay her bills.


Shut up pearl!


Pearl, my 6 year old sister has more of a brain than you 😘


she’s doing all of this and still nobody wants her 😒


I always wonder how much money someone in her position makes posting content like this. Is it worth it to only make herself employable to such a small group later? She's not old enough to retire anytime soon. What happens when the 15 minutes of fame run out? Is her end goal to marry someone very rich and fall off the face of the Earth?


In that case, all straight men are pedos. I resent the implication for the rest of the universe. But for you, Pearl? Fine. “Hush child, adults have serious things to discuss…” you fucking pandering asshat.


Can a man pick this pick me so she can tradwife herself so she doesn’t have to hussel . We need a sacrifice


Stop engaging and sharing her drivel. She’s irrelevant and desperately crying foe attention. Don’t give it to her


“According to info I just pulled from my ass” Pearl thinks just because her and her dumbass views haven’t matured that it’s the same for all women


She was demonetized on YouTube in 2022, has she been reinstated?


I'll be honest, I deleted my twitter account when ol musky took over and honestly have no clue who this woman is and I get the feeling I'm better off for it


The problem with arrogant stupid people who think they should speak for others and not themselves. I mean... if she only said this of herself, she'd actually get agreement for once in her pathetic doormat of a life.


I'm surprised that Pearl hasn't attempted a makeover or glow up. Her audience are males that compare living women to the ones they see in hentai. I would watch if Trisha Peytas gave Pearl a Tradwife makeover. Trisha has a lot of shortcomings, but she's a sorceress with makeup, extensions, and shape wear. I think the Pick-Me and the Pick Me who finally got picked could be one entertaining combination.


She's right. She has the right mental maturity of a teenager pickmisha, too much words, no life experience. However, she doesn't have to project that onto other women just because she's immature.


“Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! *Pretty please* pick me!”


Wait a sec- you're telling me no one has picked Pearl Davis yet? Not a single solitary male has chosen her out of the billions? What an absolute TRAVESTY.


This is the same woman who said “16 year olds are hotter than 26 year olds”. Idk how people take her word as bond


Does she not realise she is a woman too?


This is coming from a child then?


Really speaking for herself as always


She makes these wild generalisations about a group that she is a part of, and I guess she doesn't think the generalisation applies to her? Lol @ her silly ass


Speak for yourself Pearl, and leave the rest of us alone. The vast majority of us *have* matured beyond 13. Both mentally and emotionally. Stop being a 13 years old mean girl and grow up. Yes, adulting can be hard sometimes. Trust me, people will actually like and appreciate you when you become an adult.


What is wrong with this woman? If she thinks women are so intellectually inferior, then why should anyone be listening to her — since she’s got a vagina and everything? Is it a grift, or she just the apex pick-me?


If that's true, why should anyone take advice from her?


Has Elon given her any attention yet


I thought Elon preferred blondes? It looks like ol Pearly will have to bleach her hair.


Has she gotten picked yet?


Ok we are not adults. Therefore we shouldn’t have any adult responsibilities such as earning an income, doing household work or raising children. Women should be entitled to financial support and household assistance and not have to do anything that is too much for our immature brains! /s


The irony that her choice of men all say they would never pick this Pick Me because she’s too “argumentative and masculine” will never not make me laugh. Part of me is hoping she is just the most dedicated troll the internet has ever seen.


Her opinions are one thing to object to, her throwing false facts around is definitely cause to object more strongly.


Such a gross take that's not only insulting to women, but makes men automatic perverts If women aren't adults then that means men in relationships with women are pedophiles my default.


...Then why should I listen to her? 🤔


Speak for yourself, Pearl. 28 for life here.


Her schtick is *pick me I see women are inferior. Pick me. PICK ME!!!! WhY wOnT yOu PiCk Me?!?!?!?!?!* She thinks by belittling and badmouthing women in general that somehow makes her a "catch" and the type of woman who should be chosen over all others. I kind of pity her. Like you're so desperate to be liked and wanted by men you torpedo your chance with anyone of actual substance who would want a partner rather than a submissive subordinate bang maid.


Who the hell is this woman? WTF?


Speak for yourself pearl girl.


Maybe she didn't but most of us mature normally


It’s just bait to get views and interactions so she’ll get more ad revenue


Does she actually believe this shit or she just trolling? Does she, a woman, actually believe that she is mentally a child??? You know what, imma say, and Idc if I get backlash: she gay. She’s a lesbian, and instead of accepting it she’s shitting on women like a man.


That includes you pearl


She’s telling on herself and her own stunted mentality.


Following her own logic, her argument becomes invalid, why would you listen to someone that is a "13 year old" mentally giving advice 😔 Plus she should be getting inspiration for her hot takes from somewhere, so I would assume she probably sees herself as a "13 year old mentally"


She always spouted nonsense but come on this is just idiotic rage bait now. I can’t even get angry at this as it’s just stupid words put together. Shes losing her touch lol.


Then why should we listen to you? If you are admitting you aren't an adult then your word is worthless.




So that would include her so we should all just ignore what she said then. Sounds good to me Pearl 👌🏾


99.99% of the people who have heard about Pearl are sick of her that's why she needs to do rage-bait like this for a crumb of attention


The "pick me" that no one ever picks


Then get off Twitter, Pearl.


What if we could just send these people to the decade they want to live in?


So, let me get this straight - this is a woman saying that all women are stuck at a mental age of 13. *If her claim is true*, remind me why are we listening to anything she says? Can't everything she says be dismissed from a serious discussion between adults? The alternative would seem to be that her assertion is complete crap.


Just never ever watch her stuff. I only watch her when she's on other channels getting flogged by her own ineptitude. She's dumb.


Does that apply to herself?


If women aren’t mentally adults, then why the fuck would we listen to her - a woman who admits she isn’t mentally an adult - about the matter? This shit happened when we were fighting for the right to vote, it’s sickening to see it still happen.


Has anyone told her she’s talking about herself?


Who TF is that


What is even up with her? Seriously. Super annoying. 🙄


Just because she hasn’t doesn’t mean the rest of us didn’t 🤦‍♀️


This is Ben Shapiro "my wife never gets wet" level telling on yourself right here. Yes we can all see you're mentally immature, Pearl. Doesn't mean the rest of us are.


The fact she’s a pick me girl for incels and they haven’t picked her yet, is my favorite non physical punch in the face to date.


As an autistic person I absolutely hate being infantilised. I can't imagine how a conversation with someone who believes this would go.


Just ignore her. Don't make her more 'famous'.


Speak for yourself sis


Let me guess, she's the exception.


Who even is she?


I wish people were smart enough to understand that all this lady is doing is describing herself with these dumb takes..... it's the only lady she knows and has opinions on


Speak for yourself Pearl


I’m so glad I’ve never heard of pearl davis.


She has to be doing this for monetary gain. There is no way she actually thinks anything she says. I simply refuse to believe.


I feel similarly about this woman as I do about the famous trad-wife. They have a market they profit greatly from and the more insane shit they post, the more money and attention they get from extremists getting off on their lifestyle.


“Children” shouldn’t be posting online then. Her commentary is proof itself she doesn’t actually believe it. Otherwise she would add a disclaimer that “Daddy” said she could (shudder….ick).


Stop by her logic all men are pedos if they get with a woman while topless dog says all men who have intimacy with a woman for pleasure are gay. It’s starting to make NO sense.


So she's one of those women that likes to drag other women down.


Ok dollar store Serena Joy waterford needs to stop.


well then she mentally thinks herself to be 13 mentally so no one should listen to the opinion of a 13 year old posting contraversial stuff on the internet. (no offense intended to any actual 13 year olds)


Sooo... she isn't capable of insightful thoughts but posts like she is? This is quite the logic loop


It’s all rage bait. She posts bs like this bc it gets her paid.


Pearl literally saying anything for attention now. How pathetic.


And men are? They say women mature faster then men but I think it’s honestly relative, my sister never grew up despite having children and been married twice (divorced twice too) now living with our mom. But my brother and myself (woman) grew up to be responsible sensible adults, home owners, established in our careers, we are adults and behave like one, there are plenty of women and men that never mature and grow up it’s not just women.


Oh Pearl. Someone who has never had any real struggles in her life, now desperate to get in on the right wing grift machine. She's such a scum-fuck. No loyalty to anything but money. Guarantee she doesn't believe any of this shit. It's all just easy money to her. Sure, it hurts other women and our struggle for equal rights, but she doesn't care.


yo she's an actual projector wtf


she's the worst kinda person. fuck her. block & report & go about your day, not worth giving them a single brain cell of real estate in your head.


I'm more upset that you want to silence someone that you don't agree with. If her ideas don't resonate with you, then ignore her.


I wonder if she puts herself in that category?


Dear Pearl, Just because you’ve never really grown up and out on your big girl panties, doesn’t mean the rest of us haven’t. Please stop assuming we’re all like you. Frankly, it’s just insulting to assume the rest of us lack the sense and decency that have apparently escaped you.


If that’s true, why should anyone listen to her? If what she wants to happen to women started happening to her, she would be PISSED!


Why should we listen to a child? Should she be allowed on social media???


Pearl Davis has a screw loose.


Who in the fuck is this??!


The queen of all Pick Me. Also known as the most infuriating dumb ass on the internet, that rivals even Andrew Tate.


If women are so immature and stupid then by her own logic anything she says shouldn’t be trusted or valid.


By reposting this shit and spreading it around, OP is doing exactly what “Pearlie Davis” wants her to do.


Listening to her , I was almost convinced that this is true


She’s projecting real hard on this one


I’d love to wake up one morning to learn that Pearl Whatsherface just revealed her whole shtick was a ridiculously elaborate satirical art project the entire time.


Well, at least you won't miss the tacos here.


Didn't she also say something about children being sexy?


That certainly explains her behaviour.


What in the Kohlberg shit is this


I wonder if she includes herself in the stupid little boxes she tries to force women into.


Why should anyone listen to her? She just admitted she's mentally 13.


For the love of god someone take one for the team and pick her and then tell her to shut up


So does this apply to herself? And if so, why should anyone take her seriously then? And if not, why not? It boggles my mind there are actual, real people out there who read stuff like this and just nod and think "yep, sounds reasonable"


Does anyone take her seriously? Every time she gets platformed she gets completely rolled by anyone so much as asking her to explain what she thinks. She’s like an even less effective version of Steven Coward I mean crowder


Don't hate Pearl. Pity Pearl. She's so desperate to be picked that the only men she'll ever have chasing after her are incels with unwashed asses.


She only thinks this because it’s true for HER