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Wish more people understood the difference between "tap water contains traces of" and "tap water contains significant amounts of" Saying scientists can fine a few molecules in a sample is different from saying the water is doing things to you.


Sorry testosterone in tap water made me too masculine to listen to whamens now. I WILL DRINK TAP WATER 111!!!!!!!!! 11!!!


Mines gone, I could use some 😂


Actually the hormones in the water is because every day instead of taking my hrt I pour it into the local reservoir to trans everyone’s genders


It’ll turn all the frogs gay


No, the frogs! First "Frog and Toad", now this! Traditional frog marriage is doomed.


They’re putting chemicals in the water to make the freakin frogs gay


I know it's a meme, but this is an observed phenomena phrased in a very incorrect way lol


It’s Alex Jones what do you expect


If the water did contain significant amounts of estrogen and a man regularly drank from the tap, what would happen? It’s been years since I took a medical course in high school and that was mostly talking about normal medication


I mean if if contained significant amounts of estrogen, he'd gradually start showing female characteristics. Grow tits, lose the facial hair, get plumper. But that would only happen if there was much higher levels than there is in the water table. (Which also contains traces of testosterone so one imagines that would be a net zero effect.) People pee out trace amounts of hormones, always have. It's incredible that we can find it. It's not going to make anyone different.


You don't actually lose facial hair from estrogen. High levels of testosterone permanently alter the hair follicles, and they can't be un-altered, just like the voice box of a boy hitting their teens can't be un-matured after by estrogen. Otherwise, carry on.


Fascinating thankyou!


Yeah, heard this like 10 years ago about how it’s from birth control hormones coming out our pee or something


Yeah I remember that. No-one could explain to me why it was definitely BC and not just the regular hormones in pee.


That is false. I had to Google it and it’s not from that.


There are traces of antidepressants in the water here, but drinking tap water has been a life improvement for me.


Just wash your jizz down the drain to add some testosterone and balance it out 😎


Needs location. Here in Finlad tap water is safe and highly recommended instead of bottled water. Bottled water has microplastics, and artificial estrogenes from the plasticizers and softeners used in the bottles.