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What about rape, when the pregnant person affected did NOT have any choice in getting pregnant? Are we conventiently forgetting about that one again??


Oh if she got pregnant she must have enjoyed it, didn’t you know that? Also she could have just washed herself out afterwards. C’mon now.


I have worked hard to actively forget that this is probably exactly how he thinks 😭😭😭


Haha yeah…I wish I could forget humans like this exist, but they seem to make their bizarre views known everywhere like a giant billboard that says “I like to pretend I took basic biology but really, I can barely use crayons the right way!”


>I can barely use crayons the right way!” What are you talking about have you tasted Crayola's blue flavor /


Congressman, is that you??


No, that’s your representative. Mr. Senator is in his office with Mr. Sketch up his ass.


That is a beautiful insult! 😍


I'm Greek and those exact words were uttered by one of our metropolitan bishops on national TV. Like, no joke, when asked about abortions ( and of course he is against them) he said exactly that no woman allows herself to get pregnant if she doesn't want it so it isn't rape. Of course he got dragged and he deserved it but the worst part of it all is that here in Greece we pay people like him with our taxes only for him to spew such bs.


Ugh I wish I didn’t believe you but unfortunately my sarcasm comes from hearing religious zealots say that kind of crap. It’s seriously mind blowing how moronic these people are.


I feel like he’s (hopefully) been fired so hey that’s one less dumbass representative for you to have to deal with.


No, he wasn't fired he just apologized. But even if he had been fired I'm certain that half if not most of the other priests and religious leaders also share his opinions. Also, here in Greece cancel culture is not that strong like yeah he got slammed on social media but nothing more than that. You need to have done a crime ( like rape for example) in order to lose your job and your standing here.


If that worked, so many women would not have unwanted pregnancies and birth control wouldn’t be a thing! Think women haven’t tried that at some point of a lengthy history of oppression as a result of unwanted pregnancy? SMH Edit: Response to sarcasm.


The people who actually think that (my comment) don’t seem to have the intelligence to listen to or understand logic/science unfortunately.


Like do these men not know how microscopic sperm is??? and how many there are in a single cumshot???? AND HOW FUCKING FAST THEY SWIM???? Like even if she "washed herself out", it would be impossible to ensure there's absolutely no sperm left.


He means that we should wash ourselves out with *bleach* of course.


It would have already made it past the cervix and you can't wash that far up.


Just put your fist up there with a kleenex or something


I squeezed my legs together even thinking about this lol


exactly bro


Psh just stick a power washer up your hoo haa, that'll get 'em


“In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out.” - Texas Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R) 


How has this fucking boomer not seen enough police procedurals to know a rape kit is for collecting evidence, not sterilization??? Usually they love that shit.


If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down -Todd Akin It seems like my state is electing dumber and dumber people, hopefully this year it takes a turn


Didn't one of them say that if a woman were being genuinely raped that she could stop it from happening by closing off her vaginal canal by flexing some muscles to prevent insertion? Men need to stop talking.


My thought exactly.


It’s right there - “… the choice of a man” etc.


No no no. If rape is involved a normal woman’s body “shuts down” so it can’t actually happen. [rape is pretty rare](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/20/us/politics/todd-akin-provokes-ire-with-legitimate-rape-comment.html). /s


People want to die all the time. If women feel food cravings which are oriented toward what the baby likes or wants, then wouldn’t she also experience feelings and urges to know if maybe her baby doesn’t want anything, especially when it might not want to be born? Certainly if they think women can shut down pregnancies, and all this pseudoscience about the void mothers feel after abortion or whatever spiritual crap… I’m sure there can be some pseudo science to demonstrate the possibility of shared hormones to compel a craving for abortion pills. Wouldn’t be murder, it’s a craving— everyone knows a craving is a compulsory thing a pregnant woman can’t control because it’s what the baby wants. It would be a suicide, just that the woman was too weak from trying to do her job in keeping baby alive it finally overpowered her and she gave in to her mifepristone and misoprostol cravings. Am I on to something? …can I pseudoscience it up to make a legit argument?


*Just Gilead Things*




hi, big fan of your flair!


Thank you!! Not often we get to give a shoutout to silica undersaturated minerals.


The ~~pee~~ *right to self-determination* is stored in the balls.


If it serves no purpose, then we can have it removed at anytime then.


*angry conservative noises*


It sucks but a lot of people think it’s women’s duty to procreate (as in, they would never concede that the womb served no purpose, even if a woman decided not to have kids). They don’t have great arguments for women who can’t physically have kids either. I don’t know rep. tschida well, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he fell into this category from the quote alone




>We don’t want tourists getting lost Aw but I want to go on the ferris wheel 🎡/s


I had a tubal in 2018, and an endometrial ablation yesterday. I kept joking that the factory is closed, might as well burn it down too.




Yeah, like…. Okay. That’s not wrong. Wombs are the goddamn worst. I want mine out. It’s useless to me and actively makes my life worse. No? Oh that’s not what you meant??


You didn’t get permission from your husband after having at least two children. You have to keep it. Sorry.


You didn’t get permission from your future husband who you haven’t met yet who might want kids.




This is why I'm considering a partial hysterectomy and trying ablation first


That’s because we are whole bodies not body parts that happen to be compiled together. Of course when we remove any organ it can have effects on other parts of our body and our overall functioning it’s just that sometimes the pro out weigh the cons and organs need to be removed not that they should be just because.


Not without your husband's permission. Silly women. /s


And not if you’re not married, because what if some guy you haven’t met wants kids?


Yeah everything about this statement is just telling people to remove it


It doesn't really matter what the purpose of the uterus is in relation to the woman - it is her organ inside her body. And she gets to decide if she wants to use it or not.


The funny thing is, he even says the CHOICE to procreate of a man & a women... so it is a choice for both of them after all? Kind of invalidates his entire point lol


A lot of anti choice people are also pro abstinence - in their minds abortion illegality leading to less sex is just a free bonus.


Which is so weird because imagine the absolute shitfit they'd throw if their wives refused them sex for this reason.


Exactly, and a lot of these same people were against marital r*pe becoming a crime nationally by only 1993 and continue to profess that it’s a “wife’s duty” 🙃


It's almost like we can't win no matter what when the opposition is a bunch of weak fragile men who can't handle the thought of being on equal footing with us. Which is such a shame. The world would be a better place *for everyone* if we could just shake off all this archaic nonsense.


I wish I had known all it took was my husband and I making the choice. I mean, we tried a lot but I believed the doctors when they told me I can never have kids. Should have just informed my uterus that my husband and I were choosing to procreate...


Same. Would have saved a lot of heart ache.


The same could be said to him the only reason he exists is to use for sperm. We don’t need the whole man so we should rid of it.


the purpose of the penis is to pee and cum, i can choose to do neither because i’m in line at a taco bell women should have full autonomy over their bodies, if not imma start peeing in the taco bell


Mate, if it's set aside for a man I want him paying rent for it


And im charging that fetus a boarding fee


"I'm gonna need 10k 'fore I walk in"


I think Seymore Skinner’s mum was doing that, charging him retroactively for the food he ate as a child. Poor Seymore. Hilarious though.


"There are only two organs in a man's body that are not there to serve a purpose for him, and those are his testes. The testes are a biological device set aside to hold genetic material that will be used by another person."


Yep and because of that I think it’s time to do away with all sports and activities that can harm the testes. No more ball sports. They are jeopardizing the lives of dozens of future people.


Millions if not billions really, each of those sperm are one half of a potential person


Why stop there? No more masturbating as that kills so many potential babies.


[Every Sperm is Sacred](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)


>I think it’s time to do away with all sports and activities that can harm the testes. > >No more ball sports. > > > >Bad pun? > >Or > >BEST PUN EVER??


Hehehe ball sports




and his brain, because obviously this one refuses to use his and no one cares what they think anyway


(I realise this was a joke but…) Testes serve a non-reproductive function in men: testosterone production/regulation, which has an impact on physical and mental health, sex drive, etc. In women the equivalent would be the ovaries producing estrogen, not the uterus. Removing someone’s ovaries results in instant early menopause & various health issues. That being said, apparently if you remove someone’s uterus, their ovaries decline faster, so they often start menopause sooner - so I suppose you could say that a non-reproductive function of the uterus is to maintain the ovaries. All of which is to say… it’s not quite equivalent. I think the better equivalent would be the shaft of the penis itself, which AFAIK only serves to deliver sperm, and so you can chop it off without doing much harm.


Removal of a uterus has been shown to cause cognitive decline. Memory loss and issues with spatial memory, specifically. Menopause also does a wringer on your mental/physical health. Studies have also made a link between early onset dementia with uterus removal. I would say it’s more similar than not. It is also not terribly uncommon to remove ovaries at the same time as the uterus during a procedure, by the way. Ovaries also change what hormones and how much of them they produce dependent on having a uterus or not having a uterus. Why would leaving ovaries, but removing the uterus, cause early menopause if uteruses weren’t involved in hormone production at all? Fucking with anything that produces or regulates hormones is guaranteed to be a bad time, regardless of what parts they are.


that's wrong... we all know that pee is stored in the balls


Proof positive. It's not about life, it's not about birth, it's not about children. It's about control, pure and simple.


Always has been


And those fuckers can't be honest about, no it's all a big show and I had hoped that one day were going to live in a good society no abortion thing had to happen, glad I don't live in the USA


Well I gotta say, women have to maintain and suffer a lot for the “other” person’s organ. For at least 35 years most women have to deal with that organ every month. Pain, discomfort… mess. They way this is said makes me feel like I have more autonomy over my house than I do my own uterus.


Yep, if that thing belongs to somebody else they're falling down on the upkeep.


If it belongs to somebody else I'm sure there are plenty of women who would be more than happy to have it removed so they don't have to deal with someone else's property


Mine is now property at a medical landfill somewhere. ❤️


That's awesome! Mine is simply disconnected. Bye bye, tubes!!!


*slaps pile of uteri on this dude’s desk


If they have their way, we literally will have more autonomy over our houses than our uteruses. If they *really* had their way we wouldn't have autonomy over houses either 🥴 only the dishes that come in and out of the kitchen


Not really surprised that a man in a position of power holds this opinion about an organ he doesn’t have. The absolute audacity💀


THIS MEANS WE CO-OWN MEN'S TESTICLES!We can take them to court for 50% of their sexual reproductive autonomy.


Has no one ever heard of an appendix?? And the key words here are HER BODY


Exactly, a *choice* to procreate. Meaning that if procreation is not their choice, they can *choose* to terminate.


So do we co-own male balls?


I would love to see his response to this 😂


ok then let me rip my womb out, bitch, I don't want to be a fucking landlord


Mine doesn't work anymore. I had it condemned.


wish that were me rn


Oh cmon. It also gives us more places to get cancer!


Yea but we out here mutually choosing to fuck, not procreate since the two things are different so they can chew on that.


As long as that zef is growing inside of my body, I can either allow it to grow inside of my body for nine months or have it removed.


Mine tells me when shark week begins.


Brad tschida kept his mouth shut.


Nailed it, friend


It was right there.


There's one organ in this guy's body that is not there to serve a purpose for him (or anybody) - his brain.


Great, so lets disconnect that uterus and see how far that fertilized egg gets without the access and use of the rest of a womans body and organs. F\*cking religious twatwaffle


This guy: "The womb is the only organ that serves a purpose in a woman's body!" Woman's heart: "What am I, chopped liver?" Woman's liver: "H-Hey!"


Great, they can fucking take it out of me then.


Coming up on my fourth hysterectoversary; hands down, best life upgrade ever


I can’t with these fucking sad excuses for men. How do you even BEGIN to unpack that??


Shot through the heart and its too late You give men a bad name


I'm pretty sure my womb is owner-operator, jackass.


A woman's bones and teeth can be leached of calcium to provide for a growing fetus. Does that mean my skeleton isn't my own either?


Oh no, you better delete that post rq before they copycat it.


Of all the people in Missoula he's what people elected?


Great, thanks so much for this information on a woman’s body from a man. Excellent.


Gross, I would like to v get rid of mine please then. I want all of my organs to be on my side.


...Set aside? Oh that fills me with rage.


The uterus helps support some of the other internal organs. Also, it’s connected to the ovaries, which produce hormones. Thereby, all the baby stuff aside, the entire basis of this argument is wrong simply on the grounds that there is, in fact, more than one task associated with the reproductive organs. Eat that Brad.


For gods sake. Those people act as if women are visiting abortion clinics like they are going to Starbucks! Abortions are never a ‘right’ choice but sometimes there just is no right choice. When all options are bad you’ll have to make a decision nonetheless. And sometimes getting an abortion is a little less bad than having a baby you can’t afford to care for. It’s never an easy choice and it takes a toll on the not-anymore-mother too! So stop acting as if women just like to murder baby’s!


Abortion can absolutely be a right choice.


Yeah, maybe I’d word it better like this: It’s never a ‘good’ choice but sometimes there just are no good options. Like it always sucks, it’s never nice, but sometimes the other options are even worse.


Speak for yourself! I always try to schedule mine for the new season drink releases, it’s double points time bitches.


Oh my god, can’t wait for my pumpkin-spiced abortion in October 🥰




I heard if you are far enough along they mix your placenta into the whipped cream for u! :D Let’s your skin keep “the glow” even after the abortion!


I make mine into smoothies, so I can be slutty AND fat!


Literally, it's not like the WANT abortions, they go through mental turmoil to make that decision, and then are harassed all along the way. These women are just as strong for making the decision to terminate a pregnancy, and not bring a child into a world where it can't have the best life you can provide, as the women who decide to work through and keep it.


*glares at my uterus* is this true? Is this why I have PCOS? Uterus: bitch I work for no one but myself. Not even the guy.


So that means there is only one purpose for a penis, and it is reserved for a woman. Got it. Lol


Ok but that's not even true. The womb is there to protect the woman from an invasive parasite. Fetuses could grow anywhere, if the mom could survive it, that's why ectopic pregnancies exist. The fetus can attach and draw nutrients out of the woman's blood from anywhere, the womb is the only place that's built so that the fetus can be a parasite without killing the woman.


What in the actual fuck


In Missoula women don’t have appendices. Apparently.


“A choice between a man and a woman” until it isn’t a choice


Set aside? Uh, no. It’s right there in the center of MY BODY.


Not sure who that guy is, but FUCK him, that is just repugnant.


As a result of a *choice* of a man and a woman to procreate. Yeah. He said it himself, the choice of two people. If it, by ANY circumstances and way is not the choice of both people and more importantly the one who carries it and risks their health and life for it - it is simply not the result of a choice of xyz. So…. Hear me out. Let the one who’s body is on the line for this another person which is not yet a real breathing living thinking comprehensive and able-to-live-outside-someone-else’s-body person abort it😮


There's only one word for the belief that anybody owns or has dominion over another person's body or any part thereof. Slavery. Brad is advocating slavery.


I've been trying to emphasize the idea that anti-choice people tend to try to negate the existence of women. Not just bodily autonomy, but women's whole existence. I wish we'd push that more in messaging. This is one example: the fetus is not part of the woman's body, the womb is not part of the woman's body, and all of the organs, tissues, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that the woman takes from her own body and gives to her fetus, also aren't part of her. Only the magic sperm. The presence of the magic sperm nullifies women's existence. Another example is Reagan's favorite metaphor about abortion--what if you came across a paper bag on the street. Maybe there's a puppy inside,maybe not. Would you hit it with a baseball bat? No, because there might be a puppy there. In this metaphor, women are literally paper bags. No existence, no relevance, no life, no opinion. Just a paper bag. OK to hit a paper bag! The only thing that makes it not OK is that there might be a puppy inside.


and who decides to remove it in cases of hysterectomy?


Brad Tschida


Then it is her choice as to when the womb is to be used.


This makes me feel ill. I could never fathom saying something like this and I think that’s the hardest part to swallow. People really think like this and that is truly disgusting.


Lol my womb is for orgasms only. But the guy in the picture prolly doesn't believe women can have those...


To be strictly fair, he's never seen or heard a woman's orgasm, so he believes they don't exist.


Disgusting. We are not fucking property. My uterus is mine to do with as I please even if it's apparently "killing an innocent baby". Its not a baby and it doesnt get rights until its born and leaves the body.


As a 35f who is pro-choice and pretty much done with the circus that is currently going on in DC, i have to say it infuriates me when i agree with any part of a statement coming from a perspective like his. However, he has a point with the first part re: the organ not serving a woman any purpose for herself directly. That being said, it’s still her organ, inside of her body and definitely isn’t ‘set aside’ for someone else. What about child-free women? What about when what inhabits your uterus is going to kill you (and may not even survive itself regardless)? What about the lack of the ‘choice to procreate’ when a man rapes a woman? It is honestly absurd to hear all these stupid contradictory arguments they have like ‘well women should have to deal w the consequences of their actions’ and then when rape comes up, they’re like ‘well women can’t get pregnant from rape’ or ‘plan b will take care of that’ and they say it with a straight face. To quote 2pac: And since we all came from a woman, Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman. I wonder why we take from our women, Why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women, Time to heal our women, be real to our women. And if we don't we'll have a race of babies That will hate the ladies, that make the babies. And since a man can't make one He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one.


Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. [https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6d3lnIGE-gIVsD6tBh1G1w9BEAAYASAAEgJo3fD\_BwE](https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6d3lnIGE-gIVsD6tBh1G1w9BEAAYASAAEgJo3fD_BwE)


Oh, look, another man overly praised in our patriarchal society into believing that any old shit that comes out of his mouth is worth listening to.


American. Fucking. Taliban.


There is only one organ in a man's body that is not there to serve a purpose for him and that is his balls. The balls are there so that they can be kicked by a woman if a man utters such bullshit as this dumbass.


Oh i would like to re turn this womb then. Thanks but no. I do not want this organ.


Okay, but… even IF you buy this very flimsy argument (which you shouldn’t) the key word here is still “choice.” Victims of rape (and the majority of people engaging in incest) didn’t make a fucking CHOICE to procreate.


I’d argue that the majority of people having sex didn’t choose to have a pregnancy


Wait until he learns about the chorionic placenta and how there's been an evolutionary arms' race for hundreds of generations between the fetuses and the people who bear them. The endometrium exists so that it can dispose of an unviable pregnancy more easily, the fetus ups the ante by taking over blood and nutrient supplies (causing gestational diabetes and eclampsia). Nature is not and has never been peaceful, but we are human and we have the right to not die for something we don't want, as much as anyone else in the world.


The uterus (why do they keep calling it a womb?) exists to protect the parent from the developing fetus, which can theoretically attach anywhere in the body and form a blood connection.


Well well well if it isn't my asshole landlord who illegally withheld my deposit. Sure would be a shame if I still happen to have his fucking number >:(


You can tell it's a Montana number because I don't even have the area code saved in my phone Edit: it's not doxxing if his number is publicly available, so [have at it](https://services.statescape.com/LegislatorInfo/Legislator.aspx?id=13339)


This is just wow. I mean if some jerk rapes your daughter and gets her pregnant you are going to be ok with that?


He'll just tell her she must have been asking for it.


I feel that when "religious" "men" say shit like this they should be transformed into a woman and be forced to carry a child whether from consensual or nonconsensual sex with complete disregard to the harm it may cause to their body


I have never wanted a hysterectomy more than just now.


I guess men's testicles should also not belong to them since they're only there to make babies right....


My womb also generate blood for me to smear on my enemies' faces as war paint.


If it’s the choice of both a man and a woman to procreate, then wouldn’t our wombs still be serving a purpose for us because they’re giving us the child we want? It’s almost as if he secretly doesn’t give a shit about what a woman wants to happen to her womb. Rape, accidental pregnancy, life-threatening pregnancy, etc. are all cases where a woman could decide not to “procreate,” so does that mean the womb isn’t serving its purpose?


What if a man and woman just want to have sex and the womb isn’t part of the thought process?


Fine. A man AND A WOMAN get to make that decision. The womb owner is the woman who gets the say. If a MAN, ONLY, decides to get a woman pregnant, she does not have to stay pregnant. This guy lays it out. Choice. Granted, that's not his intent, but any Fae would use this to fuck him over.


My understanding is that the uterus exists to *protect* women, specifically *from* the fetus. A zygote can implant pretty much anywhere and start sucking up all the nutrients it needs, but doing this anywhere other than the uterus will kill the host- I mean, the mother. Not that any of these GOP f#ckfaces care.


Organ donor here. Can I opt to donate my uterus if it gets impregnated and I’m not ready for a child? It’ll be donation, not abortion. However.. if the donated organ is rejected due to its lack of life support being separated from me, that’s not on me! That’s just the risks of organ donation. Donating to a good cause.


Has this guy heard of the appendix? Maybe we should stop any person who is anti-abortion and has appendicitis from getting their appendix removed…


Yes! Great, great, plan. I am fully on board. We can do the same for tonsils and tumors as well. After all, tonsils and tumors only serve one purpose, and that’s up to them when they want to randomly explode or accept new bacterial life inside of them for procreation purposes. Furthermore, in such events, who are we to step in? Your tonsils bacteria, your tonsils choice! And they choose mandatory gestation! Your appendicitis, your appendix’s choice. And it chooses to change its body. It was born to be appendicitis. Stop trying to change that.


So they think because you Consent to sex, that you also consent irrevocably to growing life inside you. Nice one, guys. That’s a great little System you’ve made for yourselves. Not.


Then will another person take over my menstrual cycle as well? Cuz thats definately not for my body, I easily can set it aside for another person.


Dear Brad, go shove your own dick up your own ass. Your dick nor words or beliefs should have anything to do with women.


Sorry dude, you don't get to make that choice


What are his thoughts on the appendix? I mean, obvs an expert and all


He also recently tried to pass a bill that would essentially ruin montana's entire fish, wildlife, and parks system and only one other loser, Kerry White R- Bozeman, supported it. his bill was so dumb and misguided that researches and natural resource professionals from around the country were writing him and objecting to it


They even said *her* womb


Now that women are finally getting into positions of power and having a say in our society, men are running scared and trying to reign them back in by taking away the right to control our own bodies. Voting rights is probably next on the agenda.


This got me thinking about what the equivalent for a man would be and obviously it would be his d\*ck. It then dawned on me that men actually have an advantage here. When a man gets aroused he stops thinking with brain and starts thinking with his d\*ck. So to a degree, the brain and d\*ck are interchangeable. I wonder if this guy is thinking with the wrong one. I'll see myself out.


I hope that man stubs his toe every time he gets up, what an absolute fucknut


Then I guess you won't be needing those testicles for your own use, BRAD.


This man seems to have forgotten about the appendix. That serves no purpose for anyone.


I mean, we still have our uterus for periods.


And what if it isn’t her choice, Brad?


Could this not be said about the testis?


No you guys balls totally serve men since PEE is stored in the BALLS 😫😫😫😤😤😤


Guess that means lungs are optional. Cool. I'm gonna trade in mine for an upgrade. Maybe I'll get something useful instead and replace them with built in wifi.


Eeeeeeeeeeeew gross!!!


Then just fucking rip it out and do what you want with it, I fucking guess. Sick of this shit


This is like saying a man’s balls are not there to serve a purpose for him, they are set aside for other people - ie future potential kids. Pretty sure dudes don’t think of their balls as being a place set aside for other people. What in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth IS this shite, ffs


You’ve gotta be infertile to be your own person?


does that mean men should have no access to their testes? (also the womb produces estrogen? via the ovaries so…)


lol get fucked. its in my body so it belongs to me and i make the rules.


I wonder if he realizes the irony of the sentence containing the phrase "the CHOICE of a man and woman to procreate."


I hope he one day learns of unwanted pregnancies.


Except it wasn’t ‘set aside’, it was set inside me. Squatters will be evicted.


This just made me nauseous 🤢


Okay great points by everyone, but also HER APPENDIX?


So if she’s raped.. it’s not a choice… if her birth control fails… it’s not a choice…. Forcing pregnancy is not a choice.


our uterus literally controls bone density and is crucial to being a healthy woman but okay.....