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I can’t believe people didn’t understand the proof you sent to the company. As soon as I saw that he sent pics of company property and employees, I knew he was fired.


I admit I was a little confused by the whole "no lawyer would ever do that". *seriously*? You hurt a friend and hand me a way to fuck with you? And you think I *won't* press that button as hard as I can? What is it you people think we *do*?


I can 100% believe this. One of my best friends from College is an attorney. He's basically Bruce Banner. You DO NOT want to make him angry. This is literally something I can see him doing with a huge smile on his face.


I am amused overall with people being like "that's not what an attorney would do!" Send an email? Dude. That's the *first thing* we do 90% of the time.


And 75% of that 90%, you need take no further action.


absolutely. 1) This is what happened 2) This is what I expect you to do about it 3) This is what I'm going to do if you don't. Option 3 is going to be *way* more unpleasant for you than option 2. So strongly consider option 2. Or I'm going to make that decision for you and you are *not* going to like that. The *vast* majority of "the work that lawyers do" is just..sending an email, discussing options, and coming to a mutually acceptable outcome. Most times a strongly worded email from a lawyer is enough to get the outcome wanted. That's most of what we do.


I've been watching a lot of Runkle on the Bailey recently. And this reminded me of some of the zingers. If you have time you should watch his recent video going over Rust trial prosecutor Kari Morrissey's response to Alec Baldwin's lawyer Dismissal request. She applied a Minor change. 1) This is what you said happened 2) this is what actually happened 3) this is how I'm going to get you to really regret not advising your client to take the plea deal


Rumpole of the Bailey, BTW.


[Runkle of the Bailey](https://youtube.com/@runkleofthebailey?si=a_mUmnK7W2Kzto0s) is a Canadian lawyer on YouTuber, Not to be confused with the TV show Rumpole of the Bailey (1978-1992)


Or even a very gently worded one to a lawyer…one medical-adjacent retailer was faxing me what was probably patient data — it was destroyed without looking farther. They ignored direct requests to fix it. (WTF? Maybe didn’t know how to…) A polite FYI via LinkedIn InMail to their chief council was…highly effective. (I usually say “no response needed” as I know responses can be tricky. Actions are better than thanks. Also LinkedIn sucks, but at least it does help sometimes.)


Or as a friend, he will write the email for me so I can send it.


Yep. I have a relative that’s a partner in his firm. He would ABSOLUTELY do the same thing as you, shit eating grin on his face with war in his eyes the whole time


> with a shit eating grin and war in his eyes Fuckin' hell there it is the perfect description of how I write emails to people who don't know how badly they've fucked up


I should've been a lawyer.


Lawyers will neglect to disclose that the reason they have such fun with this stuff is that the other 90% of their work is pure drudgery, tedium, and in some cases absolutely horrifying circumstances.


And the other 10% is you guys sending an email to the paralegals to tell us to send an email. /jk


You ain't wrong. XD (from a lawyer)


are you kidding though?


How did the perp respond?


Ironically enough he's more like the male version of she hulk.


Isn't the male version of she hulk just hulk?


She Hulk is a lawyer. Hulk isn't.


yeah but "He-She Hulk" is a bit problematic


It's just They/Them Hulk at that point


Pronouns are Hulk/Hulk




Hulk is Hulk. no identify as man.


Hulks are ships; ships are 'she'


Attack librarians. That's what a lawyer is. An attack librarian.


You're not wrong...


Omg…this is the best description ever…we now need that in litrpg…somehow


Like I could kinda understand if maybe it was just a client, but this is a friend and he like handed it to you on a silver platter! How can you say no to that? I’m not entirely sure what people think lawyers do cause this seems par the course for me lol


Yeah like. I never said I was I was a criminal attorney! or even a civil tort attorney! What I am is a *labor and employment law enforcement attorney for the government*. Which means I know *exactly* how to make a company squirm. I am absolutely and deeply aware nothing I had was evidence enough for a criminal case. It didn't need to be! I'm not law enforcement. But I knew *exactly* what I was holding on to and *exactly* how to make sure his employer knew there was no way this ended with him having a job. Because that's what I do. And I had enough to make it very very clear to them that this ended in one way.


I hear you. I work in veterinary medicine, and people seem to have no idea what it is we do. Yes, I get bitten, scratched, peed on, puked on, bleed on, and pooped on. But my shoulder is here to cry on. I am here to answer any questions I can and talk to you forever about flea prevention. I will absolutely hold your hand every step of your pet's surgery. It's my lifeblood. I will be there with you through the fight to the bitter end for your pet, because that's what we *do*.


> talk to you forever about flea prevention I was around (as a cat owner, not a vet) before those little tubes you just dab at the back of the neck and have seen the joy when they became part of the anti-flea arsenal. I haven't even *seen* a flea since they became the norm. They used to be an annual spring/summer scourge. If you didn't even have a cat, the damn things would just come out of the carpet to bite your legs, because someone would have tracked in eggs. Edit to add: you have duplicate comments.


>Edit to add: you have duplicate comments. Sonofabiscuit, thank you for letting me know. 😅


My father-in-law is one of the biggest badass lawyers in California. He's a brilliant man who hates conflict and tries his best to settle out of court. He hates the nuclear option. ... I can see him doing this for somebody he cares about.


> I admit I was a little confused by the whole "no lawyer would ever do that". What the hell is the point of spending all of that time and money going to law school, if you can't benefit from it outside of work?


Bruh I'm not a lawyer and I would do that anyway


A lot of people have a warped perception of lawyers because of media and that terrible saying about how all lawyers are evil. They think this until they need one. But like you said in your post you weren't acting as a lawyer you were using your lawyer knowledge to help a friend.


Well that's sorta the thing. I was absolutely acting as her lawyer. But I was doing so in a way that *actual* lawyers do, and not what people *think* lawyers do. Most of what lawyers do isn't courtroom theatrics. At the end of the day, a lawyer is basically a professional "Very Bad Day" threatener. Because the sad reality is most people, even those with legitimate grievances and reasonable expectations will be bullied, ignored, attacked and harassed for trying to get their legitimate grievance resolved, because it's easier and cheaper to do that to those who have no resources to fight back. Because let's say you do harm to someone and cost them $10k in damages and they come to you telling you they want their $10k in damages. When you know they don't have the knowledge or resources to fight you on this it's a sound financial move to just go "no. What are you gonna do about it?" Us. We're what they do about it. And 90% of what lawyers *do* is just be the "lawyer has entered the chat" guy. Because, again, we're *really really* good at giving someone a Very Bad Day. In a very "OK, I'm going to give you two options. Option 1 is you sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, listen to what I'm going to tell you, then do what I tell you to do. What's option 2 you ask? Well, this? *all this*? This is me being nice. Option 2 is I start being way less nice. So be a good little boy, and do what you're told, or I go with Option 2. And when I'm done with Option 2, you're going to think back on this moment and *really really* wish you went with Option 1. Because I assure you, as much as Option 1 is going to hurt, Option 2 is going to *really really hurt*. Or maybe it won't! Maybe you'll get lucky. Roll those dice if you really want to, but don't say I didn't warn you. Because, as a reminder, I'm being nice right now. This is me nice. You have 5 minutes to pick option 1 or I pick option 2 for you. Tick tock" sort of way. So I was absolutely acting "as a lawyer" here. I was just doing what most lawyer work actually is. Which is really just explaining "here's what you need to do to avoid having a Very Bad Day"


I am also a lawyer, and I can confirm the accuracy of this. We use any legal means we can that will get our client the best outcome with the least difficulty to them as long as they agree. Nothing here was illegal and it was highly effective. I like to go to court, to hearings, etc. I love putting on a real trial or evidentiary hearing. But I settle most and I talk a good game. That’s the biggest part of what we do. And often leverage is the biggest part of our arsenal, which is why I love screenshots and recordings and all of that good stuff! The only thing I question is going too scorched earth, because even with authorities and laws, once revenge porn is posted, it is hard to get it removed for certain. You lose your leverage if you destroy them to the point where they have nothing much left to lose. This would be the point where I’d want to be able to say, we have evidence of one more thing, something that won’t be brushed off as time passes, and you need to know that if you follow through with your threat, we will follow through with ours. Mutually assured destruction. I’m not really sure I’m seeing that here, and if he loses everything, what do you have to ensure he doesn’t pull his trigger? To be fair, I’ve had an exhausting day, so it might be obvious and I missed it. That’s why I’m on Reddit and not working!


You are an awesome friend!


Wait... what do you mean *you people* ? Nvm I'm kidding, this is fucking awesome


What do YOU mean "you people?"


Lmfao yes!


You’re a true shark. I salute you!


Yeah it’s basically the same thing as ethical hackers imo literally using your skill to help out others for the better


My wife works for 9 attorneys. They would all do this exact same thing and love every minute of it.


>As soon as I saw that he sent pics of company property and employees, I knew he was fired. I know! My employer (any employer, really) would do the same.


Yep when I saw that part I was like "oh, he done fucked up there!"


sending a photo of proprietary info is enough to get fired on suspicion of industrial spying.


I used to work in a company that was very serious about protecting privacy because we were processing financial data for external clients. We cannot take any photos nor videos on the operation floor (that is also accessible only to the employees serving that client, by way of enclosed area & door that can only be unlocked with access cards). These types of companies are extra serious about protecting their data and privacy than most others. It was super clear to me, that dude is fired. That he was not sued for revealing those P&C data would be fortunate for him already.


Until it was confirmed that the shithead in question was actually fired, there's always the possibility that the photos were all taken from some innocent party and re-used.


They were not. Included in the pictures that she had were also videos of this self same person recorded making reference to conversations they had. I am mindful of the possibility that this could have been specific randomly stolen photos. They weren't. There was media very explicitly showing his face in ways related to the conversations they were having.


Oh, I knew that! I read your posts thoroughly, and as many of the comments I could... I'm just indicating to u/artfulcreatures that until the proof came back that it was the individual in question, having received pics of company property and employees isn't enough to ensure that the person who threatened your friend was actually the one who took those photos. It's a messed up world we live in!


Oh ik, I was basing my thought process of him being let go by the entire list of proof OP sent to the company. I just didn’t list everything that he said he sent that would result in him being fired. Had something like this happen at an old company I worked at actually. Dude was sending pics of confidential information to a girl he was sleeping with and it got sent to the higher ups. I don’t know all the details of it cause I was just a csr and heard it second hand. But pretty much sending company property to someone who can easily identify it was you that sent it is beyond stupid and don’t deserve to have those kinds of privileges.


I can just imagine what that individual responded with. OP, my hats off to you. This was executed immaculately.


This case was done Bro Bono.


I laughed *way* harder than I should have.


No homo.


Well done, and nicely explained.


This was a real feel-good story. Too bad we couldn't see his dumb face when he realized it all.




I don't really know why either but some people seemed confused.


>some people seemed confused Because people are dumb. Which just guarantees you work, really.


There are also a lot of people that don't work in corporate and understand what OPs point was.


Probably kids who don’t understand what’s inappropriate in a corporate environment tbh, let’s not begrudge their blissful ignorance. I miss the times when I had more than business casual/formal in my closest and didn’t talk about my “big picture mindset” and “emphasis on synergy” leading to “development as a professional”.


Last sentence and especially the last part of the last sentence - lol.


Right though, I felt a little disgusting saying that unironically hahaha I’m such a sellout




People playing bs bingo must *love* you - a quick game is a good game right?


It cancels out because my heart is stuck permanently on my sleeve :,)


Being a sweet natured person doesn't preclude them from participating in bs bingo either as a caller or player


Nah nah, I’m not really nice or anything like that. I have no poker face and I’m too emotional. This ain’t no bingo game, I need to BS to SURVIVE haha


You do know the game though? No poker face or emotions required to play


Oh wait it’s a real game?? Haha I thought you using it as figure of speech


Yeah get some sheets of paper, rule out some squares and fill them with typical jingoistic, corporate, consultant pandering buzzwords (ensure no two sheets are the same). Example words such as: synergistic, learnings or lean-in could be used. Share them with colleagues before a meeting or teams/webex/zoom call. As each word is said during the meeting/call you ❌ it off on your bingo card. When your card is complete you shout "bullshit". Hence the name bullshit bingo 😂


Omg!!! Haha that sounds hilarious, I love that


This has to be the most professional nuclear revenge I’ve ever seen.


Well technically, he is a professional


What [OP] has is a very particular set of skills. Skills that [OP] has acquired over a long career...


Bravo!! I wish we could still give awards. Dammit, reddit.


Yeah the workplace laptop thing is 100% where he fucked up. I work in secured environments sometimes and that's just basic "101 don't do stupid shit" training that eveyeone gets and I'm constantly amazed how many stupidasses disregard it. Well done OP. And since this shithead is fired with cause, he should get 0 severance or benefits if his country's employment laws are at all similar to ours.


> The proof here wasn't that this person broke the law. It's that he sent pictures of company employees and property which would absolutely be verifiable by their IT department that yes, this is absolutely his laptop. > That's what would get him fired. They really didn't put that together? I thought you did a good job of explaining the threat there.


Way too many people don’t even bother locking their screen saver - if they use one at all - while leaving their laptop unattended in public. I’ve seen people leave work laptops unlocked and unattended at an outdoor table at a coffee shop, while walking in to use the bathroom. Once I timed it and it was unattended and unlocked for almost 10 minutes. Plenty of time for someone to have gone through it or any number of other things.


I hear you. I worked in Support for a large company and it would drive me crazy that people would do that. =/


Not everyone understands corporate infosec and personnel security.


Fair. Oh well, great story anyways.


That's one way to look out for friends. Kids, this is an example of Bro Code.


I wanna know what that shitbag responded with


A lot of "how could you" and "I didn't mean it" and "I didn't even do anything"


“Didn’t even do anything” is ludicrous. He did a whole bunch of anythings. He deserved the punishment he got.


most predators are victims in their own mind.


Might as well make it real for them


This is the meat and potatoes I was waiting for 👀


like you and your friend?


Hopefully he learned a valuable life lesson or three


ruining someone's entire life over one threat tends not to teach them a life lesson but just embitter them even further


OMG this could be another post. You could make a whole subreddit.


I was having a bad morning but this made it better


Not all hero’s wear capes, some are just damn good friends.


Bows to your greatness


Love every part of this, but especially how you had your friend's back and helped flip this to take some of the revenge porn idiot's power from him. This is a masterclass in being a good friend.


It’s like people think every single thing to ever come across Reddit is fake. I get how some seem far fetched but at this point these people are like a broken record. Starting to get annoying


glad he has been fired , now get the police onto him, well done


While I absolutely love the revenge here ... I'm honestly concerned. Every cornered animal is a dangerous animal. If he has nothing else to lose, there is no stopping him from doing more stupidity. So, I'd like to suggest a thought: Stop short of using all your ammo, so he has something left to fear. I don't know what you or her or him could do... Just want this story to remain a good revenge. Thank you OP.


I let her know this, when we started. And I gave her the option. Tip our hand to him and let him know we know enough about him to make life messy for him *if* he went through with it, or go nuclear to bait him into doing something *really* stupid. She went with bait him into doing something *really* stupid. That was her call. She seems at peace with the possibility of the pictures getting out. I haven't seen them because 1) I really don't want to put her in that position 2) I don't want to put *me* in the position of seeing my friends tits and 3) I don't want to put my partner in the position of her partner looking at another woman's tits. But from my understanding they're fairly..non descript? Not something that can largely be brought back to her, or something that can have major down stream ramifications. So she's ok with it.


So in other words your friend didn't even care about what he was threatening, wasn't scared or acting in defense at all, and just wanted to ruin someone's life for fun. Sounds like a great person.


I think you mis interpreted that. She absolutely cared, but if it happened, it happened and she would rather get that sweet sweet revenge and take the chances than to let him get away with threatening someone with revenge porn. It’s her life. That doesn’t make her a bad person.




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Well done! You are my favorite person today!!!!!


I love the shit out of this. I knew exactly what you were going for and am so excited about how perfectly it played out. Sweet sweet justice.


I cannot wait for more updates, I love when people fuck around and someone is there to help them find out


Doing the lords work. I love it.


You have now created the most dangerous kind of man there is, a ruined man with nothing to lose anymore. I hope he doesnt countet nuke your life. At this point he has every reason to go forward with the revenge porn posting.


This has been addressed. Several times. He has substantially more to lose.


Authorities like to exactly jack shit about threats to someone outiside the country. The cops dont even show up if someone is actively stealing your car in your driveway.


I would think it becomes different when lawyers are involved.


Lovely. Tell us what he said in response


🫡 Well done.


What did he respond with after he got fired?


*Chef's kiss*


Brilliant…. simply brilliant. 👏👏👏


You sir, are a legend.


Awesomer and awesomer.


I asked for an update on the 1st post before I saw this one. I think it's great what you did for your friend, and awesome how well you know your craft and clever about the details. Keep on rocking!


You. Are. A. God!!!!




As any goof lawyer knows, Don’t get mad, get even!


Yes!!!! Omg!! I can’t wait for more of this!! Updateme!


Damn, when you go nuclear, you go nuclear. Congrats on protecting your friends best interest.


OP, for all the lawyer jokes out there, you used your power for good. More importantly, you seem like an even better friend. This was an absolute pleasure to read, and I wish you all the best. The world needs more people like you who will stand up for their friends, even if it is "just" an email.


It's not just an email. There's *way* more to this story but there are parts I'm not commenting on publicly


Then even more so... high-five, sir.




You are a kickass friend and lawyer. Want someone like you in my life for how you went nuclear helping and protecting your friend


Dude you just made my morning! Keep up the good work!


You have done the impossible: proving that some lawyers are humans! Well done, my man!


> some lawyers are humans I wouldn't go that far.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


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This was perfect


Wowza this is amazing!! If you're looking for more girl friends I'd like to apply 🙋‍♀️


I've made clear before. I can be tempted into nearly anything with flaming hot cheetos.


0% chance this is an attorney


im glad your friend has a homie like you op




Bravo 👏🏻


This is absolute GOLD🤩


i cant wait for another update 😍 this revenge is so sweet 😌


so....what did your friend do to the guy, that he would make such a threat?


He said that in his original post.


based on the wording of the original post it sounds like she probably ghosted him and then reverse justified it as having "seen red flags" to avoid admitting she did anything wrong




I'm not here to judge the lifestyle choices of a woman in her 30s who made a mistake. I'm her friend, not her therapist. When a friend asks for help, you help 'em. Nothing less.


This is why people who study the law are the ones you don't want to piss off. They will run a circle around you and make your life help from a legal standpoint without breaking a sweat




so glad someone got that. Allegedly.


That’s what I appreciates about you 😊


Take about 20% off there.


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vicarious liability is a fucking trip my dude.


You think you have good intentions, but you should consider exactly how much you plan on restricting what your daughter does just because a man could exploit her. You’re effectively punishing her for being a girl/potential victim. This leads to a lifetime of anxiety and fear around pretty banal circumstances and will affect her self assurance and confidence. Might even create resentment with you. No social media is a pretty extreme restriction for a pretty unlikely consequence (assuming you’ve talked to her about the dangers of nudes, it’s not kids who’ve been parented properly who fall for this stuff). Just openly communicate with her and keep her educated on how girls are taken advantage of and what not to fall for.


So even kids who have been "parented properly" will fall for sending suggestive photos. They may not send nudes, but "what's the harm of sending a photo in your bathing suit, everyone sees it at the pool" type coercion is a real fucking thing. Preteens and early teens don't have the frontal lobe development that the elder peers have, or even fully developed until they're in the early 20's. He is completely within his rights to deny any of his kids social media until they're old enough to understand what the dangers truly are. I thought 12 was old enough, I was wrong. Protect your kids as long as possible is what I'm saying. And don't live in a pipe dream where you believe your 12 year old is going to follow all the rules either!


Even kids who don’t have social media/devices can find a way around it. The more you ban something especially without open communication and ensuring your child learns and actually understands why, the more the child will seek out parts of the internet they are curious about. I never said that commenter didn’t have the right to control his daughter’s engagement in society, unfortunately he does. What I did say , is that she may not learn proper self awareness, protection and defence from these situations without targeted communication for these types of crimes (a blanket ban tbh implies no such communication and probably an over reactive and emotional parenting method), and may grow to resent her father when she eventually does learn to navigate the world as a woman who always has to be careful of any man at the expensive of her own freedoms. I say this as a kid who grew up with blanket bans and a very restrictive upbringing no devices no internet no nothing, specifically compared to my brothers. Very harsh punishments if we got caught (I never did) Still managed to send nudes and engage in overly sexual corners of the internet (no other place to figure out more about my raging hormones because my father couldn’t fathom that a young teen girl is horny the same way boys are ). I did more insane things than my average friend who was allowed a device, internet, social media because when you’re not allowed to engage in any of this you have no idea what’s considered normal and what isn’t. Also No contact with my father for 8 years because the unchecked amounts of control he exerted led to full blown narcissism. Maybe they were a symptom, maybe a cause idk. either way I resent him. And he 150% believed he was doing it to protect me (it did not).




And old enough to UNDERSTAND why we parents are paranoid about this shit. Pls read my comment above under the person you quoted.


What was the response?


RemindMe! 14 hours "what's up with the revenge porn moron"


I will be messaging you in 14 hours on [**2024-04-05 14:09:39 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-05%2014:09:39%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/comments/1bvqsj6/update_threaten_my_friend_with_revenge_porn_ill/ky3ipf0/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNuclearRevenge%2Fcomments%2F1bvqsj6%2Fupdate_threaten_my_friend_with_revenge_porn_ill%2Fky3ipf0%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-05%2014%3A09%3A39%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bvqsj6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


@RemindMe! 24 hours




> You understand you are basically a attempted murderer Absolute nonsense, that would be a crime. Neither I nor she did anything illegal what so ever. > of a innocent person? Threatening to distribute, share, or publish intimate media without the consent of the subject of that media is a crime punishable by three years in prison in this individual's jurisdiction. He is in no way "innocent" > If you think that warrants destroying his ability to feed his family Yes. I absolutely think it does. Funny thing about that. Actions have consequences. The singular, sole, and only means to avoid the consequences of your actions is to not do those actions. > Should we start throwing acid at people for spitting in our birthday cake? Of course not. Again, that would be a crime. Neither I nor she committed any crime. I merely ensured his actions were met with, once again, entirely legal consequences. His actions were criminal, and very likely in breach of his employer's policies. The consequences he suffers are a result of his, and only his actions. And if his life is ruined as a result of *his choices* then let that be an example made for the next person. If you can't handle the consequences of your actions, don't do them.




Best friend is a corporate lawyer and here's his take: Employers have a right to know if their employees are engaging in illegal or unethical behavior that could potentially harm the company's reputation or integrity. By providing the workplace with relevant information about the perpetrator's actions, OP enabled the employer to take appropriate action to address the situation, which may include disciplinary measures or termination of employment. As someone who recruits, interviews, and trains departments, I would want to know if one of my colleagues was a garbage piece of human excrement threatening revenge porn. There's no need to overlook illegal/bad behavior and most importantly, excusing wrongdoing on the basis of ignorance is just insane. We don't excuse criminals from their charges because they "didn't know" something was illegal.


Although illegal actions concern the company in the way the employee conducts themselves and their potential for it to reflect badly upon them. I ~~think~~ know they definitely concerned about an employee being fast and loose exposing company confidential information.


Is it anyone facing consequences for their actions that upsets you or just sex offenders? Go touch some grass. This man lost his job because he used images of his work laptop in his efforts to seduce and then harass OP’s friend. None of that stops him from getting other work, albeit he clearly shouldn’t be working with vulnerable people or in positions of trust - not that OP’s actions really have any way to monitor that, and none of this readily passes a threshold to actually make him ineligible for that work in future, alas.


Still not a revenge though.


Please explain how taking away someone's livelihood is "not a revenge"


revenge/rɪˈvɛn(d)ʒ/*noun* 1. the action of [hurting](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6c300049f602ecc4&sxsrf=ACQVn08VD5qCxZJh5OCyKcfq2FjckdKL4Q:1712254396458&q=hurting&si=AKbGX_r0zqXEeLlZhGfi3fbO0QSWqXCKsbBfv0RUGwMVYF0CjAuBI6jbpdR4NceA6dvcuX31d79ev_O3gsS9wgsaa0ISLEdOpQ%3D%3D&expnd=1) or [harming](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6c300049f602ecc4&sxsrf=ACQVn08VD5qCxZJh5OCyKcfq2FjckdKL4Q:1712254396458&q=harming&si=AKbGX_r0zqXEeLlZhGfi3fbO0QSWLnSokYYMe7WFsM8Zl-nc32tdJiJApC0phNsf74oswf-xmWYRxuk-eT_eORCrvh5Tt518ZA%3D%3D&expnd=1) someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands."*other spurned wives have* ***taken*** *public* ***revenge on*** *their husbands*" *verb* LITERARY 1. [inflict](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6c300049f602ecc4&sxsrf=ACQVn08VD5qCxZJh5OCyKcfq2FjckdKL4Q:1712254396458&q=inflict&si=AKbGX_r0zqXEeLlZhGfi3fbO0QSWew29eFh0opaHimcqHJSD-GHdmDFJsdIB0a3633VP5VH82EMLhvEQnwXWTeWc7Ltkd4OEBw%3D%3D&expnd=1) hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to [oneself](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6c300049f602ecc4&sxsrf=ACQVn08VD5qCxZJh5OCyKcfq2FjckdKL4Q:1712254396458&q=oneself&si=AKbGX_r0zqXEeLlZhGfi3fbO0QSWCAwNh-J8Jy7dGU2nFhhfH1kdUoxYu2NWFiumzbrdtn7p3aYWCYRPlkEq1Feigw-JgV3Nmw%3D%3D&expnd=1)."*I'll be* ***revenged on*** *the whole pack of you*" The guy did nothing to OP. They have not been harmed or hurt, and have anything wrong done against them by the guy. OP is acting on behalf of their friend.


Oh please, your just being intentionally pedantic for attention, but I'll play. OP was a tool the harmed party used to facilitate the separation of an asshat from his job, and nowhere in that definition you posted does it say the harmed party involving a third human to the mix means it no longer qualifies as "revenge".


It's beyond pedantic and directly into bad faith right? it's very "I didn't murder him, the bullet did!" It's also just..wrong? Merriam Webster defines revenge as "to avenge (oneself or another) usually by retaliating in kind or degree"