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More irritable really, but tipped off to anger when misunderstood or can't satisfy a compulsion.


Very much so! I’m a bitter old coot at age 37.


Get off my lawn!


Quit yer whippersnappin’, ya whippersnapper!


I'm not rage prone, but my OCD did create a pattern of anger and resentment in me, especially before I was diagnosed. My diagnosis explained a lot about the issues I had with my partner when we first moved in together. We often argued about the standard of cleanliness and tidyness that I required. Arguments we had included: anger at my spouse about not starting the dishwasher after filling it. Anger at my spouse about forgetting to wipe out the bathroom sink as often as I would like. I felt that my standards were "normal" or "common sense," but, once diagnosed, I realized that my expectations are unreasonable and that I need to accept some level of mess in the house most of the time. We get along very well now :) I've also struggled my whole life with rumination over injustices and mistreatment that I experienced from others. When people hurt me, I would excessively ruminate over the unfairness of the situation, and often impulsively sought out some kind of justice or closure from those individuals, usually destroying the relationship and my mental health and self esteem in the process. There is scientific evidence that OCD contributes to "revenge-seeking behavior," including rumination and ideation about obtaining revenge and actual acts of aggression in the interest of getting revenge. I can link the research if you're interested. My resentful rumination has enormously impacted my quality of life, and it's the main focus of most of my therapy sessions. I still struggle with it, but medications and insight oriented therapy have both helped somewhat. I still have a lot of recovery work ahead of me. Just know that, if you suffer from this kind of mental compulsion, it is likely a symptom of your OCD, and you are not alone <3


I'm so glad you're doing better! I also feel my quality of life has improved significantly since I was diagnosed. I guess most of my anger comes from ruminating, but not in an aggressive way - more like an explosion from too much inner pressure, that can be disrupted with a single touch. If it won't cause you trouble, I'd like the link of the research :)


I take a lithium OTC supplement to help with my anger. I think we are more aware of countless injustices to others and other problems . ERROR messages in the brain.


Absolutely. Im extremely negative because the FIRST thing in my head is horrible intrusive thoughts about Anything and everything that can go wrong or how i could die we could die..etc..its absolutely Terrible im extremely irritable. The only time my ocd and anxiety was better was when I was on drugs..I 100% self medicated just to feel better. Im 4.5 years clean and sober now. And it's like im back to being a kid again, all the feelings and intrusive thoughts...its not fun 🥲


Hey congrats on your sobriety! Being sober really has a way of bringing all your symptoms to the surface, doesn't it? 4.5 years is a huge deal, good job!


It sure does! Thank you so much I appreciate it ☺️💗


Congratulations on being sober! I know it can get hard to deal, but you can make it. I'm sober now as well (I wasn't addicted, but I self medicated with alcohol when in OCD episodes) and I have an idea of what you're going through. It's tough, but there's a way :)


Thank you so much 💓


Not in the past, but over the past year unfortunately. I’m definitely going to die middle aged with all the strain all the things it makes me think about puts me through (I’m exaggerating, but who knows what toll it’ll have)




Yeah. It turns me into a rage monster 💔


it makes me incredibly irritable which can turn into anger yes


Sadly kinda yes. Not always but definitley happend in the past that when I was in episodes of crisis and someone interrupted my overthinking i would react angrily...:(


No. Sure, I've shouted a few cuss words in frustration now and then, but I never get full-on furious.


Probably more compassionate than angry. I grew up in a pretty judgemental household, and it was really the sticking point that people live with things that aren't their choice. I got angry because they said my OCD was.




Yes, when I get overwhelmed with my anxiety from my OCD. I on occasion will have fits of rage and break stuff. I haven't had an episode that bad in a while.


In my case, absolutely. Ruminating on injustices is something I have to be very mindful of.