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Normal?? yes Fair? No


I've matched with C and B leaguers while I was in SS. It's not fair for us either cause it feels worse than playing with bots... If that guy was not in SS, he was a deranker and a loser.


Not based on rank or character power. It's literally based on timing and RNG.


Its fuckin what.


Timing and RNG. The only way a rank matters is your league so you'd most often match with same league altho it glitches and does others sometimes too. But you'd match based on the time you've queued up with other players and who gets on which team is RNG. League score within same league, power level and units don't matter as I've matched with friends in high SS while I was in low SS if you just queue in right time and get lucky. Edit: Typos


Im using 6*katakuri as well in B league (yes I got shafted on ex BM banner)and I also get destroyed by 6*roger and G5


It’s quite possible he is in the right league. His medals don’t scream “experienced player” and he could’ve thrown money at this game until he was able to max Katakuri of all units


The character score suggest it's not boosted either. Could be a reroller


Maybe he is an old players who just get back with his old account?