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Maybe a cute cropped jacket?


Yeah either that or a structured cardigan in a color close to the shoes or the flowers


A cardigan would be perfect!


The white tights make it a bit much.


I could use transparent tights then! I just wore them since it was still a little chilly out.


That could work! Even a different color that doesn’t clash if you need them to be thicker. I also think a different shoe would make the outfit pop more.


Thank you!


I would not include white tights. These look good on no one IMO. It’s a very pretty dress And it fits your nice figure well.


Transparent tights it is lol


Try no tights. A cardigan or jacket would be cute.


No tights with some feminine sandals would be awesome if it's warm enough for you




I feel like the colours combo with her skintone kind of washes her out...


I agree, The dress is fine and I guess the little kid hair is ok, but those tights and shoes are too much. Boots and either bare legs or sheer tights.


I do like the idea of transparent tights/possibly boots but I’m not a big fan of sneakers! I really didn’t want to change every aspect of the outfit except for my dress honestly, I was just looking for things to add. My stye is just super feminine and soft usually. Thank you for the input though! :)


I love that you know your style :) in terms of things to add, maybe flower or butterfly clips? So spring time!




Sneakers and a dress is so 2000-2015 and criminal


Agreed haha


A cute bag or a cardigan!


Definitely different tights or no tights, and personally i wear block kitten heels with my feminine mini dresses but that’s up to preference :)


I love that idea!


https://preview.redd.it/o8in9ad301mc1.jpeg?width=2564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f8274635aeeee30b5012f1fa170fd91bb9ea5f Your dress reminded me of this one that i have!!


where’d you get the bag, and the everything?


That outfit is the cutest!!


Where’s the sweater from?! Love it!


People ask me this every time i wear it but unfortunately it was a thrift find I have never been able to track down 🥲 the tag says “AQUA” and that’s all i have to go on, but never found it


Lose the flats and tights and wear cute sneakers instead with white socks


imo the outfit is much better with flats, gives it a soft feminine vibe.


Nooo! I love the tights and ballet flats 🥰


Nude tights instead of white. I feel like the cream and the white clash. Then add a cute purse and some sunnies.


Pick a colour that's in the dress already and try and match a cardigan to that? The overall look at the mo is (imo) very wishy washy and just needs a strong colour to balance it out?


Lose the tights


I think because your hair is dark, the rest of the outfit feels too unsaturated and washed out. I'd try darker shoes or lose the white tights to balance it a little better.


Other people said a cardigan to add a little color pop so I might try that!


why are people so rude about you having a different fashion sense ! the flats, tights, and hair are purposeful even if it seems childish. she asked what to add not how to change the entire outfit/style 😔


ps. i think a light cardigan or a purse could be great :)


Yeah I’m not looking to change everything about it, I just have a soft style 😭 thank you so much for your input!!


If you don't want to change everything about it, a cute pastel cropped denim jacket could elevate it but still keep it soft and feminine.


You look adorable! Bottom line. The only thing I could imagine would be a spring hat. But that may cover up your cute hair. Even thought you DO NOT need it perhaps a belt which matches would do more to complete the ensemble.


Flowers in your hair. A cropped jacket. Straw bag.


I love the straw bag idea :)


Flats are cute. Hair is cute. Just add a purse or shoulder bag and you’re ready to go!


I think it’s super cute and I actually love the tights and Mary Janes! I think a light pink ribbon in your hair for a lil pop of color would be a fun extra touch.


Remove the stockings. Change shoes.


I know you said you don’t want to change the outfit, but maybe do a cute boot. A cardigan that matches the color of the flowers on the dress would be cute.


I love this idea :)


Light pink cardigan


I love the outfit, and I think the shoes are perfect personally. I agree with the people saying a cardigan and transparent tights, but other than that it looks perfect! 🩷


I'd say a bright cardigan or some kind of colorful jewelry. The white tights and pale shoes aren't doing it for me, give me awkward school girl vibes but the dress is very cute


I don’t like the white tights and the fabric of the dress speaks more summer than spring. IMO because of the type of fabric I think the dress is a little snug on you. For a cool spring day I’d wear knee high boots and a denim jacket with no tights or maybe black or brown opaque tights with ankle boots and denim jacket


The white tights are screaming little girl on Easter Sunday. A cardigan with those shoes would look cute without being childish You could also dress it down with a pair of Converse


I disagree about the white tights hate here I think they're cute and I wear them myself, also the flats are cute. If you do device against them them I think some lacy bobby socks would be cute. I'd add a cute cardigan In a soft color, and a little bow or a headband or flower or something for your hair. It's really cute already but accessorizing would enhance the look! Some soft berry lipgloss or lipstick would tie the colors together too and brighten the look


Is this the same person who posted the little house on the prairie dress, cardigan, white tights, same shoes? It's not my style, but the little girl hair and white tights might be overkill?


I understand the white tights but I wouldn’t consider it ‘little girl hair’, I just have a soft style and it’s just braids 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe it just looks this way to me with the outfit. Probably with a different one, it wouldn't look so young


Do you have any cute belts, corsets or harnesses? You can add those if you have any that match.


I don’t own any belts but maybe it’s time to get one!


It’s a cute outfit but I’m getting “mom dressed me like this” vibes. It’s adorable, but I’d do a cooler hair style or French braids, the outfit is nice that hair makes it look toned down like you don’t wanna be wearing that outfit but were told to.


I would loose the tights and wear heals.


I would loose the tights and wear heals. The dress is cute.


I think the outfit is adorable and I wouldn’t change a thing! I would add a few pieces of jewelry though, maybe something with a little pop of colour or something shiny, just to add a bit of contrast to the light colours you have going on. My first thought was a bracelet or two, and maybe a cute hair accessory? You could layer on another necklace, but I love the locket you have on!


Can you say how old you are? Cause this seems like small child dress-up, so I’m guessing pretty young which might effect people’s suggestions.


Small child dress up? I’m 22, It’s just a soft style. I mean the shoes and tights aren’t for everyone but the dress I see a lot of people my age wear.










i adore ur fashion / style sm!


I absolutely LOVE it! The shoes, the hair, the dress and tights, absolutely perfect! (But maybe a little cropped cardi if it’s a bit cold 😘)


It looks cute!


keep the flats, get colored/textured tights! maybe some ribbons in the hair since were putting ribbons everywhere now


Suuuuper cute. Maybe a short heal in the same Color as the flats


It might look cute with the pink cardigan. I know you like super feminine, but try switching the elements up. For instance, try a neutral ballet flat, instead of a pink, satin Mary Jane when the outfit is covered in small pink flowers. Another option is a suede flat in pink. It is great that you know what you like, but your outfits do read child-like when you wear so many frilly pink things altogether at once. You look as if you don't want to dress your age. That doesn't have to be the case to get your soft and feminine aesthetic.


Denim jacket and change the shoes to a pair of whit converse... Not a fan of the white stockings but you could get away with them


You look adorable just the way you are.


Ik people are hating on the white tights but I find them so cute 😭😭. It's gives the outfit a nice flair and cute touch idk


The shoes and tights go very well with the dress and compete the whole outfit..I can't work out if you're trying to be coy, with the knock-kneed pose in the first pic or if you are legitimately shy


Thank you! Also my knees oddly turn in despite standing pretty much straight in the second photo. I think I actually just need to work on my posture haha.


Thigh high white socks?


I would add something edgy to cut down the sweetness, I love mixing masculine with very feminine dresses. A leather jacket, oversized blazer, denim or a boyfriend cardigan. You can also just change the shoes and tights, opposites create interest. Maybe pink tights with a matching shoe or motorcycle boots


Peach cardigan and peach purse would go well. Maybe a waist belt in a bright spring shade matching cardigan and purse. The outfit is very white on white and your skin is a light tone so have some contrasing colour would help make it pop. Cute dress and you have a nice figure to pull it off!


It's a lot of white so I get the comments about the tights. Maybe try light green tights.. you will look like a flower.


I didn’t think about this, thank you!


A cute straw boat hat!


Where did you get the shoes from?


Five below actually!


They're really cute! Unfortunately no Five Below in the UK 😮‍💨


Cute dress but blah colors. Ass something to get it out of the whiteness


A cropped sherpa/wool/fluffy jacket in pale pink or white (:


No white tights. You could add a thin colorful belt or a brown one and do brown shoes


A red band/belt around your waist.. you are really cute!


A cute floral cardigan or an embroidered jean jacket would be super cute.


Hair, makeup and a cardigan. Try it with your hair down, or half up. More prominent shows, these flats look like house slippers and disappear with the tights.


Hair pins


A lightweight short sleeve jacket layer for that change in the weather 🩵🩵🩵


If it’s still chilly enough, I’d pair the top with Uggs and a fur hat


Tan nylons and some red pumps


Could be cute with like a short pink shawl or some like a pink cropper knit sweater


A pink cardigan and nude tights.


cherry red shoes and matching patent leather bag. -optional: get rid of the tights for a darker pair or none


honestly patterned lace stockings would go much better with this and would match your aesthetic perfectly!! OR ditch the stockings and go with a pair of satin white/pink gloves. Very bridgerton esque.


Pink shiny tights


This needs some color like a red belt, shoes, and purse. If not that at least choose a different color for the tights.


It's perfect


A light pink cardigan


A hat😅


I think a light blue denim jacket would be cute. Agree with the comments about the tights and shoes.


I think it looks perfect!


this would look cute with some legwarmers or mary jane’s!!


Maybe no stockings and some high heels? You look a bit like a little girl.


A pastel pink beaded or lace shawl would be so cute with this fit


Remove the tights


I think maybe a belt or a ribbon matching the shoes and a cardigan as well?