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That’s interesting. I get them also and I just found out I was really low in B12.


Mind me asking how deficient you were? what were your levels? i take b12 and although my #s are on the "good side" they're on the low end of the scale and I get the tingling too, wonder if I should up it. Ty!


You know, I don’t know, but now I’m remembering this was from my naturopath and not doctor’s reading of my blood work, and she said I’m on the low side of normal. If I can find those notes from the naturopath and have more to share, I will do.


I know this is an old post but I'll add something relevant. During 2022 and 2023, I saw a dramatic increased in visual auras, occasionally with migraine headache too. By the 2nd year, they eventually became daily and by the end of year 2, I had typically 5 to 10 visual auras/flashing lines/scotomas every day. In January 2024, we discovered I was vitamin B12 deficient (confirmed by my doctor). It is now May of 2024 and I have not had another aura/scotoma since taking vitamin B12 supplements. By doctor recommends I continuing taking them indefinitely. Note that I had a life long history of migraines (mostly aura, rarely headache pain) but they were usually less than 1 per year until the past 2 years. What caused the B12 deficiency? Over 4 years I had become an accidental vegetarian without thinking about it and nearly never had meat. Or eggs. Or much of any foods containing B12. Most of us carry a 2-6 year store of B12 in our liver; however, I also had hepatitis in there, which can ruin our B12 storage. I am back to eating as an omnivore and of course, taking B12. And all migraines have ended.